Harry Potter: THE ORPHAN

Season 1 Finale

Hello everyone

This is the last chapter before the hogwards letter,So there would be story of total three years in this chapter until Iris is 11 years old,Next chapter would be season-2 and will feature first year at hogwards......


The next day after reaching Ralph's home

Iris POV 

I opened my eyes and there was a unfamiliar roof, slowly my brain started processing and information flooded my head. I sat on the bed saw here and there and stood up and went out of the room.

I came in the lobby area and there was Ralph sleeping on a couch in front of the TV. TV was still switched and there was a seen playing of a beach where there was a lady and a little girl which i suspected was his family.I went to switch of the TV and saw Ralph's face,it seemed like the tears were still fresh.

I switched off the TV and nudged him to wake him up.He slowly opened his eyes and was shocked to see me and reacted and the couch fell backwards,there was a groan from the other side and he stood up while holding his head.

While looking at me he asked

"Do you want to take a bath"

"Huh!" A silly voice leaked out of my mouth when i heard that before i could reply he asked again

"Do you want to take a bath" 

"Yes Of COurse" I said a little bit excitedly

He let out a giggle and said

"Okay then go in,I will hand you the towel and some clothes"  after saying that he went to the bath to turn on the hot water and then went to bring for some clothes and a towel.

I entered the bath took off my clothes and there was a big mirror there. I was a little reluctant to go in front of it,There were many reason for this but i was scared but i muster up some courage and went in front of it.

What was reflected there was unbelievable, The girl reflected there was very beautiful and cute with milky white skin,Blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

After seeing myself in the mirror i did't feel anything other than happiness that i was this beautiful.I was a teenage boy in my previous life and then also i did't have a lot attraction to the opposite gender but still i was attracted to them but now i did't fell anything maybe this happened because i have accepted myself as this girl or my preferences are changed,I don't know the answer but I know time will tell.

I turned of the tap and put my foot in the water,I shuddered and submerged my whole body in the bath.After so long i took a bath,It felt heavenly and even if i woke up just 30 min before i slept again.

Ralph came and woke me up and after that we had breakfast,It was Sunday today,So it was off for him.

After having the breakfast i was going to my room but Ralph stopped me with a serious expression.

"Come with me i have something serious to talk about" He said

I followed him we went to the lounge and sat on the couch and he started talking

"See as you have told me you are an orphan and i could't even find the records of your parents in the police database,So now you have two options,The first i will send you to a orphanage and you can live there until you are an adult or I can adopt you and you can stay with me,I would put you in a good school and you can stay with me until you want"

I could't believe my ears he said to adopt me. A single question was in my mind Why.

With tears in my eyes i asked him

"Why are you doing this,I haven't done anything good to you,I am no help to you,Just why"I said it while still crying.

"Like I said before you remind me of my daughter and you are a great help to me your cooked food was good"He said it while smiling.

I could't stop myself from hugging him and crying and repeatedly saying thank you,after a while i calmed down took my head out of his chest and said.

"I want to stay with you" 

"Okay"He said with a big smile and a little tear escaping his eyes.

After this he completed the paperwork and officially became my father.He put me in a good school where i learnt all the subjects and got to know i am still on the old Earth but a little behind in time,It was the 1990's.Every subject was easy from me but still i payed a lot of attention to everything

I did't have any friends there maybe because i joined midway and still topped the exams but still everything was going well.

He took me to shopping and our bond deepened more and more

I still remember the when i called him father for the first time.

It's been three years since he adopted me.

But today is my birthday which i celebrate at the day i came into this world 24 July. But something was different today

There was a letter in the mail box with my name on It

For Iris Bennet.

This is for the First season and the next chapter would start the Hogwards journey of our not so little girl.

Thank you for reading

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