Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 737 Phoenix Potion


When the Thestral carriage finally came to a stop, Kangna was stunned. She looked at the manor in front of her and wondered if this was another Hogwarts.

After all, who can put two fire dragons dozens of feet high at the door... Even the door of Hogwarts is just a warthog with wings.

Kyle understood Kangna's mood very well. After all, he was like this when he first came here, but now he is used to it.

"Please follow Tata... Mr. Buzz has been a little irritable recently." The person responsible for leading them was still the house elf Tata.

"Mr. Hum?" Kangna was a little confused.

Isn’t this Nicoléme’s estate? Who is this person who appears suddenly? He is also a guest here like them, but the name is a bit too strange.

"Oh, that's right, you must be careful..." Elf Tata pointed in the direction of the garden.

Kangna looked over curiously, but she didn't see anyone there. In other words, there were only the three of them in this huge manor.

"He is Mr. Buzz." The elf pointed at the lawn again.

This time Kangna finally saw that he was referring to a lawnmower that looked like a swallow-tailed dog in the middle of the lawn, and every time the lawnmower moved, it would make a loud buzzing sound.

In addition, there is a kettle that can water the flowers by itself, gloves that actively pick up fallen leaves...a long-handled brush that bends itself into an amazing arc, trots all the way to the carriage they are riding in, and actively helps to brush the leaves. Got up the carriage.

"It's incredible," Connor whispered.

Although she had heard Kyle talk about the situation here when she was on the road, it was just hearsay after all, and she was still shocked after seeing it with her own eyes.

Now Connor was even more curious about Nicoléme.

Several people walked into the manor house.

"Oh, you're finally here." Nico was lying on a folding chair, still wearing his eye-catching floral shirt, smiling and waving to them, "Hurry up and take off all those heavy cloaks you are wearing. Now, don’t you feel hot?”

Hearing what he said, Kyle felt really hot.

He raised his head and glanced at the ceiling. The sky was clear, completely different from the gloomy sky outside, and there was also a salty breeze blowing from time to time.

"Where is this?" Kyle asked.

"Hawaii, you also know that the weather in the UK is really not friendly to people of my age." He knocked on the table next to him, and a coconut tree rose from the ground, its wide leaves just blocking the sunlight above his head.

"What's going on?" Kangna asked doubtfully. She felt that she couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about.

"The ceiling." Kyle pointed, "The ceiling of the Hogwarts auditorium can correspond to the weather outside. The one here is even more magical and can show any place."

Kyle took out his wand and clicked on Kangna's clothes, and the original thick robe immediately turned into a summer style.

Kangna didn't seem to have come back to her senses. It wasn't until Kyle brought her closer that she suddenly saw Nico's appearance clearly.

"You are...the old wizard from Beauxbatons!" Connor stopped and looked at Nico.

"That's right, it's me." Nikki said cheerfully, "It's so fate that we meet again."

"Thank you, sir. I always wanted to say thank you, but as soon as I turned around, you disappeared." Connor said excitedly. She shook Kyle's arm. "He was the one who brought me back to Hogwarts." .”

"It's not difficult to guess." Kyle said, "There are many older wizards, but it's not that common to break bones with a light touch."

"Kyle, your words are too hurtful." Nico said dissatisfied: "You are obviously too strong."

Kyle shrugged, "If that's what you think, then so be it."

"Wait..." At this moment, Kangna suddenly realized something, "You already knew that the person who helped me was Mr. Nicoléme, but you never told me?"

Kyle's eyes were a little wandering.

Just when he was thinking about what to say, Nico on the side helped change the topic at the right time: "Just call me Nico, it doesn't need to be so formal. I remember when I met you, you said that you had just finished attending The assessment of the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists, right?"

"Yes sir...well, I mean, Nico." Connor was still not used to calling Nico by his first name.

"In that case...Tata."

The elf ran over immediately.

"Take Kangna to my library." Nico said, he looked at Kangna, "I remember Zygmunt Bach once gave me a potion book written by himself, which should be of great interest to you. of."

"Zygmunt Bach?" Kangna couldn't help but raise her voice, "Is it the potion master who invented the elixir?"

"He invented many different potions, but people seem to only remember the lucky potion." Nico said, "I remember he also left a manuscript with me, but it was so long that I forgot where I put it. , you can ask Tata to help find it."

