Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 173 – Voldemort vs Everybody (2)

"You are coming with me."

"Yes, My Lord." Severus answered calmly after being called into the Headmaster's office within Hogwarts, waiting for this day for a long time.

"This is why I like you… No stupid questions, remaining focused on the task. We will use this." Voldemort continued, pointing at a human skull sitting on the desk, polished so much so that it looked like a glass mirror. "Touch it."

For a millisecond, Snape hesitated, but then, knowing it was now or never, he reached out, pressing his fingers against the skull. He already guessed it was a portkey before it sucked his body in, transporting him through space, spitting his whole being out above a delipidated estate, left to ruins. Without thinking, the moment his feet touched the ground, he hurriedly cast a spell, one that would resonate far away within two places. One of them was within Dumbledore's mind, signaling to him that it had begun. The other… would arrive at Conrad's place, hopefully just in time.

He barely finished, dispelling any traces by using a different spell, searching for magic and hidden enemy presence, just as Voldemort appeared, shooting down from the night sky like he was Death itself.

"Ever so vigilant." He added, watching Snape perform the searching spells. "This place is not something they are aware of."

"We can't be certain, My Lord. Their spies are numerous, and Dumbledore even managed to break into Gringotts."

Hearing it, there was only a slight twitch on Voldemort's face; ignoring the rest and walking towards the estate, only speaking when they stood before the boarded-up front door with the dusty plaque above it, spelling Riddle-estate.

"Stay outside, keep watch. I need to focus."

"Yes." Snape bowed, using a spell that would cover the area, scanning for any presence near them, be it a muggle, wizard, or animal. Yet, in reality, he was further transmitting his thoughts to the necessary people…


"We will apparate when he collected the last Horcrux." Dumbledore declared while the bulk of the Order was standing in an emptied-out room, waiting for their chance. "We must not rush it. Let him collect them all before we appear! When we arrive, concentrate on HIM and HIM alone. We will attack in rotation; don't let him rest, and don't let him escape."

"Also," Moody warned, looking at everybody before his magical eye settled on Neville. "Don't kill him before we destroy the Horcruxes. Albus and I will stall him. Keep to the plan, cut off HIS retreat, and focus on the Horcuxes. When they are all gone, we– What is it?" Moody stopped, noticing the change in Dumbledore's expression.

"The snake. His newest is nowhere to be seen. He collected his diary from his school days and Helga's cup. But the snake is not with him..."


Everyone was waiting for Dumbledore's decision, knowing that their opportunity was slipping away. Everyone expected Voldemort to gather his Horcruxes into Hogwarts the moment he took up being a Headmaster there. Yet it never happened, no matter how long they waited. Even Snape couldn't tell why. Was it because he was afraid? That his hidden room got exposed? Failing him once already? He didn't trust the teachers? Maybe both. It was a blessing for the Order, making their quest to find them less complicated and also culminating in the current moment when he finally decided to do so. If they missed this chance, they wouldn't be so lucky ever again to plan another assault on him or on Hogwarts.

"We go!" He exhaled, deciding to strike now and search for a reborn Dark Lord, who would be severely weakened rather than let him escape. "Follow my lead!" He waved his wand, connecting everybody as the group apparated as one being.


"We are done here; you can lower the defenses." Voldemort said plainly, floating up from below and coming out from a cave somewhere on England's shores. The air was cold, with the winds of winter howling, accompanied by the roaring of waves as the freezing ocean constantly assaulted the rocky sides of the British Isles. "You–?!"

But it was too late. The Dark Lord was so preoccupied with focusing on his Horcruxes that he never once noticed that what Snape was using was not a spell to hide their presence, to look for enemies, but a bright beacon, acting as a lighthouse for Dumbledore.

Before Voldemort would have a chance to disappear, he could feel the region being locked down. With his bloodshot eyes, turning to his right, he could see four wizards using a spell in tandem, blocking any way to escape or reinforcements to jump in and aid their dark master.

He wanted to murder the traitorous Snape, especially because he was fooled by him, something he couldn't admit to himself. Instead, his killing spell was interrupted by Dumbledor's own, resulting in a flashy explosion, saving Snape's life while the rest of the Order jumped in, everyone firing their spells toward the lone figure.

Many saw his true powers the first time as he managed to not only raise a magical shield, blocking all their attacks, but he could even counterattack, disarming Flitwick before his second, exploding spell aiming to kill the tiny wizard was nullified by Moody's hex.

"Bastards!" Voldemort roared, making a decision that he knew he would curse for the rest of his life, but he understood it had to be done. He couldn't keep it up for long, not when Dumbledore was constantly barraging him with different spells powered by that accursed wand in his hands.

With a swift motion, he threw out the last of his Horcruxes, knowing that it would also halve the number of spells he needed to concentrate on deflecting. He wasn't wrong… The moment those flew out of his arms, McGonagall, with the rest of their wizards, was on them, aiming to collect and destroy the magical abominations on the spot. This gave Voldemort enough time to focus only on Dumbledore, Moody, and Snape.

