Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 15

Gwen’s hazy mind seemed to have recovered at some point, and she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of satisfaction as she continued to move her hips up and down as she lay on the bed.


Jean was lying on the bed, her hand holding her head as she watched. Her eyes radiated a feeling of satisfaction, and the smile on her mouth showed that she was happy with the turn of events. Her pussy was still leaking some of Gwen’s seed, a reward Gwen had earned for being such a good fuck toy.


Petra was out of it, passed out and snoring, her body caked with sweat from the heavy workout, and her chest, coated in the liquids of three different girls, was still heaving slightly in her sleep. Her pussy and ass both had liquids from Gwen leaking out of them, and the smile on her face spoke a thousand words.


And then there was Cindy, who was still squatting over Gwen’s form and bouncing up and down as she was fucked from below. Gwen was somewhat wondering how Petra was still asleep with all the noise from their flesh hitting flesh and the moans that continued to escape Cindy’s throat. But she also wasn’t one to not take advantage of such a thing as she grabbed Cindy’s bubbly ass and pistoned her hips harder. Just a few minutes later, Cindy seemed to be entirely out of breath as she collapsed to the side, her chest heaving and her body slick with sweat and cum.


Gwen wasn’t quite satisfied that Cindy finished before her, so she slipped out of Cindy and pumped her cock over Cindy’s form, splattering her skin with that creamy white liquid just a few seconds later.


Finally satisfied, Gwen couldn’t help but fall back as she sat on the bed, her cock disappearing into lights as she caught her breath and looked around Jean’s bedroom. “We're gonna have to get a new place at this rate.” She couldn’t help but sigh as she felt her head was wonderfully clear.


Jean let out a little chuckle as she looked at the ceiling, which had a couple of splatters of cum. Let’s just say that when you have three spider-enhanced people taking part in an orgy, things can get very creative very quickly. “Well, I wouldn’t mind getting a bigger place than this. The four of us can barely even fit on the bed.”


Gwen nodded as she crawled over towards Jean, who started lying on her back. “I suppose that I’ll just have to sleep like this to save some space,” Gwen replied as she laid down on top of her to do just that, her head resting in Jean’s fantastic bosom, and she couldn’t help but suckle on her nipple as she felt a wave of fatigue fall over her. “How cosey,” she mumbled softly.


Jean looked down and couldn’t help but smile as she noticed Gwen had fallen asleep. With a flex of her telekinesis powers, the room quickly changed back into its previous state, and Cindy, still slightly awake, crawled up and took up the space next to her. Her eyes did not leave the cute image of Gwen suckling on Jean’s breasts while she slept like a baby. Jean also moved Petra into a more comfortable position, taking up her other side.


Cindy was the next to pass out; the vigorous workout with her new body showed her her current stamina limits. As sleep quickly took hold of her, Jean followed shortly afterwards.



Waking up in the morning in a heap of soft limbs and her face wrapped up in the warm embrace of a silky pair of breasts was something that Gwen had quickly grown accustomed to, and to be honest, she wasn’t sure if she could sleep adequately without such conditions any more.


Quietly opening her eyes but making sure not to make any sudden movements, Gwen couldn’t help but smile as she looked up to find Jean awake and let her rest in her embrace. Sporting a soft smile, Gwen crawled up her form from her lovely, inviting breasts as she placed kisses from those beautiful orbs to her collarbone to her neck before finally reaching her target of those cherry-like lips. Feeling Jean’s hands groping and pulling on her bottom as they entered into another exchange of saliva made Gwen feel all sorts of giddy as she knew that Jean lusted after her body just the same way that she did towards her.


Their exchange lasted a couple of minutes before Gwen started to feel a gaze on her from her left. Looking over, she found that Cindy was there, enjoying the show that was provided with a soft smile on her lips. With a smile on her face, she pulled the girl over into the pile of limbs and started to kiss her lips as well, her tongue getting a workout of its own as she kissed the two girls fiercely. It was a standard morning in this household, and Gwen loved every second.


