Here, Have a Cookie a Pokemon Fanfiction

Chapter 34

“You agreed that we would do WHAT?” May shouted.

I attempted to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat as I backed away nervously from my angry girlfriend. If Suzy witnessed half of the horrifying things I just saw in those eyes, she had far more mental fortitude than I did.

“I didn’t agree to anything, yet. I said I’d talk to you first. This is me. Talking to you first.” I hastily put my bag between us, hoping the buffer would save me.

“Lea, I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but we are a danger magnet.” May started pacing in front of her bed. “Bad things happen in our general vicinity everywhere we fucking go. Why would I actively spend an extended amount of time around an angry picket line?”

“Because we have to get past the angry picket line anyway to drop off President Stone’s package?” I asked hopefully.

The noises that came out of May’s mouth barely qualified as human, and I slowly backed away even further as my girlfriend slammed her fist into one of her pillows. Feathers pushed out from the top and spread out through the room, their quills shining in the morning sunlight.

“I regret agreeing to that stupid fucking errand.” May huffed before turning around and slamming into the bedspread with her arms crossed. Her face froze. “We still have to fucking find Steven on this Island. Ahh!” May leaned her head back, bumping into the base board of the bed.

“I’m not sure how well turning down a personal request from one of the most powerful and wealthy individuals in Hoenn would go. Though...” I winced. “Is Steven even still here? It’s been-”

“Steven’s expedition underground was slated to last through the end of next month,” May said.

“Eh?” I tilted my head.

“I called while you were in the hospital.” May leaned forward and groaned.

“What?” I asked.

“I... nothing. I’m just, annoyed.” May sighed. “And a little scared.” She looked away.

I joined her on the bed and grabbed her hand. “I get it, okay? The video I watched was terrifying. That crowd looked anything but peaceful.” I rubbed a circle on May’s hand with my thumb, and frowned when I noticed her tense.

“Are you-”

“Block’s still in place. Doesn’t really seem to be doing much, though.” I smiled reassuringly at her.

“Why exactly is Jasmine picking something so dangerous to launch her career off of?” May shook her head and pushed herself up before getting out of bed.

“For real, she’s on the same island as a former...” I trailed off as the words that were coming out of my mouth registered. “Stone didn’t say we couldn’t tell people what we were doing on this island, did he?”

May grinned at the idea. “No, he didn’t. Think she’ll go for it?”

“I think she’d be stupid not too. Steven dropped off the face of the earth when he stepped down. Granted, getting him to agree to anything is probably not happening-”

“But there’s a chance. Sergei,” May said.

The phone floated up from the floor, dragging a pair of socks up with him. “I was in the middle of a heated forum war. What?”

“I wanted to call dad, and make sure he’s aware of what’s happening in Slateport.” May grabbed Sergei out of the air and flipped to her contacts, slowly walking towards the deck.

“Oi, I like talking to Norman too, you know?” The covers wrapped around my legs as I pushed myself up off the bed and I fell forward. The carpet did not, in fact, soften the landing.

May giggled before grinning down at my sprawled form. “I just want some one on one time with dad, okay?” May slid the door open. “I... want to be better about that. I didn’t think you were ever going to get off the phone with Eve last night.”

“I was making up for not hanging out with her more in Rustboro.” I pushed myself up and chucked the blanket’s back up onto our bed. “This thing is going to kill one of us before we leave this island. Go have fun with your dad for a bit, and don’t spend the whole time talking about psychotic environmental groups, okay?”

May smiled and nodded at me before closing the door behind her. Emilie appeared in front of me as soon as the door clicked closed.

“Enjoy your shower?” I asked.

“I’m not appropriately sized for the activity.” Emilie glowered down at the floor. “I really hope the next center we stay at has a bath again. I liked those.”

“You do realize you could just fill up the sink and use that, right? You’re small enough.” I grinned as she claimed her usual spot. “We could even get you a Rubber Psyducky.”

“Please stop treating me like a small child,” Emilie complained.

“But you make it so easy, and that image is entirely too adorable for me to resist.” I grinned at my starter before frowning and looking away. “The block’s going bye bye tonight, isn’t it?”

