Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 51: A normal day for once

The cave was lit by magical light placed there by Frank to create an almost twilight light appearance. It was on the third level of his dungeon complex, hidden behind layers of traps, secret doors, and a small army of undead. Heather felt safe to practice her necromancy here as it was shielded from prying eyes. Deep below ground and watched by Frank while she was at her work. The cave was also large enough that she had room to cast some of the more destructive spells or even fly over the vast distance.

Heather waved her scythe, and the ground was rent with spikes of bone shooting from below. They were three feet long and fanned out before her to shred her potential foes.

“Alright. Wave of bones seems useful,” Heather remarked and looked to the two skeletons beside her holding the book of necromancy. They held it at eye level so she could easily read the page that contained the spells she was practicing.

A chirp from Webster made her laugh and turn the page to begin reading a spell called zombie clone. “This has to be the fifth spell that creates or turns people into zombies.” Webster chirped again, and Heather shrugged. “I don't know why they made so many spells that are similar,” Heather replied to the spider. “If I had to guess, they were experimenting with modifying spells.” She read the chant carefully, translating the code into the proper words and taking note of the requirement of a small part of the caster. Even a lock of hair would do, so Heather cut off a pinch of hair and held it firmly in her hand. However, the hair had to be mixed with her blood, and she was too squeamish to get it. She asked Webster to bite her again and held her arm out so the spider could give her a good bite.

“Ow, ow, ow!” Heather wailed as she felt his fangs break her skin and heard him squeak that he was sorry. “It's not your fault,” Heather groaned as she quickly dabbed the hair in the flowing blood. A quick pulsing heal soothed the injury away and allowed her to regain her stance. With eyes closed, she began the chant, waiving her scythe in the pattern of gestures written on the page.

There was a smell like burning leaves, and she tossed the hair into the air as it suddenly burst into a bubbling green soup. It hit the ground and seemed to be eating the plants around it as it grew and, moments later, stood tall as a zombie copy of Heather.

“I am not sure I like this spell,” Heather said as she looked into the face of a corpse that was as gruesome as it could get. She had to look away as the creature let out a hiss through teeth that were black with death.

“What are you doing?” Blackbast asked as she walked out of a stone tunnel, her green eyes looking even more mysterious in the dark.

“You should be happy,” Heather replied as she glanced at her clone. “I am studying my books and practicing spells.”

“Frank told me you were hard at work,” Blackbast replied as she approached Heather. “But he seemed troubled by what you were doing.”

“He thinks I should leave the necromancy behind,” Heather sighed and raised her scythe to point at a distant ghoul. “Kill that ghoul.”

The zombie copy of her didn't make a sound as it turned on the monster. To Heather's utter surprise, the beast raised its hands and began hurling rotting bolts, using magic as its primary form of attack. The ghoul turned to attack after the first bolt landed, but it was clear it had hurt as the ghoul's left shoulder rotted, causing the arm to drop off. It only made it a few steps before the second bolt caused a terrible hole in the monster's chest. The third bolt toppled the creature, and the fourth finished it off.

“That thing can use magic?” Heather gasped.

“What is that?” Blackbast asked as she joined her side.

“A zombie clone of myself,” Heather replied, considering another idea. “I command you to cast nature's shield.”

To Heather's amazement, the clone immediately crossed her arms and created a shield of leaves and plants to protect itself.

“I can’t believe it,” Heather gasped.

“What has this proved?” Blackbast asked.

“It's not just a zombie clone; it can cast my spells,” Heather replied. “I wonder what would happen if I boosted this summons with essence? Would it cast all my spells at a much higher level?”

“I think perhaps we should not test this idea,” Blackbast urged.

“Maybe not,” Heather said as she eyed the zombie. “But we do need to test the clone's power.”

“How do you propose to do that?” Blackbast asked.

“Simple,” Heather said as she vanished in a flash of green to appear fifty yards away. She stood tall, her long tail swishing in tension as her scythe pointed at the zombie. “I command you to kill me.”

“What?” Blackbast shouted as the zombie exploded into motion. A hail of rotting bolts raced in, but Heather blinked away and, with a careful chant, caused it to rain sharp fangs on the zombie. The creature threw her arms wide, and a wall of bone appeared over her, blocking the barrage. She then caused a growth of thorn whip plants around Heather, turning their dangerous barbs on her.

Heather responded by blighting the area, causing the plants to wither and rot. She smiled at her double and went to speak as the zombie beat her to the punch, calling out in a voice that sounded like wind blowing through a grate.

“Rise and serve!” it wailed, causing the ground around it to churn as skeletons began to crawl to the surface.

“Uh, oh,” Heather said as her double summoned an army.

