Here, Have a Cookie a Pokemon Fanfiction

Chapter 33

“May, your stupid machine has got to be malfunctioning. There’s no way the only move you know is Cut!” I shouted to my girlfriend that wasn’t even here.

‘I told you,’ Lucas said, floating further away from me as I stared down at May’s machine in contempt. ‘I Cut things.’

I actively didn’t even know if it was Gawain or Emilie translating right now, God this training session was so scuffed.

“That’s not something to feel... ugh!” I groaned as Apollo flew up to my shoulder.

‘Don’t worry, cap. We’ll get the spook his sea legs,’ Apollo patted my head with his wing.

‘That’ll be a neat trick, considering he doesn’t have normal legs,’ Joern commented.

Lucas started giggling and I ran my hand down my face.

“Please, Joern. Don’t start. You’re my one bastion of sanity on my whole team. I need you to not,” I cried. “I’m begging you here.”

‘I suppose, for you, I’ll abstain. At least for a little bit. Are there any moves that he learns naturally that we can help with?’ Joern peeked over my shoulder at the dex.

I clicked a few buttons and a list popped up. A grin pulled at my lips as I stared at Apollo. “You might be helping him more than you thought. He naturally picks up Aerial Ace.”

Apollo returned my grin. ‘Really now. I get to personally put the swabbie through his paces.’ He grinned malevolently at Lucas. ‘I suppose I could give the lad a hand. Though the training to be an ace flier is rather intense. I imagine he won’t be as adept as me, even if he does get it down in time for the match.’

“Do it, and I’ll put a few extra treats out for you tonight,” I said.

‘I would’ve done it for free, but thanks. Much appreciated.’ Apollo took off from my shoulder and flew out towards the sea. ‘Follow me, ya bilge rat. We’re doing this over open water.’


‘Trust me, it’s preferable. You’re going to screw up, and it’ll hurt less cutting into the sea than it will into the ground. Quit ye bellyaching and let’s get on with it,’ Apollo ordered.

Lucas glared for a moment before nodding and floating after him.

I shifted to look at Joern and frowned. “Did Apollo seem... harsh?”

‘A little. Probably a pecking order thing,’ Joern said. ‘I know he mentioned hazing new guys when they joined the crew he ran with before.’

“He didn’t do that with you.” I pointed out.

‘I apparently earned his respect in our battle. I don’t know. I’m doing good to work through our crew’s quirks on a good day, don’t ask me how they work.’ Joern sighed as he turned and smiled at me.

“Now Apollo’s got you saying it,” I said with a smile.

‘I like the term,’ Joern said. ‘What’s on the docket for me?’

“Honestly, Joern, with you, we’re kind of at the point where most of what you learn is improving what you know. Turning absorb into Mega Drain, speeding up Water Pulse, making it rain faster...” I trailed off as Joern sagged.

‘So basically, improve my core kit.’ He sighed. ‘Great.’

“Sorry, most of your improved coverage options more or less need a TM to show you how the fuck things work.” I thought for a moment before remembering something from his fight against Gwen. “There is one thing, though. You managed to work the Waltz into your Rain Dance and set up while avoiding attacks, you might try working on improving your implementations. If we can do that consistently-”

‘Then I’ll be able to set up rain under duress.’ Joern grinned. ‘I’ll see what I can do. I’ll find a secluded spot, so you won’t get drenched.’

“My whole team is abandoning me, what the hell am I supposed to do?” I looked at Joern pleadingly.

‘Rest, because you just got out of the hospital,’ Joern glared pointedly at me.

I sighed before nodding and leaning back into the sand. “I suppose I could catch some rays. Maybe even up my tan a bit...” I frowned. “Don’t wander too far away, though. I don’t trust this Island not to throw something random at us for funsies.”

‘Didn’t plan on it.’ Joern waved as he started walking away, and I threw my arms back behind my head and relaxed.

“I should have brought my suit,” I muttered.

‘I wouldn’t recommend that, my lady,’ Gawain said, teleporting directly in front of me.

