Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 Mad-Eye Moody!!

“I am very pleased to announce that this year at Hogwarts-”

Before Dumbledore’s words were finished, he heard a deafening thunder outside, and through the open window, a huge lightning could be seen.


At this moment, the door of the auditorium was slammed open, and everyone in the auditorium was startled and looked towards the door at the same time.

A man stood in the doorway, carrying a long crutch and wrapped in a black travel cloak.

It was a very scary face, as if carved out of a piece of decaying wood, and the carver had only a vague idea of what a human face should look like, and he was not very good at using a carving knife.

Every inch of skin on that face seemed scarred, the mouth was like a big crooked mouth, and the place where the nose should have bulged was missing.

Of course, the most terrifying thing should be his eyes, one eye is small, black and shiny; The other eye was large, round towards a coin, and a bright blue color.

The blue eye moved without blinking, turning up and down, left and right, completely unrelated to the normal eye, and then, the blue eye rolled and burrowed into the man’s head, and everyone could only see a big white ~ eyeball.

The terrible guy limped into the Great Hall, and the little wizards along the way did not dare to look at him, and even the timid students were almost scared to tears.

Finally, he walked up to Dumbledore’s side and held out a hand, which was as scarred as his face, and Dumbledore shook his hand and whispered again—a few words.

Then the man sat in the vacant seat on the right, his blue eyes constantly swirling in the sockets, looking at the auditorium and his classmates.

“Allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Moody.”

Dumbledore happily broke the silence in the Great Hall.

Sporadic applause rang out in the Great Hall, it seemed that only Dumbledore and Hagrid were clapping, and the others had not reacted at all, they were all stunned by Moody’s strange, terrifying appearance.

Indifferent to everyone’s cold reaction, Moody remained silent in his seat, pulling out a curved wine bottle from his travel cloak and taking a sip from time to time.

Toby was secretly looking at Moody, the mad-eyed man, and he didn’t know if it was the real Moody or Barty Crouch Jr.’s pretended Moody, after all, he was not familiar with the mad-eye Moody.

However, if this Moody is really pretended to be Barty Crouch Jr., then Barty Crouch Jr.’s acting skills are really very good, and even Dumbledore can hide it.

“That bottle should contain a compound decoction.”

Toby said in his heart that the compound decoction can make people into another person, and if that person has good acting skills, it is difficult to be recognized.

However, the effect of the compound decoction is not permanent, it can only last for a period of time, if you want to continue to maintain, you can only drink the compound decoction without interruption, otherwise the prototype will be restored.

“Mad-Eye Moody actually looks like this, it’s terrible!”

Hermione whispered to Toby, although she knew it was rude to talk about other people’s looks behind her back, Moody’s appearance was too amazing.

“He’s a senior Auror, and all the injuries on his body were left when he fought those dark wizards.”

Toby explained.

Mad-Eye Moody is a respectable man who has spent most of his life fighting dark wizards, and it can be said that nearly half of the criminals in Azkaban were captured by him.

“He is a respectable wizard.”

When Hermione heard this, she was immediately in awe, and she felt a little ashamed of what she had just said.

“As I said earlier, in the coming months we will be honored to host a wonderful event that has not been held for more than a century.”

“It is with great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year.”

Dumbledore said to everyone with a smile.

“You’re kidding!”

Fred Weasley said loudly that not only him, but also many other wizards could hardly believe that the long-suspended Triwizard Tournament was about to restart, and it was also held at Hogwarts.

“I’m not kidding, Mr. Weasley, but since you mentioned joking, I did hear a funny joke about a troll, a dominatrix and a goblin, and they all went into the same tavern…”

As soon as Dumbledore wanted to tell the joke, he heard Professor McGonagall clear his throat very loudly, and his voice suddenly stopped.

“Oh – it’s probably not appropriate to say that now… Not quite appropriate…, where did I just say? ”

“Ah, by the way, the Triwizard Tournament… Some of you still don’t know what this tournament is all about, so I hope some of you who know the situation will forgive me for explaining a little here, and I allow their minds to wander for a while. ”

During the time when Dumbledore was explaining the Triwizard Tournament, Toby did not listen carefully, he already knew what the Triwizard Tournament was about, and of course he didn’t need to listen to Dumbledore’s verbosity.

“Over the centuries, people have tried several times to resume the tournament, but none of them have been successful. However, we at the Ministry of Magic’s Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports believe that the time is ripe for another attempt. ”

“We’ve done a lot this summer to make sure every Warrior doesn’t put their lives at risk.”

“In October, the headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will lead their carefully selected contenders, and the ceremony to select the warriors will take place on Halloween.”


“An impartial referee will decide which students are most qualified to compete in the Final Triple Cup, winning accolades for their school and personally receiving a prize of 1,000 gold galleons.”

“I want to participate!”

Toby heard Fred not far away say this, calculate it, the bonus of a thousand gold gallons is indeed a lot, but more importantly, honor, which is not a small temptation for adolescent boys and girls.

Of course, there are not a few students who have Fred’s ideas, and almost every college student is discussing it in a whisper.

“I know you’re all eager to win the Triwizard Tournament trophy for Hogwarts, but the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic agree to set an age limit for this year’s contenders.”

“Only students who are 17 years old and above, that is, 17 years old and above, are allowed to register for consideration.”

“We felt that this measure was necessary because the tournament program is still very difficult and dangerous, and no matter how many precautions we take, students below the sixth and seventh grades will not be able to deal with it.”

“I myself will guarantee that not a student of sufficient age will fool our impartial referee into becoming a warrior of Hogwarts.”

“Therefore, if you are under 17 years old, I ask you not to waste time applying.”

Dumbledore’s gaze swept over the faces of some rebellious students, such as the Weasley twins, who felt that this rule was very unfair because they were only a few months away from turning 17.

“Professor, there are accidents in everything, if someone is under the age of 17, but they can hide the eyes of the impartial judge and get the qualification, then at that time, no one should come out to stop it!”

Toby raised his hand and said loudly.

Dumbledore glanced at Toby, but did not speak, he felt that Toby was the biggest surprise, and of course, Jamie of Slytherin.

If it were the two of them, they might indeed be able to qualify, and even the Triwizard Tournament champion would be secured.

Toby’s words were echoed by everyone, especially those under the age of 17 who wanted to sign up for the tournament.

Why can’t they participate, this is the Triwizard Tournament, what an honor, is it too unfair to screen them out just because of their age?

“Well, everyone has a chance to try, and if you can really get the approval of that impartial referee, then no one can stop you from becoming warriors.”

Dumbledore said a little helplessly.


Dumbledore’s words made Fred and the others very happy…

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