Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 52: I love what I am

Heather marveled at the size of the cavern as they passed through the stone archway that marked the edge of goblin control. Beyond the heavily guarded metal gate was a place she had never imagined possible. The vast region was oddly lit with moody blue lighting and glowing fungus, allowing a vague understanding of the space. Still, many regions were absolutely dark, but in the distance, lights twinkled as if torches were burning. Thankfully every member of the group had some form of night vision and could appreciate the vast space that would easily contain a small city and surrounding farms.

Umtha led them down a broad stone road that she called the shadow way but admitted that people often called it the deep road. She said it was built by a dozen different races and ran for thousands of miles, connecting areas of the world without ever seeing the sunlight. To Heather's surprise, these particular sections were made by the goblins and connected five nearby goblin villages.

“So there are even more goblins living down here?” Heather asked as she looked at the imposing teeth of stone that hung from the ceiling so far up than she had dared to fly. Some were so large that they were more like small mountains hanging upside down, and a few reached all the way to the ground creating massive rock pillars.

“There are many more goblins below ground,” Umtha explained. “But not kin. These your goblins.”

“So they are NPCs,” Frank said as he walked directly behind the line of girls, his towering ghoul form looking at home in the underworld.

“Yes,” Umtha said. “Though some of the players from your kind.”

“This space is so large we could have built our entire city here and had room to spare,” Heather said.

“It is an amazingly large space,” Breanne agreed as she squinted into the distance. We can’t even see the far side.

“What other creatures live down here?” Quinny asked as they walked in a tight line, the girls all holding hands.

“Dwarves, Peeklings, trolls, Zillithors, Deep Elves, Morlocks, Spirithians, Speggors, Gnomes, Ferbilands, Norroks, and many others,” Umtha said.

“I don’t have any idea what most of those were,” Heather commented as they walked down the wide stone lane that cut through the jagged and often sloped landscape. There were occasional pillars of rock with a glowing light to illuminate a small section of the road, but these were few and far between.

“I don’t even know what most of them were,” Frank said.

“Underworld races,” Umtha replied. “Most of them are not friendly. Goblins stay clear of them, especially Speggors.”

“What’s so special about them?” Heather asked. Umtha turned to look her in the eyes as her ears dropped and a sense of dread passed over her face.

“Speggors are like spiders,” Umtha explained. “To them, all other races are slaves and food. They are cruel, believing the underworld to be their domain, and they must control it.”

“Are there any of those near here?” Quinny asked.

“No,” Umtha said. “Much deeper. Fight with the deep elves most of the time or the Sahuagin.”

“That name sounds familiar,” Quinny said as she pondered it.

“It's a fish race,” Frank said. “They live in deep caves and underground oceans.”

“And how do you know that?” Heather asked with a curious expression.

“Games,” Frank replied. “It's a common addition to many games with underworlds. So is the theme of underground oceans and rivers.”

“Are their oceans down here?” Heather wondered out loud.

“Yes,” Umtha replied. “Several.”

“How odd,” Heather remarked. Breanne asked why she found that odd, and Heather explained that there were no oceans on the surface, so why were there some underground? Frank laughed and explained there were several oceans on the surface, a big one just west of the center of the spawn ring and another to the far northeast. He even said there was a rumor of another ocean just beyond the spawn ring to the west, but it was probably talk.

“I have heard that rumor as well,” Breanne added. “But I have seen the northeast one myself. The necromancer's empire wasn't far from it, and the kingdoms there were passive about us. They still don't care for Kevin and his rules.”

“This is where Skillman is a paladin, isn't it?” Heather pressed.

“Yes, and there is a rivalry between the two orders,” Breanne replied. “Kevin's paladins demand all paladins stand together to stamp out the undead players. But those in the east often refuse to participate in such crusades.”

“We could always build our kingdom down here,” Quinny suggested. “You know, if the paladins came to destroy the first one.”

“I don’t mind Frank’s tunnels, but I don’t want to live underground,” Heather replied.

“No, you like to lay in the sun with nothing on,” Frank grumbled.

“I wear a bathing suit,” Heather countered and shot him an icy glare.

“And what do you call what you have on now?” Frank asked.

Lingerie,” Breanne replied with a smile.

