
Chapter 20


I follow quickly behind my mother to make sure that there are no problems with any remaining workers.
Those seem to build the tunnels, which is conceivable, considering their fitting claws.
Yet, it makes them not the slightest bit less terrifying.
I find her in the first opening staring at a worker.


"I guess they are common?" (F)

"Yes, rather common. They are something like the basic unit here. They do most of the normal work like building, tending fields or transport." (E)

"They do look a little frightening." (F)

"That's what I am saying! But do you think they listen? No, they put me in a carriage of hundreds of them linked and wonder why I quiver!!!" (E)

"You've been through a lot, huh?" (F)

"My list would be too long to count it down." (E)

"We should be going, my princess. Before you strain yourself too much." (K)


Kyska is naturally still going on about that.
I can hold out for now and I think manage a while longer.
On the other side, I'm already imagining how I produce more eggs and how they are piling up inside me.
Very distressing!


"Straining? What is it?!" (F)

"Part of the whole being an insect thing. My body is not working the way I want." (E)


Liseti is now following behind and like this, we continue to delve further down the tunnel.
I note that they split into several side branches.
Also, there is a considerable number of workers.
And again the "invasion" idea comes up.


"Liseti. I know you said we are not going to invade the city, but why all the tunnels?" (E)

"Eeeescaaepe roouuutess foor todAey. Ieee lieeke to beee preEpareed!" (L)


Okay, considering the situation this sounds believable.
I mean, you could say that there was some risk. If for example, a patrol would have scanned us.


"Is it far?" (F)

"Not really. Liseti built a base directly below the town. Funny enough, the big hive is relatively close below our old home. Hence the situation." (E)


There is not much to add, so we just walk forward.
We are already very close and I guess I can see the outskirts and...
Did that place expand?!

I am rather sure there was no courtyard as big as a plaza and the number of passages leading to unknown destinations did certainly increase.
Before I doubted it a bit, but now I'm really sure this place can accommodate around five-thousand soldiers.
And that is only what I see.
My mother is tensing up at the first guardian we see and I cannot hold it against her.
They are killing machines.


<Screak, cric, scraic!/Your courtyard should be built by now, so there is no problem to house your mother here.> (L)

"What did she say?" (F)

"That our quarters are already built and prepared so that they can accommodate us. You know, even if it won't work out to live with me, they would surely rebuild our house.  They work rather fast. Well, this hardened stone might be the material, but I think it should be fine." (E)

"This sounds benevolent. Still, I don't understand what these insects think to gain by doing this. What is their intention?" (F)


We enter the mentioned part and I find myself at this sight a bit speechless, seeing how spacious apparently my private quarters in this provisional complex are.
Not only exists a large hall here, but there are multiple tunnels.
There are many rooms.
And when I follow Kyska I come apparently to mine.
It has much of my old place in the hive.
Tables, benches.
Only the sleeping tub is lacking.


"I think this is it?" (E)

"Again. Why are they doing all this?" (F)

"It's like this. In fact, they want to control you." (E)

"Excuse me? But what are we even worth to warrant such an effort?" (F)

"This is about me. My body. As I'm a princess, they think that I'm very important. And like this, they want to ensure that also you are fine so that no one can take you hostage and use you against me and like this them." (E)

"What is this princess stuff about? I mean it doesn't make sense that they simply think you are important. As much I love you, what kind of value would you have to justify such treatment? This other princess was absolutely convinced of this and listened to you. But even with this insectifying thing, what makes you so special that they treat us all like this? I mean, they are foreign, but I cannot believe they would do this just cause! So why? Do you know? This might be very important for us!" (F)


I think I broke out in cold sweat, my stomach pain isn't getting any better and the panic I feel should be visible.


"Ery! What is wrong?" (F)

"I-I'm sorry mum!" (E)


I think I get a little teary at my prospects.
At this moment, Kyska approaches me at a fast pace.


"My princess! I understand you had to control it on the surface and that there are reasons why you have to restrain yourself right now.  I am aware how much you loath this, but I cannot allow that you strain yourself any further! You need to solve this situation now. I will go and gather the nurses, yet when I come back you need to be done! Otherwise, it is on me to relay this to your mother!" (K)


She turns and leaves again.

The panic takes full hold of me and I think I lose the strength in my legs.


"What was this about Erys? Why are you straining yourself? She made those suggestions before. What is going on with you?" (F)

"I-I'm sorry mum!" (E)


I start to cry and don't know what to say.
I know myself that I have no real way to hide everything from my mother and that I cannot really shove her out of the room.
Suddenly I find myself in an embrace of my mother.


"It's fine. Whatever it is, you can talk to me about this. That's what a mother is there for. To help when her child is in trouble." (F)

"But it's... it's something bad! Something really bad!" (E)

"Then it is even more a reason to tell me. As if I would let you go through this alone." (F)

"I-it's about my body. You will think I'm ugly!" (E)

"As if I could. I'm your mother!" (F)

"It's... It's... I'm... laying eggs!" (E)


Promptly my mother loosens the embrace, holds still both my shoulders and looks intently in my face.


