High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Trouble I

"Brand we have to help her!" Rei pulled my arm when I tried to leave the scene for the third time.

"..." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, why did I accept this girl as my girlfriend again?

Without saying anything I turned around and began walking towards the building in question. Rei seemed surprised and she ran back tailing me and grasping my sleeves.

"A-Are you really helping her?" She asked as if surprised that I had been so 'easily' convinced.

The last thing I need is to come back to the group just so she tell anyone that the cold bastard me left alone a woman that needed help. In fact, I don't even mind helping whoever needs help there. The problem is... that person is likely going to end up joining our group, and it will be yet another mouth to feed, except this person is likely to be useless.

"If I don't do it you're not going to shut up, will you?" I scowled loudly for her to hear and instead of getting irritated, she hugged me from behind.

"Thank you! how are we going to do it?"

"You stay behind me" I ordered her as we reached the main door, she only has a pole and we don't know who we were dealing with.

"Aren't you giving me a gun?"

"Do you know how to use a gun?"

"I do... kinda... oka-san gave me some lessons and also Yuriko-san but... I didn't pay much attention" She said, fidgeting and extending her hand to me. I had forgotten that her parents are police officers, she must be acquainted with a gun.

I materialised one of the Nambus, a weapon that police officers use. Her mother likely taught her how to use this same gun while Yuriko taught her with a glock.

"Then take this... if you see anything out of place, shoot, otherwise leave it to me".


She nodded in affirmation and we got ready to rumble.

The door to enter the building was unlocked. The intercom didn't seem to be working. It was easy for us to pass through.

The problem now is... what floor did the shouts come from? I can't hear anything now, the woman was probably silenced and the scanner won't tell me the floor, just the approximate location.

We had to go one by one but the doors were closed and I don't have a way to open them up without making noise and alerting whoever is aggrieving that lady. All we did was go one by one, trying to listen inside and catch the glimpse of any light under the stairs. Thankfully, there is a way in which the scanner can help me hasten this process.

I can't zoom it away past the limit, but I can't get the scanner as close as I want, which means more accuracy.

"We know there are five people here, and the five of them are on the same floor, or at least, in the same position on different floors, which are these," I told her while looking at the scanner that pointed at all of the dots being in the same four approximate square metres.

The building's structure is standard, I can point out immediately which column it is. While listening to the apartment doors, there was only one that was the most suspicious.

"I can definitely hear something from here, Brand... it is like... men's groaning," Rei said with her ear against the door; she had a worried countenance, and we were on the third floor.

A woman's yelling for help and a man groaning don't sound good together nor spell anything nice.

"You're definite? if we try to enter here forcefully and it is not the right one... we will alert them" I gave her the benefit of the doubt, since she 'forced' me to partake in this, she should at least have some decision power.

"... I think this is the one" She stated after a few seconds of silence, gulping and holding her gun.

I sighed and prepared; taking my gun instead of my crossbow. We don't know what's on the other side, if it happens to be Blackwatch, arrows won't be enough... I just hope it is not fucking Blackwatch against just the two of us.


I kicked the door right at the handle but grunted in exasperation at my failure to put it down with a single kick, it was not any common rubbish door. However... it was left so battered that surely the second kick would do.

"AHHH!! HE-" Female shouting came from the inside before turning silent; this told us that this is the place we were looking for.

"WHO IS IT!" A man yelled next, we had alerted them so now it is all or nothing.

"Prepare, Rei!"


The second kick did it, blasting the door open as both Rei and I squeezed in with guns in hand. The apartment looked normal with a dark kitchen and a hallway that led to a dining room. In this last room; the first thing we saw almost elated our blood.

I had seen this many times in my previous life, and I still hate it.

Two women, three men... doing the unthinkable. Or better said... the ladies were tied and crying, their clothes tattered with their privates exposed, two men on top of them while another was having fun with the second lady's head.

Physical and sexual abuse; and going by the bruises, perhaps even torture.


When Rei saw that, she went berserk and charged with all due imprudence... one of the men was already stretching his hand towards a gun on a table.


A headshot from me was all that was needed before his bloodied head fell on the pitiful woman's body; she started screaming in disgust.

Rei was already upon the next two guys with her pole, they were unarmed.


She slapped one of them so hard that he was thrown away from the woman's body, while the other had been bending her head down towards his... that.

With a pirouette that made her resemble a ballerina, Rei swung her pole against the man's stomach, sending him away from the other lady with a grunt before delivering a fierce kick to his balls.



I killed him right after, leaving only one of them alive.

"All of you shut up, your screams will attract the zombies" I glared at the women with a face scarier than that of their abusers and right that instant they shut their mouths.

Rei glared at me but I wouldn't relent.

After kicking the living bastard's stomach, I put him on his back and he spat some blood, looking up at me. A casual yakuza, I can tell by his looks.

I remained still, pointing my gun at his head with all of the girls looking at me; there isn't much information I can take from him... and hence, his life had no value.



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