“BAH!” I jumped a good solid foot from the ground before coming down hard into the sand. I coughed a few times and winced as sand got in more than a few uncomfortable places. “Dammit, Gawain. Don’t do that.” I stared nervously as I scooted back slightly, my heart hammering in my chest. Calm down, Lea. It’s just Gawain. Calm down. “Surprised to see you, honestly. Your team getting on your nerves?”

‘I find it... difficult, to be around Gwen for extended periods of time,’ Gawain explained. ‘Also, apologies, Lady Lea. I did not mean to startle you. That said, if you’re going to take a nap, I encourage you to do it under shade. Red would not be as good a color for you as it is for your paramour.’

Para- oh, May.

“Fair enough, I guess. It’s just a lovely day out here. This is something out of one of my fantasies. I think every wage slave on the planet dreams of taking a nice vacation to a tropical paradise.” I slowly got to my feet. “You’re right though. Sunburns suck.”

‘Not a problem, Lady Lea. Always happy to help.’ Gawain beamed at me before looking away. ‘Alas, though... I feel like my actions recently have anything but helpful. Our fight earlier... I let personal grievances and my own pride stand in the way of an honorable duel. I feel that I had lost control of myself.’ Gawain shivered. ‘I... did not like that feeling.’

“Could you describe it?” My voice came out shaky. Dammit all, Lea, It's just Gawain! Calm the fuck down.

Gawain turned back to me and frowned. ‘It was like... a guiding hand was directing my actions. I couldn’t ignore it, no matter how hard I tried. I already apologized profusely to Wally. His tactics might have proven better suited to dealing with Emilie’s more... surgical style.’ Gawain chuckled. ‘I’ve dueled with her so many times, yet I’ve never proven myself the victor. I thought...’

“Yeah, Emilie’s awesome.” I bragged, hoping the bravado would calm my heart down. “Still though, you were also impressive. Don’t sell yourself short just because you didn’t beat the toughest Ralts around.” I sighed. “She could stand to be a bit nicer, though. She was... way out of line earlier.”

Gawain raised both of his hands and shook his head.

‘Bah, I don’t really care that much. Lady Emilie has always found my ways cumbersome. I'm just... not used to feeling everything so vividly. My head is clearer now, and honestly, I don’t know why I was mad in the first place.' Gawain shifted in place and blushed a bit. 'I was... actually hoping to talk with her.’

I tilted my head. “What for? No offense, but I would figure she’d be the last Pokémon you’d want to see right now.”

Gawain shook his head. ‘I need to learn.’ Gawain stated resolutely. ‘Emilie did hit the nail on the head earlier. I’m a Kirlia. Multitasking should come as easily as breathing, and yet,’ Gawain lifted his hand up and a pillar of sand rose behind him. He teleported to the left about three feet and the collumn collapsed instantly. ‘I can’t do it. I have no idea how to even learn. I’ve lost control of my emotions half a dozen times since evolving, usually to mine and my companions detriment. I... I want to learn to be better.’

“No one ever taught you?” I knew the Ralts line was very big on the whole... family unit thing. Parents were very hands on with training their kids.

‘I... for as long as I've been alive. I’ve been alone. I know not who my parents were nor what happened to them.’ He waved at his person. ‘By and large, all I know is self-taught, and I have a feeling I'm reaching the end of what I can achieve without proper guidance.’

“I’m... sorry for bringing that up,” I muttered, looking away.

Gawain laughed.

‘Worry not, my lady. You did not know. Besides, it is not something I feel that strongly about, I never had a chance to know them. I don’t mind talk-’

“You mind.” I interrupted. “The fact that you didn’t know them is what makes it so hard.” I swallowed before stepping closer to the knight. “You miss them, despite not knowing them, but you don’t have anything to hold onto to chase away that pain.”

Gawain suddenly went very quiet and still.

“It’s something I'm intimately familiar with,” I finished.

‘...right then.’ Gawain said with a sad smile pulling at his lips. ‘I won’t put up the same brave face with you, Lady Lea. I feel... that it would be an insult. Please forgive me.’ He bowed.