“Oh, ha ha,” Heather said with a roll of her eyes as they rounded a stony mound to see the land to the right dropped off steeply, becoming a cliff to a lower plain. “You know we get penalties if we wear too much.”

“I like dressing like this,” Quinny said as she looked down at her lace stockings. “I feel sexy.”

“See,” Heather agreed. “Besides, I don't hear you complaining your outfit is too revealing.”

“I wasn't complaining,” Breanne countered. “I was merely pointing out what it was. Walking around in stockings, sexy boots, and high-cut panties isn't exactly formal wear. Though, I do love the corsets.”

“So do I,” Heather said, tugging at the device holding her chest. “I figured these would be uncomfortable, but they really help support. These things are so bulky otherwise.” She illustrated her point by lifting her breasts as if to show them to Frank.

“Can we please talk about something else?” Frank groaned.

“This is coming from the man who told Blackbast to make my chest larger,” Heather countered and smiled at him.

“That’s because he likes big chests,” Quinny said.

“Please, talk about the caves,” Frank insisted.

“Ha, still a boy who embarrasses easily,” Heather said with a wink.

“We shouldn't go too far,” Umtha interjected. “We goblins patrol this region, but the roads go on for a lot longer than you think, and things like to watch them for prey.”

“Hmm,” Heather replied as she walked to the edge of the road to look over the lower region. “This does seem like a wonderful place to hide something.”

“There she goes,” Breanne sighed. “Already, her mind is working on what she can do with the resources she has discovered.”

“I can’t help it,” Heather countered as Umtha came to her side and put an arm around her waist. Heather smiled at the goblin woman and returned the gesture with an arm, the two holding tight as they looked over the landscape.

“You would think the underworld would be full of undead,” Heather commented. “Doesn’t every old religion believe in the underworld and the dead locked behind great doors?”

“There are undead down here,” Umtha said. “There is even a vampire kingdom in the east, but we goblins don’t go near it. They aren’t trusting of visitors.”

“A vampire kingdom?” Heather asked with a start. “Why didn’t you ever mention this before?”

“I didn't think it was important,” Umtha replied. “I know a lot about the underworld and the roads, but I never know if you're interested in the things I know.”

“I am very interested in the things you know about my past,” Heather said as she used her long tail to reach around Umtha and caress her cheek. “But I won't pressure you to tell me anything. I know it hurts you to keep my promise, and I appreciate the love.”

“I’m sorry,” Umtha replied and looked down.

“Oh, Umtha,” Heather sighed and turned to take the woman into a proper hug. “Sweety, I didn't mean to upset you again. Please forgive me; I just find it hard to let things go.”

“This is a very accurate statement,” Breanne agreed as Frank came up behind Umtha to join the hug.

“Shhh,” Frank urged as she turned to fall into his arms. “Nobody will ever be mad at you for keeping your promise. It shows how much you love Heather that you feel this badly about it.” He stroked her head gently before lifting her up and placing her on his shoulder. She looked happy to be there and settled in while wiping her eyes.

“I shouldn’t cry,” Umtha said.

“You have suffered like the rest of us,” Frank replied. “Maybe even more. At least Heather and I can't remember the pain, but you still carry it like it was yesterday. It must be a terrible burden to know so much but to be bound to a promise to Heather not to tell her.”

Umtha nodded and played with her hands as Frank joined Heather's side. He looked over the vast underworld landscape as Umtha explained that this was but one of thousands of caves. There was a network across the whole of the world and deeper caves below, some of which were much larger. There were oceans, rivers, and even lava fields where few dared to go. She then spoke about how there were caves full of crystals growing like trees from the ground. There were forests of mushrooms, fungi, and some rare underground plants that were like vines.

“All that is down here somewhere?” Heather asked.

“Yes,” Umtha said. “It’s like a whole new world.”

“It is a new world,” Quinny said. “And we have all the time we need to explore it.”

“Do we even want to explore it?” Breanne asked. “Our lives are busy enough as it is.”

“It’s the perfect place for us to grind experience,” Heather suggested. “We can all see in the dark, and it’s large enough for us to fly.”

“There are many small tunnels and passages,” Umtha interjected.

“Well, this part is large enough,” Heather said with a gesture to the vast open cave. “So I don’t see what it would hurt to do a little exploring and some fighting. We can always use more experience.”