Emilie froze.

“Multiple days where we don’t meditate together, your cryptic advice to just enjoy life today... I’m not stupid, Emilie.” I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat.

“I never said you were, I just...” Emilie looked away. “I was hoping you wouldn’t realize something was up until tonight. I didn’t want you to worry about it.”

I grinned bitterly before lightly bumping her nose.

“Oi.” Emilie rubbed her face before glaring at me.

“You being emo and moody is a terrible look for you. It’s completely uncute. Children are supposed to be adorable.” I walked towards the bathroom and grabbed my brush, before wincing back from the mirror in disgust. How the fuck was I supposed to comb that?

“I regret telling you my age. All you’ve done is tease me about it.” Emilie pouted.

“Yeah- well.” I winced as I slowly pulled through a knot. “You take yourself too seriously sometimes. It’s good to get made fun of every once in a while. Keeps things light.” I smiled confidently. “We’ll push through this and be better than ever, ya hear? So, no doom and gloom. This is going to be my day, and I’m very much looking forward to our personal baking class.” Right after we deal with Absol.

“Er... it might not be just you and me.” A blush dusted Emilie’s cheeks as she pushed her hands together. “I might have mentioned something about it when I was talking to Gawain and the rest of Wally’s team last night. I know Gwen and Nimue were interested in attending, and everyone else thought it would be a fun group activity and-”

“I get to host my own baking class!” A smile pulled at my lips at the thought. “I can have my own baking legion.” I pulled down harder than intended and bit back a curse as a bit of hair got pulled from my scalp.

“I regret so many things...” Emilie sighed. “I’m looking forward to it, though. Please don’t go mad with power and rule the class with an iron fist.” Emilie pointed at me accusingly as I opened my mouth. “I can see the visions forming in your head, and I refuse.”

I jutted out my bottom lip and stared pleadingly at my starter. “But the apron would look so cute on you.”

“No.” Emilie held firm as a swirling blue aura emanated from her small body.

I sighed. “Fiiine. Killjoy.”

I sighed before lifting my hand and pounding on the door of Wayne and Jasmine’s room, flanked by Wally and May with Emilie on my shoulder.

I heard some shuffling behind the door and frowned as I heard something crash.

“Fuck.” Jasmine’s shout was muffled, and the pitch was grating and slightly warbled against my ears.

“Jasmine?” I shouted. “You good?”

“One sec.” More weird sounds played out from behind the door, until finally, after what felt like an eternity, it opened.

I leaned back in mild shock. Jasmine’s hair was a frayed and chaotic mess. It looked like an attempt was made to pull it back and at least straighten it, but it still looked positively wild and unkempt. Dark circles dusted the skin below her eyes, and the general smell wafting out from her room almost knocked me on my ass.

“Hey.” Her voice sounded strained, and the smile she plastered on her face looked fake.

“Not much of a morning person, huh?” Wally’s tone was light and joking, but the tone through the respirator made it sound like an insult. Wally winced. “Sorry, that was meant to be a-”

“I know.” Jasmine said. “I, uh. Didn’t get much sleep last night.” She looked bashfully at the group before wincing and moving to the side. “Right, uh. Come in. Sorry, the place is a bit of a mess.”

Mess was an understatement. This put May’s disasters back home to shame. A half-eaten pizza was on the table, with grease stains lining the inside of the box. A fresh stain was starting to set in the carpeting, and the faint scent of wine wafted my way. The couch looked well laid in. Like Jasmine had been in it for most of the night.

There was a half-eaten container of Whitney’s brand moo moo ice cream on the floor right next to the couch. That was not a good sign.

“So... uh. What’s up?” Jasmine’s fake smile was off putting, but what made it so much worse were the actual emotions that I could literally feel rolling off of her in waves. Desperation, fear, worry, loss, hopelessness...

Rage, regret, jealousy, what the fu-

Emilie teleported from my shoulder and landed on Jasmine’s head.

“Oi, my hair’s already fucked up, get off.” Jasmine reached up and grabbed my starter before freezing.

