Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 14

Chapter 14


It took eight shocks through both Gwen’s and Cindy’s systems before Cindy had a good idea of what was happening with everything, including Gwen’s Yuri System and her openness to more lovers.


Gwen wouldn’t have been so forthright with information if it wasn’t for the fact that they were inexplicably connected now due to being bitten by the same spider. She also felt that she could trust Cindy with her secrets, whether it was just her understanding of people, her spider senses or Yuri senses; all of them told her that she could trust Cindy. However, the turning point was that they were connected and as Yuri had so eloquently put it, Cindy was ‘The Bride’ to Gwen.


Gwen wouldn’t have let Cindy in right away if not for this fact, even if she trusted her due to her senses. It was just an unnecessary risk that would have made no sense. If they hadn’t been as connected as they are now, they would probably not have run into each other while at school, and they could have just swept it under the rug. Even if they bumped into each other, it would have more likely been when on patrol around New York, as Cindy may have wanted to find others like her.


Either way, Gwen felt that Cindy was quite cute and had this feeling of ownership and possessiveness over the girl, which she had no doubt was born from this connection they now shared. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had her morals, Gwen was confident that she would have jumped on the more petite girl and claimed her as her own already. Luckily, she quickly got used to shocking herself and Cindy whenever they got heated.


On the other hand, Petra couldn’t help but feel a little jealous towards Cindy, but that also quickly left her. She was well aware of how hard Gwen had it when she kept her hands to herself around Jean and Petra; if anything, she was just a little jealous of how quickly this bond had formed between them.


With the explanation out of the way, Gwen and Petra helped Cindy descend the building as they quickly changed into their daily clothes in the cover of the alley with the help of Gwen’s inventory before the trio walked out and onto the busy streets of New York.


The busy streets also formed a distraction for Cindy, whose mind was still reeling from everything that was happening around her. It must be said that Gwen had Yuri as support when her life changed. Jean’s life was already up in the air and was quite hectic due to her past, so she adapted quickly to the change in pace. On the other hand, Petra had Gwen, her best friend, as her support. Also, the happy news of officially changing her gender made her so glad that the gaining of superpowers seemed like a little bonus to everything around her.


Cindy, on the other hand, was an orphan. She was wise for her age and always had been ahead of others in the same year group. So much so that she could have skipped grades in school if she wanted to. She was so ahead of her peers in school that she decided to take up a hockey, mainly to serve as a bonding experience and make friends. She wasn’t even that invested in the game itself, but it got her blood pumping and was also something she enjoyed in her spare time.


Therefore, Cindy felt a little lost and found herself in a situation similar to Gwen's earlier day. Her future, which she was so assured of, was hazy suddenly. She was a Ghost Spider and Spider-Woman fan but never imagined herself in their situation. Well, that and her passing fancy for the two heroes. Suddenly, the heroes she looked up to and had been researching for the last week were walking hand in hand right next to her. While not explicitly saying anything about it, Cindy was sure that if she had the desire, she would have a chance to join in on their relationship.


And then there were the other feelings that she had. The inexplicable connection that had been formed between herself and Gwen. Now that she had calmed down, she was somewhat scared of these feelings. They were nonsensical. And that worried her. Cindy had always prided herself on being able to keep her cool in stressful situations, whether it was taking tests in school or the night before a hockey match, she could take a deep breath, take a step back and look at the problem before getting in the right headspace to tackle it. But not this time.


The unfamiliar feelings were new to Cindy, and while she was somewhat scared of them, she was also excited. These feelings she had only ever observed others share from a distance and read about in books now affected her. She had long heard the saying that love makes you do stupid things. And while she was pretty sure that her feelings couldn’t be described as love, they could be described as curiosity and attraction. But either way, these feelings made her want to do something that may seem stupid.


