From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 46: Times have changed? not at all

   The scene became embarrassing for a while, but no one laughed out loud.

Even Principal Dumbledore, who was sitting at the same table with William, was as if nothing happened at this moment. He stared at the table very seriously, as if thinking about turning the table into something weird later. Something like this.

   The students sat there even more, quietly making William almost think that he had just misheard.

Just when he doubted whether there was any deviation in the world line, Professor McGonagall waved his magic wand-something quickly pierced the air and caused a huge noise from the building, and then a piece of rolled parchment whizzed. He slammed into the hall.

   Professor McGonagall took the parchment with a calm face, and then opened it for inspection.

   William clearly heard the slow exhalation from the entire staff desk—everyone sighed clearly.

   And the hall suddenly showed signs of activity at this time. The students who had been standing back relaxed and began to whisper quietly.

Professor    checked the list quickly, then put the list down, and said to the first-year students again:

   "The branch started again, and the student whose name I read came over and waited for the branch."

   "Barry Baker."

   A little boy walked out of the crowd timidly and put on his hat very obediently.


   Almost at that instant, the hat called out the name of the academy.

   Ravenclaw's dining table burst into huge applause.

   and William was completely stunned.

   "You watched a great ceremony and got a treasure chest x1."

   How great is it!

   wore a hat a thousand years ago, and was then arranged to enter an academy-he had asked for relevant information, and no one lost the election at this step!

   Such a simple thing, is it too great to describe it as great?

   Tucao inwardly, William smoothly opened the treasure chest.

[Ritual Hope (UR) (Special): Since 993 AD, the Gryffindor hat has become a prop for selecting students from the four colleges. Four great wizards also blessed this hat and also gave the branch Various blessing effects were added to the ceremony.

  The age of enrollment for wizards is different all over the world. The earliest magic institute can even be advanced to seven years old (Note 1), while only Hogwarts enrolled at the age of eleven.

  Only the most powerful wizards can skillfully use the effects of rituals. These rituals can destroy cities, cause plagues, and can also give people the power to resurrect or impose permanent blessings (Note 2)

  The magical power accumulated before the freshmen enrolled in the sky and disappeared and disappeared and returned was turned into the strongest guardian under the action of the ritual to protect them from the long time before they were grown up. (Note 3)

   And this remaining ceremony has been continuously improved and repaired by generations of principals, and it has become what it is today.

   In 1876, the elves in the castle, after evading the trap, successfully obtained a large-caliber musket and a small cannon in Hogwarts. (Note 4)

   It was almost a battle in which Pippi suppressed the entire school's professors. In the end, the school had to agree to Pippi's various privileges in exchange for peace.

   But from that day on, the guardian power of the ceremony began to target this Muggle weapon at the cost of giving up part of the defense.

   When Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald hit it off, the two young geniuses began to study protective magic against Muggle weapons and made unprecedented progress.

   After the two separated in anger, Albus Dumbledore continued his original research and used this magic in the reform ceremony after taking office as the principal.

   ritual effect (the wizard does not harm the firearm): any bullet flying at a high speed, after approaching a certain range of the wizard, immediately triggers a similar phantom shift effect and transfers the bullet to the ground.

  ——Believe me, it’s not even difficult to apparate a thousand bullets. It’s actually more complicated to distinguish bullets.

  —Someone wants to shout that the times have changed, but Albus Dumbledore changed it back.

   Card effect: You get the ritual effect for free. 】


   William couldn't help but took a breath-he finally understood why his magic power seemed to be much stronger than that of wizards of the same age.

   The magic power of others is used to solidify the defensive ritual. All the magic power accumulated before the age of eleven is not a small amount.

   Fortunately, he also has it now-then again, the so-called before that you can’t tell people who don’t have a branch, is it related to this ceremony?

   But, he doesn't need to be jealous now, he also has it now.

   Note 1: The Magic Institute in Japan is a recognized wizarding school. They enroll seven-year-old students, much earlier than Hogwarts's eleven.

Note 2: There is no official title, but the spell of Voldemort's resurrection is obviously different from ordinary spells with only one sentence. The same cumbersome is the unbreakable oath that appears in the original book, and the long read by Ron when school starts. String what he thought was a spell.

   Considering the power that Grindelwald himself released that almost burned the flames of the entire Paris, I think it should be the effect of a series of ritual additions.

Note 3: Many of the magic used by freshmen before entering school are used but the power effect is not bad at all. Harry can disappear the bulletproof glass in front of the python, and Neville is thrown downstairs. Then he slowly floated to the ground-you know, Harry, who was in the second grade, was almost killed by the ghost flying ball from the broom.

   But after enrolling, Ron said that Harry and Malfoy could only use their wands to make sparks—the magic dropped so much.

And before Harry entered the third grade, he was just angry. He blew his aunt into the sky without a magic wand and floated far away-if there were no magic between the wizards to avoid injury, the third grader would have been killed. Up.

   In summary, it is judged that the magic power of wizards should be greatly weakened when they enter school, and they should be converted to self-protection.

Note 4: In 1876, the Hogwarts administrator at the time designed various traps for the elf in order to expel Peepee, and used several scimitars, several crossbows, a large-caliber musket and a small cannon. (You read it right, the original information) waited for a series of weapons as bait, but the trap was destroyed by Pippi. At the same time, Pippi shot and fired in the castle for fun, which caused the school to be evacuated for three days.

Three days later, the then-principal Professor Euphrasia Moore agreed to sign an agreement with Pippi, asking him to surrender his weapons in exchange for more permissions (you can swim once a week in the boys’ bathroom on the first floor, Give priority to the moldy bread in the kitchen for littering, and get a new hat specially made for him by Ms. Bonabili).

   So Pippi is really awesome, but at the same time Hogwarts should have noticed Muggle firearms a long time ago, which also served as the basis for my later inferences.

  Ps: This chapter may be more controversial, so I have obtained a long time of information to supplement the explanation. Today, it should be this chapter.


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