From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 85: William's wind evaluation has entered a fork in the road

   Although the twins used unprecedented enthusiasm to complete their work, they still only completed a small part of their work when the lights were about to turn off at night.

   William nodded to the three students, approving their evening work.

   "Well, today's work is well done. Tomorrow you will have a half-day vacation during the day and come over at 8 o'clock in the evening to continue."

   It is well known that daytime refers to the time before twelve o'clock in the evening, but in order to prevent them from escaping from confinement, William still stipulated the time for coming to confinement.

   The three Weasleys left the professor's office with a grateful look, and William had finished the night's work.

   In theory, he should go to bed now, but tonight I don’t know whether he slept too much during the day or was too excited to see old Tom. William was stunned that he was not drowsy.

  ‘Can’t you go out for a stroll? ’

As soon as the idea of ​​   came out, it could no longer be suppressed-the curfew was only for students, and never for professors.

   As soon as he said, William put on his clothes, locked the office door with his backhand, and walked towards the castle door.

   There are almost no active students at Hogwarts Castle at this moment, and even the oil paintings have fallen asleep, which makes William unconsciously start to relax his steps.


   "Students over there, stop!"

   When William turned a corner, an oil lamp suddenly appeared.

   He stopped amusedly, looked at the fast-moving lamp and shouted: "Don't be surprised, it's me, William."

   "Professor William, I thought it was a senior student who wanted to sneak out on weekends. You don't know, they are always like this."

   Filch said half regret and respect.

   "I can't sleep, I went out and strolled, the gate of the castle is locked?"

"It's locked. I want to inspect the castle for children who skipped class. So, Professor, if you go out, at least you will have to wait until I walked outside the castle when I was a child. The lock was cast by Dumbledore. ."

   Mr. Filch proudly spoke about the lock, but as far as the person casting the spell was concerned, the lock could not be opened by ordinary wizards, even with violence.

   "Then trouble you, Mr. Filch, I have not seen the stars in a long time."

"You're welcome, Professor, the starry sky at Hogwarts is particularly beautiful. If you don't mind, just help me catch the students stranded outside the castle. Their courage is getting bigger and bigger. Last year, I I even caught first-year students who didn't return home at night!"

First-year students? William opened his mouth slightly surprised.

   Even the children in Internet cafes all night, are not as ridiculous as eleven. Children at this age are all sleepless. How beautiful are the stars of Hogwarts?

   If you don’t look at the stars, is it early in the first grade?

"who is it?"

   William asked this question almost subconsciously.

   "The Weasley children and his two friends-the professor, if you want me to say, none of the Weasley children can worry about it!"

   You can't blame everything on the Weasley family, and the two remaining children are not worry-free—William just wanted to say that, and instantly thought of the entire drawer of punishment records he had just read not long ago.

Let’s put it this way, the penalty record is not directly related to the number of violations, but is related to the number of violations caught. According to the standards of the twin brothers, it is difficult for William to imagine that they will be caught once in violation of the rules, just in that drawer. From experience, I am afraid that the basic skills of escape have been practiced a long time ago.

   Seeing William nodded convincingly, Mr. Filch then gave up patrol and took William to the gate of the castle.


   "By the way, Professor, I don't know what happened today. My cat seems to be very scared. Is she cursed?"

   When the two came to the hall, a cold cat suddenly appeared. Filch stepped up, stroked her head, and then turned to ask William.

   "Curse? To a cat?"

  William knelt down and looked at the skinny cat. He checked it carefully. After a while, he said for sure;

   "There is no curse, at least judging from my knowledge reserve, there is no curse. She is more afraid of something. Is there a student to abuse a cat?"

   "They dare not. Besides, the portrait in the castle will stare at you. No one dares to do such a serious violation of school rules."

"That's probably because of some magical creatures. Some bad guys are especially obsessed with scaring people. Cats are also a good tool for them to absorb fear. When I am free tomorrow, I will go through the corners of the castle. Those guys like it. Stay there."

   Several kinds of scary guys, such as Bogut, appeared in William's mind.

"Okay, thank you professor. I will patrol outside the castle in an hour. I will wait for you at the gate for ten minutes. If you miss it, I will wait for you at the gate of the castle after the patrol is over. But that's too late."

   William hurriedly nodded and said yes-the administrator was very enthusiastic, but he didn't know why, he was obsessed with corporal punishment students.


  ‘It’s been a long time since I calmed down and took a look at the stars-thanks to the fact that Hogwarts is not walked alone on the lawn, trying to find the most comfortable piece of grass to lie down and watch the stars.

   Without the interference of other students, such a place is too easy to find.

   But when William lay down and sighed at the stars, he suddenly found something wrong.

   As far as he could see, two sneaky figures emerged from a bush, glanced roughly at the surroundings, and sat down regardless of their surroundings.

  ‘Student, right? Really ran out of the castle for a date in the middle of the night? ’

  William suddenly fell into entanglement-can you catch it?

If he catches it, tomorrow he will have to add a new rumor in the wind assessment on the student side. After running out of school to catch skipping classes, he will have to add someone who doesn’t sleep to catch a date in the middle of the night. For a week, in order not to be harmed in future reviews, can this be caught?

   If you don’t catch it, I’m not a professor and you spread dog food. I’m a professor and you ran to spread it. I’m a professor for nothing?

   Just when William was tangled, he finally reluctantly identified one of the two people-under the bright stars, a head of fiery red hair was extremely dazzling.

  ‘This hapless kid, if a group of people want to catch you if they commit a crime, they will catch you first. They don’t know how to cover up their hair? ’

   William almost recognized him—if nothing else, his student, Percy Weasley.

   Catch your own students, isn’t it counted as the last cross-district law enforcement, right?

   But soon William became entangled again-if he remembers correctly, there are currently five Weasleys in this school, and he wants to catch this, so except for the youngest, the other four people are locked up in his hands...

  Ps: During the day, there is...should?


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