When she heard that there was a manuscript of the Elixir of Fortune, Kangna immediately forgot about Kyle deliberately concealing Nico's identity, and couldn't wait to follow Tata to the private library in the manor.

"Thank you." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a piece of cake." Nico said with a smile.

Kyle walked to sit next to him and asked curiously: "Nico, do you really have Zygmunt Bach's manuscript?"

"Of course, I helped him with the idea when he was researching the luck potion." Nico said, "It was my idea to add the blood of a three-month-old unicorn into it, which just helped him solve the problem of the potion not being able to cool down. question."

Kyle smacked his lips. Only then did he remember that the ancient potion used to soak the Horcruxes was made by Nico. This shows that he must also be proficient in potions.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that for a wizard who has lived for more than 600 years, there is almost nothing he can't do.

It's just that Nico's achievements in alchemy are so great that people often subconsciously ignore his other abilities.

Kyle also followed his example and lay down on the chair.

After all, Nico still enjoys life, and the warmth is indeed quite comfortable.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing." Nico sat on the folding chair and said leisurely: "The Horcruxes you sent have been processed, and you can take them away at any time."

"Have you finished your research?" Kyle said, not surprised.

He had already guessed when he met Dumbledore that Nico invited him here probably because of the Horcrux.

"Why do you say that?" Nico asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Isn't this obvious?" Kyle turned his head and glanced at him, "If we just deal with a few Horcruxes, will it take so long?"

Kyle gave Nico a total of three Horcruxes. Except for the initial crown, the remaining gold cups and lockets have been here for almost two years.

With Nicoléme's ability, would it take so long to resolve the soul fragments on the Horcrux... It certainly wouldn't be necessary.

"I am indeed very curious about them, or every alchemist cannot resist their temptation." Nico did not deny it, but just sighed: "I have to say that the wisdom of the four giants is indeed unmatchable... follow me bring it on."

Nico stood up and took small steps to the nearest door.

He opened the door, and inside was a huge laboratory, almost as big as the Hogwarts Great Hall. There were all kinds of weird props everywhere, and there was a huge crystal almost five feet high on the table in the middle. ball.

The gold cup and locket were placed on a shelf against the wall, and Kyle saw them at a glance.

"Wait a minute." Nico put his hand on a pillar that looked like a decoration by the door.

As he gently turned the pillar, the entire room began to rotate.

Soon, the shelf they were facing appeared next to them.

Kyle looked at the two things above. Like the crown, they finally returned to their original appearance after they were no longer Horcruxes.

When I found the gold cup in the Gringotts vault, it was so dim that it seemed as if it was covered with a layer of dust that couldn't be wiped off. Even if it was placed in a thrift store, no one would take a second look. But now, even in the dim room, it is sparkling and dazzling.

There is also a locket. The color of the little snake made of gemstones is no longer monotonous. It has become bright and dark, lifelike.

"I tried to reproduce these two things, but they all failed." Nico said, "I have to admit that the Big Four are indeed unattainable."

"Even the Golden Cup failed?" Kyle was stunned for a moment, "I remember you said, didn't the Golden Cup only have energy to continuously produce fine wine? This doesn't seem to be difficult."

He had made a similar quill pen before, which could automatically fill with ink. Although it was certainly much simpler than the Jinbei, at least the principle was the same.

Even he could do it, let alone Nicolas Flamel.

"No." Nico shook his head, "Although I can make a similar wine glass, I can't guarantee that the magic text on it will remain unchanged after being corroded by a Horcrux."

Horcruxes will change the essence of an item, and Kyle naturally knows this.

That is to say, Voldemort is very discerning. If he randomly chooses a shorthand quill as a Horcrux, when the soul fragments are removed, the magical effect will disappear and it will become an ordinary quill.

But then again, if the Horcrux is really a shorthand quill, it seems that there is no need to expend so much effort, and there will be a simpler way to solve it.

"Of course." Nico continued: "It's not impossible if I use a little more time, but I don't think it's necessary. I just follow the instructions. Even if I really reproduce it, it won't explain anything."

He waved his hand, and the gold cup and locket immediately floated into Kyle's hands.

"Now, the property returns to its original owner."

"Thank you." Kyle looked at the things in his hand and asked after hesitating for a moment: "Nico, do you think they will be like the crowns and also carry the memories of Slytherin and Hufflepuff."