“There isn’t anything to forgive,” I replied. “I’ll talk to Emilie later. You guys can probably work something out.” I’d make her work something out if I had too.

‘Thank you.’ Another bow.

I needed to stop getting used to this.

“Would you stop that! Friends don’t... bow to other friends.” I laughed.

‘Alas, my lady, you honor me, but that is an arrangement I cannot honor. Forgive me.’ He bowed again, before disappearing in another teleport before I could chastise him.

“Whatever.” A smile tugged at my lips.

I glared down at Emilie as she squirmed under my gaze.

‘Please don’t make me do this,’ she begged.

‘Emilie, it’s just an apology. A real one this time.’ I didn’t know your thoughts could be exasperated. ‘And maybe a couple of tutoring sessions...’

‘Tutoring sessions!’ Emilie shook her head adamantly as she looked across the center to where Wally was playing a card game with his Pokémon.

Gawain kept splitting his focus between what he was doing and looking towards us.

‘I don’t want to train that clown.’

‘Emilie!’ I was just... so done. ‘Why is Gawain such a massive problem now? You tolerated him fine in Rustboro. I don’t get why this is such a massive ask for you.’

‘I... don’t feel like talking about it.’ Emilie looked away.

‘I’m withholding cookies from you till you talk to him, and to me.’

Emilie chuckled. ‘You’re out, remember?’ Her eyes lost a bit of color as she said that.

‘Nurse Joy gave me the go ahead to use her kitchen tomorrow.’ I countered.

Emilie groaned. ‘No fair.’

I poked her head.

‘Quit it. What does he want help with, anyway? What is above the great and powerful Gawain’s wheelhouse that little old me can do?’

‘He wants to know how to multitask. He can’t figure it out on his own,’ I said evenly.

Emilie scoffed. ‘Of course, why am I not surprised. Can’t even-’

‘He also wants help reigning in his fairy half. What happened today in our battle spooked him,’ I glared venomously at my starter.

Emilie stopped her tirade.

‘I know that’s a sensitive subject for you, but-’

‘I’ll help with that.’ Emilie interrupted me. ‘No promises on anything else, but...’ She bit her lip as she looked over at Gawain again. ‘I really want to know what you talked about earlier today.’

‘It was private,’ I explained. ‘Thank you for not just... looking.’

‘You’re welcome...’ Emilie looked at me and frowned before looking away. ‘Would you be opposed to a trade offer?’

‘Emilie, I hardly think you have any right to-’

‘Could I learn how to bake from you tomorrow?’ she asked with a blush.

Any and all words I was going to say died on my tongue as a warm feeling filled my very being. I stared down at her with a wide smile. ‘Now that, sounds like fun.’

A loud shout sounded from the table as Nimue moved a pile of chips closer to Ogier. Were they playing... oh that's adorable. I needed to tease them the next time I saw them.

‘But I expect a genuine apology, Emilie. None of the crap you tried to do today, alright?’ I asked.

Emilie nodded.

‘I’ll apologize.’ Emilie reassured me. ‘I’ll do it after they’re done with their game. Gawain’s trying to cheat, but Nimue and Ogier keep screwing with him with their hive mind crap. It might be a bit, so we still have time to talk.’ She looked away. ‘I am sorry if my actions displeased you.’

I giggled.

‘What?’ she asked.

‘You.’ I said. ‘That last line sounded like something you would have said when we first met. It threw me for a second.’

Emilie winced. ‘I... suppose that would make sense.’

‘Hey, I’m sorry if that upset you, I just noticed it and thought it was funny.’ Emilie looked off into space and I worried I had actually upset her.

‘It’s not that, it’s just... I am different from the Ralts I used to be.’ Emilie looked down in thought. ‘In both good and bad ways. I think spending so much time in your head has rubbed off on me.’ She looked back at me. ‘I wonder if that’s what Mom meant when she... I guess it is a bit jarring. Me changing so much in such a small amount of time.’

‘I’ll support you if you want to go talk to her,’ I said instantly. ‘I know what she did was kind of messed up... but she’s still your Mom.’

