Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-136: Insult Me, Trample On Me, Chain Me!

"Your disciple? As a teacher, you don't even dare to show your face. This kind of half-concealed behavior is only adopted by those who have ghosts in their heart."

Roy’s words stunned Scathach, followed by a heartious chuckle, her lips parted:

“Is it necessary to care about such trivial matters? But, you are half right, this kind of half-concealed behavior can really put people on an edge.”

With that said, Scathach simply pulled off her mask, revealing a beautiful and bewitching face that was veiled all the time.

The slender eyebrows sharp like spears, the eyes like dreamy lacquer, the delicate nose, the flawless face devoid of even a simple blemish, and red moist lips blooming like roses in a dewy morning. 

No questions asked, any man would have been nonplussed by her undulating and touching demeanour and beauty.

“So, how is it? Satisfied?”

The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows smiled, tilted her head lightly, and asked like an innocent teenage girl.

“Ya, that’s enough…"

Roy nodded, trying to keep his face as straight as possible. 

Although this woman brought a shadow to his heart, after seeing her beautiful face with bright eyes and seemingly innocent smile that spread like pheromones in the air, his heart still pounded with an impulse.

'Man is guided by reason, and beast by instinct. No... men are beasts of both logic and instinct...' He signed in his heart. 

Like a great man once said—men will be men. 

It is not without reason that beauties were the ones who brought the downfall of the nations, for the mightiest of emperors and cruelest of tyrants couldn't reject the body's instinctive logic to possess a better mate and produce a higher evolved offspring.

“Do you care about looks?”

Scathach flicked the loose strands of her hair behind her ears very femininely, with a lazy expression variegated with a little ambiguity, but her whole body exuded the sharp sense of a dominant sword resting in it's sheath 

Roy opened his mouth and wanted to play half denial by rounding around the question. 

But under Scathach's gaze, he realized that it would be deleteriously fruitless to lie, so he nodded slowly in agreement, “I do care about looks.”

That’s right, Roy clearly knows that he is actually a little bit of face control, that is something he can't deny. 

As cool and suave as it may look to be a man who is unaffected by the beauty or love, it isn't. Humans are not rocks, even a monk will be pleased by beautiful flowers and animals.

Anyway, appreciating the beauty and being infatuated by the beauty are two different things. 

In fact, who doesn't has a pursue for beauty in this age. 

If they have the guts to deny, then be a man of your words—just go and marry a chimpanzee. 

“Ha ha. Don’t be embarrassed, the ancient Celtics, especially the Celtic warriors, have three goes of life—fighting on the battlefield, wine after the fight, and fun with womens under the night sky."

"These are the basics of a warrior's life. Something we all possess—desire, because they never know when they will meet death, so they live their life as fullest as possible so that they can even smile in their deaths.”

“I don’t hate people who are frank and straightforward. Just say anything directly in front of me, even if it is hard to tell, as long as you can bear the consequences of what you say, that is."

Roy was a little confused for a moment about the true meaning behind Scathach's circled speech. 

It was really hard to comprehend if she was threatening him not to say something gibberish, or she was encouraging him to come frankly with a direct approach.

'If I say she looking charming, wouldn't another spear pass by my neck? Do you think I'm an idiot to not know of your sadistic tendencies?’

Roy murmured secretly in his mind.

“Looking at your expression, I can roughly guess what you are thinking. You are right, I will indeed shoot through you directly, but not because your words are rude to me or insult me..."

"...but just because I want to convey one thing. You must have the strength that allow you to utter those words, otherwise everything's just a bluff. If you have such strength, you can insult me, trample on me, or even chain me.”

Scathach smiled at Roy, the violet scent blowing in, and the ultimate charm drizzling from her enchanting body but Roy only felt dry.

'...I nearly forgot there... was a 'M' in 'S&M' too...'

Roy recalled the Celtic history he knew of. The Celtics were civilized barbarian, extremely cruel, bloody and cultured; quite a weird combination of different thought process. 

It is not clear whether Scathach, she is a Celtic or not, but she must have been influenced by the Celtics. For, no doubt, the cultural influence is very deep. If that case, then what she is saying now must be true.

But he can't think about those issues right now, because–


“Well…is there any food here?”

Roy asked awkwardly. 

His stomach was protesting to be filled after a big battle that expanded all his energy. Though, Godslayers can survive without food, it will severely deteriorate their vigour. 

Scathach was taken aback for a moment, and then she laughed airily with a smile: 

“I haven’t eaten for a long time, and it has been a long time since there have been living people here, I forgot that you still need food."

Listening to Scathach's words, Roy had no expectations left. He looked around, all he was greeted by was dead and serene silence. 

Let alone alone corps or livestocks, even a dog will not find a bone to chew in this realm of nothingness. 

After groaning for a while, Scathach stepped up and asked to follow, “Come with me.”

After speaking, she moved with long strides, Roy thought about it for a moment and followed.

Following Scathach, watching her swaying figure wreathing, Roy’s gaze subconsciously flowed to her thick thighs, slender waist, and her plum hips.