"What did you say?" (F)

"E-eggs. I'm kinda producing them. My insides changed and when I'm full they all plop out. I-I've strained me to keep them inside for a while. This isn't good for me and because of that Kyska is angry now." (E)

"You are saying you are laying eggs? What kind of?" (F)

"You know, insect eggs. They... make those creatures. The insects come like this into existence. They don't have families here. Only the queen and the princesses make brood and control it. And I am apparently one. I have no choice!" (E)

"The insects force you to lay eggs for them?!" (F)

"As I said, this isn't really it. Albeit the point my body was changed by the queen, they don't need to do anything. I cannot stop doing it. It just... happens. And then they're there to assist me. And it's not like I have no word. For example, I can order the insects assigned to me. As distressing as this is. Kyska wasn't playing an act. A princess is really important to them. They would do everything to keep me going." (E)

"Because of the eggs?" (F)

"Yes, that's why. It's... disgusting, but I cannot really do much about this. Do you hate me now mum?" (E)


She again hugs me dearly.


"No! I'm only a bit worried about my only daughter." (F)

"You know, Kyska will any moment return and then I need to... Well, let go. Could you maybe leave by then? I don't want you to see this." (E)

"Nope!" (F)

"Thank you, I know this is nothing you would want...SCREEK/WHAT?!!> (E)

"This was even for me understandable. My daughter is obviously troubled. As if I possible could leave her alone like this." (F)

"But... I cannot convince you, right?" (E)


She has "that" look.


"No! I will stay here!" (F)

"At-at least don't look at that place, okay?" (E)

"You mean you're pushing them out of your..." (F)

"Yes, my ovipositor! This strange thing that is attached like a tail to my back!" (E)


I reveal the place of my disdain, by lifting the skirt there a bit.
Huh; why does my mother look so relieved?


"So, you have something to lay eggs there?" (F)

"It is most of the time shaped like this small cone, but it can also grow into a long tail. I try not to think about it, but I am really afraid of this thing. It can be dangerous and what it does... I feel bad about this!" (E)


She glances at this strange thing and sighs.


"I won't say that everything is fine. However, the most important thing is that you are still there. Whatever happened to you, I have you back and that is all that matters for me." (F)


I start to tear up and my breath becomes unsettled.


"Wahhhh!" (E)


 And I start to cry and sob into my mother's shoulder.


"It's alright. It's alright!" (F)


It's like a weight did fall from my shoulders and all the bottled-up emotions come out, now that there is someone who even remotely can understand me.
I cry for a while before I settle down.
Then Kyska comes back.


"My princess, are you ready?" (K)

"I... I don't know." (E)


I look unsure at my mother and don't know how this will turn out with her presence.


"Is your mother informed?" (K)

"Yes I am." (F)


She turns to her.


"I apologize if these news are troubling, but it would be detrimental for your daughter's health to delay her laying interval any longer. She already is holding in for far too long." (K)


My mother scoffs a bit, yet ultimately nods.


"Okay, but I will not leave her! Do what you need to do as she is now!" (F)

"As you wish. My princess, we are ready. You need now to uncover and stop to restrain yourself." (K)


I undress to the bare minimum I can mentally afford in front of my mother.
That I can keep some undergarments is helping.
And she's my mother for god’s sake.
Aside from some new features like the wings and such, she should be well informed about my body.
However, I am still anxious.
This whole situation is messed up, uncomfortable, and I simply dread to let this happen.


"Ery! It is okay. I am there for you." (F)


I look at her face and see her smiling.
Next, I make up my mind and release my intentionally kept tension.


"Huff!" (E)



Urrgh, it starts!


"Plop, plop"


And this so instantly.
I really must have been full.
This is so unnerving!


"Plop, plop, plop"


And I cannot decide to stop anymore!


"Plop, plop"


Like this, it goes on for quite a while.
I bury my face into my mother's chest and try to ignore what goes on.
The nurses do the same as always and are working without really interacting with me, but just the eggs.


It takes awkwardly long.
Aggravated by the fact that my mother watches, which might tense me up a bit.
At least it goes on for around an hour.
Finally, it stops.


"Forty-four my princess. You shouldn't have strained yourself like that!" (K)

"I hate this." (E)

"It takes only about an hour a day. And you manage fine." (K)

"Are you alright, Ery?" (F)

"Yes! Only embarrassed and disgusted by myself." (E)

"It didn't look that bad! Just some white things plopping out of you." (F)

"I've laid eggs, mum! That's like rapidly giving birth. Who cares if they are in a shell after they come out. They will soon hatch and quickly grow!  I make this fast new brood and am creeped out to the limits!" (E)

"Sorry, but maybe you shouldn't think this hard about it. It obviously doesn't help." (F)

"Maybe. I just don't know what to do with my situation." (E)

"You are alive and healthy. This is what matters." (F)


I really have to look into mum's definition of "healthy".


"And what shall I do with that brood?" (E)

"If you don't assign them yourself, they will allocate on the different roles in regards to their priority. Yet, you can always decide again on their usage." (K)

"She can really decide such things?" (F)

"Naturally! She is the princess and also the mother of her brood. The brood is absolutely devoted to her. She decides." (F)


Mother looks to me.


"You are really important! (F)

"Not like I want to be!" (E)

"The princess' first brood will soon reach maturity and start to work. Those entities are in the first place all obliged to her and then to the swarm. You have seen the amount. This is around the numbers for each day. This is the number of beings she has direct control over. This is the kind of power she wields to us. You just need to put this into relation to guess how many lives we would offer for her sake." (K)

"You mean you are seeing life as something expendable?" (F)

"Not the one of your daughter! Because then no future entities will be produced!" (K)


I think mother begins to understand.
These insects are dangerously fixated on me.
There is no chance that they would let me go just like this.


"My princess. You didn't ingest anything the whole time! Please wait! I will bring you something." (K)


Indeed, I didn't eat anything since coming here.
Kyska leaves at a fast pace to fetch something.
And I'm again alone with my mother.


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