Emilie shook her head. ‘I still stand by what I said. She has to be the one to make the first move.’

Right... I wasn’t sure how Mama Gardevoir would FIND us to do that, but I guess she had her ways...

Good god that thought scared the fuck out of me.

‘If she doesn’t like who I am now, we’d just fight more. I’m not the same meek little Ralts that left home. She needs to figure that out.’

‘You’re still who you were too, though.’ I commented.

‘Who I was, was a small, sheltered, lonely child.’ Emilie countered. ‘I... didn’t like feeling like that again.’

‘Well, you never have to worry about the lonely part again. Trust me, after a few months, you’ll probably want to take a vacation to the glade just to get away from all of us. Our entire group belongs in an asylum.’

Emilie laughed. ‘I’m the craziest one here, because I like you all too much to leave.’ Emilie looked away shyly, a blush on her face. ‘Thanks.’

‘Any time.’

Wally’s table exploded in sound again, and I looked over. Nimue was dragging what looked like the rest of the chips towards Ogier and her side of the table. Gwen looked poleaxed, Wally glared at the duo, and Gawain just looked resigned.

‘That’s my que.’ Emilie stood up and turned. ‘By the way, Lea. Tomorrow... Just have as much fun as possible, okay? Go on a date with May, bake cookies with me, hell, have an interview with Wayne and Jasmine and play poker with Wally if you want. Just... enjoy yourself, okay?’

‘This sounds ominous as all hell.’ I mumbled. ‘You do realize we have a gym battle coming up, right?’

‘I just want you to enjoy the full breadth of what your journey has brought you so far. I’m not the only one who’s not a lonely child anymore. Enjoy it.’ Emilie disappeared in a light buzz.

I smiled at the sentiment but couldn’t help but worry at the undertones.

The doors to the center opened and I looked over as-

Holy shit.

I got up and sprinted across the lobby to put an arm under May as she limped into the center. Her clothes were torn up, there was a small gash on her left arm, and her hair was a frizzy, disorderly mess. What worried me though was that through it all, she was smiling like a loon.

“What the hell happened to you? Did we get hit by Space Rocks Three, Revenge of the Pricks?” I looked behind her in a blind panic.

May laughed. “No, you dumb ass, I’m fine.”

I gave her a very disbelieving look.

“Well, mostly fine. Help me get to the front desk, would you? I need to check my Pokémon in.”

I begrudgingly complied, doing my best to support her weight as we shuffled up to the front desk. I caught Wally standing up out of the corner of my eye as we moved in.

“Oh, my.” Nurse Joy said, leaning back at the sight of my girlfriend. “Hon, do you medical assistance or-”

“Nah, Lea’s got me covered. Just look over my Pokémon, please. Lea can play nurse,” May said with a grin.

I really don’t know how to feel that May was waggling her eyebrows when she said that.

Nurse Joy nodded, and May shifted in place as she reached toward her belt.

I looked down at the counter as May gingerly placed down, her first, second, third...

And fourth poke ball.

May’s Pov

May stared out at the small clearing she had found for herself, nestled behind the palm trees beyond the beach. She smiled at the grass beneath her feet, happy to be on more sure footing and far enough away from the ocean that she didn’t have to deal with the smell.

One thing this trip had shown her was that real life beaches did not hold up to fantasy. The sea fucking stunk.

The sun had long since set, but between Sergei and Suzy, visibility wasn’t much of a problem. Light bounced around the clearing well enough that May was able to get a good view of her struggling Pokemon as they worked through their own personal projects.

Leshy sneezed, eliciting a sigh from May as powder exploded outwards from his flower, coating the grass beneath him with a veritable cocktail of sweet smelling death.

“Honestly, Leshy. I think we’re good at this point if you want to start working on something else. Thirty minutes is more than good enough. Go ahead and switch from powder control to aiming your Razor Leaf better,” May ordered softly.

Leshy glared her way before closing his eyes and going back to what he was doing before he sneezed.

