God Games: Civilization Rise

CHapter 2: Problem and Competition

‘The three research progress require time, but the food we get via hunting is getting smaller and smaller.’ Venkix sighed in frustration, he was apprehensive of sending in his son, warriors and scouts out there without the cover of the rain. ‘But if I don’t, we’d starve here.’ He opened up his status panel and mentally clicked the Map function. The panel closed before a large panel encompassed his vision, stopping him in his tracks and placing a hand on his scaly chin. 

‘The hunters managed to explore 1 km more of the area and successfully updated the map and animal territories beside ours.’ The panel showed quite a large area that showed the orbital view of the mountain he was at and the forest nearby.  The Forest had different kinds of irregular shapes drawn on them with different colours. The Red were the territories of Carnivorous wildlife, that mostly outnumbered the Green that signified the area of herbivores and fruits. While the scarce amount of Blue were areas where herbs are known to grow and a singular purple with a name “ Spike Back Forest Tribe ''. Venkix's main headache was resources but he couldn’t lie to himself that this neighbouring tribe also didn’t cause problems.

The Spike Backs were made with the spikes of a porcupine and the body of a rabbit. They were herbivores that only reached the upper waist of the average tribesmen of the Black Vines. The Tribesmen of the Spike Backs are all agile and flexible, perfect for stealth and hunting operations, only problem was they were quite wary of Venkix and his tribe and were quite reasonable. Who wouldn’t when one of their parties saw one of Venkix’s hunting parties viscously battle with Kadvenrin, wolf like carnivore that had a blood red fur and split their mouth into three sections each with razor sharp teeths and 4 tentacle like tongues that stab the wounds of their caught prey and inject them with paralytic poison.

Venkix lost two hunters to those annoying wolves, but the battle was also the first time they had faced Kadavenrin since at that time it was more explorative than hunting. The first contact with the tribe after that was pretty tense, which was actually a common reaction when a herbivorous tribe meets a carnivorous one. He let out a sigh and massaged the middle of his snout. ‘Who would I choose to head to the Spike Backs? I can’t just send anyone, knowing some of the warrior's attitude.’ Venkix finally reached the main cavern, his tribesmen doing their own thing to help the tribe in any way.

To one of the corners of the cave were hatchlings training to be warriors, hunters, or shamans. Venkix remembered that this batch of hatchlings are the ones nearing the coming of age ceremony for their respective choices. ‘After dealing with the party to be sent to the Spike Backs, the Coming of Age Ceremony is about 2 weeks later I think.’ Suddenly, Venkix felt a presence behind him, the footsteps he heard were random and silent but he already knew who it was. Without a word, Venkix turned quickly; using his tail to sweep the ground and trip the one sneaking behind him. 

A startled yelp came from the presence sneaking, attracting all of the tribe's attention within the area. Venkix stood up properly once more and hit the butt of the spear on the ground making a loud thud before huffing. Needle spines stood up and began to vibrate. [Raathos, what did I say in an attempt to sneak behind me?] Looking on the ground was quite a young hatchling, the same colour of black and pattern as Viredalon but instead of neon green it was sea blue. The hatchling, rubbing the back of their head, sat up slowly with something akin to a groan. Beside them was a wooden staff that are used on the training area when hatchlings are to spar against one another.

The tribe members to the side quietly laughed at the sight, sounds like huffs and a few clicks. The entire tribe knew of their current Chieftain’s youngest child, they knew of her ability to hide her presence and swiftly attack her opponents. From the only two children of the Chieftain, a lot of warriors and some hunters follow the firstborn while the majority of hunters and half of the crafting oriented tribesmen follow the second born. Viredalon the Firstborn, has a strong physique that rivals half of the chieftain and has flawless sense of battle and strategy; only weakness is that of his pride and drive to prove himself to the chieftain. Raathos the Second born, also known as ‘Raathos the Silent’, has a quick wit and sharp senses. Although young, already shows promise and leadership skills. Weakness is her lack of strength and smaller leaner stature than any of the other hatchlings. Venkix silently hoped that this body would live longer to see the outcome of both of this body’s children bloom.

[Forgive me, Father, but I couldn’t resist testing my skills on you.] Raathos replied back, standing up from their position and patted herself down. Venkix didn’t want to admit it loudly but he only sensed Raathos the moment she got closer at his tails range. He was heavily impressed, both as a ‘God’ and as a father. Letting out a sigh, he then turned back to his tribesmen and noticed that above him from one of the wooden pillars, was his firstborn. 

