Gamer Superstar

Chapter 137 [Bonus ] 137 - Pig

Chapter 137 [Bonus Chapter] 137 - Pig

The boy stared at me with disdain, while I saw Charlie next to him frowning as he began to complain to him.

Could I sit somewhere else and not cause a fuss? Hell, yeah.

Did I want to avoid confusion with the boy Julian had already told me hated me? Hell, no.

So, pretending I didn't notice his attitude, I walked over to where Charlie was sitting and sat across from her, finally hearing what she was saying.

"Why are you sitting across from me, Trevor?" She asked angrily. "I don't want any contact with you."

"What, babe? Don't you miss me? Weren't you the one who called me every night crying for us to get back together?" He sneered at her as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

It looked like he was trying to brand her as his cattle and that I shouldn't try anything with her because she still liked him.

"I only called you once Trevor, the night you broke up with me, after that I never wanted to contact you again." She snorted as she looked at him with hatred.

"Good morning Charlie." I greeted her as if I hadn't even noticed what was happening.

Despite her embarrassment, Charlie smiled at me and greeted me with an apologetic voice. "Good morning, Noah."

I tried to ignore the spoiled kid, but he couldn't help himself and talked about me.

"Ohh, is that the little singer you were following?" He said dismissively. "You seem to know each other well."

Charlie was about to answer, but I interrupted her while she was asking.

"Is this the boy you told me about yesterday, Charlie? The spoiled kid who thought it would be a good idea to break up with one of the prettiest girls in school?" I asked, obviously feigning curiosity. "It's really a waste when delicate flowers fall to pigs."

As soon as I said that, Charlie was embarrassed and didn't even know how to answer me.

"Who are you calling a pig?" The boy snapped as he stood up angrily and glared at me.

"I didn't say anything in particular, but if it fits, who am I to deny it?" I sneered, not even bothering to get up.

But he was even more enraged by this and tried to push past Charlie to get close to me.

Seeing this, Charlie quickly got up and stood between the two of us while I tried to hold him back.

"Stop it Trevor... don't start a fight!" She yelled at him angrily.

Seeing Charlie defending me and me looking at him with disdain, Trevor became enraged and pushed her aside and came towards me.

Seeing Charlie being pushed aside, even though I had no particular feelings for her, I became enraged.

As I rose from my chair, my expression changed from contempt to serious.

As soon as I stood up, our height difference became apparent.

While I was 5'2", Trevor was only 5'1", which meant he had to look up to talk to me.

But even though he noticed our height difference, Trevor wasn't intimidated and walked over to me while pointing his finger in my face.

"Did you just call me a pig?" He asked.

But instead of answering him, I reached out and quickly grabbed his arm.

With a single movement, I pulled his arm and turned him around so that he was facing away from me with his arm pinned behind his back.

[Krav Maga Lv 29 -> 30]

My skill at Lv 30 was a huge change in me. It was like I was really someone who had been training Krav Maga for 72 months, that's 6 years of training!

6 years of training in a martial art as deadly as Krav Maga put me in a level of danger.

Considering the minimum time to change belts, I was already at the end of the blue belt, very close to the brown belt, which was the last belt before the black belt.

Clovers in front of me, I obviously had no training in any martial art.

Just acting out of arrogance while showing me countless openings.

So it was easy to grab his arm and make him stand in such a vulnerable position.

"Let me go!" He shouted even more angrily as he tried to wriggle free of me, but my [STR 14] was no match for him.

"Come on, weren't you arrogant enough to point your dirty finger in my face and ask me who the pig was? Now imitate a pig and I'll let you go." I said dismissively as I noticed the other students in the room looking at me in shock.

I knew this could get me in trouble, but it would be even more trouble to have to deal with a spoiled, arrogant boy like him during my time at school than the little trouble I would get into.

"I'm going to kill you..." He shouted even more angrily as he tried to struggle as hard as he could, but my hand was as tight as two metal pliers.

Ignoring him screaming at me, I looked worriedly at Charlie and asked, feeling guilty. "Is everything okay, Charlie?"

With red eyes she looked between me and Trevor and nodded as she ran out of the classroom crying.

As soon as she left the classroom, a 50-year-old, fat, Latin- looking woman entered the classroom, confused.

~ What's going on here? ~ she asked in Spanish.

And when she saw the way I was holding Trevor and how he was struggling and screaming, she became confused and angry.

"Kid, let him go now! Somebody tell me what's going on!" She yelled angrily, this time in English.

Without a care in the world, I just pushed Trevor forward, causing him to bump into a table and fall to the floor.

Seeing me act like that, the woman became even more enraged.

"You, who are you?! Why are you causing trouble in this class?" She shouted as she pointed her finger at me.

Seeing her finger pointing at me, I had to control myself not to get angry with her.

~ I'm Noah Black, a new transfer student at the school, this is my first day in your class, teacher. ~ I spoke to her in my Spanish, which, while not fluent, was an intermediate level that allowed for fluid conversation.

Surprised that I was responding to her in a Spanish that was clearly not my mother tongue, something that could only be achieved by studying it on my own, the anger she felt towards me subsided a little, as few people my age truly dedicate themselves to learning another language.

Not only was she surprised by my answer in Spanish, but the other students were also shocked as they looked at me talking to the teacher in a way that sounded to them like I really was a native Spanish speaker. ~ Mr. Black, tell me why you're fighting with Mr. Philips on the first day of school? And even worse, why did the girl Charlie, one of my best students, leave the room crying? ~ she asked as she eyed me suspiciously.

Ignoring Trevor who had gotten up from the floor and was glaring at me with hatred, I calmly answered the teacher.

~ When I got to the classroom, Trevor was acting like a jerk to me and Charlie, which made him treat her badly and insult me, so I cursed at him and he tried to hit me. Charlie tried to stop him and he pushed her to get her out of the way. When I saw her being pushed, I stood up and caught him with a harmless martial arts move. ~ I explained patiently. Even though they could not speak so naturally, the students managed to understand at least 70% of what I said, and some nodded. Taking advantage of this, I added in English. "Everyone in the room saw what happened."

Looking suspiciously at the other students, the teacher realized that everyone was nodding at her, confirming that what I had said was true.

Then she sighed and looked toward the door. "Can someone go check on Charlie and see if she needs any help? I need to have a little chat with Mr. Philips here." She said angrily.

A group of girls, including Evelyn, got up and left the room to look for Charlie while the teacher took Trevor out of the classroom to talk to him privately.

Seeing that nothing bad had happened to me, I sat back in my seat and used my cell phone to send a message to Charlie asking if she was okay.

I didn't look up after picking up the phone, but I could hear some of the students whispering about me.

There were boys who were afraid that I was too rough, even saying that my bleached hair was because I was a punk who got kicked out of another school.

There were girls who were a little scared, but most just felt that I acted really cool and that they wanted someone to protect them like I did Charlie.

But there was a consensus from what I heard from them that even though I did the wrong thing, Trevor was the asshole for pushing Charlie and I was only acting in self-defense, he was the idiot for trying to buy a fight he couldn't win.

Unfortunately, Charlie didn't respond to the message I sent her, which made me a little worried.

But there was nothing else I could do, I wasn't close enough to her to follow her while there was already a group of girls talking to her.

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