“If you want.” May hastily tacked on, backing away from the annoyed grass type.

“Ivy.” Leshy muttered, before going back to holding his focus. “Saur.”

May looked down at Sergei and sighed. Leshy didn’t think it was anywhere close to good enough, apparently.

“I... that’s fine,” May turned to her fire type.

Suzy stood with her eyes closed and her arms raised in front of a palm tree off to the side. “Busken!” She cried as she tried, and once again failed, to reach the speed and precision she needed. A new dent marred the most recent in a long string of failures to launch a successful Aerial Ace. A small bit of fire surrounded her fist as she slammed it into the ground. “Busk!”

“Apollo said you’d have a harder time learning this than Lucas would. You can’t leverage flight speed to make Aerial Ace work.” May walked over and patted Suzy on the back reassuringly, Sergei floating just at eye level. “You’ll get there, don’t worry.”

Suzy sighed before turning and grinning at me. “Sucks that I couldn’t get more one on one time with him. Why’d you have to go and send your girl home early, huh?”

“Lea just got out of the hospital. She shouldn’t be out here working with her Pokémon till midnight,” May said, a frown etched into her face.

“And we do?” Suzy asked. “Brawly seemed pretty chill when we talked in the hospital. I don’t think he’d be likely to jump up the difficulty on us like Roxanne did, so we should just be fighting something we already know we can beat.”

May sighed. “I wanted Leshy to be able to hang out more, and to do that, he needs to be able to control his powders better.” The excuse sounded even stupider when she said it out loud.

“You can just tell me you’re worried, ya know?” Suzy said.

May snapped up to look at Suzy.

“What, I can be insightful and shit.” Suzy leaned back, her face scrunched up.

“It’s not insight when it’s obvious,” Leshy said. “A Zigzagoon could figure out why May wants us to go harder. We’ll never be ready for everything, girl. Strength will come through hard work and sacrifice, but it’s not something that’ll be acquired quickly.” Leshy grinned at me. “We’ll keep at it though, don’t worry.”

Samie launched himself out of the ground, mouth agape, at Suzy from behind. Without even looking. Suzy turned out of the way, dodging the impromptu attack without trying.

“Pinch.” Samie whined as he slammed back into the ground, mouth first.

“Samie, what have I told you about roughhousing during training?” May did her best to glare disapprovingly at her ground type.

If the looks Suzy and Leshy were sending her were any indication, she wasn’t doing a very good job.

“Only do it out of view so you can deny knowing about it,” Samie said, his mouth drooping down.

“That’s right,” May said, before wincing away from Suzy’s glare. “Er, that is to say-”

“You coddle the brat too much,” Leshy complained.

“Don’t be mean to mom,” Samie slammed his mouth into the ground and glared at Leshy.

May froze as she looked down at the words on Sergei’s screen. She blinked a few times before scooping Samie up in a hug.

“You are far too precious for your own good,” May bearhugged the antlion.

“Pinch...” Samie rasped.

Suzy chuckled before grinning. “Suppose one of your hugs is punishment enough for the little guy.”

Sergei took it upon himself to hover right at eye level so that May had no choice but to read the text. She eased her grip and smiled.

“Sorry, Samie. I got... a little emotional. I’m also really proud at how much progress you’ve made in speaking.” May smiled lovingly at her adorable little ground type.

“Pinch.” Samie’s face practically glowed in the dark with how bad his blush was.

“Now, did you get Rock Tomb and Sand Tomb down?” May asked.

Samie nodded happily.

“Care to show me?” May gingerly set him down on the ground and backed up a few paces.

Samie beat the ground once with his jaw, and Suzy jumped backwards as four stone walls formed a pyramid where she once stood.

“Samie!” May chastised. “Stop-”

“Busken!” Suzy shouted, lifting her hand up and staring down at Samie. “Do that again.” Suzy closed her eyes as she finished the command.


“Ken,” Suzy said.

Samie hesitated for a moment, before slamming into the ground again. Suzy leapt forward this time the instant the slabs of rock started to rise.

