Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 738 Christmas Gift

"Severus Snape?" Nico repeated quietly, but could not find the name in his memory.

Among the people he knew, the only wizard who was related to potions and who was still alive was Pegasus Sacia, and the last time he saw her was sixty years ago... It might have been seventy years ago. It's been so long that he can't remember clearly.

"That's the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts." Kyle reminded from the side.


Nico was surprised for the second time and couldn't help but ask: "Is the threshold of Hogwarts so high now?"

A Defense Against the Dark Arts professor actually brewed the most complex potion currently available. Are all Hogwarts professors so versatile?

Isn’t this a bit too complicated? How can other schools survive?

"No, no... you misunderstood." Connor quickly explained: "Professor Snape has always been in charge of the Potions class, but he only became the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year."

After hearing what Kangna said, Nico nodded suddenly.

If that were the case, it would be much easier to accept.

"It seems that he really cares about you." Nico said to Kangna: "By the way, he should also be using the Nirvana Ashes left by Fox."

"Sorry, I don't know." Kangna turned to look at Kyle.

"Yes." Kyle said immediately: "I remember Professor Dumbledore said before that when Fox was reborn, part of the ashes were taken away by Professor Snape."

"No wonder." Nico nodded.

At this time, he also vaguely remembered that when he went to Hogwarts two years ago, Dumbledore also mentioned the name Severus and said that part of the ashes had been used by him.

It's just that Dumbledore only said this at the time, and did not mention what Severus taught. In addition, his attention was on the ashes in Kyle's hand, and he did not care about it.

Now everything becomes clear.

The half of the ashes taken away by Severus Snape was brewed into the Phoenix potion in front of him.

"It's so amazing..." Nico whispered, then he turned his head to look at Kyle and curled his lips.


Wizards just can't show contrast.

To be honest, there are not many things that interest Nico now, but Kangna, who met for the first time, brought him such a thoughtful gift.

Look at Kyle again. Every time we meet, he will find something to do for him, and he is the kind who can't refuse. His workload in the past two years has been more than that in the previous thirty years.

And more importantly, Kyle always had the idea of ​​​​his opera hall.

After such a comparison, the gap immediately emerged.

"No, I'm not wrong." Kyle muttered: "He is indeed the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor now."

"That's not what I meant." Nico stretched out his hand, "Hurry up, take it out."

"What to take?" Kyle didn't react for a moment.

"A gift." Nico said confidently, "You came to visit me, an old man over 600 years old, didn't you bring a Christmas gift?"

Kyle opened his mouth, and his whole body went numb.

What's going on? Why does Nico suddenly care about this?

Although he had also prepared a gift, compared to the phoenix potion that could revive Kangna, his opera poster with a performer was really not worth it.

"How about..." Kyle thought for a moment, took out the gold cup and put it on the table, "I'll give this to you?"

"No." Nico refused without thinking.

"This is Hufflepuff's golden cup." Kyle couldn't help but said: "Didn't you say before that it is a temptation that all alchemists can't refuse?"

"That was the case ten minutes ago, but it's different now."

Nico calmly took out the bottle of magic potion and shook it, "With this, I can reproduce it at any time, so to me, this thing is just a pile of gold."

"The last thing I lack is gold."

The biggest feature of the Golden Cup is that it is stable enough, even after being eroded by Voldemort's soul fragments, it can still be preserved intact.

Phoenix potion happens to be the best stable material in alchemy, so what Nico said is true.

"But it's Hufflepuff's golden cup...it means something different." Kyle tried to emphasize another aspect of its meaning.

"It's just like this for you." Nico still didn't care, "I graduated from Beauxbatons, and I have nothing to do with the Big Four of Hogwarts."

Kyle fell silent for a moment.

During this process, Perenal kept looking at the two of them with a smile, and from time to time he would bring something delicious to Kangna.

But Kangna had no appetite for these. She stared blankly at Kyle and the golden cup on the table.

What did they just say?

Hufflepuff's...gold cup?

That Hufflepuff from Hogwarts?

As a student at Hogwarts, she certainly knew what this thing meant.

Just like Gryffindor's sword and Ravenclaw's diadem, the gold cup is the most precious treasure in the eyes of every Hufflepuff student.

Unexpectedly, it was disliked here? Even Kyle was a Hufflepuff like her.

Kangna looked at the shining golden cup on the table again.

Yes, the size and shape are exactly the same as the golden cup in the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff in the common room.

"Don't mind them." Perenal patted Kangna's hand at this time, "What they think in their hearts is completely different from what they say."

There were things that Connor didn't understand but she knew all about.

Nico is not dissatisfied with the golden cup, he is just teasing Kyle.

The reason is also very simple. It should be that he was so immersed in studying these two things some time ago that he lost track of time and missed an important opera.

Nico was upset for several days.

Originally, he had forgotten this matter and had nothing to do with Kyle, but this happened just in time.

But knowing the truth, she didn't intend to stop him. She just smiled and watched Nico embarrass Kyle, as if she was watching a wonderful stage play.

Naturally, Kyle didn't know this. He scratched his hair and felt a little worried as Nico stared at him.

He didn't expect that Nico could even refuse the Hufflepuff Gold Cup. When would you be able to choose a Christmas gift?

And that was a gold cup. Why did it turn into a pile of mediocre gold when it came to Nico?

Something's wrong... Kyle's eyes flickered.

But that's okay, he was reluctant to give away the golden cup in the first place, and he only took it out to be polite.

When Nico is too embarrassed to accept it, it has nothing to do with him.

But he didn't expect that instead of being embarrassed, Nico would actually despise the Jinbei.