"I've thought about it too, but I didn't." Nico shook his head, "The crown can carry part of Rowena Ravenclaw's memory. In addition to its own particularity, there must be special magic as an aid. And this kind of magic is very complicated, and it is likely that only Rowena herself knows it."

"As for their functions..." Nico continued: "I should have told you before, the locket can store extra magic power... and the golden cup can continuously produce wine, and the fact is the same as what I said. .”

"Of course, this is only their main function. As for other abilities, you have to discover them yourself.

"I have to say, it's been a lot of fun, and if I told it all, you'd miss out on a lot of the fun."

Kyle shrugged noncommittally.

Although this is true, the premise is that there must be enough time, and another thing is that he must guard against a certain principal.

As Nico said just now, no alchemist can refuse their temptation.

Dumbledore happened to be an alchemist, and he was also the principal of Hogwarts, so he had every reason to take the things away.

He might have been embarrassed to do this before, or couldn't say it openly, but now... To be honest, Kyle couldn't guarantee that he would still be able to maintain the reserve that a principal should have in front of him.

Afterwards, Nico took Kyle to visit his laboratory, and Kyle also took the opportunity to ask about some problems encountered in alchemy.

It was already night when the two left the room.

A rare guest came, and Tata prepared a sumptuous dinner. Kangna sat next to the table, holding a thick book and a stack of yellowed parchment in her hands, looking at it intently.

Next to Connor is Nico's wife Perenal, a witch who is also over 600 years old.

"My dear, you can put it aside." Perenal said softly: "They are yours now. They are our Christmas gifts to you. You can look at them at any time."

"Sorry." Kangna was a little embarrassed, "I was too fascinated by it."

"It's understandable." Perenal said with a smile, "I heard Nico say that little Kyle was like this at the beginning. He would sit in the library for several days. You two are really a good match."

Kang Na didn't expect that she would say that at all, and her face turned red.

Just at this time, Kyle and Nico also came over.

"Perenal..." Nico looked at the two people at the table and asked, "I thought you would stay in Paris for Christmas?"

"I just went looking for some hydrangea seeds, and I came back when I found them," Perenal said.

"There are nearly two thousand pots of hydrangeas at home, and she is obsessed with them recently." Nico whispered to Kyle in a low voice.

Then he walked to the table, sat down, and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

Perenal looked at Connor, then at Kyle, and smiled even wider.

"We were talking about Christmas gifts." Kangna blurted out at this time.

"Well, that's right." Perenal didn't expose it, "Nico, I'm going to give this book and those parchments to Connor as a Christmas gift, what do you think."

"Of course it's no problem. That's what I originally thought. They are of no use to me anyway." Nico said.

"Thank you, thank you..." Seeing the two people looking at her again, Kangna quickly took out a small bottle and put it on the table, "This is the gift I brought."

"Oh?" Nico was a little surprised. He hadn't received a gift for a long time, mainly because the owl couldn't find it here.

He didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw the bottle, he was suddenly stunned.

"Are you sure you want to give it to me?" Nico asked meaningfully.

"Yes." Kangna nodded.

"Then do you know what it is?"

"Phoenix Potion." Kangna said.

"Yes, some people do call it that." Nico nodded, "But what if I told you that this small bottle of magic potion can revive the wizard once."


Kyle and Connor looked up at the same time.

"Resurrection may not be accurate. Strictly speaking, it should be to counteract the killing curse." Nico explained: "The original purpose of this potion is to resist the killing curse, but its process is too complicated, and it must use the phoenix natural The ashes left after Nirvana, so it is almost impossible to find it now. The last time I saw it was probably three hundred years ago.

"And this kind of magic potion is also very useful in alchemy. The magic words and symbols written with it will hardly be affected by any external factors."

Kyle couldn't help but glance at the small bottle again.

He had previously thought that it contained something similar to the Elixir of Fortune, but now he realized that he was so wrong.

It can counteract a killing curse, which is no different from resurrection. In other words, as long as they drink it, everyone can be Harry, and no one needs to sacrifice.

"So..." Nico looked at Kangna again, "Are you really going to give me this precious potion?"

To be honest, Kyle was a little confused, but Kangna nodded without any hesitation.


"Okay, I'll accept it." Nico picked up the bottle, "Oh, can you tell me who made this bottle of potion?"

"Snape…Severus Snape," Connor said.

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