Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 176 – Demands

It happened at the beginning of spring when Hermione contacted us once again. Well… This time, it was evident from the start that she was missing the enthusiasm with what they had when they left for France. As for why they wanted to meet in person, although Quincy felt suspicious —and so did I— I still considered Krum as a friend and someone who I could trust. So we agreed; there was no reason not to. The meeting happened in the Scottish highlands, in the middle of nowhere, a coordinate that we had decided on. We were the first to arrive, just the two of us, right at the start of the day, witnessing the sunrise before we saw Krum and Hermione arrive via apparition.

"Victor. Hermione." I nodded at them as we stayed about five yards apart, and I could tell they weren't here to tell me they still wanted to help out. One look was enough to know that was no longer the case.

"I want ask question." Krum began, and I now knew it was him who was having doubts, and Hermione was with him, supporting his decision. I wasn't angry… I can respect that.

"Feel free."

"Your Master. Grindelwald? Is he?"

"Where did you learn that?" Quincy asked, making them look at each other before he answered in a disheartened voice.

"We met Dimitris."

"I see." I nodded with a soft smile, "I guess you don't like it? Is there a reason why? Besides him being a dark wizard in the past."

"Yes. Grindelwald killed my… Grandfather. I never work with monster, you should not, Conrad. He evil… Don't do it."

"Haaaah…" I couldn't help but sigh, understanding it without him needing to explain more. I could tell how he felt about it, and putting myself in his shoes, I wouldn't want to work with someone like that either. Losing family to somebody can create a grudge that lasts through many generations; Dimitris was the best example of it. "People can change, and he served his time for his sins."

"Did he…? I not believe so."

"What will we do then?" I asked firmly, looking at the two, "I already accepted him as my Master, and I trust him. I won't go back on my word, and he won't do it either. My friend, this is an unbreakable conundrum as neither of us is willing to back down."

"It is…" He nodded, one of his hands tightening, his fingers balling up, making Hermione quickly hold onto him. The moment she did, Quincy also moved, ready to duel if it came down to that.

"Will you work against us?" I asked, looking at the two, feeling I already knew their answers, "I understand if you do… but if you do that, the next time we meet, it will be as enemies." I told them as clearly as possible. Although I hate the fact that I would need to turn him into an opponent, I can't stop now, not after coming this far. I trusted Grindelwald, and I won't turn against him.

"I know." Krum nodded again, looking into my eyes, "We will fight if you danger. But…”

"We will do it our own way." Hermione continued, and it seemed they came to some kind of conclusion in the end, probably before they contacted us. "We will start our own party, and I aim to get into the Ministry of Magic. After what everyone went through, muggle-born wizards and other oppressed magical people also need their voices to be heard! If you are true to what you said, you won't oppose us, and we won't need to fight. I had believed your words, Conrad and Quincy Anguine. I hope that I wasn't mistaken."

"I see…" Well, that was a twist. They are doing the same thing that I wanted to do but with fewer resources. Huh. How interesting. I didn't foresee it happening."

"We wanted to tell you this in person so you can see and feel our sincerity. She finished, squeezing Krum's hand even tighter, watching us and trying to see our reaction.

"Deja vu." I mumbled, making Quincy chuckle, and I knew she agreed. It was like we were looking into a mirror right now. Fate likes to play tricks; I can't forget that. "I don't see a problem. As long as you don't help Dumbledore and don't try to reinstate the old ways, giving power to the same people who caused all this mess decades ago, we are aiming for the same thing."

"You too." Krum answered, and I didn't need to ask what he meant.

In the end, we exchanged a last friendly nod before we all disappeared, going our separate ways, and I knew then and there. If we ever met again, it could very well be as enemies. Well… as much of an enemy as we were in the TriWizad competition. I just really hoped that it wouldn't come down to us trying to kill each other. That would be… not something I wanted to do.


"Is he really letting it happen?" Neville asked, meeting with McGonagall in her office within Hogwarts. Thanks to its previous rat-like owner, it was still under renovation, and the decades of 'filth' lingered in the air. Of course, it wasn't just her classroom, but every nook and cranny in the castle systematically being explored, cleaned, and enchanted to make sure no Death Eaters sneak in or try to hide there. Everyone was working hard to prepare the school for its reopening in the autumn.

"He is." She nodded, placing a cup of freshly brewed tea before him, "The Quibbler will sell its first official volume tomorrow. I also signed up for it, so a copy will arrive as soon as it's released."

"That's good. I am somewhat relieved as to how things are… Maybe Conrad is wrong, and he is overreacting. It will be good if he can also see it as everything gets back to normal!"

"I don't know…"

"Professor?" He asked, his hand stopping mid-air as he was about to raise his cup and take a sip.

"The reconstruction of the Ministry of Magic… He is making decisions without calling the Order to a meeting. There are already multiple candidates nominated without us being informed beforehand."

"We should ask Professor Dumbledore then." He answered after a short pause, looking at one of his favorite mentors, a woman who was always hard on him when it came to his studies but always kind when they were talking in private. She was someone who Neville happily could call family.

"We did. Everything was… justified. Explained in a way that all of us who thought about complaining could not find a point to question. Not if we didn't want to sound as if we wanted power for ourselves."


"There is more. Students and wizards of muggle origins are returning from France. They not only want to become part of the rebuilding, but they also want a place in the ministry."

"Isn't that good?"

"It is… but they are also backed by the Beauxbatons. There are already voices who want to speak up against them because they feel as if they want to interfere with our land. What makes me nervous is that Albus doesn't interfere with either side, letting both do what they want, and it is getting… heated.

"Divide and conquer."

"That muggle saying?" McGonagall asked, making Neville nod his head.

"That is what it reminded me of… What about Conrad's request?"

"That… is still going to be discussed." She explained, looking towards the opened letter lying on her desk.

It arrived two days ago and was signed by Conrad and Quincy Anguine. Their newly established family crest, depicting the king of snakes, was stamped at the bottom corner, filled with the feeling of magic, displaying their strength in the arcane. They were officially requesting not only a full pardon but also compensation and accolades for their effort in bringing down Voldemort. On top of that, they demanded the old Anguin's property to be returned to them in full. Lastly, the same request was made for Professor Lockhart and Professor Slughorn, who should return to Hogwarts as teachers… If they wanted the job, that is.

"That's a lot…" Neville mumbled as it was the first time he was allowed to read the letter and only heard about it arriving.

"It is. My guess is that when tomorrow's paper is published, these demands will be in it... And if it is Gilderoy who wrote it, it will capture the attention of many readers. I don't know how it will play out, but unlike many other questions, Albus can not ignore theirs if that happens. I just…"

"The one behind them?"

"Yes, Neville. It is THE Grindelwald we are talking about. Even if people can change, after getting rid of one Dark Lord, we must not entertain a second one. You have to understand that."

"I do understand that…" He shrugged, feeling that fighting against Voldemort was so much easier. This? This was making him dizzy.

"Anyway, you should focus on your task, young man!"

"My task?"

"Oh? You weren't told yet?"

"Of what?" He asked, gulping, feeling nervous, seeing McGonagall's smile.

"The reestablished Daily Prophet will want an interview with the boy who ended the reign of the Dark Lord!"

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