From Blueprints to Kamehamehas


The moon hung high over Hanasato, casting long shadows over the village square. Roshi stood tall before the gathered villagers, their faces etched with exhaustion and doubt. The drought was pushing them to their limits. Violet, standing by his side, watched the crowd with concern in her eyes, arms crossed.

"We need a long-term solution," Roshi said, his voice calm but commanding. "The wells are almost dry, and the nearby river won't last much longer. But there's a larger river ten miles from here. It's our only option. I have a plan. I plan to dig a channel from that river to here."

The village elder stepped forward, his brow furrowed in doubt. "Ten miles? You expect to dig through that distance by yourself?"

Roshi didn't hesitate. "Yes. I'll use a method called 'cut-and-cover.' I'll dig the channel and lay it out in sections. You'll focus on building a reservoir to store the water. Together, we can make this work."

Another villager spoke up. "Even if we wanted to believe that you could dig the channel alone, we don't have the time. We're running out of water fast."

"I'll show you what I can do," Roshi replied. "I'll start tomorrow at dawn, and by the end of the day, you'll see."

The next morning, the sun was already blazing when Roshi began digging. His shovel moved with relentless precision, each strike carving into the earth. The villagers watched, disbelief gradually turning into awe as he made rapid progress. By sunset, Roshi had already dug 150 meters, his stamina and strength unmatched.

The village chief, now convinced, turned to the crowd. "We'll begin building the reservoir. Roshi will keep working on the channel."

The days passed in a blur of digging and building. Violet stayed close to Roshi, guiding the effort and working alongside him. Their conversations were brief but unspoken understanding flowed between them, especially during the moments when they worked silently, side by side. Yet, as the water situation worsened, Roshi couldn't ignore the growing tension among the villagers.

Then, one day, a convoy of large tankers rolled into Hanasato, the logo of HydroCorp gleaming in the sun. The villagers rushed toward them, desperate.

A well-dressed representative stepped out, his voice smooth. "Good people of Hanasato, HydroCorp is here to help. Clean, fresh water—free of charge."

The villagers filled their containers with crystal-clear water, far cleaner than they'd seen in weeks. Relief swept through the crowd, but Roshi's eyes narrowed. I've seen this before.

Violet approached him, her expression troubled. "This water is so much better than what we could get from the river. Do you think we should keep digging?"

Roshi shook his head, his voice steady but serious. "It's a classic corporate trap. First, they give it for free. Then they start charging. Slowly, they'll raise the price until it's too expensive to afford."

Violet frowned. "How do you know?"

Roshi's gaze turned distant, memories of his past life as Ethan flashing through his mind. "Back on Earth, companies did this all the time. They get you hooked, then drain you dry."

One week later, the villagers began questioning the need for the channel and reservoir. "We already have clean water," they reasoned. "What's the point of all this work?"

But soon enough, HydroCorp began charging a small fee. The villagers paid, too desperate to refuse. And just as Roshi predicted, the price increased. Week after week, the cost became unbearable, and the reservoir project stalled.

Violet approached Roshi, frustration clear in her eyes. "You were right. They're raising the prices every week. We should have listened."

Roshi's gaze was calm but resolute. "It's not too late. We can still finish the channel and the reservoir. It's the only way to break free from them."

The villagers rallied around Roshi once more, their determination reignited. They resumed digging with renewed purpose, understanding now that true freedom from HydroCorp lay in Roshi's plan.

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