God Games: Civilization Rise

Chapter 1: A regular Transmigration :)

It was raining, the sky dyed in darkest grey as thunder and lightning flashed. The loud rumbling making the ground quake. There was a tall mountain that pierced the grey clouds, making light sometimes pierce through the layers. Below such a towering mountain was verdant pink-ish trees with spiky vines hanging down their branches and a weird looking fruit that looked like it was a mix of an apple and a pineapple. The tree's leaves were frantically dancing on their branches because of the wind, vines wildly whipping its surroundings as lightning crackled. 

In a flash of lightning, the figure emerged from the shadows, its form a symphony of evolution. Adorned in sleek, obsidian-hued scales intermingled with vibrant emerald hues, the figure exuded an aura of primal ferocity. Needle-like spikes protruded from its back frame, their tips delicately grazing the rippled surface of its reptilian armoured skin. From the curvature of its spine snaked a sinuous tail, its length stretching to unfathomable proportions, adorned with razor-edged spines that glinted ominously in the intermittent light. Four arms, each  with slightly longer fingers tipped with talon-like claws. Its countenance, reminiscent of a primordial lizard, bore a long, tapering snout punctuated by rows of serrated fangs, poised to rend flesh with effortless precision, on the crow of its head were horns that bent forwards reminiscent of sharp ram horns. With legs bent backwards for agility and swift movement, its three-toed feet with hooked claws clung to the rocky precipice with an unsettling sense of assurance, betraying its otherworldly origins. In that moment, as it loomed amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the storm-lit sky.

On the ground beside it, stabbed into the earth, was a primitive wooden stick with spiky vines used as rope and a sharpened rock tied to it properly. The figure's golden amber eyes looked down, glaring at the forest below.

Then, the spikes on its back rose slightly and began to vibrate, creating a clicking sound with a low-pitched ring mixed in. Behind it were 10 creatures identical to it, though the vibrant emerald hue of their scales was replaced with different colours. From a distance, their scales displayed various patterns, but the one standing on the cliff's edge had a scale pattern resembling crawling vines. The other 10 creatures slowly bowed their heads in unison, each holding the same spear, albeit slightly more primitive than the first. The leader nodded before grabbing its spear and hopping off the cliff, plummeting to the ground.

Once it made contact with the ground, a plume of dust rose up and created a visible dent in the ground. The creature was in a crouched position, its tail wagging around like a snake to balance itself, letting out a huff of air. It stood up slowly and made the butt of its spear meet the ground. The creature stood at around 6 '5, above it the same creatures as it were crawling down the cliff edged like lizards that clung to walls. Their speed was quick and surprisingly orderly, spears tucked in one of their second pair of arms. The apparent leader glanced at its subordinates before it turned to look at the forest in front of it. 

Letting out a growl with a mix of clicks, it took a few steps forward to make space for its subordinates. It didn't wait long as the other creatures hopped off the cliff wall they clung too and dropped down on the ground with a silent thud, all 10 of them observing the small dent with looks of awe and reverence before they moved their gaze to their leader. Their leader walked towards the trees with the others following a step behind them. Holding their spears tightly, the group other than the leader, warily observed their surroundings 

After a while of trekking, the leader then stopped in its tracks before crouching down, its subordinates pausing in confusion before following suit. A few metres in front of the group was an animal covered in sleek brown-peach fur, slender legs built for speed and a long tail the length of two average person's arms. Its head is similar to a raven, but completely covered in fur instead of feathers. It was currently eating a moss-like thing that clung to the tree, the moss was wriggiling with tendrils with bulbs of bioluminescent yellowish orange. The animal opened its beak, a few rows of flat teeth showing, its tongue coming out. It was long and thick like an earthworm with barbs on it, it stretched out of the mouth and began licking the moss. The barbs were used for the moss to clung to the tongue before it retracted back.