“Tell that thing to stop!” Blackbast called from the side.

Heather had to think quickly as the undead hoard and a fresh hail of rotting bolts rushed her way. She vanished in a flash of green, appearing in their midst before calling on another spell. In a second, she was surrounded by skeletons with black bones that wailed as they rushed out. Their bodies burst into flames as they ran, battering their enemies with fists of fire. Heather blinked again, and as wailing skull streaking fire nearly blasted her. She arrived behind her counterpart and swung her scythe with all her might.

Her undead counterpart jumped back as black mist crawled around her, then reached out for Heather with hungry tendrils. Heather felt them burn her skin with an ice-like touch as she missed her doppelganger. She was forced to fight off the arms of black and took a blast of bone spikes when she changed her focus of attention. Angered that her copy was making her look foolish, she delved into her devil powers and hurled a bolt of flame, scoring a solid hit.

The zombie brought up her leaf shield again, but the barrier didn't last long against the flames. Heather blinked behind the shield and, with a fast cut, buried a burning scythe into the monster. It wailed but didn't fall, turning with the scythe still buried in its body. It reached with a withered hand, and Heather tangled fingers with it. She felt the beast trying to use the ghoul touch given by Frank to drain her, but Heather drained her right back, the two competing to see who was stronger.

“Sorry,” Heather said with a wicked smile. “You're good, but I bet you don't have essence.” She glowed blue as she channeled the power, turning her draining touch into a powerful corruption. The zombie faltered and fell, its body withering as Heather consumed it, then finally cut in half when it was too weak to resist.

“Well, that was harder than I expected,” Heather sighed and stepped back.

“What were you trying to prove?” Blackbast demanded as she stormed toward Heather.

“I am trying to figure something out,” Heather replied. “It's been rattling around in the back of my mind ever since we entered my dream.”

“I thought you planned to put this behind you for a while?” Blackbast asked. “You said you needed a break from thinking about this.”

“I know,” Heather said while putting a pulsing healing on and watching her cuts fade away. “But I worry that if I don't keep looking, I will forget important details.”

Blackbast looked upset but embraced Heather and shared a warm hug. Heather knew the woman worried about her, as so much was changing too quickly. The dream had been a terrible shock, but Heather dealt with it the way she dealt with everything. She focused her attention elsewhere, using her new lies to the people of her kingdom as a means to keep her mind occupied. Now that the moment was over and her secrets out, she found it held little of her attention. She had even more free time to think, and what was on her mind was asking questions.

“What are you thinking about now?” Blackbast asked as she stepped back. “What are you trying to figure out?”

“What that place means,” Heather said in reference to the dream. “Do you remember that I planned to use the speak to the dead spell to get some answers?” She saw Blackbast sigh and look disappointed as she nodded at the memory.

“Well, we only know of one necromancer skull, and even using all my tricks to boost the time, I will only be able to ask a few questions,” Heather explained. “So, I have been stalling while I figure out which questions are most important. I think knowing more about that dream has to be one of them.”

“I know you think that having more answers will help prepare you for the dangers that might come looking for you, but you don’t have to do this,” Blackbast urged.

“What?” Heather said incredulously. “You were the one who pushed me to keep doing my research.”

“I want you to be at the peak of your ability,” Blackbast insisted. “That does not require you to keep digging into your past. I would not be so critical of this now had you not so brilliantly put so many of your burdens to rest. The entire city knows of your past, understands what has happened, and firmly believes you are no longer a necromancer. You are free, so why are you digging so deeply now?”

“I don’t know, Heather said and stepped to the side. “Knowing Moon had found me stirred up the painful fears of what I am. I still have to face the other kings and queens who will almost certainly come looking for answers.”

“That is inevitable,” Blackbast agreed. “How will you handle that?”

“I will tell them the truth,” Heather replied with a smile. “I will tell them how Frank and I switched bodies, and I was too afraid to reveal I was as chosen at the time.”

“And what if they demand more proof?” Blackbast asked. “I would not be surprised if they brought a magical device to test the truth of your words. They may even demand to see your character sheet to prove it once and for all.”

“I have thought of that,” Heather replied. “I even asked Santos to help me.”

“Santos?” Blackbast repeated. “How is he going to help?”

“It's a long shot,” Heather explained. “But I think there might just be a way to deal a death blow to my past so convincing that nobody will question it again.”

“You do not wish to tell me?” Blackbast asked.

Heather smiled and leaned over to whisper, causing Blackbast's eyes to widen.

“You are crazy,” Blackbast said at the end. “What made you think of such a plan?”

“Desperation,” Heather remarked. “And can you think of a better way? Who will ever suspect what I am doing?”