“Okay, that’s weird,” Suzy commented. “It’s like I can sense an attack before it happens. What on earth is-”

“Detect,” Leshy said, grinning Suzy’s way. “Congrats, your instincts as a fighter are good enough that you can instinctively predict your opponent’s next move and act accordingly. No, I don’t know how it works. Ask our brainiac trainer.”

All three Pokémon quieted down and looked eagerly at May.

“Ah...” May looked around, her face feeling flush and her palms sweaty at suddenly being put on the spot. “There are more than a few theories regarding it, though the general consensus is that through obtaining a sense of calm during battle, a Fighting type can tap into a sixth sense that lets you see things coming. It’s not fool proof, obviously, but it’s still very useful, especially for someone as fast as Suzy.”

Suzy beamed at the praise, fluffing up her feathers as she rose to her full height.

May started laughing at her. “Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look? Like, half of the feathers on one side are smushed down, so you just-” May broke down into giggles.

Suzy looked away, her cheeks flushed with blood as she calmed down.

May walked forward and started fluffing the matted down feathers. “Alright, so Aerial Ace training screws up your feathers. Good to know. I’ll have to bring the specialty comb I got in Rustboro to our next training session.”


Helpful. “I need to get myself a psychic type. Needing Sergei all the time for this is starting to get annoying.” May sighed. “I suppose we really should-”

May cut herself off as Suzy grabbed her and moved forward, pushing her out of the way as a black blade of energy carved into the ground she had just been standing on.

“PINCH!” Samie slammed his mouth into the ground, causing the entire field to explode in a cataclysmic seismic event. Tunnels he had dug earlier caved in, trees shook violently, the ground cracked, and...

A white furred creature slammed into the ground from high up, right next to Leshy.

Suzy held May up as the chaos unfurled and Leshy lashed out with four different vines, each appendage wrapping around one of Abol’s legs.

“SOL!” Absol cried out as Leshy pulled her close and let loose a putrid concoction of powders from his flower, releasing everything he had been holding. Absol convulsed in the haze, her eyes wide and blank before a snarl exploded from her mouth. The sound radiated across the field with a physical presence, beating back the powder and throwing Leshy backwards. Absol leapt away as Leshy’s grip loosened.

“CombusKEN!” Only to get swept off her feet by a Low Kick. Suzy rotated the sweep into a dual kick combo, knocking the Dark type back with a pained whine. She rolled across the grass before landing in a collapsed heap across the clearing.

The ground beneath her started to sink and her still form was dragged into a sand pit of Samie’s making.

“Enough!” May shouted.

Suzy turned to look at May in shock as Leshy slowly pulled himself up to his feet. Heavy, labored breathing sounded out from the sand pit as May walked closer.

“Keep her restrained, Samie,” she asked, looking cautiously at the wounded dark type.

Samie nodded.

May lifted Sergei up. “Why did you attack us?”

Absol hacked and coughed a few times before glaring balefully at the trainer in red. “Why wouldn’t I...” she rasped. “You, who stole from me when I offered you aid. You, who failed to heed my warnings. My purpose, my reason for being, all I had left in this world...” Absol grit her teeth before straining against the cloying sands pulling her down. “I have lost all I am, and it’s all because of you!”

Absol rotated her head as her horn glowed, and a massive black wave exploded from the pit. May brought up her arms to shield herself as a pair of vines pulled her backwards. The attack slammed into a tree and exploded on contact, pushing bark out in a hail of shrapnel and pain.

The wood dug into May’s arms as Leshy pulled her further back from the action, and a Rock Tomb formed around Absol. Samie glared hatefully before frowning. He lifted his mouth into the air and brought it down, causing the earth to come alive under his maw once more. The ground shook violently and cracked as Absol erupted upwards, her eyes white as she jumped across the shaking field with practiced precision, dodging a hail of vines and leaves as she darted straight for May.

Suzy appeared in a buzz of sound that cracked against the air, before landing a vicious kick to Absol’s head, sending her careening across the field. Suzy disappeared again and slammed into Absol’s stomach, fire exploding out from her body on her reappearance.