Viredalon, was watching the both of them closely, eyes narrowed nearly to a slit but Venkix could tell that the majority of his focus was his younger sibling. Tail swishing from side to side, Venkix could clearly tell that even he didn’t notice his younger sibling until Venkix swept her legs from under her and let out a yelp. [You still have a long way to go child,] Venkix told her before addressing his eldest. [The same could be said to you as well, Viredalon.]  Venkix inwardly smirked, letting out a huff of amusement as his eldest turned his head away while the tip of his tail wiggled from side to side. An easy way to tell his current emotion.

Letting out a sound similar to a cough but more akin to a growling grunt, Venkix faced his tribesmen and raised his head slightly before his throat began to vibrate and let out melodious chirps and clicking growls. The atmosphere, previously jolly and peaceful, turned silent and tense. The action Venkix just did was always used to gather the entire tribe, even the hatchlings and elders, into a meeting. And with such action, the tense atmosphere churned into activity once again, tribesmen and hatchlings quickly heading to the same direction. Tribe meetings are always done in the largest cavern that is able to hold the entire tribe.

Without further hesitance, Venkix walked towards a different direction, a tunnel that only chieftains are allowed to walk as it heads towards the meeting cavern's tallest platform. Hearing a subtle pair of footsteps, one heavy and the other light behind him, Venkix knew his children were behind him. Most likely curious about the sudden meeting. [My children, you know the rules.] Venkix looked over his shoulder, not stopping his gait to the tunnel entrance. [Join with our tribesmen, I will explain the reason for the meeting.] Without saying anything else he turned his head to his front and entered the tunnel. His mind is already churning of possible candidates for the delegate group to meet with Spike Back tribe. ‘The interval of the rain begins tomorrow at early noon.’ His hand holding his lizard chin, Micheal pondered the safest and fastest path to the neighbouring tribe. ‘I could possibly send 10 people into the group.’ 

‘1 for leading, 1 for a shaman, 1 for a craftmaster, and the rest for guards’ Micheal always approached things with caution, everyday that passed and he had learned many new and mind breaking things about this world. During his time with the Creedull, he learned that the skies were the most dangerous as it is plagued with numerous uncertainties. Adjusting to the new weather pattern took time and lives, even then each pattern and time signifies the patrol time of many powerful beasts.

What started out as a tribe of a thousand, was left to a meagre 300. Such loss was understandably painful for any player that played the game. And the cause for such drop was Micheal’s action of sending most of his combat force to explore without knowing anything. A gamble in short, and a risky one at that. Venkix was pulled out of his thoughts once he heard vibrations and clicks ahead of him, the tunnel exit to the platform was in front of him. He had stopped his tracks and was only a few steps left before he entered the meeting cavern and wandered in his mind. ‘I guess it’s time for the inevitable.’ Letting out a huff, Venkix entered the spacious cavern.

With his footsteps creating thuds on the ground, the chatter in the cavern quieted down. Once in full view of the whole tribe, Venkix looked down at his platform and towards his people. The cavern was wide in both width and length, possibly enough to fit 2,000 more if ever. On the very centre was a circular clearing that not one of the tribesmen step foot into, the clearing was used in trials, judgement, or even ceremonies; The cavern was natural but as a safety precaution, Venkix had made the craft masters in making support pillars and walkways to repair or replace for any possible damage in the pillars. Venkix stopped near the very edge of the platform and began to address his tribe. [My tribe, I have gathered all of you today with only one thought in mind,] Venkix sent a glance to Viredalon’s direction to his right, as always majority of Warriors and some members of the hunters, while to Venkix left was his youngest along with majority of the Hunters and half of the crafts masters. ‘Even here, the divide in factions is known.’ Venkix also glanced at the ones in front of him. The Shamans led by the Great Shaman and Craft Masters led by the Great Elder. ‘What I would announce will most likely affect them.’ The other remaining members of the tribe were joined together with the elder council that served as the barrier between the 4 factions. [With the shortage of food and the decreasing number of prey in the area, I have come to a decision.]

Every single one of the ribe stood still, all of them standing tall in antici[pation. [I would gather 10 members of the tribe, their goal is to head to the SPike Back Tribe and speak to them about exchanging food for materials as well as knowledge of the surroundings.] Venkix announcement was met with deathly silence, counting in his mind silently once reaching 10 was when all hell broke loose. It began with loud vibrations similar to yelling before everyone below the platform argued at one another while some discussed together. Vireladon had a look of pride mixed with apprehension while Raathos had a look of curiosity and interest. Venkix stared towards a certain area in front of him, specifically the area where the Great Elder stood. The Great Elder, with her scales turning grey little by little and her blue eyes hiding an unknown intent, stared right back at him. Venkix knew her from his previous descension of the tribe's chieftains. He had already an inkling of a feeling that she had a weird feeling towards him. The limit of the Descension skill has finally showed, each new chieftain had their own personality and ideas, Descension skill makes Micheal take parts of those personalities and ideas, merging them into his own mind or in the case of the system memory storage that he can use to help advance the tribe. 