The leader stepped forward slowly, careful and tense, movement from it made only the natural sound of the environment. Mimicking the sound of the surroundings was one of its ways in hunting, to keep its prey lower its guard. Raising its spear, it aimed at the herbivore with slightly narrowed eyes. It stared at its prey, waiting for the optimal time to slay it in one move, its hands tightly gripping the spear. The herbivore slightly turned its body to the left causing the leader’s eyes to glint before it hurled its spear at its shoulder area. The spear made a whistling sound from its speed, alerting the herbivore. It attempted to turn around and run but the spear stopped its action by piercing the area between its shoulder and neck.


It let out a loud croak before it fell down on the ground, twitching and breathing heavily, the surroundings made frantic rustling sounds and similar croak. Then a few glimpses of similar animals whiz past, speed swift and chaotic. The other 10 threw their spears as well to the fleeing prey, although not as powerful it still managed to injure a single prey but it still managed to escape. 

Well if you call it an escape, it certainly did. The injured prey jumped up from pain and accidentally hit face first into a trunk of a tree, with a loud snap and crack, blood spurted out its broken neck caused by the bones poking out. The leader humanly rolled its eyes from the actions of its subordinates. It walked towards its prey before it grabbed the shaft of the spear hard and yanked it out of the corpse, some blood and flesh splattering the ground while some hung on the spiky vine that was used to tie the sharpened stone. The blood that was spurting out was slowly stopping and the puddle of blood stopped growing. The blood that came out of the herbivore was a strange mix of clotty green fleshy blood, most probably fat. 

The leader wiped the tip of the spear on its prey’s fur, although the tip looked slightly dulled there's no problem for a good old sharpening and making a replacement. Its subordinates, surprisingly, began to carry the prey they got by grabbing the legs and another two carrying the middle to balance. The remaining moved closer to their leader and began to carry the hunted prey. 

The leader let out a soft growl and looked up to the thundering sky. Lightning still flashing and thunder rumbling, but there was a noticeable change via the small specks of light piercing the stormy clouds and lighting up the surroundings. It let out a high pitch yelp like a velociraptor before turning around and headed back to the cliff they were at. 

Once they reached the cliff wall, the leader looked back to their subordinates who were carrying the prey; the remaining ones spread out to protect the transportation. The leader turned back to face the wall before it placed its right foot on the rocky surface before their hooked claws stuck to the surface. Pointing upwards with its spear, the leader let out a rumbling roar before it raised its other foot and did the same while some of their arms grabbed certain crevices and began to climb up. The first prey that the leader killed was placed down on the ground before the subordinates began to climb the wall as well.

The leader finally grabbed hold of the cliff edge and pulled themself up. In front of it was the same environment but there was something slightly changed, suddenly a nearby boulder moved before it slowly rolled to the side showing three other same creatures pushing it. One of them was holding 4 vine ropes with the spikes removed perfectly. The leader moved their body sideways and pointed to the one holding the ropes to the cliff edge. Like clockwork, the one holding the rope jogged to the edge and dropped the 4 ropes down. Making a gesture and some clicking sounds from its mouth, the ones left below began to tie the rope on the prey’s legs. Tying them tight and secure, then the one that dropped the ropes turned back and called towards the others near the entrance.

7 more of the same race came to help and each two of them grabbed their own rope, The Leader huffed silently before opening its mouth and let out a roar, most probably an order when the group began pulling in sync, Below, the tied corpse began to slowly rise up with the ones previously carrying it were slowly climbing up the wall while checking the corpse as it rose up.

The leader watches the process for a while before heading inside the hidden cave entrance. The tunnel was quite long and its width could be three feet of the same race as it. After another set of metres, a wide open girth appeared in front of the leader with some blue light cascading down the walls, The leader puffed up its chest and confidently entered the passage to another area,

What met its view was a large, wide cavern with stalagmites everywhere, hanging from the cavern ceiling. The entire cavern was filled to the brim with other lizard people that looked the same as them other than the pattern, pattern colour, and the occasional horns of various types and sizes.

