House of the wolf

chapter 13

Hundred and fifty of our finest men are preparing to come with us to Kings Landing Ned has been taking security more seriously strengthening the House guard over the years so we can take as many with us without compromising Winterfell still with 320 men and Rodrik Cassel there to lead. 


While Jory Cassel leaves with us as captain of the guard.


Thinking about leaving Winterfell for such a long journey knowing I might not be back for a long time fills me both with trepidation and excitement. I have already said my goodbyes to Robb Sansa and Bran who will be staying in Winterfell it was mostly emotional talk but I also gave them a single advice 


“Listen to your direwolves they are very smart and loyal creatures, they could tell days in advance when something is wrong remember how Summer acted before even Bran knew he was sick.” and hugged them all goodbye.


Outside I speak with Arya convincing her to let Nymeria roam free and follow along as she pleases with Hunter which is something I do whenever I go hunting he will hunt something for himself and always finds a way to come back to me Arya reluctantly agrees I ruffle her hair and turn to see Ned talking to Catelyn. After their conversation, she walks over to me and gives me a hug “Be good, and make sure to apologize to Myrcella before you reach King Landing”


“Yes, Mother I will, I love you” And turn to leave as I see the tears forming in her eyes walking to my horse I see all my gear is ready my wierwood bow is wrapped as it´s too eye-catching it would be one thing if it was just our camp traveling but the Lannister men bring I won´t show off such a rare weapon and invite trouble without a cause.


On horse, I follow Ned while Arya gets on a carriage Jon Uncle Benjen and Will who will go the wall leave with us and will follow for a part of the way  


Talking with Jon as we ride side by side I ask if he´s sure about leaving for the wall “You know if you become a mercenary you can earn much more gold and glory”


“I am no craven with no honor who would sell his sword for silver” he replies offended clearly remembering the stories Father told us about the war where a couple of mercenary companies betrayed their employer. 


“I´m sure you´ll make a fine ranger” 


“And I´m sure you´ll make a fine prince consort”


“I hope the cold will make you piss needles bastard”




Then we both laugh then embrace “I´ll miss you Jon you´re the finest sparring partner I ever had but next time we meet I´ll wipe the floor with you”


“I´ll miss you too Ed try not to make too much trouble for Father in Kings Landing”


“No promises”


Jon and Ned then go off on their own to speak in private before they part so I go say my goodbyes to Uncle Benjen.


On our way back to the road I ask Ned “Any luck on getting support for the watch from Robert?” 


He sighs “Robert he has no interest in the realm he worries more about whores and wine than matters of the realm” he replies forlorn disappointed in his friend and former comrade. 


“What if instead of asking for troops from the king, you ask the public? Did you not say that the castles are in disrepair, how about sending stonemasons and workers for repair? As the hand of the king, you can make a public address and frame it as a noble mission to repair Castle Black the only active remaining fort on the wall. the last stronghold that protects the realm!”


Ned looks at me shocked “Who taught you such political maneuvers?”


“You did”


“I never taught you such lessons only Robb has received such training as my heir” 


“Oh, but you do every day! I´ve lived in Winterfell all my life and living there you can´t help but notice how vital and willing to help the smallfolk are and how much they respect you. 


At first, I thought it was just the staff or those with important positions but when we went to town to find people willing to teach us brats their craft and give us their livelihood. Then I understood how much people respect you. If you put out such a message people are bound to listen.


As Father digests this information he ends up saying “If I can´t get support from Robert this might be worth a shot.”

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