From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 45: What is iron fight

   The opening ceremony is boring, even in the wizarding world.

   During the opening ceremony for fifteen minutes, William deeply realized the true meaning of this life.

   The only people in the world who will be happy at the opening ceremony are the parents who don’t have to be there.

   Not right, maybe I have to add the underage wizard who had been holding back for a summer vacation—William saw with his own eyes some of the four dining tables below, some students secretly took out their wands and tried to cast spells at the table, probably it was a summer vacation.

   "Think about it carefully. Is it possible that part of the prohibition on summer vacation is to prevent students from resisting the beginning of school?"

  Think carefully and fear.

   William scanned the students boredly—this wasn't how uncomfortable he was, but because Lockhart wanted to express himself too much, and he was implicitly excluded by the professors when he was over by Lockhart.

   It’s better to change to Hogwarts graduates. Recalling the past can always provoke common topics, but does William want to share Azkaban’s daily life with these professors?

As for Lockhart, he didn’t know he was disliked, and he was dragging Hufflepuff’s dean next to Professor Pomona Sprout and boasting about the unique plants he had seen in the United States. The enthusiastic professor's expression became sullen, but Lockhart continued to talk eloquently.

   Just when William was doing nothing to watch the students' farce, a professor suddenly left the chair. She pulled the chair as lightly as possible, and then moved the position next to William.

   "Professor William, excuse me a little bit."

   The middle-aged witch had a sorry expression on her face, but her eyes stubbornly told William that if she didn't get the answer this time, she would come back next time.

   "Please sit down, may you be?"

   "Karidi Bubbaji, Professor of Muggle Studies."

   She introduced herself in a gentle tone—a course that William didn't know.

   "Sorry, I know my question is a bit too presumptuous, especially for a stranger, but this question has bothered me long enough, I can't wait to get the answer to this question right away."

   She took out her magic wand and slipped quietly.

   "I promise that the wizards present, including Dumbledore, will not be able to hear the next conversation."

   "Professor William, sorry, what do the people of Azkaban think of Muggles?"

  The question is as sharp as she said in advance.

   "Sorry, Professor Bubaji, I don't want to talk to people about what happened there."

   William decisively rejected her—such a response was obviously beyond the professor’s consideration, and her eyes instantly became confused.

   "I'm sorry, I was too anxious—" Professor Bubbaji returned to his senses and apologized in a hurry, almost hurriedly moving his chair back to its original position.

William knows that most of the other's actions are out of good intentions-new professors have to be a matchmaker in order to integrate into the circle of the old people. After she has communicated with William, it is estimated that most professors will naturally accept William instead of what they are now. , Because Lockhart likes to show off so much, William, who was pulled by him, was squeezed out together.

   It's a pity that doing research for people always gives William a strange feeling—probably a sequelae of Azkaban. He always feels that letting others study himself is like being surrounded by a demented cell to help himself.

   He can easily joking about Azkaban with old Tom, and he can also complain about that horrible place with Hagrid, but as soon as others ask about it, he immediately becomes extremely uncomfortable.

   Fortunately, at this time, the freshmen finally began to branch under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, which made the professors on the scene excited while also sweeping away the embarrassing atmosphere.


Rows of first-year freshmen lined up stupidly. Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, they stood facing all the senior students. Their expressions were stiff and pale. They didn't seem to come to the branch, but they seemed to be fighting. .

   William was stunned for a moment—what, did the students put down their wands and fight each other at Hogwarts?

In this way, according to the chain of discrimination in the four Hogwarts colleges in the prison, it is supposed to go to Gryffindor for the vigorous fight, and go to Ravenclaw after the fight is over, and use the money to buy the opponent. Go to Slytherin, and the rest to Hufflepuff?

   Thinking of this, William couldn't help but laughed out loud.

   Then, the laughter seemed contagious, and the professor at the table couldn't help but laughed.

   Lockhart showed his teeth again.

   "Haha, after so many years, the school rules still haven't changed?"

   No professor answered him.

Lockhart had to find William and said braggingly: "Hogwarts has a rule that it is not allowed to disclose information about the branch to children who are not enrolled. Everyone will make up various excuses to deceive the children. , I guess most of the students below think that the branch needs a fight."

   Who came up with such boring rules?

  Also, persevere from generation to generation, just to see the first-year students being scared over there?

   Okay, it looks really good—William has to admit it.

   Especially after Lockhart's explanation, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com thing becomes even more nasty and interesting.

   Just as Lockhart explained, Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the freshmen, and then carried a top wizard hat on the stool.

   The old hat with patches is not known how long ago it was. It was in tatters and seemed to lose even the value of cleaning.

  While William was waiting for Lockhart's conspicuous commentary, the torn hat suddenly began to sing.

   The singing was unpleasant and out of tune. After William frowned, he found that many professors had blocked their ears with magic.

   I'm careless.

   When William saw Lockhart beside him, he didn't forget to bet his ears, and he regretted his stupidity.

  He doesn't understand Hogwarts' routines, but the professors around him understand. When encountering new things, it's good to watch them Xiaogui and Cao Cao. Basically, he won't go wrong.

   The audience applauded after the singing of the Sorting Hat, as if celebrating the release of their ears in this way, and the singing hat bowed to the surroundings after the applause.

   After the applause, Professor McGonagall brought a piece of parchment to the position of the sorting hat.

   "Whoever I call by name now puts on a hat, sits on a stool, and waits for the branch."

Professor    said aloud, then raised the parchment and read the first name:

   "Hannah Abbot!"

   The audience fell silent, and William saw that everyone at the Hufflepuff table turned their necks towards someone on the table.

   Even Professor McGonagall himself was taken aback, holding the parchment carefully and looking.

   "Sorry, because something happened today, I brought last year's list."


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