“Emilie, what are you-”

My reprimand died as a wail echoed off the walls. My hands shot up to my ears instinctively, and I desperately tried to block as much of the sound as I could. It was like a Scyther running his blade up and down a violin.

Just as quickly as it had started, it stopped. The world stilled as a dark aura shrouded Jasmine. Emilie was thrown backwards, slamming into the wall behind her as a cheshire grin stretched across Jasmine’s face.

Gawain erupted from his ball and launched himself towards... whatever that was. It sure as fuck wasn’t Jasmine. He teleported up and placed his palm against Jasmine’s forehead and leaned forward, knocking her to the ground in the process. Jasmine opened her mouth again, but no sound came out this time. Instead, an odd black mist burst forth from her eyes and mouth as Wally’s hand glowed blue. The wisps ensnared Gawain, wrapping themselves around his limbs as he worked. He paid them no heed as they to, glowed blue.

Emilie had pulled herself up from the floor and had lifted her own hands up. She was shaking as she struggled, desperately, to keep the black wisps controlled.

“Kirlia!” Gawain shouted out a warcry as he pulled up from Jasmine, pulling up something inhuman and unnatural as he rose up from the ground.

The black mist thrashed and writhed against Emilie and Gawain’s collective hold before condensing down into a small, floating mass of concentrated spite. Tendrils extended back before shifting to a lighter purple, orbs shined before solidifying around the center of the writhing mass of shadows, and the smell of burnt incense filled the air as a pair of bright red, piercing eyes opened wide.

“Misdreavus.” The word echoed through the room with homicidal intent as she lurched forward, slamming into Gawain in an instant before phasing through him completely.

Gawain gasped before falling forward as the ghost glided through the air. Making a beeline straight for me. My eyes widened as I fell backwards, scrambling to get away from the monster that loomed overhead. One of my Poke Balls opened on their own, and Joern was on the attack, a ball of water already forming between his hands.

Before he even got the chance, a red line slammed into Misdreavus from behind. She wailed out in surprise before being pulled back into a single, black ball with green circles all over it. Jasmine shook as she held the ball in place before flipping the lock shut and sagging back down into the ground.

Wally rushed forward and helped her to her feet as May and Joern both helped me to mine. Gawain shakily got back to his feet before walking over to Emilie.

“I’m fine, Sir Gawain.” Emilie smiled as Gawain leaned back in shock. “I think you’ve earned that title, today.” Her voice was shaky as she fell forward.

Gawain grabbed her before she could hit the ground, but the weight was enough to bring him down. ‘My lady, I think we should both take a breather.’

“Breather sounds good. I don’t think I’m getting up any time soon.” Emilie rolled so that she was facing upwards.

I jogged forward and scooped her up from the ground. “Good thing we’re in a center, huh?”

Emilie nodded.

“What on earth was that... thing?” Wally’s voice shook as he stuttered out the question.

“That... was Misdreavus. My own personal curse.” Jasmine gingerly took a few steps forward before collapsing down on the couch. “Thank you. That was... torturous.”

“That was a Misdreavus!?” I leaned back. “But... it looked nothing like-”

“They wouldn’t.” May cut me off shakily before taking my hand. Her skin was like ice, and I suddenly realized how cold it was in here. “Misdreavus are pure ghosts. The pokedex does its best to give a generalized picture of it at its most stable, but those... things lack a physical form. They’re just emotions and regret made manifest.”

I guided us to the couch opposite Jasmine and slowly sat down. Wally claimed the spot next to Jasmine and Joern sat cross-legged on the floor.

‘I’m usually all for a challenge, but I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew with that one,’ Joern said.

Jasmine chuckled. “I wish I could get rid of it. Every time I try it finds its way back.” Jasmine looked away before sighing. “I’ve tried reasoning with it, handing it off to gym leaders, giving it to the rangers... it just always comes back. It finds me.”

“I’m never complaining about Lucas’s bad jokes again...” I muttered. “I just realized how much worse my most recent capture could have been. Do you know why it’s obsessed with you?”

“It’s been like this since I caught it the first time. I don’t know why it hates me so much. It just...” Jasmine trailed off, her voice breaking as she started to shake.