“Heather, the risk you are taking is unreasonable,” Blackbast said. “Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but you will put Roric and his family in danger. Not to mention you will have to convince Frank to follow this insane plan.”

“Frank will understand,” Heather insisted.

“Will he?” Blackbast repeated. “He may have embraced some of the fun elements of having a personal harem, but this is going too far.”

“Frank will understand,” Heather reiterated. “Besides, he’s been enjoying this as much as we have.”

“I have to admit the boy does love having so many women in his bed,” Blackbast agreed.

“Is there any man who would be unhappy with that?” Heather laughed.

“There are some who desire only the one true woman who fills their heart with joy,” Blackbast stated. “I suspect Frank is one of those but has opened up to the others because of your encouragement.”

“Did I make a mistake?” Heather asked as she considered her role in his current situation.

“Are any of you unhappy?” Blackbast asked.

Heather smiled and took her hand, knowing full well none of them were unhappy. In fact, she had never been so happy in her life. It was a new way of living to be sure, but somehow, it worked better than she ever could have imagined.

“You know what, where is our husband?” Heather asked and looked at the wedding ring on her finger. She used its power to feel the location of her husband out and smiled to note he was nearby. She took the book of necromancy and, with a simple spell, sent it into the buffer where none could find it. She then took Blackbast's hand and picked up Webster before going through the tunnels, following the pull of her husband.

She found him on the large balcony of their tower, lying in a massive hammock with Quinny and Umtha in his arms. The hammock had been sized for his ghoul form and strung between the stone wall and a stout tree for support. He looked content to have his girls curled into his sides, and Heather smiled to see him so happy.

“So, here you are lounging around with some girls,” Heather stated as she put her spider down.

“What?” Frank said as he looked up with his yellow eyes. “You said this was alright?”

“I am teasing you,” Heather laughed as she approached to see Quinny smile. “Scooch over,” Heather insisted as she climbed in, settling in beside him with a smile. Blackbast crawled in the other side, and soon Frank had the four of them.

“The hammock isn’t big enough for all of us,” Frank insisted as they leaned into him.

“Oh, shush,” Heather urged and reached over Quinny to run a hand down his chest. “There is plenty of room for you and all your girls.”

“Did you finish your research?” Frank asked as she shut her eyes and enjoyed her snuggle.

“I did more of it, but it won’t be finished for a long time,” Heather sighed. “However, I did discover an interesting spell that has some potential.”

“Oh, don’t stop there,” Blackbast interjected. “Do tell them how you tried to kill yourself, literally.”

“What?” Frank asked and nearly sat up.

“Did you have to put it that way?” Heather scolded as Blackbast snuggled into Umtha, purring with a smile. She was forced to tell him the whole story about summoning a zombie copy of herself and how it could use magic as if it were her. She fixated on that part, wondering if such a spell could be used to summon other things.

“Why would you tell it to try to kill you?” Frank asked.

“I wanted to see what it could do,” Heather replied. “I really want to summon one with essence and test it.”

“You're crazy,” Frank groaned as a group appeared in the doorway to the tower.

“So, here is where you all are,” Breanne remarked as she arrived with Evalynn, Jaina, and Gisley.

“Sorry to intrude,” Jaina said with a smile. “We wanted to tell you something.”

“Oh, good,” Heather laughed. “Come settle in and tell us all about it.”

“But they are hardly dressed,” Frank protested.

“So are we,” Heather replied, scooting over to make more room.

“It's not big enough,” Frank protested as the others sauntered over and began to climb into the hammock carefully. It sagged as the weight increased, and the girls had to pile up to fit in. “Wait!” Frank cried as Gisley settled over him, smiling into his face.

“See, we all fit just fine,” Heather remarked.

“We can barely move,” Frank groaned as he sounded decidedly uncomfortable.

“What kind of man complains about having too many girls in the hammock with him?” Heather laughed and looked down to see Webster. “Webster, come settle with us.” He chirped and jumped into the hammock, causing it to make a sudden groan. Heather froze as it jerked and finally gave way, tumbling them all to the ground in a big heap on top of Frank.

“Oh, I guess it really wasn’t big enough,” Heather said as she struggled to sit up.

“Why are all girls so weird?” Frank grumbled from the bottom of the pile.

“We aren't weird; we just need a bigger hammock,” Quinny suggested.

“I was so comfortable,” Heather pouted as the pile slowly climbed off Frank, who did his best not to touch anything inappropriate. Heather finally helped him up as the others giggled and tried to hide her smile as he glared at her.

“You owe me a new hammock,” he grumbled.

“It will respawn on its own in a few hours,” Heather protested and leaned into him. “You can’t really be mad at me for wanting to be close to you?”

