CHAPTER 44: Wasn’t Me (Boom!Boom!Boom!)

"Now that you have your soldiers, what are going to do now?" Howard asked me.

"I'm going to destroy this base, this place is no longer of any use to me", I said to him as I look at my 500 reanimated super-soldiers with a glimmer in my eyes.

"If you do that Hydra will investigate what happened here?" Howard asked.

"I know that, but lucky for us we have a way out of that mess. Remember the first 5 hydra agents who have been injected with your serum? The one that Hydra sent to this base to receive the drug", I asked him.

"Yes, you still have not called for them to be removed from the Cyrostasis Chamber. What are you going to do with them anyway?" Howard asked with curiosity.

"I'll use them as a scapegoat. I'll tell them a story that the 5 newly super soldiers were too hard to be contained, that your serum made them nothing more than a rabid dog. I'll tell them that the original Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes tried to stop them but to no avail. In my story it will lead me to sacrifice this entire facility along with all its occupants to keep them a secret", I replied to him.

"…Will they buy that though?" Howard asked.

"Probably not, but that's why I need to talk to someone, someone high up in Hydra command", I said with a smile.


"Did you know that Hydra has two factions? One wants global control and the other wants to bring their so-called god into this world, for they believe he will bring order in this world", I smile and continued; "I coined these two groups the dictators and the zealots, the two branches of Hydra. In the past, it was only the zealots, but the red skull introduced a new doctrine for Hydra. This later made the zealots become second fiddle to the ones who believe in the new doctrine. Now, most of Hydra just want global control, the low ranking hydra agents doesn't even have knowledge of the zealot faction. That's how weak the influence of the zealots had become in the late 20th century. This is something I can manipulate to my favor", I said to him.

"They had a god they believe in? Who would have taught that?" Howard said surprise at the knowledge he had learned about Hydra.

"Do you remember their motto?" I asked.

"You mean the one the goes, cut off one head and two shall take its place. That motto?" Howard asked.

"Yes that one, I always found it interesting. Hydra has no real centralized command, which means if you gather high-ranking members in Hydra and somehow gain their loyalty, you have a shot in becoming a 'head' of the organization. Interesting isn't it?" I said with a smile.

"Y..you want to be a 'head' of Hydra?! That's the next part of your plan?", Howard said shockingly.

"I know that my reasoning in the destruction of this base will not be accepted by Alexander Pierce. That's why I won't tell him, I'm going to tell the zealots, and hopefully join their faction. In this entire scenario, I will disguise myself as Vasily Karpov, the man who is incredibly religious to the original belief of Hydra. With this I'm planning to use the zealots as my personal shield from the angry dictator faction", I said smiling.

"Wait hold up, hold up. Alexander Pierce is part of Hydra?! You never told me that, you only told me that Hydra infiltrated SHIELD, you never told me that one of the holders of the Alpha clearance was HYDRA!?" Howard said frantically.

"Oh yeah, we'll talk about that later. Anyway, in there I plan to infiltrate Hydra the same way they infiltrated SHIELD. Poetic ain't it?", I said to Howard.

"You're a mad man", Howard said.

"Hahahahaha, maybe I am". I look back at the 500 reanimated corpse and said to Howard, "This 500 reanimated corpse will be the core group of my faction, my Phantoms as I like to call them".

"Do want to know something funny?" I asked Howard.


"Hydra has an academy where they trained recruits. I find this extremely funny. I wonder how orientation goes", I said while giggling. "Hey kids, we are going to teach you about world dominations", I could not handle it anymore and laugh.

"They do? How do they even get children to join?" Howard said with shock in his voice.

"I don't know, but I'm hoping that the zealot's faction will give me some of those members when I join. I especially want to get my hands on one of their graduates", I said to him.

"You want to bring a hydra agent into your inner circle? You are most definitely mad", Howard said with sarcasm.

"Don't worry about it", I replied.

"Anyway, we had spent enough time in this base that my clone who I left in Yakutsk had already returned to the states. He will summon all of you back to the Lighthouse. I'm hoping that my clone will be able to train these super-soldiers, but your serum made them extremely aggressive. If they can't, I'll place seals on them compensate", I said to him.

I was hoping that the Phantoms will at least have the right mind to study how to manipulate their chakra.  If the serum ruined their brain, then I will compensate in placing seals inside their entire body. I'm particularly liking the idea of an exploding seal written in their fist, even if the seal destroys a portion of their limbs it will regenerate anyway.

"What about Bucky? You can't summon him, you didn't kill him. What will you do with him" Howard asked with curiosity.

"I intend to use the red book to order him to go to the Lighthouse, once he is there my clone will also begin his healing process. Since his mind is so fuck up it will take time to cure him, in fact, I believe that we still need to place him in a Cryostasis chamber after each treatment. Only when he is fully cured will he no longer be frozen." I said.

"How long will that take?" Howard asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe a year or two. How do you feel working with him?" I asked.

"…..I don't know…I..honestly don't know", Howard said weakly.

"I understand that", I said to him as I took out a stack of explosives tags I made.

"I need to plant explosives around the base. In about an hour or two my clone will summon you", I said to him as I left him to place explosive tags throughout the facility.

After placing the tags, I went to Bucky and woke him up. I said the code words and ordered him to go to the location of the lighthouse and told him he will get more instructions in there. He took all the stuff he needed and left the base.


Right now, I was the only person left in the Siberian base, I double-check everything and saw that I didn't leave behind anything that might lead to any clues in what happened in the facility. Afterward, I left the base and watch in a safe distance as I activated multiple exploding tags.


The sound of explosion accompanying the raging fire could be seen in the distance. I was probably 5 kilometers away from the base and I could still feel the heat. This causes the snow in the mountains to avalanche down.

Seeing this I ran and said, "Wasn't me".


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