Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 174 – Voldemort vs Everybody (3)

We weren't relaxing right away when we were back in our homes. Instead, we strengthened our protective spells and charms, wary of Dumbledore following us… But he did not. After we made sure we were not followed in any way, shape, or form, we immediately held an emergency meeting.

"The Dark Lord is down to his last life." I stated clearly, looking at the two who remained at home, "Lockhart, are the papers ready?"

"Yes. I already wrote all three variants. Is it as you guessed? The snake?"

"Yes." I nodded my head at him, "He didn't bring the snake with him; he wasn't completely idiotic. I want the new issue to be brought away and distributed everywhere; let chaos gobble up the Death Eaters. They are going to fall, and nothing can stop that."

"What will you do about… HIM?" Slughorn asked, but I just looked at him with a smile.

"We are going to find him."

"And…" Quincy smiled confidently, "We have an excellent idea where he might be. So, include the pre-written piece in our latest issue about his death, Revealing the Horcruxes and their fate."

"You… think that he will die today?" They looked at us, making Grindelwald also curiously wait for our answer as he hadn't been told about it either.

"Yeah. So, while Professor Lockhart deals with the news and propaganda, fanning the flames, Quincy and I will sneak back into Hogwarts."

"To the school?"

"Yes, Professor Slughorn." I smiled at him, "Exactly there…"


Sneaking into Hogwarts was easier than I thought it would be. With Voldemort's sudden death, total chaos erupted amongst the remaining loyal Death Eaters. They could feel his demise and knew what that meant. Yet, the staunch ones, those who unquestioningly believed in him, also believed in what happened before. Their leader returned from the grave once, and they were waiting for it to happen a second time. They may witness it, but not if it rests on my shoulders.

I wanted to know how it was amongst their ranks and how big the chaos was, but we had no time to stop and listen in on those teachers who were upholding his rule in his absence. We had to act before those Voldemort sent to conquer Gringotts returned to Hogwarts and hardened our mission.

Slipping in underwater, using the same tunnel we utilized to escape, literally blasting our way through obstructions, we were in before the sun had even risen above the horizon. Our goal was straightforward and simple: the Chamber of Secrets. Entering the bathroom, from where its secret entrance opened, two people were already waiting for us there.

"I knew you would get it." I chuckled because Neville was there… with Snape. "Headmaster."

"We have no time." Snape spoke, anxious, "The Dark Lord has yet to announce anything about himself, so they know not that I betrayed him. But it is only a question of time! We could get in easily, but if it gets into the public... I won't be able to continue the masquerade."

"Agreed." I nodded, happy that Neville managed to understand what I meant previously. "Open."

"Full of secrets…" Snape whispered, hearing me speak in the language of snakes and unlocking the entrance, "Last time, I found it left open, and it was what made you lucky."

"We know." Quincy nodded as we headed down, wands at the ready, "How come Dumbledore is not here? Or the others?"

"They are looking for the snake." Neville explained, "We split up, trying to visit some clues we had of his hideouts. I was grouped with Professor Snape, but we should be elsewhere."

"You didn't tell him about this?" I asked with surprise.

"No. It would have put you in danger."

I had no answers; instead, I gently put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it, and nodded at him while Quincy hugged him briefly before hurrying down into the chamber.

"Whatever happens next, Dumbledore's victory is assured. What will you do then?" He asked me.

"Continue." We answered. "For us, it isn't over. Even if Voldemort dies."

"I still have a word or two to say about that!" Grunted an angry voice filled with hissing sounds, and I knew for sure that only Quincy and I understood him.

In the chamber where a basilisk lived before, there was another massive snake, but it was not as big as the ancient beast. Looking at it, it was somewhat deformed as the snake's head was disfigured, and Voldemort's visage was growing from its skull like some tumor.

"What an abomination…" I snarled, throwing a firey spell at him, but an invisible barrier deflected it without any effort.

"You will die here… You saved me the time to hunt you down and delivered yourself on a silver platter. I will feed on you and regain my strength…. I can't be killed! I am Voldemort!"

