Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Barbo Tubers and Beauty Items!!

“Beauxbatons and Durmstrang’s delegation will arrive in October and spend most of the school year with us.”

“I know that you will all be warm and friendly during our stay here, and that once the Brave Ten of Hogwarts is finally chosen, you will all support him or her wholeheartedly.”

“Well, it’s not early, so it’s very important for you to walk into class tomorrow morning refreshed and clear-headed.”

“Go to bed! Come on! ”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he sat down and talked to the mad-eyed man Moody on the side.

As for the students, they all stood up and rushed to the two opposite doors, of course, the first-year students were led by the prefects of the various houses.

“Toby, thank you for what you just said, otherwise we won’t have a chance to participate, and we won’t turn 17 next April?”

Fred squeezed Toby to their side through the flow of people?

“We must participate, no one can stop us, what an honor it is to be a warrior, and there is a prize of a thousand gold gallons!”

George said a little unconvinced.

“Now everyone has the opportunity to participate in the selection, but it is not so easy to really become a warrior, you must know that there is only one warrior in each school.”

Toby said.

“It’s okay, as long as we can give us a chance, maybe we have a chance to become warriors.”

Fred said.

“Who will be the impartial referee who judges who the warriors are? And how did he judge? ”

Harry asked with some curiosity.

“I don’t know, but in order to be able to become a warrior, we must be recognized by that person, fortunately that person is not Dumbledore, otherwise we must not have a chance.”

The double protector had some complaints about Dumbledore, who made him say that only people over the age of 17 could sign up.

In Fred and George’s view, Dumbledore was clearly fighting over those under the age of 17.

“Ron, you want to participate too, right? If you have a chance to become a warrior too. ”

Fred said.

“Of course it would be nice to be able to participate, but I guess they want to be older… I don’t know if we’ve learned enough…”

Ron said he also has a little idea about being a Warrior.

“I definitely didn’t learn enough, but I think my grandmother definitely wanted me to participate. She always told me that I should protect the honor of the family. ”

Neville said sullenly behind him.

“I want to remind you, don’t get carried away by the honor of the warriors, the Triwizard Tournament is not a child’s game, it is a very dangerous game, don’t forget how many people have died before.”

“Although Professor Dumbledore said that Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic are prepared this time, no one knows if there will be an accident, and if it happens, it will be life-threatening.”

“It is irrational to gamble your life for the sake of a warrior’s name, and a thousand gold gallons.”

Toby said.

“I think Toby is right, you still have to think carefully about whether or not to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.”

“Of course, if you have magic as powerful as Toby or Jamie, then I haven’t said that.”

Hermione said with a shrug.

Everyone’s enthusiasm instantly cooled down, although they intellectually felt that Toby and Hermione were right, but emotionally, they still didn’t want to give up the Triwizard Tournament.

Early the next morning, the storm had stopped last night, but the sky outside was still gray.

Toby and they came to the auditorium, eating breakfast while studying the semester’s class schedule, and not far from them, Fred, George, Lee Jordan and a few others were still discussing the Triwizard Tournament.

For the students, the Triwizard Tournament goes beyond the Quidditch House Cup and is discussed by students in every house.

“There’s an herbology class this morning with Hufflepuff students, which is nice; There is also a lesson in protecting magical creatures… Unlucky, again with Slytherin…”

Ron looked at the Monday column on the class schedule.

“There are two divination lessons this afternoon.”

Harry was a little dejected, divination class was his least favorite class besides Potions, and Professor Trelawney always predicted that he was going to die.

Although this kind of prophecy has no meaning, but this ominous words still make him feel very irritated, why did Trelawney just target him, can’t he prophesy for another person?

“Maybe you can also give up this course like me, or change to a more useful course, arithmetic divination is much more reliable than divination.”

Hermione said.

“Ugh! Still don’t use it. ”

Harry shook his head and said that although he didn’t like divination classes, divination classes were the easiest class to pass, just a few random gibberish words, say some unlucky things, and pass the exam.

After breakfast, Tothan and their Gryffindor classmates walked through the damp vegetable patch, and you, breathlessly returned to life.

“Do you see, this is a barbo tuber, you need to squeeze it by hand, you have to collect its pus-”

Professor Sprout demonstrated it above.

Barbo tuber is a very ugly plant, it is like a black and swarthy, slimy big slug, one by one, they are squirming slightly, and there are many shiny big bulges on the body, which are all liquid…

“It has great value and should not be wasted. Listen, collect pus, water into these bottles. Put on your dragonskin gloves.”

Professor Sprout said this, as if he wanted to test everyone.

“So, does anyone know what the pus from Barbo’s tuber is for? Why should we put on dragon skin gloves and squeeze them? ”

Hermione was the first to raise her hand high.

She was always very positive about questions in class, except in Potions class, where Professor Snape would turn a blind eye even if she stretched her hand high.

Professor Snape preferred to ask Harry more than Hermione, although he probably wanted to see Harry embarrassed, which would make him very happy.

“Miss Granger.”

Professor Sprout nodded Hermione.

“The pus from Barbo’s tuber is the best remedy for intractable acne, preventing students from using aggressive means to remove pimples from their faces.”

“As for why you should wear dragon skin gloves, it is because the undiluted barbo tuber pus can cause unusual damage to the skin.”

Hermione replied confidently.

“Very well, Miss Granger is absolutely right, Gryffindor plus ten.”

Professor Sprout said with a smile.

Then there’s the pus squeezing the tuber, which is disgusting but also a strange sense of satisfaction.

Whenever a bulge is squeezed, a large stream of viscous, yellow-green liquid is ejected, and a pungent smell of gasoline is emitted.

However, I have to say that this process is very decompressing 5.0, and Toby feels that if the pressure is too high in the future, he may be able to try squeezing the barbo tuber.

Near the end of class, through joint efforts, everyone has collected several bottles of pus from Barbo tubers.

Toby looked at the large bottles of pus, and an idea came to his mind, since barbo tubers can treat intractable acne and pimples, then obviously, this can be used as a raw material for beauty items.

In the current wizarding world, there are not many effective beauty items, and wizards do not seem to attach importance to beauty, and there is a complete blank in the beauty section.

However, wizards are also human beings, and if they are human, they will be tall, short, thin, beautiful and ugly, and women, whether wizards or Muggles, are obviously very concerned about their appearance.

Beauty items have now appeared in the Muggle world, so if beauty items can also appear in the wizarding world, it will definitely be a big business, knowing that no matter where it is, women and children are the best money to earn…

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