Did she join Gwen, Petra and Jean? It was a big step, and she had never even met Jean, so she knew she couldn’t make this decision. But she already had a reasonable opinion of Petra, and when Petra introduced herself and their past, she couldn’t help but respect her for all that she had gone through and how she had changed. The fact that she was already considering it was something that she never expected to happen either.


While walking along with Petra and Gwen, who were still holding hands as they walked the streets of New York, she couldn’t help but glance at them occasionally. They seemed happy just basking in the presence of one another, and it made her feel slightly jealous. She acknowledged that this jealousy was born from her new connection with Gwen, but denying these feelings when she could be happy to embrace them made even less sense than hurting herself by trying to keep her distance from them.


Cindy let out a heavy breath, and suddenly, the worries plaguing her mind dissipated, so she decided to enjoy herself with her new friends. Whether anything came out of it was something for her to worry about in the future. With a newfound determination and settled feelings, she took Gwen’s other hand while walking along the streets of New York.


Gwen couldn’t help but smile at the sensation of her other hand being held. The connection between herself and Cindy was certainly not natural, and with both Yuri-Sense and her spider-sense, she could feel that Cindy was restless while walking along. She was just about to start comforting her when she felt the slight shift, and she almost felt proud that Cindy could deal with her emotions in such a way and come out feeling better. Others in her situation may have been stuck, not moving forward or back, but she pushed on and decided to enjoy herself for the time being. And that made Gwen smile.


“Well then, Cindy, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” Gwen started. Gwen and Petra had already been through an introduction where they explained their circumstances and what they had been up to recently, but they had only gotten a small peak into Cindy’s life, which was only limited to her life at school.


“Hmm. Well, I suppose it’s only right you want to get to know me. Firstly, I was sent to an orphanage at a young age and have been there since before I can remember. It’s quite a nice orphanage. Mother, the matron, is a nice old lady who likes to look after kids, along with her helper, Julie.” Cindy started, and Gwen gave her full attention to the story. “If there’s anything different about me compared to the other kids at the orphanage, it is just that I’ve got a good head on my shoulders and was quick to pick things up since I was little.”


Cindy was quite self-aware and more intelligent than most of her peers. It wasn’t something she seemed to take pride in; if anything, she frowned when she thought about it. “Well, due to being more mature and also due to my skin colour, I was sometimes bullied in my younger years, and I found it hard to make friends with kids my age and even those older than me. Honestly, I didn’t help the situation as I was a bit of a know-it-all brat who liked to correct people; I even rubbed it in their faces sometimes.” She said with a rueful chuckle. “That’s the reason that I joined the hockey team. I could connect with people through a sport and being part of a team rather than lording my knowledge over others.”


“Well, I never expected you to have that side of you, to be honest. You seemed like quite the fangirl earlier.” Gwen replied with a chuckle, causing Cindy to blush again as she remembered her behaviour. “I have to say, though…” Gwen started, and a regretful expression appeared on her face. “I also was an avid runner, which always got my blood pumping. I also found it was a good way to let off some steam before winding down in the evening. Either that or having a morning run to wake me up.” Gwen seemed to be thinking about something before sighing while shaking her head. “It just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I can’t get the same adrenaline or feelings I used to get from it.”


Cindy needed clarification about what she meant before Petra also spoke up. “You realised that too, huh? I was thinking about it the other day, too. In physical education, I had to limit the amount I did and try to act more tired than I am; otherwise, others in the class would see me as some stamina freak.”


It was only then that Cindy understood what they were talking about. It was something that never occurred to her before. As she was adjusting to her new body while walking around with the girls, she had already noticed some other differences to do with her body. Whether it was her strength, situational awareness, or even the fact that she seemed to have impeccable balance, if she had all of these things, she could imagine stepping into a hockey match and demolishing the competition even if she was by herself against a team. “You’re saying that I should give up hockey?” Cindy asked with a raised brow.