“That is true,” Frank agreed. “We are relatively weak for a ruler of a city. Gwen is over a hundred, and most rulers are over eighty at least. We are all in our fifties and not really progressing.”

“We are getting a lot of experience,” Quinny interjected. “We get some every night.”

“What?” Heather said and looked at Frank, who shrugged. “How are we getting experience?”

“From the Lilim and succubus class,” Quinny answered.

“I still don’t understand,” Heather replied.

“You know she's too timid to read that in full detail,” Breanne snicked as she and Quinny shared a laugh. They then informed Heather that the Lilim and her succubus girls earned experience from sex. The more they had, the faster they leveled, and there were other bonuses to be had. Heather's face went red as she and Frank locked eyes in silence.

“Umm, I guess that's a bonus,” Heather said with a timid smile.

“Girls are weird,” Frank sighed. “Why are you all so geared toward sex? I thought you were supposed to be reserved and quiet.”

“Is that why you were so attracted to Heather?” Breanne laughed. “No wonder he didn’t show his feelings for us early on.”

“Yeah, he likes prudes,” Quinny agreed.

“I am not a prude!” Heather shouted and turned on the other two. “I have done a great deal to embrace this life, thank you very much. But I don't need to be Jaina. I need one good man in my life and a few good friends to share him with.”

“Aww, we got demoted to good friends,” Quinny laughed.

“I suppose the wedding is off,” Breanne agreed.

“You know what I mean,” Heather grumbled and stamped a foot. “Now, is there anything nearby we can earn a little experience on, and don't you the point at Frank.”

“Oh, she knows me too well,” Quinny laughed.

“There are crag hunters nearby,” Umtha said and pointed to the other side of the road. “Just a few minutes walk up the hill and into the broken rocks.”

“Good, let’s go kill a few of those,” Heather said in annoyance and headed off.

“Maybe I should tell you about them,” Umtha offered as the others followed.

“They are monsters, and they can be killed,” Heather said with a dismissive wave. Umtha tried to cut in, but Heather was off the road heading across the stone landscape. She felt proud of herself for being so decisive and grateful she found a quick escape from the conversation. She wasn't surprised at all to find out she could earn experience from sex. The slave collars granted that ability, but the bonus was larger with the addition of the succubus and Lilim classes. To know for sure, she opened her panel and delved into the minutia, looking at her recent experience gains. Sure enough, she had earned experience from her intimacy with Frank and the other girls, for that matter. She earned a small bit as a sex slave and a little bit more as a Lilim. But to her utter amazement, she earned a tiny bit from Quinny, Breanne, and Umtha. She was gaining a tiny bit from them because they wore her collars.

“Had to see it for yourself,” Quinny teased as she caught up enough to look at Heather’s interface.

“Quinny, I get experience from you and the others,” Heather said.

“What?” Quinny replied and looked as Heather pointed to the experience log.

“Oh, wow. You get experience when we have sex because you are our master,” Quinny said.

“She does?” Breanne asked.

Heather sighed and stopped their march to show everyone the log and how she was gaining experience from all of them. Umtha then suggested they could power-level Heather by spending time in Blackbast's temple. Frank was not at all pleased by that idea and insisted they could get their experience the traditional way. Heather teased him by suggesting the three girls could go while she kept his mind occupied, but Frank folded his arms and asked if she wanted another spanking.

“No,” Heather replied in a rush as her hands cupped her rear. “Once was enough.”

“Honestly, I thought you liked it,” Breanne said. “You looked so happy as he disciplined you and were very affectionate afterward. You were shocked at first, but as he continued, a smile spread over your face like you were in heaven.”

“Ha, look at her blush,” Quinny giggled as Heather cleared her throat and hurried on, her hands still firmly on her rear.

“You should spank her when we get home,” Quinny suggested to Frank.

“I heard that! Stop encouraging our husband to abuse me.” Heather yelled as she stepped over a low mound of loose rocks to look into a bowl-shaped depression the size of a shopping mall. Umtha told them the monsters were on the far side in a series of tunnels they dug into the rock. Frank put Umtha down and took the lead, taking them into the lower area and across a dusty basin that looked like it might once have held water. It took them nearly ten minutes to cross the space, but the landscape became more rocky as they neared the far side. The ground was uneven, with jagged stones as large as a car strewn about, creating many hiding places.

