
Chapter 21


So I'm here with my mother, who just saw how I pushed eggs out of my ovipositor.


"That was quite much." (F)

"I know! I was first rather through with it, but it's as I've said. I cannot run away from my body, as disagreeable this situation is. And honestly, I don't think that running away from them would work out." (E)

"So you think you have to continue doing this?" (F)

"My choices are rather limited. Also, these insects are not really cruel. A little bit odd maybe. But they leave me some room to do as I please. If not for my situation, I was treated rather well. They care for me. And they aren't aggressive. Only digging below and mostly eating plants. Not as ferocious as they could be." (E)

"I understand what you're saying. But still... it must be hard on you!" (F)

"If not for these eggs, this all wouldn't be too bad. They could even be considered as nice. They fulfill almost all of my wishes. Especially that I could visit you was a huge concession. I was really worried about what would happen when we get discovered. I ought to believe they wouldn't care that much if just some drone, for example, a worker would have been caught. But if something happened to me or Liseti in that town..." (E)


Urrgh! Shivers!


"You say they would become aggressive in that case?" (F)

"That's an understatement! They only care for the future of their swarm and are neglecting themselves. Harming a princess means killing countless of their babies. I cannot say much against that, I just don't know how to handle myself with this burden." (E)


Kyska is now coming back with some other nurses, carrying plates of this hardened earth with food on it.
Fortunately, she was thoughtful enough to bring some more or less normal things, like vegetables and corn and such.
Yet it is all uncooked.
A fire was maybe expected too much at this place.
So we can sit at the table.


"Well, it's not that this isn't plenty, but it looks rather... basic." (F)

"There is not this much of a cooking industry here. They mostly eat those mushrooms, here." (E)


Mother takes one of the black mushrooms in her hand.


"You see, I still don't know if they're edible for humans. I mean I can, but I'm a special case I guess." (E)

"Only one way to find out." (F)


And she takes a small bite.


"Mum!!! What if they’re poisonous?" (E)

"I don't think they would have all adjusted like this to a plant that would be dangerous. And it was only a small piece, so any effect should be limited. A little bit like bread I think." (F)

"So I didn't make this up? Is it sweet? For me it is!" (E)

"I guess, but faint." (F)

"That's enough for me. So at least my sense of taste didn't change that much. They have giant fields of these in the hive! Maybe I can show you." (E)

"You are really intending to let us live there, right?" (F)

"Well, the bad things are only concerning me and you would be absolutely safe and they would take care of all your needs. That I'm sure of. Liseti too might put her word in this. No one could harm you. Right, Kyska?" (E)

"Naturally! This is a wish of my princess!" (K)

"It would be very unusual for us to permanently live with them. But you are here too and I wouldn't like it to abandon you." (F)

"If not this, there should be no issues to let them rebuild our house and give you some provisions. Maybe with a direct connection to me in case of an attack and you could always come over. At least I would like to get you out of the town and know you are safe." (E)

"You sound as if it's very important that we leave the town soon." (F)

"Well, it kinda is." (E)

"Erys, what is going on?" (F)

"It's about Liseti." (E)

"What is with her, I wondered about the number of insects and what she is doing here in the first place." (F)

"Most of the soldiers are probably just here because of me and her. Simple escorts. They are really putting a huge military effort in our safety." (E)

"And the rest? What is now about her plans?" (F)

"It's like this: They never had anything to do with the surface. They didn't even know about humans until back then. And now that they know about them, they are a huge unknown. A threat in some way. As I said, Liseti promised me that this isn't a planned invasion and she won't one-sidedly attack people. But she plans something different." (E)

"And what is this now?" (F)

"She will reveal our presence. At first just to this town. She plans to establish relations." (E)

"This doesn't sound too bad." (F)

"Well, she isn't bad. Maybe a bit strict but in general open and makes compromises. But I think we both know that this might turn out bad. If people hear about an insect army below things will get troublesome. I would want to have you out here before people are claiming a war of species. Considering orcs and goblins, people haven't made very positive experiences with other societies. As simple as they are. And this one here might be basic, but certainly not simple." (E)

