Green Life

A battle, soon to be fought! – Chapter 219

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Somewhere within a certain dimension, stood several angelic beings who had formed a hidden base within a deserted world filled with monsters.

"The main objective should be evident to all of us. We must stop the contest in the 10th district!" A certain male angel told the rest of the group who were listening with great interest.

"However, before we decide to infiltrate among the angels, we should come up with a strategy. We've seen how strong and cautious they can be." Another angel suggested.

"It doesn't matter how powerful they are, all this mess needs to stop or all of the realms will turn to dust!" 

But, as the angels were lost in thought, one particular younger female angel diverted her gaze to the room's door, where Sofiel could be seen entering.

"Sofiel, we were talking about our next step." One of the angels informed.

"Good." Sofiel answered by leaning her hands over the table to draw everyone's attention to herself. "Because I was able to collect all of the life crystals required for our next step." 

"What do you suggest we do? We've been staying in this dimension for 10 cycles. Even if time flows much slower in here, we shan't waste any more time."
"We're staying here until our lord and savior says otherwise." Sofiel retaliated.
Even though everyone was having trouble agreeing with a plan, they all fell silent the moment Sofiel mentioned that person.

All of the angels in here were subjects of abuse and torture which had continued for a really long time, thats why everyone were grateful for everything that person had done for them. 

Victims who had decided to group together after they were given a chance to rise once more in their freedom.

"Where is our lord right now?" One of the angels asked.

“He is getting more life crystals as of right now.” Sofiel softly said.

“Our lord must already know that we will be going against infinite numbers of enemies from this point on.” A confident angel responded.

“He was the one who saved us after all.” Another angel added.

“Do you think he’ll be able to help us out?” Ambel innocently asked while looking at the form of her friend.

While the other angels were waiting for Sofiel to respond to that question, there was silence in the room.

“He will–”

But somewhere far away from that base, there was a certain being who was surrounded by thousands of massive dead creatures that had just been slain. And on top of all of these corpses was Seikatsu, or what he was once called... Hatsuko....
A humanoid-looking figure who continued moving forward, unconcerned about the things that were in front of him. Other than his slightly ripped clothes, he had no injuries or difficulties moving around.

“–because he is the one who has the strength to enlighten us.”

While Seikatsu’s eyes remained glowing all the time, his power had reached its peak as many of the monsters no longer dared to challenge him. A monster among monsters who showed no fear or remorse when hunting for anything that caught his eyes.

He was… at the top of the chain… and above everything else!

* * *

In the 14th realm, there were many structures that seemed eerily human looking. But the residents who lived in that kind of place there… were not humans….  

Millions of demons who seemed to be gathering a variety of weapons and beasts chained somewhere could be seen wandering around this place.

“With this much preparations, those fucks with white wings wont be able to counter back in time.” With a sneer on his face, one of the demons who brought the last scroll into view stated.

"In the first place, they won't have a chance against us. For nearly 100 thousand cycles, we've been planning on conquering the 15th realm." The three-horned devil reacted.

“Gyaaa!!! Just when are we starting?! I can’t wait to rip their wings out as they beg for help!” While moaning about the long wait, the demon stretched out his arms in joy.

“Be patient. Compared to how much time has passed, waiting a few more cycles isn't that much of a big deal anymore.”

That was how most of the conversations between lower-ranking demons went as they prepared for the imminent war they were about to launch.

The majority of the demons were already hyped up, without being aware that the condition of the 15th realm was barely stable.

In a much bigger building, higher ranked demons could be seen thinking after being aware of the condition over the 15th realm. 

A nearly transparent screen could be seen over the table, showing them live graphics of the condition of the 15th realm. That kind of technique was used since they required a way to spy into that dimension.

“What do you think of this?” One of the generals inquired.

“That is indeed unexpected… for a whole realm to go down so easily is very surprising.” Another one responded.

"Our superiors have made no mention of such a thing, therefore this must be the work of angels."

One of the generals raised a brow. “But why would angels do this to their own realm?”

“Hmm” A demon who had been calmly listening till now hummed to himself. "They did it so they could hide things they didn't want others to see."



“They have something to hide? Those fuckers must be planning something.”

But, as all of the generals in the chamber deliberated about the next course of action, a certain demon ran inside the room with an alarmed face.

“We are under attack!!!” He shouted in a hurry.


“How could this happen!? What are our demonic guardians doing?!” One of the generals shouted in disbelief and anger.

"They are no longer alive! Many angels have been spotted entering our domain and slaughtering whatever they come across." The demon informed as he was waiting for further orders.

“Prepare all of our best demons out there and strike back! Do not leave any of those fuckers alive, you hear me?”

“Y-YES!!” The informant responded as he rushed out in order to spread the order given by the generals.

Once the order was confirmed by the other generals, the room became silent once again, showing how everyone in there was not pleased with the abrupt shift of events.

"For the time being, let's keep this attack a secret." One of the generals made a suggestion.

“WHAT!? Are you insane?! Our superior will eat our souls once he finds out about this!” Another general retorted.

“And they'll kill us if we inform them about this anyway! So let's just deal with this on our own, and keep it a secret! There are only a few angels that have managed to break through our defenses. We can handle them on our own even if they are angels from the higher realms.”

Once the other demon generals thought about this, they all came into an agreement about not saying anything of this sudden change of events.

But will fate be on their side this time, or will they suffer unthinkable consequences that will cost them their lives?








Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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