“Well, I’m not sure about giving it up, especially if it’s something you’re passionate about. But you must know you are miles stronger and faster than your opponents and allies.” Gwen replied with a wry smile. “To be honest, if you played before to have fun and liked the adrenaline it gave you, there is an easy substitute you can join me and Petra with if you like it.” Gwen finished, her voice turning a tad more flirtatious.


Cindy seemed to have misunderstood what Gwen was referring to, and she couldn’t help but be exceptionally curious about spending her spare time as a superhero like them. It was something that she had never dared to imagine being part of just the other day, but now it was just an arm's reach away. “I… I never really played hockey for the sport itself. It was more about being part of a team and making some friends. If I take you up on your offer, it could be seen as switching from one team to another.” Cindy said that she was still thinking deeply about it. While she originally only played for such a reason, the sport itself had grown on her over the years, and she’d even had the opportunity to watch games live with her club, thanks to the school.


Gwen couldn’t help but look at Cindy for a few seconds in confusion before sharing a glance at the equally confused Petra, who naturally knew that Gwen was referring to having sex and was also staring at Cindy. Petra and Gwen shared a glance and a moment before they both realised where the misunderstanding came from, causing them both to start laughing. “Ahahaha… sure thing Cindy… that’s what I was on about. Bwahahaha!” Gwen couldn’t help but wipe the tears of laughter from her eyes. Cindy’s face turned even more confused as she watched them tear up from laughter.


She seemed to understand only after a few seconds of thinking about it. A blush quickly coated her cheeks, and her mind couldn’t help but wonder about some of the images she had come across while researching and replacing the faces of such pictures with herself, Gwen, and Petra.


Gwen, meanwhile, still couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t even that funny and was just a simple misunderstanding, but seeing Cindy’s confused face was both cute and hilarious at the same time. Noticing that Cindy was once again getting hot and bothered, Gwen couldn’t help but smile. While their time together was short, she couldn’t deny that Cindy was a beautiful girl, and the head on her shoulders was just as attractive to Gwen. Gwen felt that if they were in the same year, she could have been crushing on both Jean and Cindy.


With a smile on her face, she took a look around and realised that they had arrived home. Their initial plan of going on a date had been put on hold, and while Cindy was all hot and bothered, she didn’t feel like giving Cindy another zap to shake her from her current state. Walking up the staircase while taking Cindy’s hand, they arrived at the top floor in front of Jean’s apartment. Taking out the set of keys that Jean gave her, she opened the door and was surprised to find Jean was already home and seemed to be making some food.


Jean, who had been busy making a few pizzas, looked over to the entrance and was surprised to find an unfamiliar mind among the familiar minds she had grown accustomed to. She couldn’t help but panic a bit as she quickly remembered her current attire, which consisted of an apron… and nothing else. A little scan was all that was needed to find out the new mind was someone very interested in joining their relationship and was still currently in a world of her own after being teased so much.


Brushing off the images in her mind and focusing on the task at hand, Jean let out a smile as she bent over the counter to ‘make sure the toppings were done correctly’ and happened to give the three girls a very picturesque view as they entered the apartment. She could already feel the heated gazes of both Gwen and Petra and the flustered and hesitant gaze of the newcomer.


Cindy, who had been in a mind of her own for the last few minutes and was just happy being led along while holding Gwen’s hand, couldn’t help but take a deep breath as she looked at the sculptured back in front of her, the lush red hair that was done up in a simple bun so it didn’t get in the way while she was cooking, giving a clear view of her sexy white neck. It was the definition of temptation.


Gwen, on the other hand, couldn’t help but feel heated. She didn’t know how or why Jean expected them to come home, but she was not about to complain when she was greeted with such a sight. Stepping up behind Jean, her hand moved before her mind as she grabbed a handful of that ass that she had learnt to love, leaning over her and taking her chin as she locked lips with her red-haired lover.


Jean was happy that her little teasing got such a reaction from Gwen. Jean had always been a more dominant person, whether in combat or between the sheets, and seeing Gwen act so dominant was like the start of a fight, where both parties vie for control, the back-and-forth, the feistiness and savageness. But what Jean loved the most was when she got to tame that savageness and had her whimpering under her and begging for more.