The cavern also had large wooden pillars, large tree trunks piled up together and tied up tightly. Each pillar had the occasional rope bridge that connected to pillars with platforms. There were hundreds of them doing various kinds of things, from tying new tree trunks for new pillars to cutting off the spikes from vines. The leader headed somewhere deeper into the cavern, passing by many of its tribesmen. What only changed were the amount and how some of them were holding spears while others held ropes with a large rock tied on the end, while the opposite was tied to a wooden handle with some carvings on them that almost looked like figures of lizards and a circular carving with lines in various forms of squares.

Each line had spaces and never touched the other lines, maybe some form of primitive language in the making. The leader slightly sped up their march, loud roars and clicks echoing behind them, possibly from the prey being brought back, It suddenly stopped in its tracks before kneeling down and bowing its head forward,

In front of it was a cavern wall with stalagmites on the ground and ceiling, each adorned with various skulls of different creatures. At the centre of the wall was an area devoid of stalagmites, replaced by a wide wooden table. Seated at the centre was a pure black lizard with golden amber eyes, covered in various scars from battles or accidents. The lizard was quite muscular and obviously made for combat. One of its arms was covered in a moss-like scale pattern that reached up to its elbow before spreading out to the shoulder in vine-like patterns. The needle spikes on the leader's back rose up before it began to vibrate and click.

The seated black lizard stared at the lizard before emitting a deep and loud vibration. [What have you come to report?] The seated lizard narrowed its eyes slightly, the vibration on its needles clicking in a pattern similar to talking. [Chieftain, I’ve come to report that we have succeeded in hunting two Xylophidra,] the kneeling lizard replied. Raising their heads and looking at the chieftain, [We could’ve hunted more, but the light broke through the clouds, and we had to return to the tribe.]

The chieftain emitted a low rumble in its throat before raising one of its arms and pointing at the kneeling lizard in front of them. [You need not speak to me formally, my child. Speak your mind.] With the chieftain's prompt, the lizard quickly rose to its feet and replied hastily, the vibrations slightly high-pitched. [Father, why must we go out into the wilderness only when it rains? Our tribe is starving, and the Xylophidra can only last us so long; they can only regenerate so much to feed us.]

Then the lizard pointed to one of the stalagmites growing on the cavern wall, covered in red, spiky moss. The tips of the spikes were slightly dripping with water and sometimes shaking. [Even if we can last by eating the Aqumyra and absorbing the water essence inside, it can only give us so much energy.]

The chieftain growled and leaned forward, muscles and scales extending and flexing to accommodate the weight. Behind him, a long, spear-like tail whipped in the air. The lizard in front of him quickly kneeled down and bowed its head, something like sweat sliding down its snout and dropping to the ground. [You are my son, and as my son, you will follow my orders until you defeat me in single combat to take the title of Chieftain,] The chieftain replied, the vibration deep like a heavy truck passing by. [When the rain stops and the light bathes the land is when the strongest of beasts roam their territories. I will not sacrifice my tribesmen and my own child to death.] The chieftain slammed their tail on the ground once again, leaving a mark. The chieftain then flicked one of his hands to his son, a gesture to leave his presence. [Go back to your dwelling and rest.]

The son stood up quickly, from how his tail swished from side to side could see his evident emotion. With a huff, he turned around and left. The chieftain then placed their hands to his forehead. ‘Acting as the leader is so tiring,’ He thought to himself, then a transparent panel opened up in front of him with words written on it.

[Congratulations! Your Units have hunted two Xylophidras! You have gained 30 XP, 45 CP, and 20 IP!]

The chieftain narrowed his eyes before he dismissed the panel with his thoughts before two new ones opened up with different information. ‘My level is still 10, I can only speculate that a few years have passed counting on the generations born.’

