Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-137: The Old Cow Eats Tender Grass

Roy quaffed subconsciously, Scathach looked too tempting in her current attire.

In a pure white sweater with vertical stripes, her deep purple hair disgorging a blood red hue draped like silk over her exposed shoulders. 

A few defious loose strands of her hair separated from the bunch swayed slightly by her ruddy vermilion lips, and her burgundy eyes looked like a pool of calm beauties were enchanting and seductive.

Even such a wide and loose sweater couldn't hide her proud figure. 

What the hell is this woman!

Roy was a little confounded for a while. He was not a teenager who had never experienced a young woman's charm. 

Not to mention his adventures in Campione world. Even as an ordinary person, he had two girlfriends in his more than twenty years of life. No matter how beautiful one is, it won't make Roy dazed.

Rather the strange sense of disobedience pulled his attention into a daze. Previously, he was only 'welcomed' with Scathach's savagery and killing reach but like a chameleon with changing colors, she embellished gentleness and watery care in the blink of an eye. 

Roy had a shadow of her profusing manical scarlet figure still fresh in his mind, this abrupt change naturally made Roy's mind a little overwhelmed.

"If there was such a teacher in my school, that conservative principal would have surely expelled you, dressing like this with those looks, the adolescents in the class will have a rat's heart to give their attention in learning."

Roy murmured secretly, as he springed into action to save his poor ingredients: 

"How can a teacher cook and student just watch in silence, master, this kind of thing should be left to the disciples!"

In the Toaru world, he and his sister took turns cooking. At that time, because the ingredients were few and the cooking appliances were mostly basic, he didn't have the means to boast of his cooking skills, but he was still competent enough to make something eatable. 

"Go there and sit down."

Scathach glared at Roy, her tone was unimpeachable, making Roy honestly raise his hands in mock surrender as he sat down on the stone pier.

She didn't use that kind of subordinancial tone to order him. 

If that was the case, Roy's pride and self-esteem would never allow him to humble his head. Scathach was ordering in tone of a stern teacher instructing her student.

Roy considered himself to be an understanding person. As long as he is not disparaged purposely, he is still willing to be an obedient student. 

What was piled up in this old stone warehouse was some raw meat and a few seasonings. 

Scathach skillfully cleaned the ingredients with a knife. Thinking that she was still fighting around when she was a moral human, she should have been used to the ways of survival in the wild.

However, Roy had no expectations for Scathach's craftsmanship. Generally, the food one makes in the wild is generally to survive, so the efficiency and speed is pursued over taste—just to fill the stomach and provide sufficient quality nutrients to the body. 

The Celtics warriors in ancient times mostly ate meat and drank alcohol. At that time, there were not so many weird varieties of condiments and spices like in modern age, so the ingredients and seasonings piled up in the stone warehouse were actually very monotonous and basic.

Scathach squatted in front of a bonfire, cooking the simplest barbecue. Roy kept his eyes on the gloomy sky of the Land of Shadows, that remained still like a monotonous painting of black and white. 

The cold solitude, like a wicked crooked knife rounding in the heart. 

Not long after, Scathach placed the cooked meat in a crude cutlery carved of stone and positioned it in front of Roy.

She sat down on a rock, just opposite to Roy, holding her cheek with one hand, her eyes were watery and tender, like a mother caring for her child who hadn't eaten for a long time, and urged: "Try the craftsmanship of your master."

Under her expecting gaze, Roy could only helplessly lower his head and slice a portion of tender meat from the outside charred surface. 

Scathach tenderness and affection dissimulated like a sister, a mother, and a teacher, inducing the weird feeling of caring for a naughty child who hasn't grown up.

Although the relationship between the two is normal from the perspective of age, after all, one is an "old witch" who has lived for an unknown number of years, maybe even tens of thousands of years, and the other is less than forty years old minding the association with both the two lives. 

Moreover, in this life, now he was just an eighteen year old youth, and Scathach is centuries old, this was no doubt—a real old cow eating tender grass.

Taking a bite of the meat with a 'I have given up, now all roads only to hell' expression, the taste that burst felt like giving a foodgasm to his tongue, the taste buds were cheering in enraptured jubilation! 

His eyes brightened like striked with divine thunder! 

While it was difficult to point a finger on which animal's flesh it was, Scathach's craftsmanship was no doubt—fabulous, mind-blowing and unutterable; thoroughly.

She brought the flavour of the meat to the next level even with the simple basic spices, to a level that even his perspective tongue couldn't find a fault with.

"Master, your craftsmanship is way beyond to be praised by mere words."

Roy complimented sincerely, she deserves to be an old woman who has lived for thousands of years. 

