From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 84: 1 hand flatbread, 1 hand...

   One, two, three... Three children with red hair appeared in William's office.

   There are two children who look exactly the same, so William can't help but want to play with everyone to find the fault.

   "Why is there another one? Ron, why did you come to confinement?"

  William held his head, feeling a bit painful in his head—could Professor McGonagall be afraid that there would be insufficient manpower on his side, and another student would come here? This is confinement and not an experiment. Why do you need so many people? Let him come and test the medicine?

   However, to William's expectation, Ron, who was temporarily squeezed into confinement, blushed and said nothing.

   This made William couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. What's the situation with this kid who only helped you solve the curse in the morning, and won't know anyone at night?

   "Professor, Ron is shy. After all, he is the first student in Gryffindor who was intimidated by Filch."

   I don’t know which one of my brothers, gloating with a knife.

   was scared by Filch? No, when the file was retrieved, the administrator was still complaining that the current school's prohibition of corporal punishment has caused the current students to become increasingly disobedient. How could it be possible to suddenly allow corporal punishment!

   "Professor, you don't know. When Ron was frightened, many people saw him. They clearly heard that he fell down when Professor McGonagall announced that he was going to Filch's confinement."

   "Yes, because of this, Professor McGonagall was angry for a long time, and finally decided to discuss with Mr. Filch and send him to you."

The twins who couldn’t tell who were who narrated the matter one sentence. If the three of them were not standing in front of William, William would even think that this was a student from Slytherin and a student from Gryffindor. Are you really brothers?

   "Shut up, George, and you, Flander."

   "Professor, this is Flanders and he is George."

   Are you talking about cross talk?

   William glared at them fiercely, which made the two restless guys realize that this was not a fight, but a collective confinement.

   Speaking of it, none of the three students belonged to him. Instead, they all came to him to confine him. Does this mean he is looking for something for himself?

"I have discussed with Professor McGonagall, you two—three people will be responsible for organizing the files in the next time, extracting the more important information from the files, and then organizing them into a book, and then these things will be sent to you. Professor Bins, enter it into the school history. I hope that each of you will take your work seriously. After the school history is completed, your names will be recorded among the editors in the school history. I think, this It's much more educational than washing the chamber pot."

   "School history?"

   The three students unanimously exclaimed.

"Yes, the history of the school. From the establishment of the school to the present, nearly a thousand years of history will be compiled by Professor Bins into a set of history books and included in the school library. Of course, this will not be a short-term project. Maybe you graduate. It won’t be completed, but when the work is completed, the name of each student who has compiled the information will be recorded, and will be seen when people later refer to it."

William did not euphemistically drew a huge pie-more than half of the students who like pranks are eager to project the eyes of others on themselves, and compiling history books and recording their names on it is perfectly satisfied. Their greatest wish.

   The obvious inhalation sounds that the three students could hear perfectly confirmed William's point of view, and William even felt that their breathing became sharp.

"Well, no matter how grand history books are, there must always be a beginning. Although the first part was completed by Professor Binns, the part with detailed reference materials was compiled from our side. The drawers in are the materials I found from Mr. Filch. Choose a drawer for each of you, and work tonight can begin."


Facts have proved that no matter how beautiful the pie is, it is imaginary before it is bitten in the mouth. Although William thinks that the pie he painted is big enough, he still can’t change the work itself is extremely boring and boring. It can be learned from the vast history. There are only a few people who read interesting stories, and more people just care about the gossip in history.

After persisting for less than half a night, William noticed that the working conditions of the three transcripts had dropped significantly. They no longer read the materials and exchanged what they saw with the quill pen in their hands. There is also a significant weight-no matter how beautified the confinement is confinement, it is obvious that these students are tired.

   "Well, stop your work and drink some chocolate, it will make your brain and body feel comfortable."

   William smiled and handed the three cups over, and at the same time he got up and took out a record from the drawer closest to him.

   "George, Fred, work hard, this record is very interesting, you can read it when you are tired."

   The two students took the record with curiosity. Ron, the youngest on the side, wanted to come over and take a look, but was pushed aside by his two brothers.

   "How is it, interesting, right?"

  William took a sip of hot chocolate, his eyes narrowed.

   That piece of paper was specially provided to him by Mr. Filch, one of the violation records of two Mr. Weasleys.

   In fact, there is a drawer full of his records alone.

   "Come on, these records basically have to be sorted out by us. I don't want half of the work to be taken over by other students. The transfer of files is too complicated and it is easy to repeat records."

   William said with a smile, but the twin brothers felt like they were stuck in an ice hole.

   If those records were shown to them individually, the two might laugh out and evaluate what mistakes the other had made that would lead to the arrest, but if the relevant files were sorted out by the rest of the students, it would be another concept.

  Especially, Ron is also in confinement now, if those records were seen by him-the twins looked at each other and saw the terrifying future of the brother's majesty in the eyes of the other party.

  ‘George, do you think Ginny will be confined? ’

   Fred sent a signal to his brother with his eyes.

  ‘I don’t know, except for Percy’s big head and Ginny who just enrolled in school, we have all been locked up. I don’t think Ginny is like Percy. ’

   George responded with his eyes.

   The two nodded silently. After a short break, in Ron's puzzled eyes, they used a work speed twice as fast as before.

   Ron, who hadn't figured out what was going on at all, looked dazed-he had never seen the undaunted twin brother be frightened like this.

   When he cast his gaze on William, William picked up the hot chocolate and took a sip.

  Huh, life is so beautiful!


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