"You think there might be a conflict?" (F)

"Liseti promised me to be lenient with the people, yet she is also something like a general. If humans are killing her kind she will take this as an act of aggression and retaliate. And then... This town has no chance!" (E)

"This bad?" (F)

"This bad! Have you counted the numbers? Any idea how fast new brood does hatch? A day’s worth of one princess alone is a considerable force and Liseti is incredibly old. You can barely fathom how many soldiers she could send out. All without fear of death, with bodies made to fend off foes. This isn't even taking the potential of flying units into account. And she is clever enough to make use of this. And this all at the speed this kind of army raises new recruits!" (E)

"This sounds troubling." (F)

"She promised me to stay as friendly as possible, but only imagining the possible horrors scares me deeply." (E)

"And what now?" (F)

"Well, for me? Getting you out of this place that may or may not get grounded, depending on the outcome. The rest? Maybe I can do something to help. It's not like I'm the slightest bit prepared to hold any responsibility. And now I'm in this situation." (E)

"So you won't marry and live on a farm with your husband?" (F)

"A joke?" (E)

"Obviously." (F)


While we chat and consume some of the food which was prepared for us.
It wasn't obvious, but even though as it wasn't cooked my mother ate quite a lot.
I've realized like this that she must've been starved.
This must be because as refugees they haven't got that many provisions and couldn't bring much with them.
And as much I know my parents they gave the most to Toris.
I hope I could help her in this regard.


"My princess! It's getting late and you weren't cleaned properly! We should do that now." (K)

"Alright, Kyska! By the way where is Suki?" (E)

"She is gathering the necessities for you, my princess!" (K)

"Who is Suki?" (F)

"My second maid... or nurse. Whatever you want to call them. They made those two attend to me. And it is really hard to get used to getting constantly called a princess. Yet I had also other things on my mind." (E)


Kyska moves behind my back and starts to use her sponge hands on my wings.
Meanwhile, she is stroking my hair with her claws.


"Rrrrrrrr!" (E)

"What was that Ery?" (F)

"Ieehk! Y-you see, those wings are extremely sensitive and when they get touched like this it feels... Then I do this sometimes." (E)

"Pffft! Like a cat!" (F)

"Don't tease me, mum!" (E)

"Yes, yes! Kyska! Can you show me how and what you do? I want to be able to care for my daughter as well." (F)


She looks for a moment at her, pondering.


"Why not." (K)


And she starts to explain while showing the respective aspects.
On me!
I feel like some object.


"While washing the skin requires no special attention on the act, aside from a sense of sensitivity, the hair and wings are different. The wings might be able to regrow, yet they are very frail and can be the cause of intense pain. They are only to attend with utmost caution and only soft objects are to use. A nurse is specifically outfitted to do this with her adjusted appendages. However, I guess humans might use this fabric if they are extremely careful. One can't apply any pressure, but only soft touch on the surface! Like this, there is to take the necessary time to complete the task." (K)

"This sounds difficult." (F)

"I am made for this! I can fulfill my role. Now the hair. You need to stroke the grease out. My princess is emitting her pheromones over her head and by time it clots and gets caught in the hair. So it should get cleaned regularly. I considered cutting it away." (K)

"Kyska!" (E)

"But I guessed my princess might find this too drastic." (K)

"It seems like this got far more complicated than it used to." (F)

"A princess has to be cleaned every day to ensure her well-being so her productivity doesn't decrease. Regarding my princess, the most troublesome is to clean her ovipositor. She reacts difficult at this, so you need to use every chance when she is distracted and doesn't notice. The easiest way is to take advantage of her sleep." (K)


Wait! What!?

I stare with open mouth at Kyska.