"He lost it." Quincy snorted, trying a spell herself, but it was, once again, instantly deflected.

"Translation?" Neville asked, keeping his eye on the snake, but he couldn't understand a word it was hissing at us.


The shout belonged to Voldemort, and for the first time, I felt that his words uttered in parseltongue had a commanding presence behind them. It wasn't just me, but Quincy, too. Was it because of the ritual we took? Whatever it was, both of our bodies froze up for a moment, and I could clearly feel my mind blank out for a brief moment.

"Something's not right!" Snape realized it immediately, attacking the snake and man hybrid, trying to break through its protection.


Again, his roaring order was having an effect on us, making the idea of suicide really enticing all of a sudden. Shit… his tongue… his inheritance, is it affecting us because we have both gone through Herpo's ritual? I saw that Quincy was affected much more than I, already slowly raising her wand and turning towards herself before using a firey spell. Luckily, she wore our wedding ring, which activated and deflected it, yet its power still flung her backward.

This time… I let my blood guide me. Every little whisper that I had suppressed until now, I let it explode as my body changed shape, turning into my basilisk form, overshadowing the Dark Lord that was now an abomination, fused with a snake, maybe even transforming into one… Who knew? If he wanted to play Snake Says, then I'm game. Let's see which of us is better at it!

"KNEEL!" I roared, or hissed, to be correct.

Of course, snakes don't have legs, but the moment I ordered him to do so, my blood and form quickly showed why a basilisk is called the king of snakes. No matter who Voldemort thought he was, he had no chance to resist, forced to lie down before us. His eyes remained tightly closed, knowing he couldn't look at me, squirming, trying to escape my influence, trashing like a fish out of water.

"Quincy?" I asked, worried, but I kept my eyes locked on Voldemort, which also made Neville and Snape's minds somewhat more relaxed. If I can say it like that... but at least they weren't panicking.

"I'm fine... I'm good. Just a bit dizzy, that's all!"

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, turning my worry into more anger and pressuring Voldemort with my presence, stopping his trashing.

"You went and fucked up a lot of lives, Voldemort. This is the end. Did you want to play the snake? Didn't you think others would do the same? Well, it seems I won in the end. I will enjoy watching you die..."

"Who... are you?"

"Son of Angus Anguine, Conrad Anguine. Remember that if there is an afterlife. Even if that afterlife is kind enough to take you in!"

"No Anguine is... like that... liar!" He hissed, clearly in pain, while Neville and Snape were doing everything to dispel his defenses.

"You chose wrongly..." I continued, enjoying his panic and helplessness. "You have gone and asked Herpo for the recipe for his failure... A big mistake."


"Drop your defenses!" I commanded him, and as a snake, his mind finally collapsed, acknowledging my order and disabling all of his enchantments.

There was no glorious second wind. No hidden artifact or savior, any unknown ability. Nothing that could save him. The next moment, Neville's spell exploded his body, blowing it into pieces, splattering guts and blood everywhere, while a two-faced, grotesque snakehead rolled before us, showing the painful and hate-filled expression of both of his snake and the late Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"It's done..." Quincy mumbled, standing next to me, her hand stroking my scales.

"It is." I nodded, watching the aftermath, feeling great satisfaction and relief, enjoying the moment.

"Can you... turn back?" After a long, silent minute, Neville finally asked, wary of looking anywhere else, afraid to gaze into my eyes.

"Ah. Sure!" I chuckled, finally returning to my human form and taking another deep breath. "That... felt good!"

"It did..." Snape murmured, still looking at the skull, walking over and stomping on it for good measure. Something I totally agreed with in that moment.

"We need to leave." Neville interrupted us all, finally looking into my eyes, "This news must be shared with everyone!"

"Mhm." I agreed, looking at the others and smiling. "But I think we are ahead of you in that regard."

Dear readers! I will be on vacation from July 1st to July 7th, so I won't have any updates next week. Thank you for understanding!

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