Petra joined them only a few moments later, and Jean knew what would happen if she didn’t stop it now. She wouldn’t have minded going another round, but she also knew that she had some things to do today, meaning she couldn’t have a lazy day in bed. “Gwen, isn’t it time you give Cindy her welcoming present?” She asked, hoping that it would put a stop to this before it started.


Gwen seemed to wake up at the mention of such a thing and opened her system. She had barely looked at it over the last week and was entirely surprised by the number of things that needed her attention.


Firstly, she had acquired a total of 120,090 YP from various sexual acts and also relationship advice together with her crime fighting. It was a more significant number than she expected, as on an average day, she would only get around 1000-2000 YP if she combined everything that she did.


Happy with the rewards, she opened her inventory and took out two boxes. One was the usual [Welcome to the Harem] gift box she handed to Cindy, and the other was the usual [New Member Gift Box]. She couldn’t help but be curious about what she may acquire in this box. She had gotten the mind pill, Yuri senses from Jean and also Yuri Cock from Petra.


Now that she looked back on it, she realised that her reward was related to the person. Yuri-Senses could in someway be linked to telepathy/empathy and Jean’s powers, while Yuri Cock power could be explained by Petra’s past. Curious about such a revelation, she opened the box and was greeted by a familiar book. It quickly shone a golden light and entered Gwen as she received information about the new skill gain.


[New Yuri Power Unlocked: Yuri Harem Senses.


You can sense the conditions of your Harem Members, whether injured or in a bad situation so that you can take the necessary actions to ensure their safety.]


Gwen couldn’t help but smile as she felt satisfied with the new addition to her Yuri Skills, as it let her know when her lovers were in trouble—letting out a happy smile as she thought about it some more. Sensing the curious stares directed at her, Gwen turned to her girls before letting them know about it. “It’s a skill that will let me know when one of you is in danger or injured.” She said with a smile.


Jean nodded, now understanding Gwen’s feelings, before she looked back into the New Member Box. “It seems like there is something else in there as well,” she stated.


Gwen was confused momentarily as she clearly remembered that Petra’s box only had her Yuri-Cock skill and nothing else. Curious, she looked at what it was. It was another book that again transformed into lights and entered Gwen’s body. Understanding filled Gwen’s mind as she figured it out. It was the same as when she acquired Miles Morales’s powers in invisibility and bioelectricity, but this time, it was aimed towards Cindy Moon: the Bride. She was further strengthening her body, spider senses and overall powers.


Gwen couldn’t help but feel a familiar rush of power as her body was further strengthened and energy coursed through her body. A smile formed on her face as she turned to the others. “I got stronger!” She simply said with a smile.


“That’s odd, though; you only got one thing from Petra’s New Member box. Why do you think that is?” Jean asked, still curious about the inner workings of her Yuri System.


“Hmm…” Gwen thought about it for a moment and quickly realised the differences in the situation. “Well, both you and Cindy technically already had your powers when we had sex, while Petra only acquired them afterwards. I think that’s the only real difference.”


Jean thought for a moment and quickly realised it was true. ‘Hmm, maybe I should introduce Gwen to some girls from that place…’ She thought to herself. Jean had long realised that the only reason she still had free will and the right to do as she pleased in this world was her strength, and she wanted her lover to be in a similar situation if possible.


Seeing everyone else seemed to understand, Cindy took this opportunity to open her box. She had asked Petra and Jean what they had acquired, but they decided to keep it a secret, so she was excited about what she might find inside. Opening the birthday-present-like box, her eyes immediately locked onto a little jewellery box. Opening it up, she was surprised to see a piercing inside. She couldn’t help but look towards Gwen, who had a nipple piercing.


“Is this for you then?” She couldn’t help but ask with a slight chuckle.


Gwen couldn’t help but chuckle as she nodded her head. While she had her ears pierced when she was younger, she never really wore earrings all that much. But she also couldn’t deny that she had grown into them as she got older. Placing the piercing on her lower lips, she couldn’t help but find that it looked even cuter. Everyone else couldn’t help but take a glance, and they all had opinions similar to Gwen's, and they also couldn’t wait to tease it some more later. Gwen thanked Cindy with a kiss. “Thanks Cin.”