Petra couldn’t help but smile at the sight. They usually arrive home together as they spend time together after school is over, so this was somewhat of a new situation. Not entirely, though, as she had seen Jean tease Gwen to get her all hot and bothered as she is now, and when their foreplay starts like this, it usually means that they’ve got a long night ahead of them.


She looked over to the blushing Cindy Moon, who was still frozen at the sight, before sighing. She knew that Gwen had never planned for Cindy to join them so soon, but seeing the look in Cindy's eyes that could light someone aflame with desire, she knew that this had gone over the edge now, and it would be hard to stop it from tipping to that point. Realising that Cindy was more courageous than she gave her credit for, she quickly stopped Cindy, who was about to jump into the fray.


“You should know Gwen probably won't let you get away once you join us here. While she may not always show it, she’s fiercely possessive of those she deems hers. Just like Jean and I. I’m not trying to dissuade you; just think about it before you make such a life-changing decision.” Petra saw Cindy take a deep breath to stabilise herself, but her eyes never left the scene before them.


The dominant-looking Gwen was already gone, her shirt ripped, showing off her generous bosom, and those pink nipples that Petra had learnt to love the taste of was enough for Petra to lose all pretence as she quickly lifted her shirt overhead and tossed it aside. They would give a show to the newcomer, and as if it was some silent understanding between them, they decided it would be a good show indeed.


Jean quickly picked up the panting Gwen, princess style, and walked towards the bedroom; her apron had long left her form as she showed off her generous breasts and swaying hips, and Petra couldn’t help but be mesmerised as she followed behind her.


Cindy, who was still blushing up a storm at the previous sight, took a deep breath, took her phone out and quickly sent a text message to the Matron of the orphanage.


[Cindy Moon: I made some new friends today, and I don’t think I’ll be back this evening, so don’t wait! xXx]


Not even waiting for a reply, she quickly left the main room with a hop in her steps, trailing behind the trio with a determined gaze.


Gwen, meanwhile, couldn’t help but feel heated under the demanding gaze of Jean, who seemed to be towering over her form. She knew that the look in her eye was a promise of a good time, and Jean didn’t even need to say anything for Gwen to understand what she wanted. Reaching up, just above Jean’s crotch, a golden light seemed to form and start to take shape.


Cindy, who just so happened to enter the room at this time, couldn’t help but have her gaze attracted to the golden light taking on the form of a very phallic object. She didn’t know exactly what was happening, but she quickly connected the dots from Gwen’s earlier explanation about some ‘Yuri Powers’ she had acquired. When the golden light died down, she couldn’t help but take a deep, steadying breath as a nine-inch cock fell onto Gwen’s waiting face while Petra also crawled behind Gwen’s form and started toying with her body.


Many thoughts raced through Cindy’s mind, and despite her inexperience in the subject, another thought ran through her mind for some reason. Gwen had specifically called her ‘The Bride’. Didn’t that mean that she had her duties as the bride to ensure Gwen was satisfied? Was that her role? Her connection to Gwen made it feel so. Shaking away such thoughts, she was once again entranced by the sight of Gwen’s lips parting as she looked up at Jean, a pleading look in her eyes as she peppered the cock in front of her with little licks and kisses.


The sight entranced Cindy, and she quickly realised that the relationship between the trio wasn’t as simple as she initially assumed. She could vividly remember Petra being woken up, flustered, by Gwen's domineering kiss on the bus that very morning, obviously playing the dominant role. But here, that dominant role was nowhere to be seen as she practically acted like a bitch in heat.


Luckily for Gwen, Jean felt satisfied with her pleading whine and begging puppy eyes as she took her by the jaw and opened her mouth, shoving the nine-inch cock down to the back of Gwen’s waiting throat. Feeling Gwen’s squeezing throat along her cock was something that Jean thought she might never get tired of, and the way Gwen's nose touched her pelvis, along with the choked, gagging noises escaping Gwen was just something that Jean had grown addicted to. Then, to top it all off, Gwen’s baby-blue eyes started to leak water.