Heather was boldly striding forward when a sense of unease stirred her heart. She realized this move was impulsive and had no idea what she was walking into. Worse, Umtha had tried to tell her more about the creatures, but Heather brushed her off, preferring to storm off recklessly.

“Wait a second,” Heather called and turned to the others. “I just realized I am being reckless again.”

“Well, this is a change,” Breanne replied. “We didn't think you would figure it out until one of the monsters was eating your hair.”

Heather smiled and looked at Umtha before taking the woman's hands. “Sweetheart, I am sorry I didn't listen to you. What were you trying to tell me before I rudely walked off?” Umtha smiled and explained that the monsters were ambush hunters and looked like piles of large rocks. They could lie motionless for weeks, waiting for prey to wander too close. She warned that they had two long antenna-like feelers that they used to snare prey and drag to their mouths. The feelers were coated in a sticky and caustic goo that would paralyze the flesh of anyone directly touched.

“Oh, I am so glad I decided to ask,” Heather said as she looked back to the far wall. “Are they high-level?”

“They are tough,” Umtha said. “But they don't fight effectively. They count on the paralysis to do all the work. If you can resist it, they are just a long fight. They can absorb a lot of damage.”

“Good to know,” Heather said as she sighed. “I wish we had brought Webster now. He is perfect for scouting.”

“He was hungry and wanted to chase my rats,” Quinny replied. “I can scout ahead if you want.”

“No,” Heather replied as she took a few steps forward. “This was my reckless idea, so I will do it. Just don't let anything eat me.” Heather used her Lilim magic to spread her leathery wings and used them to fly to the top of a particularly large rock as Frank and the others moved around it. Carefully she crawled to the edge, using her invisibility to hide her presence. She could see the space beyond, but there were so many rocks that she wasn't sure if they were monsters. Once again, she lamented not bringing Webster, but that couldn't be helped now. She would have to find another way to make the monsters show themselves. With a sigh, she emerged from invisibility, using herself as bait.

“See anything?” Quinny called from below.

“I see round holes cut into the rock,” Heather replied as she studied the stone wall with odd tunnels cut into the face. She noted the piles of small rocks and debris that were obvious signs of digging and wondered if all the creatures were in the holes. She looked all around, but all she could see were oddly roundish rocks and jagged spikes of stone made from dripping water. There wasn't a creature to be found, and she hoped this trip hadn't been wasted.

“I see the tunnels,” Frank said as he rounded the rock and paused to shield the girls. Heather perched on the edge above his head as he looked up to confirm she still didn’t see anything.

“Maybe they moved to a new location,” Breanne suggested.

“No, they are all around us,” Umtha insisted.

“What are you talking about?” Heather asked and gestured to the ground. “It’s nothing but rock.”

“That's them, Umtha said as something wet wrapped around Heather's leg. She let out a cry of alarm as she was dragged off her feet and turned about quickly to see a very insect-like face protruding from a round rock. All around them, rocks began to move as creatures similar to caterpillars came to life. There were composed of round stones, forming a long segmented body with little protruding horns. They had two pairs of stubby legs on each segment and moved quickly. Their eyes were tiny but looked black and faceted with a great maw full of tiny hooked teeth on the underside of the head. There were two long antennae-like appendages that were as flexible as Heather's tail that they used to hook her leg and pull her down.

As Heather hit the ground, she realized that she had failed to listen. Umtha was clear the monsters were ambush predators and that they looked like rocks. There had been so many rocks that she assumed they were natural formations. Now all those piles came to life, crawling forward in a tide of flailing tendrils as her family went on the defense. Her leg felt like it was burning as the horrible creature tried to drag her toward that mouth, forcing Heather to grab the edge and hold on.

“Heather?” Frank cried as he raked a stone monster with his powerful claws.

“It’s got my leg!” Heather cried. “They were so well hidden I didn’t even notice them.”

“We should have had Umtha tag one as soon as we got near,” Frank bellowed, throwing a monster down to shake the ground.

The cave around them came to life with crawling forms, but suddenly the air was filled with a blinding luminance as Umtha called down a lightning bolt. It echoed in the cave, and the creatures all produced a wailing hiss, recoiling from the bright light.

