Gamer Superstar

Chapter 138 138 - Leveling

Chapter 138 138 - Leveling

?After a few minutes, the teacher returned to the classroom with Trevor by her side and started the lesson without Charlie and the other girls, giving them time to talk and help Charlie.

Though Trevor would stare at me from time to time, I just ignored him and paid attention to the lesson.

Under the teacher's gaze, he picked up his things from next to Charlie's desk and went to sit on the other side of the room.

The 80% bonus for learning Spanish was active, so I made the most of it by paying attention in class and studying the Spanish book when the teacher explained something I already knew or understood.

After a few minutes, Charlie returned to the classroom with the other girls, her eyes red but visibly better.

When she saw that Trevor's things were no longer by her side, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right?" I asked quietly as she walked past me.

"Yeah... I'll explain later." She replied as she nodded.

Seeing that at least she wasn't mad at me, I sighed in relief and went back to paying attention in class, seeing that she didn't want to talk about it now.

Even though I didn't do anything wrong, I was hitting on her ex-boyfriend, right? Knowing that there were women who got angry at men who hit their boyfriends to make them stop hitting them, I wouldn't be completely surprised if she got angry at me for hitting him after he pushed her.

But luckily, she wasn't one of those women. It seems that her anger and frustration was really directed at Trevor.

I guess because she saw that I had good Spanish and wasn't paying much attention in class, just looking at my book, the teacher occasionally asked me questions about what she was explaining, but after I answered the third question with ease, she didn't care what I was reading anymore and went back to teaching normally.

By the end of the lesson, with my focus on learning Spanish, my Spanish had gone up 3 levels!

[Spanish Language Skill Lv 16 -> 19].

This three-level improvement in skill represented 6 months of additional training in the skill, which was great progress for just one Spanish lesson I had taken at this school.

When the lesson was over, I put my things away and was about to leave the classroom.

Charlie didn't speak to me during the entire class, so I didn't insist on speaking to her either, realizing that she just needed time to get better.

But just as I was getting up to leave the room with my backpack, Charlie called out to me.

"Noah... wait..." She said quietly.

Looking at her curiously, I put my backpack back on the floor and sat down next to her.

"If you don't want to talk about it right now, that's fine." I said in a low voice.

Whether I liked her or not, she was a girl I'd really met yesterday, it wasn't like I was dying to know why she wasn't feeling well.

"No... I just... want to thank you. Thank you for defending me against Trevor... it wasn't the first time he did something like that to me, but it was the first time he did it in public, and even more so after we had already broken up..." She finally said, which shocked me even more.

"Did you tell anyone about this?" I asked worriedly.

"No..." She answered embarrassed.

"Don't you think it's better to tell someone?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"No... I just want to let it go... I don't even have a relationship with him anymore... it's better to leave it in the past." She said in a weak voice.

Sighing as I realized that I would probably not be able to change her mind, I said the only thing I could say at the moment. "Then tell me if he does it again like today."

She nodded and I picked up my things and left the room.

If it was up to me, I would never leave it unresolved like she did, but I couldn't just butt in and tell other people about her trauma either.

So all I could do was offer a friendly shoulder if she needed one, or a helping hand if Trevor wanted to do something like that again.

During the break I saw Julian's pink hair from a distance and smiled as I approached him.

Shortly after, Evelyn joined us and told us about the gossip she'd discovered among the girls in Spanish class, but said nothing about Charlie's problem.

Then Laura showed up and surprised Julian and Evelyn.

My next class after the break was a singing class where there was nobody I knew, or rather, there were people I'd already seen and made general conversation with, but none of my new friends were in the class with me.

So I just took advantage of the 80% buff and focused on increasing my skill level for the duration of the class.

[Singing Lv 36 -> 37]

Although this skill only increased by one level, for a skill that was already close to Lv 40, being able to increase by one level in one class was already a huge improvement.

At this level, one level was already equivalent to 4 months of training, so even though the skill had only gone up one level, the quality of the singing I could now achieve was already a considerable improvement.

Not only was I less likely to go out of tune while singing, but I was also better able to adjust my voice to reach higher or lower notes.

When I sang my earlier songs, especially Numb and In The End, the difference in my vocal level was clear because I recorded those songs when my singing level was around 20.

Now that it was almost level 40, it was like the difference between water and wine.

I think it would be cool if I recorded those songs again when this skill reaches Lv 40... I thought with interest as I drove home.

I wanted to wait until Lv 40, because when a skill increased by a dozen times, the amount of experience was absurd.

From Lv 29 to Lv 30 I gained 5 months of experience, from Lv 39 to Lv 40 would probably be my biggest gain in experience.

Since at Lv 37 I had the experience of someone who had practiced the skill for 100 months (8 years and 4 months), at Lv 38 I would have 104 months of experience, at Lv 39 it would be 108 months of experience, but at Lv 40 it would possibly be 120 months of experience, with 12 months in just one level!

This increases my experience in the skill to that of someone with 10 years of experience working on it!

Of course, 10 years of experience is a lot, but compared to artists who have been A-rank for 10 years, not counting the time they were artists at lower ranks, I even have the level of their skills.

I believe that a person's talent determines the limit they can reach in those skills, and maybe Laura can feel this in some way, because she was shocked when she tried to feel my "limit" but couldn't feel it.

Even though it was scary, the thought that there was no limit, or that the limit of my abilities was so high that Laura couldn't feel it, instead of discouraging me by showing me that I was far from my maximum, it actually motivated me more because I knew I had a long way to go to improve.

At home, after talking to my family, I focused on finishing my video, since it was Tuesday and I wanted to post one of my vlogs today.

With the videos Jason was making and how explanatory I was during the vlogs, it really wouldn't be impossible for me to maintain a frequency of 2 vlogs a week.

The only thing I would have to do would be to intersperse the vlogs with different topics so it wouldn't get repetitive, and I think I could make it interesting for the public who just watch my vlogs to be entertained as well as for the artists who watch my vlogs to learn from me.

Since I was posting my first more explanatory vlog today, I was curious to see how the artists would react to the way I was explaining things, to see if it would help them and be useful in any way.

Thinking back to the tip my Insta follower Requien gave me that helping these newbie artists could be useful to me, it was hard not to get excited imagining the future where several artists would emerge and I would be the help they needed to get off on the right foot.

When the editing was finished, I nodded my head in satisfaction at the result of the video.

[Video Editing Lv 17 -> 18]

As the level of video editing increased, I found it easier and easier to edit the basics, find the perfect timing to cut the video, and most importantly, I was able to learn how to edit my explanations in a more visual, didactic, and interesting way so that I could both convey my explanation in a more cohesive way and make it interesting for the ordinary audience.

So with all that done, I put on an excited smile and started to thumbnail the video as it was being uploaded to the MeTube site.

For this video, I was excited to see the audience's reaction in real time.

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