Wally moved closer and gave her a sideways hug. Jasmine instantly turned and started crying into his shoulder and Wally froze, before slowly bringing his hand down and rubbing her back.

“Er... there, there.”

Wally, you’re terrible at this.

Another ball on my belt opened on its own, and Lucas levitated towards Jasmine. ‘I’m glad you put her in time out. This is the living room, no place for a ghost like that.’

Jasmine tensed against Wally’s hold the second she turned and saw exactly what was talking to her. I moved to grab his ball, but Emilie stopped me.

‘Look, baby, you’re way better than that shitty spook, so don’t let it get you down. If it bothers you again, I’ve got more than a few points to make with it. In fact, I might even have a whole edge!’ Lucas floated slightly closer.

Jasmine didn’t outwardly react as she stared at Lucas with wide eyes.

‘Damn, I’m bombing hard, here. Suppose I should hire myself some ghost writers.’ Lucas paused in thought for a moment. ‘Wait, I think I qualify for my own application, tell me, do you think I have a face that would wow the boss? Really make me stick out for the job I’m going for here?’

“I... you’re applying to yourself for the position?” Jasmine’s face scrunched up as she tried to work through Lucas’s circular logic.

Lucas paused for a moment to think things over in his head. ‘Huh, you’re right. I’m already all but guaranteed the position. Thanks for that!’

“I was hoping he’d make her feel better, I put too much faith in his sense of humor,” Emilie said before teleporting above Lucas. “Ghost writers should neither be seen, nor heard.” She phased right through him and landed in a heap on the carpeting.

Lucas chuckled heartily as she pulled herself up from the ground. ‘Really floored you with one, eh?’

Lucas stopped moving as his body glowed blue. Two pillows slammed into him from the couch as Emilie glared.

“If your sword is as sharp as your wit, you’re the weakest member of the team,” Emilie said.

The pillows fell limply to the ground as Lucas grinned at my starter. Before he had a chance to retort, a light chuckle stopped both of my Pokémon in their tracks.

Jasmine had a smile on her as she looked around the room. “Thanks for that, guys. I appreciate the slapstick comedy routine.” She sighed before leaning away from Wally. “Sorry about that, Wally. I’ve had a rough couple of days.”

“Don’t mention it, happy to help.” The words that came out of Wally’s mouth were rushed and panicked.

“Where’s Wayne?” Emilie asked.

Jasmine winced before looking away, an ashen look on her face. “He left the center last night after a fight. I... I said something stupid.” She waved her hand around the room. “Misdreavus got excited with how miserable I was and managed to phase out of her ball while I was about... halfway through that pint of ice cream. She wanted to... savor the emotions.” Jasmine shivered. “She heightened all the bad emotions and kept me trapped in a loop of fuck ups and regret while she got to run the show.”

“You going to be okay?” I glanced across the table with a frown. “I... uh. Know how rough something like that can be.”

“You don-” Jasmine stopped before looking away. “I guess you’re right. I’ll push through, don’t worry. I...” Jasmine trailed off. “Honestly, I just want to find Wayne. This trip isn’t worth the trouble. The crap I just saw... I refuse to be that person anymore.” Jasmine clenched her fists before standing up.

“I’m... feeling a little lost,” May said.

“Yeah... look. I know you guys were probably wanting to do something, but... I’m not really in much of a mood right now. I need to find Wayne and fix what I fucked up. We can talk later, alright?” Jasmine sprinted out of the room before I could even offer up a reply, Ignoring May’s question in its entirety.

“I... So does this mean we’re waiting even longer to talk to Absol, or” May stopped talking at the glare we collectively levelled at her. “Right, shutting up now.”

Wally stood up and started to collect the trash that had been strewn about the room. “Gawain, could you do me a favor and follow her? I... don’t know that leaving her on her own is a good idea right now.”

Gawain rose to his full height and nodded once. ‘An excellent course of action, my liege. I shall endeavor that nothing untoward shall happen to Lady Jasmine.’ Gawain bowed before disappearing.

