Green Life

An invitation to protect home! – Chapter 218

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Somewhere in Sakuru. Thousands of military soldiers in the area braced for what was going to emerge from the wormhole.

While many people were terrified, others were trying to maintain their composure from the unknown form of the black monstrosity that had darkened the entire sky.

“Do we have a signal?” While gazing at his colleague trying to utilize his portable laptop, a certain soldier inquired.

“No, our connection is jammed.” The soldier said while trying to see whether this was his device’s fault or not. “That thing over there must be blocking our radio transmissions..”

But as they were trying to send a drone directly to the wormhole, a certain yellow light could be seen forming in the sky.

“Somethings coming out of there!” One of the soldiers immediately informed as he was looking with his goggles.

“What is it?! Can you see what it is?!” Another soldier of a higher rank inquired, alarmed, while several other humans in military uniforms watched this bizarre phenomenon.

“It’s… it's…” The soldier stuttered as he was getting a better image of the object coming out of the wormhole.

“SPEAK! What is it!?” The colonel ordered before the soldier put down his goggles while continuing to look in the sky.

“It's an angel…”

The legendary being who was slowly flying down to the realms of humans left most people speechless.

Even though they knew the power of an angel, most of the humans didn't hesitate to point their tanks and rifles towards this unbelievable being with golden hair.

But to everyone's surprise, this being didn't seem to be hostile.

The angel softly smiled as he looked down on all of them after he reached a particular level of height where all of the people could see him much better.

“Humans!” The angel’s powerful voice was heard all over the district. “I’m happy to inform all of you that everyone’s wishes have been heard.”

And, much to everyone's surprise, this angel could speak their language fluently.

"Many of our brothers and sisters find your planet to be an eyesore, which is why your home has been utilized as a battlefield for our wars in the past."

They didn't hesitate to record their first encounter with an angel, knowing that it would be remembered till the end of their time in their civilization.
Some of the troops could be heard making gulping sounds as they listened intently to this angel's powerful voice.ace which made it really creepy for most soldiers. 

“We, angels, are seeking an end to this never lasting war, that's why we’ve come to see whether you, humans, are worthy of living.”

While some of the humans still couldn't understand what was going on, they knew that their strength was being drained away the longer they stared at this angel.

“Choose some of your strongest warriors, and present them to me so they may join our trials in order to decide whether your home will continue to be a warzone or not.”

A decision had to be made between humans, and it had to be done quickly. This was a decision that would not only ensure their safety, but also be giving them the opportunity to see what was on the other side of the wormhole.
And as the angel could be seen smiling in satisfaction, a group of individuals could be seen going towards the angel without any fear on their face. A well-known group of students who were already famous around the country for their humanitarian efforts.

Sakuru’s strongest students.

A certain tall boy slid his own glasses up his nose as he peered into the angel’s eyes. “We’ll be the ones to participate in your challenge.”

Many of the soldiers could be seen staring in awe at the people who were chosen to take part in this task.

In everyone’s eyes, they were just not some kids who had gotten the most out of their abilities. 

They were humanity's heroes, and their only hope that angels and demons would stop destroying their homes. An opportunity so humanity could continue to move forward once again without fearing that their planet would get destroyed.

That's what everyone saw when looking at those several students partake in this dangerous task.

But, despite Tatsuya's heroic look on his face, the angel only smiled as he gazed into the distance, where a group of humans could be seen leaping or flying very quickly towards them.

"W-what team do they belong to?! I gave the command to not attack or move!!" Concerned about the unidentified individuals approaching the angel, the general yelled very loudly.

However, as those individuals got closer got closer, they noticed eight girls dressed similarly, moving or flying at incredible speeds. None of the soldiers recognized them. And despite that, no one dared to open fire because of the angle that was present over there.

And within the second, those girls landed with confident looks at the area where the angel was.

“We want to join your little challenge as well.” A certain brown haired girl with pigtails stated as she seemed to be the leader of the group coming towards the angel.

Tatsuya and the other students immediately recognized them, that's why Hanna tried to stop them from getting themselves into something so dangerous.

“Lily, what are you–”

But unfortunately, the decision was already set in stone as the angel was still smiling.

That's why within those seconds, a yellow light fell upon every participant, sucking them inside the wormhole which slowly disappeared as they entered inside.

* * *

Back at the same lab an hour later, the same people who had just gotten the recording of that occurrence could be seen with wide open eyes. And from the screen presented in front of them, they had managed to watch the entire occurrence of what happened outside.

“Mr. President, was it okay to let some kids participate in such a thing that can put our whole planet in danger?” A certain person asked.

“They aren't simply kids…” The president softly spoke.  “They are our only hope of surviving this unending disaster.”

“But why would they want to see to see if humans are worthy?” Another person from the room asked. “And what does that have to do with the ongoing war between angels and demons?”

“Worthy?” The president repeated with raised brows. "That was merely a lie to lure us into a false sense of hope so they can continue to toy with our lives."

As they continued to listen, the room was filled with a tense atmosphere.

“What could you be talking abo–”

“It's clear, isn't it?” The president continued saying. “Even if we win their challenge… those angels won't leave humanity alone… at least not in one piece.”

“You mean…”

“You finally caught on.” The president gripped his fist. “They want to know whether they can use us as a weapon against demons or not.”







Sorry for the delay.... I forgot to post yesterday...


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