The Lighthouse a decommission SHIELD base in the '80s that General Rick Stoner build. It is named lighthouse due to the base being disguise as a literal lighthouse on the outside. The base is large, starting from the coastline reaching towards the sea.

"Damn it, focus", one of Ethan's clones said as he instructs the 500 reanimated Phantoms. Trying to teach these corpses had been extremely hard due to the reanimated having anger issues. Most often than not, one of them would become aggressive and attack its fellow reanimated, this will lead to an all-out brawl, which will then prompt one of Ethan's clones to control them to stop fighting.

"This is like having a bunch of whiny children", Ethan's clone commented.

"Welcome to parenthood", Howard said smiling.

The clone just sighed.

"Hey, what's going on? I'm done doing the first treatment on Bucky, his already in cryostasis chamber", another clone said as he entered the room.

"Seriously? How many clones do you have?" Howard asked with curiosity at the number of clones Ethans has on the base.

"Right now, we have 9 clones. One is currently having a board meeting as of this moment. One is in the boss's house to gather his equipment and place it here. A few are in Missouri trying to find something there", said one of the clones.

"It must be nice having clones, think of how much work I could do", Howard said.

"I know right",  said another Ethan as he suddenly appeared inside the lighthouse. This Ethan was unique cause there were markings covering his face.

"What's with the marking? Are you the real Ethan?", Howard asked.

"Yeah, I'm the real one," Ethan said as the markings slowly disappeared.

"What was the marking about?" Howard asked.

"Oh, the markings allow me to use my stored chakra. I was using this", Ethan said while showing Howard a piece of paper with writings written on it.

"Well it looks like a piece of paper with writings written on it, but I'm guessing what you meant is the writings written on it", Howard said sarcastically.

"Obviously, written on this piece of paper is a seal formula, the flying thunder god. All my clones are carrying one of these at all times. This allowed me to teleport to any location as long as this seal is there. The problem though is the distance, if it's too far then I need to channel more chakra, thus prompting me to use my store chakra," I explained to Howard.

"Nice power. So, how was your meeting with the zealots?" Howard asked as he changes the topic.

I sighed and said, "It was bad. The man won't even allow me to finish talking before he pulled out a gun to kill me, jeez. Anyway, I ended up needing to place him in an illusion thinking that he killed me and he already took care of the body".

"Who was it anyway?" Howard asks, he was extremely curious at the identity of the man who believes in a god that founded hydra.

"Gideon Malick", Ethan replied.

"Wait, I know that guy. He's the CEO of Gothite Industries. I talk to him a couple of times in the past. Damn, you can never truly know what people do in their free time," Howard replied mildly shock at what he learned.

"I know right", I said to him as I went to the Lighthouse computer. The Lighthouse computer was still connected to the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. I entered a name on it and waited for the results.

"What are you going to do now?" Howard asks as he followed Ethan to the computer.

"Plan B, I need to threaten someone. Anyway, how's your arc reactor?" Ethan asked.

"We got the materials, but it will take a while to build", Howard replied.

The Lighthouse needed its own power source so that there will not be a shortage of electricity in the surrounding area. Having an arc reactor as the base power source will prevent having anomalies of electrical usage.

"Okay, okay. Keep it up. I need to go", Ethan said as he left the room.

Howard looks at the computer screen and he found the name of the person that Ethan was looking for, Level 1 Agent of SHIELD, Agent Jasper Sitwell.



Everything was okay a few hours ago. After a long day of work as a Level 1 Agent of SHIELD, I decided to spend time with my colleagues and have a drink at the bar. I mingled with them and after a few hours decided to go home. That was the last thing I remember, right now I am in a room that was dimly lit, and I am tied to a chair.

"Damn, this is tight", I said as I tried to remove the ropes that were keeping me bound.

"You need a knife for that, here", a man said as he tried to give me a knife. The man was wearing a silver or white colored mask, the mask had a ripple designed and had wholes on it.

"Who are you? If you want information I won't talk, do your worst", I said with determination.

"Really now", the man said.  The man made a weird hand gesture and suddenly I felt a burning sensation in the back of my neck.

"AH!!!", I screamed at the pain. The pain was the most unbearable thing I had ever felt in my life.

I tried to release myself from the chair, I wanted to escape the pain, but my bindings were to secure for me to escape.

After a while of struggling, screaming, the pain stopped. I look at the man and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D. WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!

"SHIELD? No, you meant HYDRA", the man said.

'What. No one was supposed to know that, impossible, impossible' I thought.

"What are you talking about?", I said to him.

"Is it now. I have a one time proposition for you. I had placed an invisible seal in the back of your head. Don't ask what a seal is, all you need to know is that with this seal I can inflict you pain similar to what you just experience, I can also make your head explode. Now, I'm going to ask you a question, if your answer is not to my liking then I will make you feel pain far greater than what you just felt.

Fear, this was the feeling the was currently surrounding me.

'Who would have taught that my first year out of  Hydra academy I would be captured and tortured', I thought to myself.

"I am Zero, and I want you to work for me, in exchange for your life. Choose wisely now", the man said.



My plan to become the head of Hydra was met with failure even before it started. So, I decided to go with plan B.

Plan B was me threatening a future high ranking Hydra agent, that agent is Agent Jasper Sitwell. Now, Agent Sitwell was just a level 1 Agent of SHIELD but in the future, he will become a level 8 agent of SHIELD. The most important thing about him though is that he will become the right-hand man of Alexander Pierce. Agent Sitwell was the man who would later place hydra operatives throughout the entire SHIELD agency.

Now, most Hydra operatives would gladly die for the cause but not Sitwell. In canon Captain America, Black Widow and The Falcon threaten to kill him by pushing him off a tall building, he was saved but willingly gave information about Hydra's plan.

'Any man who values his life can be controlled by placing a literal bomb in his head', I thought while smiling.



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