I narrowed my eyes as Wally scooped up the carton of melted ice cream and started walking towards the trash.

“Still not my type,” Wally said cheekily. “Wayne is a lucky man, though.”

“Hopefully,” May muttered.

I nodded before getting up and helping Wally clean up the room.

“Also, your look is very hurtful. I’m a knight of virtue and loyalty, ya hear?” Wally took a deep rasping breath as he finished, his hand held out in a fist in front of him.

Emilie waved her hand towards Wally. ‘I warned you about this in Rustboro, but nooo, you had to take up for the hedge knight.’

I stuck my tongue out at her before grinning at Wally. “I’m sorry for questioning your knightly virtue. Though if you were anything like what most actual knights were like, my concerns would probably be warranted. Toss me that waste bin, would you? I’ll help clean up.”

I picked up a few bottles and tossed them in, before looking back at my oddly quiet girlfriend.

She was half way through a slice of pizza.

I gagged. “May that is disgusting.”

“What?” May waved towards the box. “I’m hungry, and this is perfectly serviceable. Cold pizza’s great. This room is like ice.”

“We just had breakfast!” I shouted.

May ignored me and took another bite. I groaned as Emilie teleported to my shoulder and patted me on the head.

‘Sure can pick em, huh?’ she asked teasingly.

I sighed and nodded, before lifting up some old newspaper clippings. I grabbed the can before my arms froze in place.

‘Just... put those in a nice pile on the kitchen table.’ Emilie’s voice in my head sounded sad. ‘They’re important to Jasmine.’

‘What have I told you about-’

‘I’ve been good, don’t worry. I just... look at the name on the articles.’

I frowned before thumbing through. They all bore the same name. Gabby Jameson.

‘That last name is Jasmine’s last name,’ Emilie said.

I froze before leaning back.

Emilie smiled at me. ‘The only thing I’ve picked out from Jasmine is basic stuff. I don’t even know the relation.’

I gingerly collected the clippings and put them in a neat stack on the table, careful not to accidentally rip any.

Gawain reappeared in the room with a crack.

“Is everything alright?” Wally asked.

Gawain nodded. ‘I stopped trailing after her when she ran into Wayne about halfway to the other center, my liege. I figured she’d be in capable hands, and I didn’t want to intrude.’ He shifted his gaze towards a Poke Ball on my belt. ‘I also felt that it would be prudent to make sure I'm here for... that’

I groaned before looking at May. “I suppose we shouldn’t put it off, should we?”

May shook her head.

I sighed. “Alright, let’s get Gawain and Emilie looked over before we tackle May’s own personal curse.”

The sand felt warm against my feet as I looked out across the makeshift training ground outside the center. The sun beat down on my skin and as I looked across my full team. We had made a quick trip to the front desk to make sure everyone was as able bodied as possible to deal with this. Lucas stared down at the ball in my hand with a pinched... decal? Calling them eyebrows didn’t feel right.

The rest of the squad just looked focused.

“If this doesn’t go well, we’re shipping her off to Norman or Birch, got it?” I asked before turning to look at May, who was currently squared up behind Leshy and Suzy. Samie stood motionless in the middle of the beach, his mouth pointed towards the heavens.

May bit her lip, but slowly nodded. “I can agree to that. I just... I want to try and help her, if I can. I know I’m being stupid, but...”

“You are.” Wally rasped out the reply, his full squad minus Gawain at the ready. “Either party would be better equipped to deal with this.”

May didn’t say anything, she just glared at Wally before nodding at me. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

I sighed before lifting up the ball. Emilie lifted up her arms, and a layer of sand rose up to about waist level around us. I smiled before aiming the ball away from our group and unclicking the lock.

The ball burst open instantly, and Absol formed a solid five meters away from me. She shook her fur out before staring intently at May.

The entire clearing seemed to still for what felt like an eternity. No one moved an inch.

“Okay, so-”

Absol lunged forward towards May, and I hit the return button on her ball. A single red line raced outwards and pulled her back into the ball. I held it closed and stared at May.

“That’s not looking good for your chances,” I said.

