
Chapter 171


What is going on here?
Just what is going on here?!
The usually so aloof Honiu, while maintaining her dignified composure, clearly emits somewhat stressed pheromones.


<We should head to the upper level. It's only a matter of time now.> (H)


What is she talking about?


<Honiu, what...> (E)

<Later. I need to focus right now.> (H)


Why can't she just say what is going on?!

Just the same as I, the present humans appear to be distressed.
Though, some of them more in a "knowing dread" than "confused panic" manner.
Even the Formicean drones aren't completely unaffected.
Yet there's no other choice but to follow Honiu, who's giving orders to messengers and humans alike.
I only perceive some of them so fast does she switch who she's addressing.


<The guardians are supposed to control the southeast. Let the messengers spread the surveillance.> (H)

"Make the upper caste gather at a suitable distance. They shall bear witness to this moment." (H)

<Have the workers and interceptors guard the walls and pay close attention to every single present human. Deal with them if necessary.> (H)

"Gather the human guard. They are supposed to control the perimeter around the drone line." (H)


It's awfully impressive how she apparently deals with so many things at once, seemingly effortlessly switching between languages.
If I just knew what it is she's dealing with.
Maybe Mum knows?


"Mum, do you know what is happening here?" (E)

"Ah, Erys, it's a little complicated." (F)

"What does that mean? Why can't you just tell me?!" (E)

<Because she's ordered me not to! Now keep walking instead of pointlessly wondering over things that are going to be eventually revealed.> (H)


In this manner, things continue while we're heading up tunnels first, then stairways.
Soon we reach the palace and continue to the second floor.
There Honiu guides us to a terrace that oversees the courtyard.
I can imagine how usually the king would address the people from this place.
Yet right now he looks maybe even more distressed than I am.

From my high position, I can see everything.
This probably in other circumstances would grant a sense of elevation, but from what I see, I feel worse by the second.
With every passing moment, more people assemble, more drones gather, and more tension is added to the atmosphere.
To summarize, the whole situation turns bigger and bigger, and this while nobody will tell me what the fuck is going on.




The quakes become more intense.
A continuous vibration that at times perks up.




Those are getting more frequent.
It feels like they're coming closer.




Naturally, all the humans are getting more nervous by the second.
They're aware that something is coming, probably imagining the worst.


"Wham, wham, wham"


The earth shakes, tremor upon tremor spreading from the place just in front of me.
As if an incredible power wants to force its way through.




Which it finally does when the ground bursts open to this onslaught.




Promptly, thousands of messengers emerge out of it, spreading everywhere into the sky.
A truly apocalyptic sight that would make me lose hope wouldn't I be aware of their true nature.




Then a sudden gust of air reaches me.
Rising from the lower reaches of the Formicean base it vents above, streaming through the hall, enveloping every single one of us.
This is when it hits me.
This isn't just air.





Pheromones of indescribable intensity rush out of the newly created hole.
All around me and on the lower ranks, Formicea shift uncomfortably, affected by the sheer intensity of that call.
At the same time, many of the humans around start to retch, telling me that the king wasn't the only one Honiu adjusted to make communication for herself more convenient. 
I can understand them so well.
It's already a feat that they can keep standing after this mental onslaught.
Especially, to the king I need to give credit.
He manages to somehow keep standing without letting his palpable fear slip into his demeanor.

Next, a claw larger than me extends out of the hole.
Then another and another.
Till finally, four immense claws pull on the earth.
Then an oval head emerges, with a mouth hole that could swallow me entire with its ridiculously huge mandibles.
Followed by a frame that, in its massiveness, still looks well-proportioned in comparison to its attached limbs, which still resembles the one of a princess to a degree.
Pale wings that with their size alone could never carry that immense weight, but would certainly be able to throw up every bit of dust in the courtyard, start glistening in the sky.
Lastly, the claws, along with an additional four limbs further down the frame, heave the gigantic abdomen of this creature from the ground and into the sun.
Thus, the largest being I ever laid eyes on climbs out of the hole, showing us all the incredible magnitude of this sole being that, unchallenged, stands above the swarm.