“I can be mad at you for a lot of things,” Frank argued.

“Maybe she needs another spanking,” Gisley suggested.

“Please don't encourage him,” Heather countered and turned to the girls. “Did you say you had something to tell us?”

“Oh, yes,” Jaina said with a smile. “And we’re sorry about the hammock. We just wanted to let you know that a dragon had moved into the forest and not to be alarmed if you see him.”

“A dragon?” Heather choked. “Like a real honest-to-goodness dragon and not just Zillix?”

“A real dragon,” Jaina assured her. “He intends to guard the forest and not cause you any harm.”

“Is this the dragon that you are bound to?” Heather asked as she remembered Jaina’s unusual dragon tattoo. Jaina explained that it was, and that was why he wanted to guard the forest from unspecified dangers. Heather noted an unusual tenseness in Jaina's voice but decided not to press the matter. They spoke about the dragon briefly, then bid them a good day before returning to Frank.

“So, we have two dragons now,” Heather said.

“If you count Zillix,” Umtha said. “I am not sure he is a true dragon. In my world, we had similar creatures, but they did not have wings. We called them Ullamiths.”

“Well, he’s more of a blend of fairy and dragon,” Breanne said.

“I wonder, though,” Heather said as she began to pace. “The first dragon we met knew who I was. Do you think Jaina’s dragon knows me too? Do you think he could tell me something about my past?”

“You said you were not going to push on this anymore,” Umtha cried.

“I was just posing the question,” Heather replied. “I can’t help but wonder.”

“I am going to agree with Umtha,” Blackbast said as her eyes narrowed. “You have just had a disastrous outcome from your last effort, and we are all still haunted by it. If you decide you want to talk to this dragon, please let some time pass. Do not forget you are surrounded by people who worry about you.”

“I agree,” Frank said as he wrapped a hand around Heather’s waist. “We just solved so many problems. Let’s not stir up anything else for a little bit.”

“This isn’t like the dream,” Heather insisted. “It would just be a conversation with somebody who is friendly.”

“They never said he was friendly,” Breanne interjected. “In fact, Evalynn told me he was rather intimidating. Apparently, they met in battle, and he tore them apart.”

“They fought?” Heather asked, then listened as Breanne explained what she knew of the encounter. The dragon attacked in the north and was toying with them, easily besting them in combat. It only ceased when Jaina turned on her charms to try and entice him, but Evalynn didn’t think they had worked.

“So she managed to seduce a dragon,” Heather stated. “I wonder what I could seduce with a little essence to boost it.”

“Did you not just hear what she said?” Blackbast asked. “She said that Evalynn didn’t think it had worked.”

“Then how did they survive?” Heather questioned.

“Evalynn said that the dragon was impressed by Jaina’s boldness to try such a tactic and paused long enough for the two to talk,” Breanne replied.

“Hmm,” Heather said as she considered it. “I still wonder if I could pull it off.”

“Always considering what she can do with her skills,” Blackbast sighed.

“That’s why she’s so amazing,” Quinny said and came to Heather’s arms. “She has a big brain.”

“Zombies are attracted to brains,” Breanne joked.

“Ha,” Heather laughed and rubbed Quinny’s side. “See, Quinny thinks what I am doing is smart.”

“Quinny is also the one who threw herself off the ledge to trick you into flying,” Frank replied.

“Oh, right. She did do that,” Heather agreed. “But she had my best interest at heart.”

“Yeah,” Quinny said as they hugged.

“Well, shall we do something with our day?” Breanne asked.

“Hmm, yes,” Heather replied and smiled at Frank. “I think our husband needs to take us out.”

“You broke my hammock, and I need to take you out?” Frank protested.

“I am pretty sure that’s how relationships work,” Heather said as she questioned it herself.

“Never become a relationship guru,” Breanne laughed.

“Hmm,” Heather said as she paced the balcony. “Why don’t we go have some fun?”

“Fun, how?” Frank asked, obviously wary of her definition of fun.

Heather smiled and used her tail to lick at his chin as she batted her eyes. “Let’s go do a guild mission.”

“That’s fun?” Frank asked with a tilted head.

“It will be if we pick a task suited to five succubi,” Heather said with a wicked smile.

“I am going to regret this,” Frank groaned as Blackbast took his arm.

“I will pick a task suited to their skills,” Blackbast laughed and pulled him along.

Heather followed, her tail lashing as the girls fell in line. She was beginning to enjoy shocking Frank with their affections and hoped they could find a quest that would provide opportunities to do more. She couldn't believe how much fun she was having, but one thing stuck in her mind. Why had Jaina seemed so strange when she spoke about the dragon, and what was he protecting the forest from?

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