“Alright, alright… what else is in the box?” Jean said as she pulled the two girls apart with a wry smile. On the other hand, she and Petra also appreciated the addition to Gwen’s wardrobe and felt it was an excellent fit for her aesthetic.


Rolling her eyes, Gwen couldn’t help but smile as she watched. Cindy quickly pulled the next item out of the box: a familiar book, which also turned into golden lights and entered her body.


Gwen raised a brow at what happened, and before she could ask, Yuri filled her in.


[Cindy’s original powers were a little out of whack and would have taken a lot of time to train and effort to control; this would speed up the process and make it quicker.] She explained, and Gwen nodded in agreement. She and Petra had quickly adapted to their acquired powers, simply jumping off a building confidently as they already knew what they could do and only needed to confirm it. On the other hand, Cindy was a little different, and Gwen still needed to help her when they departed from that building the previous day.


Gwen quickly let everyone else know what was happening. “That book will allow you to adapt to your powers a lot quicker, just like Petra and I did due to Yuri’s help,” she explained, and Cindy nodded in understanding. She was getting a newfound appreciation and understanding of her powers and Gwen’s Yuri System.


Just like with Petra and Jean, the last thing inside was her new outfit. Looking at the latest addition to the party, Gwen couldn’t help but nod in appreciation. While Gwen had an excellent white/pink/black colour scheme that she loved, Petra had the bolder colours of blue and red. Cindy’s colour scheme was more black and silver with red accents.


“That’s odd; it doesn’t have a full face mask.” Gwen couldn’t help but point out as she looked at the red scarf around the neck. “I suppose you would only cover the bottom half of your face?” She asked.


Cindy nodded in excitement as she looked at the new outfit before her. It was exactly how she liked it, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “It’s great!” She exclaimed. A little part of her wanted to throw it on now, but she quickly realised that she wasn’t in the best shape to put it on as she was still somewhat sticky from the night before. “Let’s get cleaned up so I can put it on!” She said, pretty much jumping off the bed and into the bathroom.


The other three girls chuckled as they followed her into the bathroom to rinse off and clean themselves. Gwen also put the new suit into her inventory and purchased the usual Basic Techno Box from the store for 10,000 YP. She integrated the tablet and earphones inside her suit so that she could communicate the same way that Petra and Gwen did. The only difference was that she didn’t have a visor but a little screen on her forearm that she could interact with.


An hour later, Gwen was lying on the couch in the main room in some nice clothes to lounge around in, introducing Cindy to the new tech in the suit and combining her old phone and laptop with the new ones, making them much faster for her personal use. Cindy was still quite giddy about the fact that she had a new suit, and she was raring to go out and have a test run, something that Gwen was happy to join her in, but first, they were waiting for breakfast as Jean and Petra busied themselves in the kitchen.


They never had dinner the night before and went straight to the bedroom, so they were about to have breakfast pizza. Gwen couldn’t help but be excited as she waited for the meal. Knowing that she still had some time until they would eat, Gwen set her laptop on her thighs as she browsed the Yuri Store. She couldn’t help but remember last night and even this morning. They simply didn’t have enough space for the four of them, and Gwen felt responsible for ensuring that all her girls lived in luxury.


Her value of money had already pretty much evaporated into non-existence with the help of the Yuri Store as she had already sent off her father and Aunt May on a trip around the world, so Gwen decided that she would see if the amount of points she owned was enough to get her a more excellent living space.


Gwen quickly found her way into the housing market and couldn’t help but raise her brow in appreciation of the Yuri Store. She could buy anything on there, and that even included renting out apartments. Having given some thought to the location of their new home, Gwen quickly narrowed down the number of apartments. She wanted their home to be somewhere central around New York, preferably a penthouse apartment for easy access when they came home from a day of fighting crime.