After two glances, Roy just looked away.

'First look is appreciation. Second look is amazement. Third one becomes rude. Umu, one should give some respect to their teachers.'

Unexpectedly, Scathach, who was walking in the front, said without looking back: 

“Be bold, don’t be shy. Compared with the nasty lecherous gazes, I appreciate the looks full of conquest, as long as you can still hold this desire of conquest, you will be safe. Anyways, always keep it, even use it as motivation.”

How could Scathach fail to notice Roy’s gaze, but she was not a young girl to feel shy from something like this, she instead encouraged Roy to stretch out his desires to the fullest, rather than dodging with his gaze.

When someone offers with their heart, it will be impolite to reject the gift. 

Roy blatantly set his sights on the attractive female body in front of him. Her each move seemed to be a passing enlightenment on how a warrior should move and run. 

Everyone can learn from everything. Just like the dead end boobs obsession created a Breast Dragon Emperor in another universe. 

The two walked in silence like this, and in the end Roy couldn’t help but ask: “…Her Royal Highness, is there no one else in the Kingdom of Shadows?”

In Roy’s impression, in the ancient records of Celtic culture, the Land of Shadow is the world of the dead and the place where heroes learn the art of battle. 

It should have been filled with many dead heroic souls who couldn't ascended to become Heroic Spirits.

Scathach paused, she turned her head slightly, and berating in a ranting tone: “Don’t call me her Royal Highness, now you are my dear disciple, you should change the way of address.”

“Then, Master. Is there no one else in the Land of Shadows?”

Roy didn’t struggle with the title. The so-called master is a teacher, and there is nothing to be ashamed of being a disciple of Scathach. 

That's why the 'thing' in his hand dropped him here. It is better to say that if the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows is willing to impart her teaching, Roy will be the one earning it. 

Hearing the word 'Master', Scathach nodded with satisfaction and continued to walk forward while a small smile crept her lips while her tone remained indifferent as she answered: 

"There were, now as I'm Outside of the World, so no longer."

Scathach’s tone was flat, but Roy felt the loneliness and solitude of the woman in front of him. For thousands or tens of thousands of years, she has been alone in this empty and lonely world of the dead. 

Even a Heretic God with their chaotic nature of indifference, would have gone crazy. 

"Master, have you never thought about leaving the Land of Shadows? With your power, it is possible to leave the outside world and return to the inside of the world, right?”

Roy asked curiously.

“Since I have transcended from the world, then I should be an outsider honestly and stop affecting the development of the world."

"Besides, being the Queen and Guardian of the Land of Shadows is my duty and responsibility...before I die. I will always stay here."

"Even if there are no dead souls who want to escape to the world of living, even if there are no warriors who can walk here to take apprenticeship."

Scathach proceeded with a faint smile, maybe this was the resolve of a warrior and how the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows lived by. 

“Look, we have arrived.”

Scathach stopped in front of a roughly structured stone house.

“The Kingdom of Shadow does not have any food. However, in the past, Celtic warriors came here to seek art."

"They would bring their rations by themselves. When the Kingdom of Shadow ascended to the Outside of the World, those warriors were left behind Inside of the World. But the food they brought has stayed till date.”

“…This house has been shut form then and the Kingdom of Shadows is the land of the dead, so no bacteria or anything similar exists here. Even after thousands of years, the ingredients will remain fresh, and can still be eaten."

With that said, Scathach pushed open the stone gate in front of him.

The stone gate was very clean, there was no dirt, and Scathach didn’t look like the type of person who would come to clean. 

Maybe, the stone house had a magic enchantment installed. Though, god only knows how it was still working after so long. 

'Haa! Good, atleast there are ingredients, but it seems that I can only cook by myself.'

Roy thought sadly. At this time, he really missed Liliana more and more. As for asking Scathach to cook for him, Roy dared not come up with this idea.

Or before food, his stomach will receive a spear. 

But Scathach's following actions stunned him.

A flicker of runes covered her bodysuit, and then her body tight combat suit morphed drastically—into a modern home comfort outfit.

“Master, what are you doing?”

Scathach, who was adjusting her clothes, looked more gentle and delicate than ever before. That feel of slaughter and the queen's pride had like dissolved in the air. 

“Of course, I'm cooking for you.”

Scathach pressed the corner of his mouth and smiled toothlessly, just like a big sister next door who always greets with a gentle smile, making the young boys fantastize with the goddess of their dreams.

Even though he knew who she really was, he still felt amazed for a moment. 


'Aleister's genes makes me get more attracted to beauties, so what can i do.'


Now, all the allegations that have been raised are unnecessary, Aiwass said these words in ch 10—"You can use the content recorded in those books as 'prophecies', but don't be too convinced that the 'plot' will be same as it is in the book or animation." 

Thank god, Aiwass, you are my lucky Angel! I was being literally slaughtered by Fate/ cultists these days, lmao. 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*, *GooseElite*, *Skoll*, *DatPerson* and *God d usopp*


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