Heather twisted so she could get her hands up and quickly went for a spell. It was risky to let go of the ledge, but she couldn't keep letting that tendril burn her leg. A rotting bolt struck the creature in the face and caused a burning wound, but it kept drawing her in. She tried to kick her leg to brace herself on a nearby stone, but her other leg wouldn't work. The creature's touch was paralyzing her and spreading across her body. If she didn't get free soon, she would likely be immobile as that thing ate her for lunch. She thought of calling for her scythe but would find it hard to swing while lying flat on her back. Instead, she vanished in a flash of green, returning to the stone's edge as the creature lashed out with its antenna again. Just as Heather was about to consider blinking away a second time, something flew over the lip of the stone and landed between them.

“Hey, ugly,” Quinny said with a smile as she held a slender, glowing sword.

Heather was shocked as Quinny dashed at the beast with surprising speed, her sword blurring as she went into a rapid series of attacks.

“Dance of nine slashes!” Quinny yelled, and her sword arm became a blur of rapid cuts slicing lines across the monster's face. Heather twisted and looked over the lip to see Frank holding a creature by the throat with each hand as he crushed the life out of them. Breanne was in her banshee form but using her bow to fire volleys of shadow bolts at the same target Umtha was using her lightning on. Heather could see more of the creatures coming out of the holes and across the rocks, their many legs easily crossing the broken landscape.

“Great, I got us into a mess again,” Heather groaned. She turned back to the fight behind her to see Quinny spinning and cutting a tentacle from the beast. Heather was angry that she led them into an ambush and thought about calling for the undead. She hesitated as there was no way to be sure they were not being watched. Instead, she pointed around Frank and the others, summoning thorn whip plants to aid her lovers. She then used her fire powers to create a wall of flames before the tunnels trapping the worms inside. It was a start, but she needed to air Quinny, so she rolled to her back and raised a pointed finger to the worm.

Fire raced from her finger in a straight searing line, burning a gouge across the monster's side. Quinny was darting about in a rather amazing display of swordplay, cutting legs off and delivering stabs with magical effects. It was doing damage but not fast enough as a second creature crawled onto the rocks.

“Ohh, I need to help more,” Heather cried, remembering what she was. “I am a Lilim!” Heather said excitedly. “And they are my succubi!”

[Level 45 Lilim power] Aura of blood] All succubi bound to you that are in a hundred-meter radius gain a bonus equal to your level to all combat skills. Any wound they inflict while under the effect of this aura will have the life leeching effect.

Quinny glowed with a red light as little flakes of red flowed to her from the worm. Heather could hear Breanne and Umtha ask what was happening as they were also affected. Quinny ran in to face the two head-on as Heather dipped into another power.

[Level 42 Lilim power: Sweet kiss of renewal] All your succubi will regain stamina and mana at a rate equal to half your level plus one per point spent on the skill. They regain one boost every second for thirty seconds or until you choose to cancel the effect.

She hoped that would help Breanne and Umtha, who were burning mana fast. She then put a spell on Quinny called pain to pleasure, turning any wound she suffered into a temporary boost in strength. Suddenly the tide was turning, and Heather looked over the ledge to see Frank had at least ten dead around him. She smiled to see t her champion tearing through the creatures with ease. She realized his ability to tunnel through solid rock was making the monsters easy prey. Still, she had a power that could make the situation more advantageous. She raised a hand to her lips and kissed it before blowing it to Frank.

[Level 51 Lilim power: Kiss of aggression.] You blow a kiss to any ally, causing them to feel a surge of power. Your chosen ally will take 25% of any wound you suffer, and cannot be charmed, put to sleep, or otherwise prevented from protecting you. In addition, their strength surges every time you take a wound until they reach twice their normal strength threshold.

Frank was covered in pink lips that swirled over his body momentarily. Then his eyes went red as he filled with her unholy power. He tore the nearest worm in half, casting the body aside. The one behind it had its head crushed in one hand as if it were an egg. Satisfied with her work, Heather turned back to Quinny, who had already killed one of the worms. She looked to be limping and dragging one leg. Heather could see an antenna had touched her, so she dipped into another Lilim power, banishing negative effects from her slave girl.

“Thanks,” Quinny said happily as she punched the nearest worm and then cried out. “Brutal strike!” She glowed with white light that surged to her weapon. With a mighty swing, she struck the beast, nearly cutting the head clean off. It fell on the rock, a lifeless husk, as dark green blood oozed out.