Unit Name: Venkix The Wise

Race: Xinzu

Gender: Male

Level: 10 {130/500}

Affiliation: Black Vine Mountain Tribe

Class: Chieftain

Sub-Class: Warrior lv. 5, Champion lv. 3

Stamina: 145%

Energy: 100%


Strength: 45

Agility: 80

Intelligence: 55

Wisdom: 70

Charisma: 37


Herbal Lore lv2, Nature’s Wisdom lv.4, Warrior’s Might lv.5, Bloodlust lv.5, One with the Shadows lv.4, Night vision lv.5, Champion’s Physique lv.5, Basic Navigation lv.4, Ritualistic Knowledge lv.2, 


Call of The Wild lv.3, Tribal Fury lv.4, Hunter’s Insight lv.5, Herbal Medicine lv.2, Novice Ritual Spells lv. 2


Chieftain’s Hide Armour, Warrior’s Spear, Tribal Amulet, Shaman’s Blessed Bracelet

Host: Micheal Cinegad

Current Era: Primitive

Civilization: Xinzu

Civilization Traits:

Race Unity 

Survival Instincts 

Adaptive Explorers 

Population: 541

Food: 230

Wood: 561

Stone: 325

Civilization Research:

Early Warfare - In Progress (24 Hours 35 Minutes 10 Seconds Left)

Biological Research:

Botanical Study - In Progress (10 Days 13 Hours 59 Minutes 01 Second Left)

Technology Research:

Primitive Mining Tools - In Progress (5 Days 3 Hours 26 Minutes 21 Second Left)


Inspiring Field, Terraforming, Field Growth, Inheritance, Bloodline Creation, Curse, Bless, Totem, Descension

Civilization Points: 3,045

Interference Points: 254





The chieftain narrowed his eyes and read the screens three times. ‘I need more Interference Points, so I can personally interfere with the tribe more. On the other hand, I need to focus on gaining more Civ Points so I can shop for items or bloodlines’  The Chieftain then closed the panels before he slowly stood up from his spot, grabbing a personalised spear that had 4 different coloured feathers, a skull of an animal placed near the pointed end, while the other end of the spear had a tied two rocks on them in a shape of a hammer. ‘I guess it's time to go check everything.’ Venkix let out a sigh before grabbing the hide armour that hung on a nearby stalagmite and effortlessly wore it.

Hey there folks! If you're slightly confused let me explain. I am Michel Cinegad, someone who played “God Games: Civilization’s Rise”. I was an ordinary person who was tired of life and only got through by playing the game. Sadly, however, after one of my relaxation games after a long day of work I died! Appereantly, two weeks of overwork and lack of sleep put my body into a stress induce strain and died after I tried to sleep

Surprisingly, I got transmigrated into another world with GGCR’s Game system. At first, my perspective was circling a vibrant planet with 8 continents and a huge mass of oceans. The System window popped up and asked me to start up the game by starting a randomised race.

The Xinzu race wasn’t my first race but actually my second. Luckily enough, As long as I have IP and CP points, I could use them to begin a random new race, unlike the game where the player can spectate around and choose their race. I’m not a pro at the game and was only in the high-mid ranks, had no choice but to live through my mistakes! My first race was the Creedull, a race of humanoid avians that like to live on tall tree tops and are omnivorous but mainly eat worm-like things and certain fruits. I was nearing the peak of the primitive era after countless generations had passed before an unknown plague came out of nowhere and destroyed my race. I could only start over and build up again.

Fortunately, the information I got was still feasible and I managed to lead the Xinzu race to a somewhat prosperous advantage other than the dangerous area they started in. As the main Host or Player, to keep my Sanity balanced and not breakdown, I could either move in God view or take control of my current race's leaders via Descension skill. There are some skills that I managed to buy and keep from my first race and a few new ones that popped up naturally when I kept guiding the tribe. 

Although, I used the Descension skill to take over the current chieftains; it did create a ritual belief of challengers for the title. Even if I lose or not, descension skill takes control of them but I have to fix the possible domino effects, after all they are sentient and not in game. The Descension skill also changes the pattern of the Xinzu leaders, so I guess that’s the cause?

That’s my story for now I guess? Unto the next chapter then!!! 

[A/N: Don't Break the Wall you idiot!!!]

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