Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 177 – Homecoming

I somewhat expected that Dumbledore wouldn't answer our letter, not before it became public. Maybe he wanted to see the people's reactions first. I would have loved to see his face when he learned that our newspaper sold out completely when the first publication was distributed, not to mention the multiple pre-orders we had before it. I heard from Luna that his father was already printing the second and third batches and was ready to send them out before the end of the day.

Of course, there were multiple reasons for this. Our personal experience, the story of my Father, and our claim to my old home were one thing. What made it probably even more interesting was that we endorsed the newly appearing party, the Society for the Promotion of Everyone's Welfare, or S.P.E.W. for short. It was the one that Hermione and Krum established just a few days ago. I don't know if it was the time spent in France that made her unaware of the acronym ahead of time or if it was intentional… oh well, it is their problem. We just included a paragraph in which we were happy to see them and agreed with many of their ideas and visions for the future.

I didn't mind that they were getting into the forefront. Heck, it gave us more time to focus on looking at the board from a step away from the table and not be caught up in the more minor details. They can handle that. So, we began searching for people who would join their ranks, work with them… and also inform us of happenings within S.P.E.W.

Sadly, not everything was going smoothly. There were many former Death Eaters who were forced into servitude, conscripted straight from Hogwarts, people who took our offer of a way out. When they finally returned, they were arrested and thrown into the reopened Azkaban. Our next issue in the Quibbler will tackle precisely that, as I won't let people, old friends, and former Housemates rot in there, especially not when they were forced to join Voldemort.

We could break them out, but that would harm everybody—not ideal for us or them. So, instead, Professor Lockhart is writing a paper advocating for the establishment of a new Magical Law and Order, one that would be wholly independent of the reforming Ministry of Magic. This entity would be separated from all political powers, and its purpose would be upholding wizarding law, even over those who were in control and making the decisions.

This was nothing new; it was a return to form and reestablishing something like the previous Wisengamot. The only difference was that we were going to push for the fact that anyone who is part of this version of the Wisengamot can not hold any other power, neither in the Ministry nor in Hogwarts. Yes, they could teach in Hogwarts… but becoming their Headmaster? No. One man can not have too much power, or we risk the rise of another Voldemort. That is going to be our argument.

Well, it is still in development, and we only hinted at it in the first issue. What was not a hint, though, was the fact that Quincy published her very first paper, which was then accompanied and commented on by Slughorn's report on the same issue. Her first publication introduced no less than six new potions, all dealing with dispelling and curing curses, mostly related to the ones Death Eaters were using. Moreover, she included the complete recipe list and detailed brewing method. Maybe it was what made the paper sell so quickly… I couldn't be more proud of her!

Also, I wasn't joking when I said we would trouble Dumbledore openly. Let's see if he can spin his tale again, saying that we are dangerous fugitives or implying that my father was a mad dog that served nobody. Heh… I wonder if he ever thought about that. I have information on him and his decisions almost the moment he announces them. While he used Snape as a double agent, I can't help but ponder whether he would even consider the fact that Snape was continuing his profession, but instead of Dumbledore, it is us who he reports to in secret.

"Father… you were right from the get-go… I can trust Severus Snape… I can see that now."


"Are you really going to let them return?" Moody asked, meeting in private with Dumbledore in the Headmaster's office.

"I am thinking of it. My old friend is behind their moves, so if I want to fight him, I would need to let them be at arm's reach." He answered, standing before his window, stroking his long beard. "To find the key to end this conflict, I need them to present it. If I tried to take it forcefully, it would result in a failure…"

"What key…?" He asked, not really understanding what Dumbledore had meant by it, unaware that the old wizard was now only missing one peculiar stone.

"The key to ensuring a peace that may last a thousand years. On my table, Alastor."

"What is it?" He asked, taking the envelope, but didn't open it until Dumbledore gave a reassuring nod.

"Those are the list of people who we have in our ranks and are paid by the Anguine family."

"Should I arrest them?"

"No, that would anger the public. Slowly replace them or release them from power. If must, then give them rewards too, but don't let them have any know or say in the new Ministry or the school."

"Mhm. I will do it… What about the Anguine's old estate? Should we keep it under surveillance after we let them have it back?"

"I don't know if it would be possible, so don't bother with it. Instead, continue to try to get people within Azkaban to speak up against the family. Many will want to know what happens when their trial arrives, and we can't keep the press out of it. I want their confessions to be apparent and point out the Anguine's dealings, including how they acted while at school, the murder of Professor Umbridge, and the insidious plan they made and enacted while they were still just freshmen."