Before Gwen looked further, she considered how much she would spend on their future apartment. She probably wouldn’t buy anything outright and instead pay with monthly rent; after thinking about it shortly, she quickly formed a number that she deemed reasonable, at least considering the number of points she could get and the rate at which she was acquiring them.


She was quickly acquiring 1000-2000 YP every day, and with Cindy added to both the crime-fighting and the sex life, that number was sure to go up to maybe 2500-3000 YP a day. And that’s assuming that she doesn’t help any Yuri relationships, as that was where she made the most points. She probably earned about 20,000YP in the last week from just that alone. Considering that, it’s safe to assume that her monthly YP income sat safely at 50,000. And that was on the low end. And this was also under the assumption that she didn’t get any significant income through a new harem member… like the previous night.


Not willing to spend more than 30% of her monthly income on rent was a safe bet, so call that 15,000 YP. This equates to $750,000… and Gwen once again realised that she didn’t need to pay attention to money anymore as she cast away all thoughts about price and settled with the one she liked most.

With a smile, she found the nice-looking penthouse apartment she sought. It had ample space, with floor-to-ceiling windows that allowed one to look over almost all of New York. The apartment was more like a skyrise house, equipped with the top two floors and the roof, giving plenty of space and an equally incredible view.


Gwen couldn’t help but be excited about the apartment's various rooms. A spa room, a hot tub, a wine cellar, a cinema room. It even had a little bowling alley set up. It was a luxury that Gwen had never even imagined taking part in, let alone going from her old apartment building where they could sometimes hear the neighbours and the rushing noises of traffic outside.


The top floor was 54 stories high, and Gwen didn’t think she’d hear much of anything that high up. Sure, she may listen to it on the balcony, but she guessed it would be relatively silent compared to what she was used to.


Cindy, who had been playing with her newfound powers by sticking to the ceiling and shooting webs at cushions to practice accuracy, finally noticed that Gwen had stopped paying attention to her and was looking earnestly at her laptop. Wondering what had distracted her, she sat on the sofa and placed her arm around Gwen as she looked at the screen.


She couldn’t help but be somewhat taken aback by the images on the screen. “Are you looking at these for our future?” She couldn’t help but ask. As someone who grew up in an orphanage, to say that the things on the screen were foreign to her was an understatement. The stuff on the screen looked straight out of a movie set and almost felt fantasy-like compared to what she was used to.


“No. Not our future. I was thinking of getting it now. If everyone agrees to it, at least.” Gwen replied absentmindedly as she continued to look at the apartment. She liked it more and more with every second she looked at the images and the interactive video. Another thing she realised was that the Yuri System allowed her to customise the apartment to her liking fully.


Gwen already felt her eye twitch as she looked at the customisations available. In the grand scheme of things, the rent itself was cheap at only 2000 YP a month, $100,000. That number of points was something that Gwen could acquire very quickly, so she didn’t mind the price at all.


On the other hand, the amount of points for different things that could be equipped was a lot more pricey. It was safe to say that she’d spend more than 40,000 just furnishing the apartment with stuff from her Yuri store. Now, you may wonder, why buy things from the Yuri store to provide them when it’s already furnished? The answer to that was straightforward. Just like those pens she acquired from the Gatcha, they were all enchanted items to increase durability or accessibility with things she didn’t even know she needed.

For example, she could buy a self-cleaning, highly durable, and super comfortable bed set for 3000YP. That alone would cost 12,000YP since there are four bedrooms. Gwen didn’t mind making these purchases, though, as they were all long-lasting investments in their future and didn’t feel like a waste either. The same went for things like the flooring and carpets. If she could spend some points so that she never has to push a vacuum cleaner around again, why not?


And then there was also other furniture, such as couches, armchairs, shelves, desks… the point was that it was quickly getting expensive. Gwen couldn’t help but think back to the Basic Tech Box worth 10K YP and wondered about its price. It was technically worth $500,000 per set, which she bought four of, so each girl had one. How advanced was it for it to cost that much? She didn’t know, and the only thing she was using them for at the moment was school work and uploading YouTube videos.


