From Blueprints to Kamehamehas


In the dimly lit office, tension filled the air. A subordinate entered, nervously clutching a report. "Boss, they've started digging again. Roshi's leading it."

The Boss of HydroCorp smirked, leaning back. "Roshi? A martial artist? So what? Send some men. Guns will stop him. Do you think hands and feet can face against guns?"

Later that day, a group of armed goons marched toward the worksite where Roshi and Violet were digging. The lead goon stepped forward, his gun gleaming in the sun. "Listen up! This ends now. Stop digging, or you'll regret it."

Roshi stood, wiping the sweat from his brow. He glanced at Violet, then faced the goons calmly. "Who are you to decide that?"

The lead goon sneered, raising his weapon. "None of your concern. Now, stop this nonsense. Otherwise bad things will happen to you!"

Violet tensed, but Roshi stepped forward, unfazed. "You think guns scare me?"

He had mastered ki augmentation to the point that he didn't need to be afraid of gun. Although he was far from it's mastery. However, he had mastered enough to absorb gunshots.

Without warning, Roshi's ki flared. The air around him crackled with power. In an instant, he moved—disarming the lead goon with a swift kick. The gun flew from his hand, clattering to the ground. 

Before the others could react, Roshi was on them. A blur of fists and kicks. The second goon went down with an elbow to the gut, another fell from a brutal sweep. Within moments, all the goons were on the ground, groaning in defeat.

Violet watched, eyes wide with admiration. Roshi, breathing steadily, glanced her way, giving a subtle nod. No words were needed.

The subordinate returned, face pale. "Boss, Roshi… he beat our men."

The boss's smile disappeared. He slammed his fist on the desk, sending papers flying. "I underestimated him. But there's more than one way to break someone. Send a letter to this address."

Days passed. Roshi and Violet continued their work, but something felt off. Every night, Roshi sensed eyes on him—HydroCorp wasn't done. They'd try again. 

One evening, Roshi turned to Violet. "Something's wrong. They won't quit so easily. They must be planning something."

She nodded. "I've felt it too. What do we do?"

"We don't stop," he said firmly. "We finish what we started. Stay alert."

But that night, as the village slept, men crept in. Quiet and calculated, they took Violet, dragging her away when she was asleep before she could make a sound.

The next morning, Roshi awoke to whispers. His heart pounded as he stepped outside. A villager rushed up to him, panic in his voice. "Violet's been kidnapped!"

Roshi's jaw tightened, but his face stayed calm. HydroCorp had crossed a line. They thought they had the upper hand. They were wrong. Roshi was angry now and HydroCorp would face the consequences of his wrath.

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