[Chieftain!] A loud rumbling groan followed by a vibration, silenced everyone in the cavern. Looking towards the direction of the sound, Venkix was met with a battle scarred Xinzuian, missing the hand of his lower right arm yet built in muscle and strength. This was Dredlindor, one of the tribe’s best warriors and his stats almost rivals Venkix. If possible Micheal would have chosen him as the next chieftain but this one had a fatal flaw. Dredlindor was full of pride and arrogance, seeing those weaker than him as pawns that can be sacrificed for the tribe’s betterment. Venkix suffered a headache with him since he was the one that usually causes trouble. A loner yet a powerful one at that. [Why do we have to exchange what we have to a tribe much weaker than us?!] He looked around arrogantly and intentions clear, a way to the spot of the chieftain. [We can just gather what we need and kill all of them! They become our new source of food!] With his words (vibrations?) some members hesitatingly agreed while the remaining chose silence such was the influence of Venkix the current chieftain. ‘This is my chance to silence this troublemaker.’ Venkix thought to himself, unknowingly releasing a bloodlust filled pressure that choked everyone inside the cavern to submission and silence. Dredlinor’s pride being hurt to a certain degree will surely shut him up for a while, said Xinzu was also shaken still because of the pressure Venkix released.

[The reason for such a decision is also an alliance,] Venkix dispelled the pressure, easing the burden and allowing others to move. [With their knowledge of the land from how long they’ve lived there.] Many agreed to the idea, and even the elders and experienced shaman considered the possible resources that the tribe could attain. Seeing the rising support diminishing, Dredlinor felt his pride hurt from how the chieftain dismissed his idea and how his support quickly left him. Grinding his teeth, he lowered his head and held back the rising anger he had to his chieftain. Even as prideful as he was, his respect for the chieftain was pure. Dredlinor’s emotions battled against one another and it took a while before he grit his teeth and swallowed his pride and bowed down his head. [For those that wish to gain a spot in the group,] Venkix paused and took his time glancing at the entire tribe with his eyes glowing eerily. [A competition will be held here in the Meeting Cavern; for the leading position, the ones that wish to be leader of the group will be personally tested by me.]

Venkix's announcement, causing a stir of emotions like excitement, tension, and courage. [There will be two reserved spots, one for a shaman and the other for a craftmaster. Prove your worth today and tomorrow will be the final trial to the ones to get the leading position.] Venkix finished before raising his right foot and dropped it to the ground, creating an audible thud echo around the cavern. [Dismissed.] He finally turned around and exited the cavern.

Seeing the Chieftain leave without another word, Warrior’s and Hunter’s began staring at each other with hostility and competitive spirit. The Shamans and Craft Masters looked at their fellow tribesmen and narrowed their eyes against each other. Vireladon let out a huff and stood tall, flexing his pecs and muscles while his tail made wide sways that made his followers behind him step back a little. Raathos, on the other hand, looked almost bored at the thought of joining the group but felt excited about competing. 

Competitions such as these were rare and opportune to give honour and fame in the tribe. Traditionally, Micheal wanted to keep the competitions to death but saw his error immediately and argued with the shamans of the tribe on the two and a half lifetime of two chieftains.  On the earlier days of the tribe, numbers were the most important since the tribe was weakest at that time. Dangerous traditions that cut off the talent and strength of the tribe was a disadvantage that will truly affect him in the far future. Such change showed results after a few decades or so. ‘I’ll have to speak with the Elders to keep watch on the competition.’ Micheal let his mind wander, he already knew that Vireladon would join the competition and reach the next day to become the leader of the group. 

‘Raathos would most probably join to have fun…’ Micheal thought amused and subconsciously made Venkix chuckle then thinking back on the events that happened today, the delegation to the Spike Backs literally cares about the faith of the tribe. ‘If…If they fail in negotiating, the tribe will most definitely crave for their blood.’ Micheal grimmly thought, his emotion causing Venkix to clench all of his fist. Further falling into the depths of his mind.

A subtle shuffle of footsteps and dragging of a tail caught his attention. Micheal returned back to the controls of the body and made it turn the head and glance behind him. Unsurprisingly, the Great Elder was the one that approached him. Micheal dreaded the required bullshit he had to make up to keep her out of his path. Letting out a sigh inwardly, Micheal made the body face the Great Elder and prepared the inevitable. ‘Here we go, I guess.’

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