House of the wolf

chapter 14

This week I have spent most of my time training however I can on the road and talking with Arya who is avoiding the septa now that Sansa is not here to soak in her lessons her full focus is on Arya much to her despair. 


I tell her to avoid Joffrey like the plague knowing her I tell her it´s a game if Joffrey touches her she loses and if she wins I will give her a gift when we reach Kings Landing.


I have not found a chance to apologize to Myrcella she pouts and avoids me every time I approach her, no doubt a tactic taught by her mother. Their godforsaken wagon moves so slowly that I wonder how miraculous it was that they made their journey here in only a month it must´ve never broken down. It has now though.


As we wait for them to fix the wheels I take the opportunity to take Myrcella on a walk beginning the conversation by apologizing for my actions during the banquet.


“It is fine my lord, my father says you behave as a young man should” Even though she says this I can see she is still really bothered by something visibly shaking, and having seen how the king treats the queen her mother I can guess what is bothering her.


“Call me Ed, did you know that when my parents were wed they had no love for each other?”


“That´s impossible they are the happiest couple I´ve ever seen” 


“My mother was indeed first to be wed to my uncle but he was killed by the mad king. It was the plan to tie our houses together so they stuck to the plan and married mother to father instead, purely a practical marriage” I hear her gasp


“Their love is like a road they built together slowly brick by brick so what started as a duty for my Father slowly morphed until even if you stripped him of all honor and duty he would still gladly live and die for my Mother purely out of love”


“Is it true? Is such a thing possible?” Myrcella asks tears forming in her eyes deeply entranced by my story.


“Aye, They´ve told me that story so many times so it must be true” I smile at her hold her hands, and tell her seriously. “I can´t promise you anything grand. I only make this promise to you as long as you are true to me in both body and spirit I will never treat you with indifference or scorn. My arms will always be open for you” I say as she leaps into my chest and starts bawling in my arms, no doubt feeling like she was just relieved of a huge burden. 


After a while, she stopped crying and I only heard the occasional sniffles I pulled her back and wiped the tears from her face she was too embarrassed to look at me but I tilted her chin up to look into her beautiful green eyes, putting my arms around her lower back I press her to me and give her a kiss holding her for some time.


After we separate both blush but she has me beat looking like a red apple with gold on top “Myr-Myrcella… you can call me Myrcella” 


“Well, my lady,” I say as she looks at me in disappointment but I lean into her “The next time you hear me say that name will be on our wedding night” 


As I walk away not looking back unsure of what kinda expression she´s making. Egotistical and self-centered as I am, I imagine her collapsed to her knees stretching her arms out towards my retreating figure screaming “Wait don´t go! Come back.” but strangely I don´t hear such heart-wrenching cries… I must do better next time.  


Days later back on the road riding side by side with Ned he asks me “What are you going to do at Kings Landing? The wedding won´t happen for quite a while and I won´t have you waste about it is common practice for young lords to squire for a knight what do you think” 


“Who are the best knights in Kings Landing in your opinion Father”


“Among the living Ser Barristan Selmy.”


“Lord Commander of the Kingsguard? Where is he did he not follow the king to Winterfell?”


“They say he´s arriving to meet us in a couple of days he will escort the king most of the way should I ask him to take you on as his squire?”


“Yes Father,” I say excited to learn from the man Ned believes to be the greatest in the realm.


By the end of the week Ser Barristan arrives and seeing him I feel surprised, looking at his white hair and lined features I did not expect a serving knight. The one Father spoke so highly of, the lord commander of the Kingsguard to be so old.


But I dismiss my thoughts and approach him “Ser Barristan it would be my honor to be your squire”


“Edwyn is it, you don´t look much like your father your hair and build reminds more of your uncle Brandon Stark. Your father tells me you also take after him in temper as well. Wild and unrestrained” Ignoring what I said to him he starts straight attacks at my character going on a tangent after he finishes.


“Until we reach Kings Landing you will spend most of your time with me as if you´re attached to my hips after we arrive. I won´t be able to guide you as much due to my duties to the King so listen carefully to every word I say if you make trouble I will make your training so harsh you will wish you were never born!”


“Yes sir,” I say cursing in my mind, cant a man drink and have fun one time without getting a reputation as a troublemaker?

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