"Pfft!" (F)

"Muuum!" (E)

"It's as if you're young again." (F)


With this talk about my personal sanitation, I believe this dinner can be officially considered finished and I just want get into my bed.
The problem is, there is none.
There are some benches, made of hardened earth, one could use like this, yet they are hard.
And even worse, my mother has no place to sleep.


"Kyska, do we have a place for my mother to rest?" (E)

"This matter is already settled. Please wait for a moment." (K)


I ask myself what I am waiting for.
But after a short while, I notice Suki outside of the room.
She approaches fast.


<Cricrik//My princess, I hope you had not too long to wait.> (S)

"For what?" (E)


I am aware that it might be rude to make it more difficult for Suki to converse with me.
But I want to avoid as much as possible relying on insect speech.
Also, my mum can't understand her so I should at least relay half of the discussion to her.


<We were going to prepare for your rest! At this place, we cannot build an alcove, but we figured that your skin which covers your carapace might be too tender to just use the resting place like this.> (S)


Oh. So the insects have with their hard shell no problem with lying on hard grounds.

Makes sense!


"And what did you do?" (E)


Suki makes a wink and soon several nurses enter the room.
Each of them is carrying a... Pelt!
Not just any creature, but a direwolf's.


"You fought monsters to use their pelts as bed padding?" (E)

<Yes, they did. This was nothing. The troops didn't suffer any casualties.> (S)

"Thank you for this." (E)

<It's my pleasure, princess!> (S)


Then she notices the other person in the room.


"Who is this?" (S)

"My mother! She will stay here." (E)

<Good, we processed enough skin!> (S)


Next, she moves fast close to her.


"Iee am pleeeaseed to maekee theee acqueeeainteeance of youuur pEerson!" (S)

"Ehm, thank you!" (F)

"Theee mootheer of ouur prieencess! Such importeance! I hope youuu are sEatisfied wieeeth the accommooodation! Ieeef somthiEeng ies wrooong pleeease doon't hEesietate to ask. ThEe prieenceeess whieeesheed fooor yoouur weellbeeeilng. Youur daaughter iees of suuch sieegniEeficaeeence. Youuu neeed tooo knoow!" (S)

"Suki can be a little overbearing and... strange. But she means well. And for the sound, she's trying really hard. It takes quite an effort to be able to speak like this." (E)


I throw a glance at Kyska.



"I see. Well, I'm glad that you cared for my daughter. It must have helped her to have someone friendly around." (F)

"Thank you for these words, mother of our princess." (K)

"Mhm, A strange title." (F)

"I had no real word in this." (E)

"I know, but when I thought about what you might do in the future this certainly didn't come to mind." (F)

"Going into politics wasn't my first plan." (E)

"Ah, I believe you will do fine. You look as if you've already got through the worst of it." (F)


This talk is nice.
I guess mother is joking and playing everything down on purpose, but this is just what I needed.
Not having to think that much about all the troublesome things for a moment helps a great deal.


"My princess, it is very late and you woke up early. You should rest now." (K)


The nurses already placed the pelts on the bench and it looks really soft.


"And do we have a place for my mother?" (E)

"There is a room next to yours we've prepared to accommodate your family." (K)

"This won't be necessary!" (F)

"Mum?" (E)

"I've just got you back and you are only seventeen. Also this resting place looks big enough. We sleep together tonight!" (F)


I am very tired and move on this pelt bed, not seeing a reason or having the energy to discuss this now.
Yet, before I settle down I become troubled.


"Ery, is something?" (F)

"You know that I used to sleep on my back?" (E)

"Yes?" (F)



I move the wings as an answer.


"Seems you can just lie on your side or the stomach." (F)

"Scruhk! The first time I have a real bed and then this." (E)

"That's something you must explain." (F)

"Maybe later, but now I'm so tired." (E)


The pelts are up close really clean and must have been processed in some way.
Maybe acid or some other substance I just don't know yet.
We both lie down on the soft mass and I cover myself with them as far I'm able to, regarding my wings, while lying on the side.
Mother lies opposite from me and this one time I feel completely at ease when I close my eyes.


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