It was such an attractive, beautiful and addicting sight that Jean couldn’t help but grab her by her hair and start to rock her hips back and forth rapidly into Gwen’s waiting gullet.


Gwen was on her knees as she let Jean use her mouth however pleased. Petra was leaning on her back, taking front-row seats as she watched from over Gwen’s shoulder. She could see Gwen’s throat bulging as the veiny cock made its way in and out of Gwen’s mouth. She could see Gwen’s saliva-slicken chin and tearful eyes, and she couldn’t help but think that this must be how she looked when Gwen treated her similarly.


Not one to be left out of such a scene, she reached around Gwen’s front, one hand squeezing, pulling and pinching those tasty nipples while the other went lower to Gwen’s already leaking garden. Gwen didn’t offer any resistance as a finger slipped inside Gwen’s flower; if anything, it seemed to be inviting Petra further inside, waiting to be filled. Petra couldn’t help but be turned on as she started kissing and leaving soft love bites on Gwen’s white shoulders and neck.


Cindy was watching on from the side. All of her clothes had already been discarded, and a trail of juices was trailing down her inner thigh as she looked at the sight. Jean looked over her with an expression of appreciation. With one hand still guiding Gwen’s head, she lifted the other and beckoned Cindy towards her.


While Jean did not expect an extra guest today, the conversation that Gwen and Petra had exchanged earlier with Yuri’s guidance was relayed into their group chat, so she had some ideas about what had happened, even if she was missing some context. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jean.” She said, the smile never leaving her face.


It was an introduction that would be hard for anyone ever to forget and perfectly established the pecking order as she continued to fuck Gwen’s mouth with enough force to make Gwen go cross-eyed while shaking Cindy’s hand. “Cindy.” She replied simply, a blush coating her cheeks as she looked down and caught sight of the teary-eyed Gwen, who was still being rammed from above.


Jean seemed to realise something, so she leaned over and whispered into Cindy’s ear. “When she’s like this, she can barely form proper sentences, but she trusts you enough to be in our home. That means you’re already part of the family. Ask her for a cock and switch places with me; you can thank me later.” she said before giving Cindy a light kiss on the cheek and giving Gwen one last ram before emptying her load inside Gwen’s needy mouth.


Cindy couldn’t help but be entranced as Jean shook, her eyes rolling back briefly as she emptied her first load into Gwen’s stomach before pulling out with a satisfied sigh. Giving Cindy a nod, she quickly picked up Gwen from the floor and tossed her onto the bed, placing her on all fours as she got behind her and giving Cindy another look before ramming her cock into Gwen’s pussy and hammering her into the bed.


Cindy walked in front of Gwen, the sight of her ass slapping against Jean’s pelvis as she was being fucked from behind was a beautiful sight, her pussy lips quivering from the sight. “Gwen… I want a cock as well. Let me fuck your mouth as Jean fucks your pussy.” She didn’t know where the confidence came from, but seeing Gwen look up at her with hearts for eyes, she couldn’t help but have her heart beat faster in excitement.


Before Gwen could answer, Jean leant over Gwen’s form and whispered something into Gwen’s ear, and Cindy could have sworn that whatever it was lit a fire under Gwen as she reached out to both Cindy and Petra, both of them quickly growing a new appendage between their legs.


Jean seemed to have an unyielding hold over Gwen in this relationship, and even Petra seemed to understand that Jean was the top dog of the harem, even if Gwen was the one for whom they all fell. Jean guided everyone along, taking out the large toy that was still stuffed in Gwen’s ass and moved Petra into position so that they both had easy access.


Gwen’s heart couldn’t help but leap at the feeling of one cock aimed at her pussy, one kissing her back door, and another cock pressed against her lips.

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