“Honestly, that went better than I thought it would, I fully expected her to charge me the second she got out of the ball.” May smiled at me. Fucking smiled. The nerve-

I aimed the ball away from us again and relaxed my grip. Absol formed further away this time in a sitting position. She glared at me with a dry, plain expression.

“Alright, so are you going to play nice and talk to us like a rational Pokémon or are we going to play this fun little mini game for thirty minutes? I’m cool with either.” I returned Absol’s glare.

She remained tight lipped.

“Talkative,” Emilie said. “Legends above, I wish I could break into that head of yours.”

Absol’s expression relaxed slightly, and she grinned at Emilie with a half lidded gaze.

Smug bitch.

I glanced at May and motioned my head towards the Absol.

She jumped up before nodding. “Right, uh. Hi.”

Absol and I shared an expression as we looked at May.

“Mood, anyway. I wanted to talk. I... know you probably don’t want to talk to me, but I felt like-”

Absol sprinted towards her again.

I sighed and recalled her. “I wasn’t joking earlier, I’m down to play the mini game. I grinded sub quests for hours just to get a pair of virtual sandals, don’t think I won’t do this for half an hour.”

The ball shook in my hand and I face palmed.

“I’m an idiot. May, just talk into the damn ball. It’ll save me from having to recall the stupid dog.” I held my hand out towards her.

“Actually, Absol belongs to the Feline family of Pokémon. There physical characteristics lend themselves more to Pokémon like Skitty and Meowth than-”

“If you’re about to tell me that thing isn’t a Dog Pokémon, I’m putting you on the couch tonight.” Please don’t call my bluff.

“Tauros shit.”

Dammit. Why did that come from three different voices?

“It’s a dog Pokémon. It looks like a dog Pokémon. It walks like a dog Pokémon. It BARKS like a dog Pokémon.” I glared at my girlfriend as she casually pulled out her dex. “I don’t give a fuck what the dex says. The dex is wrong!”

“Now that’s just you being ignorant. You’re going to argue with a-” May froze as she scanned through the article, before flushing bright red and putting the machine away. “Okay, we’re not referencing THAT again. Ho boy.”

“Can we get back to the reason we’re here. You’ve already lost ten minutes from your time, May.” Wally glared at both of us.

“It’s only been five!” May shouted, pointing accusingly at Wally. “We agreed to thirty minutes.”

“I’m altering the deal.” Wally met May’s glare with his own. “Pray that I don’t alter it further.”

I grinned. “Well done, my apprentice.”

“Alright, if that’s how you want to play it.” May took a deep breath, and Suzy quickly took a step away from her trainer. “Absol, I know you think I’ve screwed up your life but I don’t really know how and I’m sorry for whatever I did and I know that doesn’t mean much but honestly I don’t think your purpose has to change that much if you’ll just listen and-”

“Breathe,” I ordered.

May stopped and sucked in a huge breath of air.

‘Cap, are you sure your lass is altogether... with it?’ Apollo asked.

‘She’s just flustered. She hates getting put on the spot like this,’ I said. “Please just talk like a normal person, May. Talking to the dog-”


“Dog through the ball is already scuffed, don’t make it worse by trying to rush through it.” I smiled at her. “Just... be you, alright?”

May glanced nervously at the ball before nodding. “Your life doesn’t have to change, Absol. You’re supposed to protect that sword, right? Nothing’s stopping you from guarding it with us. You don’t have to live your life in a dark cave anymore. Just... continue your purpose with us.” May frowned.

The ball in my hand shook a bit and I stared down at it worriedly. “This would be your third strike. If you rush at May, I’m recalling you, locking your ball, and shipping you off to parts unknown, got it?” I lifted my arm and released Absol.

The white furred dog sat tiredly across the beach, and I let loose a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding when she didn’t rush at us.

‘Why on earth would I willingly travel with you morons?’ She tilted her head and glared at me in particular when she uttered the insult.

I thumbed the red and white ball for a second and the Absol tensed.

“Lea, please don’t antagonize her.”

I whipped my head around and stared at May in mild disbelief before immediately twisting back around to keep Absol in my sights. “She fucking started it!”