Not only are her fighting skills prodigiously unimaginable, even her cooking skills have been grinded to God level. Not without a reason people say—old is gold. 

More so when he had a beautiful diamond in front of him! 

Scathach seemed to be cognizant of Roy's thoughts, the Witch of Shadows smiled 'warmly' though they induced minor chills on his back: 

"These are just the knowledge conferred to me by the [Wisdom of Dún Scáith]."

"...this [Wisdom of Dún Scáith] is so much of a cheat, a search engine which definite solutions...really."

Roy complained while filling his stomach.

When Roy was filling his stomach, Scathach continued: 

"The food reserve in the Kingdom of Shadows do not remain in an abundant quantity to feed you for more than a few days."

"While I was having a conversation with Aiwass, even she couldn't calculate on how long would you be able to stay here, so just in case if the food is not enough to supply you with enough nutrients..."

"So, for it to not become a hindrance during my training session afterwards, after you are full, I will temporarily use the Primordial Runes of Origin to create a time loop in your stomach, so that you always be in a full state."

Roy stopped chewing and asked with an intrigued expression, "What did you talk to Aiwass?"

A uncanny, mystifying Angel of higher dimension and a trembling S&M Queen residing Outside the World, what they will talk about, made Roy very curious.

"It's just some questions about you, you can just ask her specifically."

Scathach didn't seemed to want to mention the "Holy Guardian Angel" even at her tongue, she sided her words perfunctorily.

"By the way, the runes. They still have this kind of effect?"

Seeing that Scathach didn't want to go in deep, Roy ingeniously changed the subject.

"The Primordial Runes of Origin is a highly versatile manifestation in use of the laws of the world, though it doesn't directly control the laws, it can make them flow in your favour, it transcends the realm of magic, human or divine."

"Naturally, it has a strong attain which can be used both in combat and daily life."

After a pause, Scathach added: "I won't teach you about magic, I will only teach you on how to fight with weapons and empty-handed while at the same time polishing your heart as a warrior!"

"Aiwass is better at magical knowledge than me, I will give her that. Although I don't know her expertise in teaching is trustworthy or not, but she strongly urged me not to teach you any knowledge of the magic way, so that's one matter I had to promise her."

"But, not one sidedly though, my runes transcend the realm of simple knowledge subdivided into magic divisions, I will teach you those unconditionally."

Roy didn't expect a behind the scenes negotiation between the two, he seemed to have missed quite a popcorn drama. 

But for now, his trust levels are higher in Aiwass, so he did not refute Aiwass's suggestion, and nodded: 

"She is the Angel in charge of imparting knowledge, a Secret Chief, her ability in this regard is trustable."

Scathach untied her bunny faced apron and placed it on the side. 

"Very well, it seems you have whole-heartedly taken me as your master, good. Atleast, I won't have to forcefully 'push' the senses in your head by myself."

Scathach's burgundy red eyes stared at Roy, he could bet that he clearly saw a ray of fleeting regret in those eyes. 

....umm, was it too late now to go back? 

Putting up his self-humour offscourings aside, he went honestly:

"My way of becoming strong is a bit unconventional, so I had the need for a teacher. It's my honor to meet master, then master, from when do we start?"

He placed the empty plate aside and conjured a glass of water. 

It is unknown for how long he can still stay in this world. When the portal opens, he would have to leave unconditionally to settle the matters he had left behind in the other world. 

Because there, he still has things he wants to accomplish, and there is still an unfinished 'cause and effect'. Now is not the time for him to stay in this Type-Moon world.

So, as early as they started, the more he would he able to learn. 

"When? Then, why not right now?"


Scathach smiled tenderly and coquettishly. Under Roy's surprised choke, the smile in her eyes vanished in thin air, and her tone became cold and manical. 

"Even when eating, drinking or shitting, you must always be vigilant to prevent being taken by surprise. It is the most basic quality of being a soldier, and this is the first lesson I'm going to teach you!"

A blood-red long spear zoomed at Roy's back like a flying sword, and shot at the speed of thunder.

With no quantitative distance to speak of, under Scathach's apt mastery of her body and spear, Roy could barely move. 

The spear passed through the other side of the body with a meat tearing reverberation, and the demonic spear undulating with killing intent pierced right through his shoulders.

"This...way of teaching...is too cruel—Krekh-!"

Roy berated and hauled back all of his remembrance of her gentleness and ditched it in his mind's dustbin. 

The essence of this woman is still the Queen of Shaking S&M, while she was going to teach him, he also had to educate her on changing her damn straight, strange habits!


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*, *GooseElite*, *Skoll*, *DatPerson* and *God d usopp*


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