Absol’s mouth opened in a silent scream of anguish, her eyes vacant as she slumped down to the ground.

May’s eyes widened as Absol’s legs started to move. She pulled herself up through pure instinct, spite, and rage, and a single terrifying thought passed through her mind.

This Absol was determined to do one of two things here, kill her, or die trying.

May rushed to grab a Poke Ball as Suzy tensed her legs to go in again. She hurled it at the white furred Pokémon and hoped that she could successfully take a third option. The ball made contact and sucked Absol inside before falling to the ground. It shook once, twice, and...


May sagged down in relief, before wincing. “Fucking hell, that stings.”

Suzy was next to her almost instantly.

“Sorry, Suzy. I guess the adrenaline wore off. That was a bit of a rush,” May said with a sigh. “Don’t worry though, I’m fine.”

Suzy gave her a pointed look as she gestured to her bloody arms.

“Yeah, yeah, you disapprove. Help me grab the Poke Ball, would you?” May pulled herself up to her full height and slowly walked across the clearing to grab her new mon. “Congrats on getting Aerial Ace, by the way.” She clicked the lock closed.

Suzy sighed.

Normal POV

“We’re giving that thing to the rangers, right?” I picked another piece of wood out of May’s arm. “You’re lucky your pants took most of the abuse for your legs. If you had been wearing your skirt, I’d have to do this for your lower half, too.”

May winced as the tweezers dug into her skin again. “I... was actually thinking of keeping her.”

I seized up and May winced at the sudden movement against her injuries. Wally glared at her.

“It tried to kill you.” I deadpanned. “And you want to make it part of your team!” I shouted. “Did you get a concussion on top of everything else!”

“If we give it to the rangers, they’ll release it somewhere else, and she’ll make her way back towards us,” May argued.

“She tried to kill you.” I said each word slowly, hoping she’d listen to reason if I upped the sass.

“This wouldn’t be my first difficult Pokémon. I got through to Leshy just fine,” she rambled. “She’s half the reason you’re alive right now, and she’s hurting and feeling betrayed. I want to help-”

“Kill. You.” I said each word like it was a curse and stared May down. I would not budge on this.

“May, I wasn’t here for what happened, but I can say, with a fairly large degree of certainty, that this Absol does NOT want your help.” Wally joined me in glaring at our idiot.

May wilted. “This is a lot less fun than what I had envisioned in my head. Your bedside manner could use some work.” She glared at Wally. “And you’re ganging up on me.

My left eye twitched slightly as I pulled the last bit of wood from May’s wounds and pulled the wrap from May’s first aid kit. “I’ll be the picture of whatever the hell you want me to be as soon as that monster is on the other side of the planet.”

May’s bottom lip quivered. Fuck that.

“The person with mental blocks in her head inhibiting her ability to feel fear is telling you this is a bad idea. Let that sink in! You went through the trouble of bringing in Mama Caroline to even let me open Lucas’s poke ball. We are not entertaining the idea of trying to tame that psychopath,” My glare remaining steadfast in the face of-

May pouted. Fuck the pout. I hate that pout with every fiber of my being. Do not cave. Do not even entertain the idea of caving.

“Pleaaase?” May asked.

“No,” Wally said for me. Thank god. “I’m with Lea. You almost got wasted in your tale of how you caught the damn thing, I don’t feel comfortable with that thing in our group.”

“You would be dead if it wasn’t for this Absol,” May said. “You didn’t see what she was like. I just... Please.”

‘Let her keep the damn thing.’ Emilie whispered in my mind.

I turned my head away from May to Emilie so fast that I almost gave myself whiplash.

‘Keeping it close is better than letting it roam in the wilds. We can watch it, and you can add the stipulation that the damn thing doesn’t get let out of its ball unless we’re ALL in attendance.’ Emilie looked from me to May. ‘I’m sure Lucas will have plenty to say to her as well. I... understand where May is coming from.’ She sighed. ‘I owe a debt to this Absol. If this is how I repay it, then so be it.’