“These things have a lot of health,” Quinny said as she looked at Heather. “Why are you lying on the ground?”

“I can’t move my legs,” Heather said. “Umtha was right; those things can paralyze effectively.”

“So, purge it off like you did to me,” she said.

“I can only do that for my girls,” Heather growled. “I can’t use it on myself.”

“Oh, I got you,” Quinny said and hurried to her side. Heather was amazed when Quinny picked her up with one arm and, with wings spread, flew from the rock, carrying Heather easily. Below was a battle of chaos where a dozen worms lay dead, and Frank was using one as a weapon, swinging its stone body to batter the rest. Breanne had created tendrils of shadow that were attacking nearby worms, while Umtha had summoned a little creature made of stone to protect them. Umtha was calling down blasts of lightning to strike the monster from above. Heather noticed that the bright flashes were causing the monsters to flinch and pause their attacks. Of course, Umtha would know their weaknesses, and Heather should have asked for more details.

“I got Heather,” Quinny said as she landed between the three.

“Good, because we are leaving,” Frank said. “There must be dozens more of them in the tunnels.”

“They aren’t too dangerous,” Breanne said. “But they take a lot of hits to put down.”

“The firewall will keep them trapped for a few minutes,” Heather groaned. “But I am useless in combat right now.”

“Quinny, carry Heather, and all of you fly for the road,” Frank commanded.

“We are not leaving you,” Breanne insisted. “The wall of fire will keep them contained for now, and her blessings are keeping our power pools relatively full.”

“Just go,” Frank insisted before turning to the massive stone Heather had been standing on. She watched in awe as he dug his claws into it while his body glowed red. He hoisted the stone from the ground and held it over his head. The rock was ten times his size, but Frank threw it like it was hardly anything. It landed on the fire, colliding with the wall and collapsing the side. In seconds the tunnels were buried, and Frank threw his arm out and let loose with a blood-curdling roar. Around him, the very stone cracked and split as black smoke issued out. It formed into three smaller ghouls, who he ordered to kill the worms before running after the girls.

Quinny carried Heather as the girls flew just above his head, unwilling to let him wander alone. Once they arrived at the road, Heather was placed in his arms as he asked if she was alright.

“I’m fine,” Heather replied as Frank carried her in his arms. “But I feel stupid for leading us into danger again.”

“You didn’t lead us into danger,” Quinny replied. “We knew what we were doing.”

“Yes, that was rather exciting,” Breanne agreed. “Maybe this will be a good place to earn some experience.”

“I am glad you’re all safe,” Heather said as she turned to Frank. “Sorry, you had to rescue me again.”

“I happen to like rescuing you,” he replied, holding her up. “And you did great. You realized you were being reckless and stopped to ask Umtha for more information.”

“I should have let her lead,” Heather sighed. “She knew what we were looking for.”

“You are the head of their group,” Frank countered. “I am proud of you for taking charge and going first. You looked like a leader out there.”

“Ha, she's the head succubus,” Quinny laughed.

“And you kept your cool,” Breanne said. “You used your powers to support the rest of us instead of trying to take everything on yourself. I am impressed with how you used your new skills.”

“That was very useful,” Umtha agreed as the stone creature beside her rumbled something. “I normally don’t summon elemental spirits because of how much power it takes, but your spell made it easy.”

“See, you did great,” Frank said.

“Well, thank you,” Heather replied with a smile. “You know, I had a lot of fun supporting you instead of being the one in direct combat.”

“That’s probably how your class is meant to be played,” Frank said. “You are a lot like my slavery class. You take pets to use as combat minions and get a lot of powers to boost them.”

“This was a lot of fun,” Heather said with a wide smile. “But, umm. How long before I can move my legs again?”

“That should fade in ten minutes or so,” Umtha said.

“Well, now that we know what we are looking for, who for clearing them out when I can walk again?” Heather asked. She was pleased when they all agreed to go back and avoid the ambush this time. Heather would stand behind Frank, using her powers to support and heal, turning her family into a more effective unit. She was excited to put her new role to use and couldn't wait to try more. It was a wonderful discovery, and one she hoped would lead to even more fun. She loved being a Lilim and having the girls as her minions as she stood beside her hulking champion facing the dangers of the world. Together they went back, and this time, they tore the monsters apart as Heather forgot she had ever been a necromancer.

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