Although the results are similar, the meanings are completely different.

"Don't you just want to be polite?" Nico seemed to have noticed Kyle's thoughts and narrowed his eyes.

"Of course not." Kyle laughed dryly. "I was just joking to liven up the atmosphere. In fact, I have already prepared the gift."

"Then take it out quickly." Nico stretched out his hand again and looked at Kyle with interest.

He had already decided in his heart that no matter what Kyle took out later, the result would be like the golden cup just now.

Nico didn't believe that Kyle could bring out another special Horcrux...such as Gryffindor's sword.

But even if he did take it out, Nico didn't think he would be interested.

Among the things left behind by the legendary four giants, only Gryffindor's sword is not an alchemical item in the traditional sense, but a weapon made by goblins.

To Nico, that kind of thing is worse than a pile of gold.

The fact was exactly what he thought. Kyle no longer had a Horcrux in his hand, but he had something else.

Under Nico's gaze, Kyle quickly put away the gold cup on the table and took out an exquisite silver jar.

"I stole this from Professor Dumbledore." Kyle said solemnly: "You don't know, because of this thing, he hasn't spoken to me for more than half a month."

"Oh?" Nico raised an eyebrow.

He didn't doubt Kyle's story.

When Kyle took out the jar just now, he recognized it as Dumbledore's thing at a glance.

According to the habits and characteristics of each alchemist, the alchemical items they produce will also be stamped with different imprints.

Even if it is the same thing, there will be slight differences in details after it is made by different alchemists... This is their unique mark, which is equivalent to the signature on the article.

And this silver jar has Dumbledore's name clearly "written" on it.

There is another point besides this.

When he saw Dumbledore two days ago, he looked really unhappy. He didn't think much about it before and just thought it was because of Voldemort.

But thinking about it now, his expression was more like depression after something was taken away.

After thinking of this, Nico's expression immediately changed... Even Dumbledore felt distressed, which was kind of interesting.

"Oh, this jar is really exquisite." He said with a smile, "But there's one thing I don't understand."

"What?" Kyle asked.

"You just said you snatched it from Albus specifically to prepare a Christmas gift for me, right?"

"Yeah." Kyle nodded repeatedly, "I put a lot of effort into it."

"This is strange." Nico picked up the jar and looked at it, "According to you, this happened at least half a month ago, but I only decided to invite you as a guest yesterday, so the timing is a bit wrong. Come on."

"Ah, this..." Kyle said hesitantly, "I saw it in the divination class... I must have the gift of prophecy."

"That's even weirder," Nico said, "It's not that I want to deny your talent.

"But Kyle, do you still remember the crystal ball you saw in the room just now? It is also an alchemy item, and its function is to let me know any prophecies about me.

"If I remember correctly, it hasn't been lit in five years."

Nico stared at Kyle with burning eyes, as did Perenal and Connor, especially Connor. This was the first time she had seen someone make Kyle so passive.

...it's quite interesting.

"I, I made a mistake just now." Faced with Nico's question, Kyle quickly changed his words: "Actually, I saw that I would go on a long trip during Christmas, so I guessed that I would come here."

"Really, that makes sense." Nico showed a happy look, "I thought the crystal ball was broken. It's not easy to repair that thing."

"Oh, and thank you for the gift, I like it very much." Nico said as he picked up the jar on the table. Without even looking at what was inside, he handed it directly to Tata, the house elf beside him, and told him to take it back and put it away carefully.

It was as if he was afraid that Kyle would regret it.

Kyle also saw it, but what could he do... Facing an old wizard who was more than 600 years old and still acted shamelessly, there was nothing he could do.

Tata's craftsmanship is very good. This sumptuous dinner is no worse than the Hogwarts dinner. There are even many dishes from other countries, with various tastes.

The other three ate happily, except Kyle, who ate everything as if he was chewing dry bread.

But Kyle didn't expect that this was just the beginning, and what would make him even more chilling was yet to come.

After dinner, Perenal took Conna to visit the manor. There are many magical places here...the ceiling that changes the weather at any time, the immersive opera hall, and various magical places everywhere. Plant alchemical items...

This is not seen elsewhere.

Even though Kangna wanted to find a quiet place to read the book in her hand, she was still attracted by those magical places and left with Perenal.

"Do you like opera? Or concerts?"

"Very few." Kangna's voice sounded a little reserved. "Does radio music count? I often listen to the Weird Sisters' radio music."

"Radio music is also good, very suitable for students. I remember I saw a Christmas song and dance held by Warbeck ten years ago. At that time, the sales of radios tripled... Come with me, dear, I will take you to see the live performance. version."

The two quickly disappeared up the stairs.

At the same time, Nico took the bottle of Phoenix potion again and couldn't wait to go to the laboratory just now.

It seemed that in just a blink of an eye, there was only Kyle left here, oh no, there was also a house elf Tata.

"Mr. Kyle, if your meal is over, could you please give way?" Tata held a rag and looked up at Kyle and said.

Kyle subconsciously stood up and walked to the side.

"Thank you, sir." Tata said. He patted the tabletop, and the dining table immediately moved, swinging its legs, and trotted along with the chairs and disappeared into a corridor that suddenly appeared on the left.

Tata quickly wiped the floor and walked in, and then the corridor disappeared into thin air.

Kyle was watching the whole time.

He knew the corridor led to the kitchen, but he had never been there, and Tata hadn't given him the chance.

As soon as he came up with the idea that since he was idle anyway, he might as well go to the kitchen to have a look, the corridor disappeared.

Now, he was really the only one around, and no one cared about him, as if there were only three people here.

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