The rest? He wasn't worried about them, no. He used their presence, aiming at them to make his primary enemies try and defend them instead of attacking him. His wand moved like it had its own mind, leaving afterimages behind as it seemed as if two spells came out of it at once. One was the killing curse, hitting one of the Order members square in the chest, making his body buckle, while the second spell exploded the witch right behind Dumbledore, leaving only smoking clothes behind.

By the time the two were dead, Voldemort was already back in a defensive position, deflecting a spell from Snape, who didn't try to save the others, redirecting it in a way to get in the way of Dumbledore's summoned firey snake. The following explosion simply sucked away all the oxygen, snuffing out the 'creature,' creating a thick smokescreen for Voldemort to hide for a brief second. He had to admit that his enemy came prepared to die this time because neither of the three tried to help the others.

"Watch out!" Snape shouted, knowing what Voldemort was trying to do, aiming to disrupt the spell that was blocking his escape. He was already like a black mist, flying towards one of the four wizards locking down the region, intending to kill him, weakening their spell enough that he could break through.

Yet, before the Dark Lord's spell could land, a magical shield sprung up from nowhere, displacing Voldemort's destructive spell. It aimed to cause pure pain to disrupt their magic and use their connection to spread it around all four of them.

"Expecto Patronum!"

With another cry, Neville, who finally saw an opening, summoned his patron, taking the form of a massive lion and jumping right onto Voldemort, still in his black, smoke-like form. His perfectly timed move was not only defending his fellow wizards but also attacking the Dark Lord, and with it, he managed to achieve something that Voldemort didn't expect. The sudden crash of pure will and powerful energy tore him out of the shade-like form, throwing him to the ground, spraying dirt everywhere, and forcing the Dark Lord to moan in pain and anguish.

"Avada Kedavra!"


Voldemort and Neville's spell hit each other before they struck again with a second, third, and fourth attack, all meeting in the middle, canceling each other out, something that had never happened before, and even Voldemort looked on with disbelief. Especially at the last moment, when their wands felt as if they connected to each other, summoning a golden bubble around them both. Neither wizard was able to tell what was happening or why, and it scared them and all the other onlookers. In the end, with a violent explosion, they were thrown apart with such force that Voldemort could feel the suppressing spell of the Order flickering on and off. Ignoring all the pain, he took his chance, feeling. He felt as if he was being torn apart, be it from the battle or because his Horcruxes were being destroyed. He was about to get through the barrier and able to apparate once more when a familiar yet unfamiliar voice echoed in his ears.

"Long time no see… and goodbye."



We had been watching their fight since it had begun, waiting at the outskirts of their spell, letting the two duke it out as they wanted. I was happy to see them fight, kill each other, whatever, just don't let him escape. I was surprised by how strong Neville was while we watched, but it also made sense, knowing what I know now. When, in the end, Voldemort managed to break through, it was then that we made our move.

Quincy and I attacked at once, blasting the bastard with fire-based spells, wanting to kill him in a way that was painful. He didn't deserve the luxury of going out by a spell that granted a painless death. It was accompanied by a bang when he landed like a meteor, burning and shouting in pain, but I had to give him props; he wasn't dead. He even managed to attack us while set aflame, burning under the mix of blue and orange flames.

As we defended ourselves, I felt that my attention could not deviate, not a little bit. I had to be wholly focused on Voldemort and nobody else. Luckily, I knew Grindelwald was here, protecting us from any interference, and could let my consciousness tunnel in only the Dark Lord. I was waiting for a chance; he had to succumb to his pain and injuries soon; I just had to— "There!"

We acted in perfect unison with Quincy. While she distracted him with a curse, I attacked his wand, seeing perfectly how he was countering my wife's magic. At that moment, my bombarda spell hit his mark, blowing off his arm, along with his wand, shattering it. He was not dead yet. I knew he wanted to run; he was halfway away, already apparating, when another spell hit him, impaling his heart with a frozen spike, making the Dark Lord fall over, dead.

"I knew you would come." Neville exhaled, gasping for air, the tip of his wand still shimmering in a cold light.

"Of course." I nodded, glancing at the dead body between us. "You do know this is not over yet."

"The snake." He whispered, making me smile.

"We have to leave... So... Good luck. And don't forget!" I whispered as a red beam flew past my head, coming from Grindelwald's wand, clashing with Dumbledore's spell, whose wand was aiming directly at me. "He knows Parseltounge!"

There was no time to say more, and before we would be trapped, we all disappeared. At the very last moment, I managed to exchange a look with the famous ex-headmaster of Hogwarts… but I knew. He wasn't looking at me. He was glaring at Grindelwald, wand raised, his blue eyes cold as ice. You can be the last... Albus Dumbledore. For now, finding the snake is a priority... for both of us.

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