Brushing off that thought, Gwen started crunching the numbers more and quickly realised that her 110,000 YP was about to take quite a significant dip. Not that she minded all that much, and she was excited to see where it would all go. She looked over to Cindy. “Well, what do you think?” She asked.


“I think it looks lovely, but are you sure you want to spend all your points on something like this?” She couldn’t help but ask.


“I mean, why not? It will be where we live, and it’s a good location to travel quickly anywhere in New York. It’s a penthouse apartment, meaning we can just land on the roof after a long day of web-slinging.” Gwen replied. Cindy nodded in understanding but was so used to being thrifty with her scarce money that she didn’t know how to feel about it all. Seeing her hesitation, Gwen continued. “Well, I’d have probably bought a place like this soon anyway. I’ve already explained how my system works, so just let me know if there is anything that you want in the future. I wouldn’t be able to have half the things I have right now without you three girls.” She explained, giving Cindy a chaste kiss.


The sound of steps soon entered the room. Jean entered with Petra, and four pizzas floated behind them, which were quickly distributed between them. “Girls, look at this and tell me if there’s anything you want to change or add,” Gwen said lightly as she bit into her pizza.


Jean and Petra crowded around the laptop, and when they saw what was on there, they both had a similar expression to Cindy's. They had already accepted that Gwen liked to spoil them now and then, whether in the bedroom or buying them items from the Yuri Store, such as dresses and new clothes she found in her idle time while browsing. But they didn’t think that she’d go ahead and buy something like this. Jean was quick to recover and couldn’t help but have a little smile as she thought of something. “Ever since our first night with Petra, I can’t get the words that her Aunty said to us when she caught us out of my head.” She said with a small smile.


Gwen frowned momentarily in confusion while Petra blushed at the memory. It took a couple of seconds before Gwen’s eyes went bright. “Oooo…. That’s a good idea… How about we remove the bedroom on the upper floor and transform it into one!” She said, her eyes practically sparkling.


“What are you talking about exactly?” Cindy asked.


“Ahah. Well, my Aunt May caught us when I accidentally accepted her face call, and she said that we looked like we crawled out of a sex dungeon…” Petra said with a wry smile as she scratched her head awkwardly, but that sparkle in her eyes told the others how excited she was. “Speaking about that, the cinema room needs a vending machine or sweets dispenser inside.”


Gwen quickly nodded her head and added it to the room before starting to design the new sex dungeon with Jean, who may have been even more excited than Gwen. Cindy, meanwhile, couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She never expected this to happen when she went to Oscorp Tower, but she was suddenly part of Gwen’s harem and about to leave the orphanage. As she was thinking about it, another thought crossed her mind. “Make sure the gym equipment will help us even with our enhanced bodies.” She said it absentmindedly as she thought about the change in situation. It was best to embrace it all and sort out her emotions later.


And just like that, their breakfast/lunch passed as the four bounced ideas around about the house. A couple of hours later, Gwen’s account of 110,000 YP had dipped to 25,000 YP, and they made sure to deck out the entire space as much as possible with quality-of-life things. And in front of Gwen was a key. “Well, that was much easier than I thought it would be. Is there anything to worry about on the other side of things, Yuri?”


[No need to worry about that; it’s all handled. Everything is signed, and the apartment is waiting for you to enter.]


“What about the estate agent or the building owner?” Petra asked with a raised brow.


[No need to worry. The necessary people have memories of the trade-off and the signing of contracts. Everything is okay.] Yuri happily stated that the text was coming through the screen of Gwen’s computer. For some reason, only Gwen was allowed to hear her voice, but she had no problem sending text messages to the harem when they were near Gwen.


“Well them… Shall we get going?” Gwen asked.


“What about the orphanage?” Cindy asked, wanting to make sure everything was fine there.


[The procedures are done! You can still visit there at any time you wish in the future.]


With that out of the way, the four girls climbed into Jean’s car and headed to their new apartment.

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