“You’re both insane. Fine! Keep the damn murder machine.” I ground out.

May’s eyes lit up. “Thanks, you-”

“But I’m agreeing with Emilie. She stays locked up unless we’re all with you. Me, Wally, fuck, Wayne and Jasmine too. I am not taking any chances. It can stay in the damn ball,” I grit out.

May sagged down and I relaxed a bit as the pout went away.

“Fine.” May sighed before turning to me and smiling coyly. “Soo... am I winning the cool capture contest again?”

“Ghost sword trumps all,” I said petulantly.

Nurse Joy walked back towards the front desk and sat a tray down on the counter.

“Your Pokémon are all in perfect health.” The Joy gave May a rather vicious glare. “That said, a bit of a warning for that Absol would have been appreciated. Chansey did not appreciate having to lay down the law on such short notice.”

I helped May to the front desk as she chuckled nervously.

“Sorry about that. New capture and I wasn’t thinking.” May took her poke balls back before turning to look at me. “So, care to talk to Absol?”

My eye twitched. “This is revenge for all the crazy shit I’ve done, isn’t it?”

May gave me the cutest, fakest smile I had ever seen.

“It’s way too late to deal with this right now and I still have to do my exercises with Emilie tonight. We’ll deal with you,” I stopped and grabbed the only locked ball from her belt. “And you, tomorrow.” I pocketed the ball and shot May a glare when she opened her mouth. “You’re acting too much like me right now for my comfort, so I'll be holding on to this. Now, let’s get you in bed. You need rest.”

“And this is revenge for how much I babied you in the hospital, isn’t it?” May threw my own words back at me with a glare, and I returned the sweet, fake smile. “Fine!” May stood up on her own and started limping forward towards our room.

I rushed forward and propped her up as we moved. “Have a good night, Wally.”

“Keep an eye on her and don’t let her talk you into doing anything stupid,” Wally called after us.

“Er... on the subject of exercises with me,” Emilie said. “I think we can push tonight’s lesson off one more night.”

“Works for me. I’m ready to fall out, and it’s always cozier with Lea there.” May smiled coyly at me.

“Probably because I’m cold and you’re a fucking space heater,” I jibed. “You get to enjoy life at a normal temperature, and I get slow roasted.”

May looked at me worriedly. “We can sleep in different beds tonight if you want, I understand if you’re feeling a bit uncom-”

“The hell we are,” I cut May off and pulled May closer. “I’ll adapt.”

May looked at me worriedly but didn’t say anything else.

‘She’s worried-’

‘I’m not dependent on May,’ I said, cutting Emilie off as we made it to the room.

‘Did you... pick that out of my head?’ Emilie looked impressed. ‘And I’m not so sure. You get anxious when she’s not around, you’ve more or less shared a bed almost every night since the attack, she had to practically threaten you to come to the center-’

‘I should have stayed with her for that too, clearly,’ I snarled back.

Emilie winced, and the link went silent for a bit.

‘Sorry,’ I said. ‘I... maybe you’re right. I just... want May close after tonight though, okay? Besides. We’re in the honeymoon phase. Of course we’re clingy. Why is me wanting to spend time with my girl a bad thing?’

Emilie nodded slowly before grinning at something behind me.

I turned to see May smiling at me.

‘Would now be a bad time to tell you that I finally managed to bridge the gap,’ Emilie said cheekily. ‘No more awkward games of telephone.’

“I’m happy you worry about me, but I’m fine. Thanks for letting me be your space heater. I think we can ditch the sheets if that’ll help.” May pulled me closer. “And you’re right. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with your girl. As long as you can function when I’m not around. I think the baking class with Emilie tomorrow will be a good chance for both of us to make sure we aren’t going off the deep end with it, though.”

“How...” I trailed off before glaring at my starter.

“Don’t worry, I doubt I’ll have many private conversations with her. This is a lot harder than talking to you.” Emilie looked a bit pale.

“Fine.” I set May down on the bed before a thought occurred to me. “DIBS!” I sprinted into the bathroom to the sounds of a laughing girlfriend.

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