"Mhm, but I don't know how many would believe it. Many in prison right now were in Slytherin with them."

"Make them understand the situation." Dumbledore continued, "Also, inform them that Slytherin House is no longer there. After raising someone like Tom, it is officially disbanded and banned. Hogwarts will have only three houses starting next year."

"I don't think many will argue against it." Moody smiled, bringing out his flask, "I killed so many dark wizards graduating from that house that I lost count."

"There is more. To get redeemed, the prisoners must also tell everyone how Conrad Anguine massacred the Malfoy family without remorse. We must make everyone see that they are just as insidious as Tom was. People must not forget that Voldemort was thought of as a caring and amicable student. People loved him and would not think he was capable of such atrocities until it was too late! Our priority is to make the public understand the dangers of a third Dark Lord emerging."

"I do believe you, but the people may not, Albus. The kids… well, we can't call them kids anymore. The Anguines did many things that contradict what we know about them. Not to mention, we did use Angus… he killed Voldemort once."

"Yes, but just as a father's sin can't become the sin of his child, his achievements and heroism also can't be attributed to his kid."

"I will do my best." He answered after taking another swing from his flask, "What about Gilderoy and Horace?"

"Gilderoy won't return. None of us think he would be that stupid, right?" Dumbledore asked with a slight, barely noticeable smile before sitting down at his desk. "He will stay with the Anguines; I have no doubt about it. As for Horace, we will welcome him back. Make sure Severus inspects him if he returns before assigning him a post amongst the teachers."

"What about the…others?"

"Nothing. Neville is still young. He will grow up, and those who entertain his naivety can do nothing, really. We just need to do enough to preserve the peace. I already have a list for the new core Wisengamot; the moment the Ministry is reestablished, I will present it before them."

"Are we going to let that young girl compete for votes?"

"I hope they get into the Ministry."

"Really?" Moody exclaimed, surprised, his magical eyes settling on him, waiting for Dumbledore's answer.

"If we want to ensure that Flamel and the Beauxbatons can't interfere with Hogwart's business while we are still weak, we need an entity that can take the blame for their meddling. Just step away and let things play out; that problem will solve itself. Our focus is on the Anguines."

"Mhm. Understood."


"It is different…" I whispered, standing in front of my old home. I wasn't saying it just because the place was empty but because it was ruined. Many of the windows were broken, the walls were torn down, and the garden was wholly ravaged when they ransacked it, searching for hidden rooms and probably family heirlooms.

"It is still home." Quincy whispered, holding my arm and leaning on my shoulders. "We can rebuild it and make new memories here."

"And treasure old ones." I agreed, and with our wands out, we began to lift the rubble from the ground and slowly return everything to how it was in our memories. Cracked walls were mended, shattered glass flew back to its place, and destroyed roof tiles reformed in the air before landing in their old spot. I couldn't help but feel to be in a trance while we made the grass green and the toppled statues stand up straight in the middle of our fountains. It was... It was like slowly returning to a more peaceful time.

It took us the whole day to return the mansion to the same as we remembered it to be, but it was still… empty. I couldn't help but touch the old chairs and desks that my father used or walk into the kitchen and see Squeaky making me my favorite breakfast before her image dissipated.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought the stone with me." I mumbled, making my wife chuckle because she also saw the faint image of Squeaky.

"You didn't let the stone take hold, though. The dead must rest…"

"Yes. They do." I agreed, shaking my body, "Let's signal the others they can come over!"

"Don't you want to look for…"

"My mother?" I asked, glancing at her and shaking my head. "No. Not really. I don't care."

"Should we hire house elves?" She quickly asked, diverting the topic immediately, making me think for a little.

"Yeah, I think we should!" I nodded with a grin, "If Hermione and his party get any say in it, we may be too late to do so, ahahaha! I wonder how all this will end… The inactivity of the Order makes me think they are preparing for something big."

"I expect them to try and tarnish our names." She shrugged, looking towards the rejuvenated garden and now sprinkling fountains, "Probably bringing up the usage of the killing curse."

"Most likely!" I agreed, watching as Lockhart appeared out of thin air, sighing loudly, exclaiming how nostalgic it was to visit once again before realizing its meaning and apologizing profusely. "But unlike them, we don't need to hide it. I think the people of today will appreciate open honesty~!" I grinned, nodding towards Lockhart to stop stumbling over his words and just go in already. "The people will decide, and we all know the real play is going on for this little rock." I murmured, pulling it out of my pocket and holding it up toward the sun.

"You really want to destroy it?"

"I do. And I already know how…"

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