“I know, but reprimanding her isn’t going to do anything, so please act like you're the oldest member of the group for like... ten minutes,” May said.

I glared angrily at the smug look Absol’s face. “The reason you’ll listen to May and travel with us is because that’s the only way you get to carry on your ‘purpose’. Because Lucas isn’t going back to that dark creepy cave with you, got it?”

‘I think you’re a very pretty pokemon, but I’m just not into you like that, okay?’ Lucas grinned.

Absol’s entire face went red. ‘Shut up, demon sword. You won’t-’

‘Not a demon sword.’ Leshy cut Absol off with a bored command as he started walking forward. ‘In fact, if the walking encylopedia that is my trainer is correct, the sword houses the spirit of your former master, so-’

Absol started laughing and Leshy glared out across the beach.

‘Just how old do you think I am, weed?’ she asked.

Four vines launched across the beach and wrapped around Absol’s legs. ‘Old enough to behave better than this.’ Leshy glared balefully at the bored looking Absol.

‘We both know you’re not going to do anything, your master would be cross.’ Absol leered down at Leshy, before wincing as the vines began to tighten.


‘Calm down, old man. You’re giving her what she wants.’ Suzy walked forward and patted Leshy’s flower a few times.

Leshy sighed before setting the dark type down. A single vine stayed out for a second to pat Absol on the head condescendingly before retracting with the others.

‘Why does the red wearing human want this thing again?’ Ogier asked.

‘Some kind of weird human sentiment, I think,’ Gwen replied.

Nimue smacked them both on the back of their heads with her wings. ‘Quiet.’

“Look, I know you don’t like me. You blame me for screwing up your life. I get it.” May’s voice didn’t waver this time as she stared down at Absol. “I wish I could release you and go about my business, but I can’t. You’ve got two options in front of you right now. Stay with us, live your life serving your ‘purpose’ as you were before in a much more pleasant setting.” May stopped talking and stared down at Absol with a frown. “Or get shipped off to Professor Birch’s lab and spend your life on his ranch. The choice is yours.”

Absol glared back up at May before sighing. ‘Not much of a choice. I’m being taken from my ancestral home either way.’

“You lost the right to complain about that the second you tried to off my girlfriend. Please do me a favor and pick option two.” I lifted up the poke ball and pointed it at Absol.

‘Such a warm welcome to your new teammate, how could I possibly leave?’ Absol leered back at me. ‘I suppose, if I must, suffering your presence wouldn’t be the worst thing I’ve ever done for my familial obligations.’ She looked away. ‘Thought it’s fairly close.’

A small unseen force held me back as I leaned forward. Emilie smiled at me as I glared at her.

‘Go ahead and return me, witch. I’m tired of looking at you,’ Absol said.

I obliged instantly, recalling the stupid dog. “Send the damn thing to Birch anyway. Fuck, I cannot stand her.” I tossed the ball back to May after locking it again.

“Thank you for giving me a chance.” May talked into the ball before grinning up at me. “And thank you for not going off the rails. I know that was hard for you. I’m sorry about the whole act your age comment... That was uncalled for.”

I glared at my girlfriend before sighing. “You're forgiven, I was madder at the dog than I was at you.”

“Please be sickeningly sweet to each other somewhere else. You’re giving me a toothache,” Wally complained. “So, the murder hobo is staying on the squad?”

“Can that be her nickname, please?” I stared at May pleadingly.

May shook her head. “I’ll come up with something on my own for this one, I think. Neither of you can be trusted.” She sighed. “Though honestly, I think I’ll have plenty of time to think. I’m not going to try and give her a name until she’s really a part of the team. I think we’re a long ways away from that happening.”

“Now then.” Emilie cut into the conversation and smiled eagerly at me. “Can we pleeeeease have our cooking class now?”

I smiled at her and nodded.

“Cooking-” May stopped talking as Emilie turned to focus on her. “Aww,” May cooed at my starter.

“Shut up.” Emilie pouted before looking back at me pleadingly.

I grinned back at her before looking at everyone else on the beach. “Who else wants to join my class?” I smiled as several hands and wings lifted up into the air.

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