The queen!?!


<So this is the surface? Disorienting. But great freedom of movement.> (U)


She's here!
She's truly here!
I’m not ready to meet her!!
In a panic, I turn to Honiu and Liseti.


<Scri-scri-scri-scri-scri-scriek!/Wha-wha-what-wha-what? Wha-what is happening here?> (E)

<Isn't it obvious? Uma decided to come herself and grant us the honor of her presence after she heard of your capture.> (H)

"This is just how mother is. Too involved to think about anything less than doing everything she can." (L)

"We're talking here about the one who broke the ranks in the battle of Esraka. Only to protect her daughter, who was stuck, by her own fault, too far behind enemy lines. Incredibly reckless if you ask me." (H)

"I agree on this, but she acted as she deemed right, and I respect this." (L)


Now those two are even exchanging stories about how crazy Uma really is!
Seriously, I can't even begin to contemplate just what it is she's doing here.
How could she possibly have come all the way from the hive to Valera?
God, she's around thirty meters tall.
There aren't even any tunnels being that big!
But that means...
Oh my god!


<Don't tell me she built a route straight through Tarsona. From the hive to Valera!> (E)

<Why would we elaborate on this to you? You clearly don't need this, having already figured it out all by yourself.> (L)

<Uma made use of her resources. The system was expanded, linking to all human settlements that are known to us while scouring the surface for your whereabouts. One of these projects was the new connection. Though, for some reason, she wanted to surprise you with her presence.> (H)


I'm for sure not the only one caught off guard here, looking at the surrounding humans.
The only reason they don't run for their lives is the walls with their impenetrable line of protection drones.
Then the dreaded moment arrives when the gigantic eyes of the queen settle on my person.
Being the titan that she is, she only needs three steps to cross all the distance to the terrace.


<Erys! You have no idea how distraught I was upon hearing about your capture. So much that I almost mobilized the entirety of my forces.> (U)


The fact that you made the leaders of this country bow down to you and made preparations to annihilate them all gives me a good estimate.


<Ehk, screoh!/Uh, hello, Uma.> (E)

<Scruscruscru, shuuh!/Don’t be so reserved! This is a joyous reunion. Come to me.> (U)


Before I can contemplate how this would even be feasible, Uma reaches out with her foremost claw.
Apparently, she wants me to step on it.
As mentioned before, they are easily big enough for me to find purchase on them.
As offending the titan that is going to decide my fate, as well as that of the country, doesn't sound smart to me, I gather all of my courage and take the leap.
In the worst case, I could probably fly to avoid crashing down.

However, the vertigo and general situation when she retracts this enormous limb are rather overwhelming.
Gratefully, a quick flap of my wings allows me to regain my balance.


<I'm so glad to have you by my side again! The news of your capture was shocking, to say the least!> (U)


Her pheromones allow no mistake regarding this.
She is truly happy to see me.


<Uh, ar-aren't you angry with me?> (E)

<Angry? Why would I be?> (U)

<Because I messed up and got caught. Many died because of me...> (E)


The fact that I'm drifting through the air on her claws with those massive eyes seemingly gazing into me might make me more willing to admit to my faults.
All I can do is await my judgement.


<That doesn't diminish this moment. You've returned, which is more important than everything else. However, I agree that this should hopefully be a sobering experience for you. One which you should never repeat. I couldn't take this a second time.> (U)


She sounds less like an irate ruler and more like a mother in teaching mode here.
So maybe I have a chance.


<I still don't believe that it was wrong to take a step towards the humans and negotiate. But I know, I went about it wrongly. I should've been more cautious. Not exposing myself as I did. That was stupid.> (E)


For a moment, I feel how her pheromones indicate extensive contemplation.
Then she resumes her talk.


<I understand your position. However, I have my own. Which is that I deem these humans too dangerous to be left unattended.> (U)

<A-are you planning on killing them all?> (E)

<I don't think so. Yet they shouldn't be allowed to act freely or it will be our loss, as this incident just showed. There should be much to discuss further on that matter. It's very important that we learn from our lessons. After all, we hold unmeasurable responsibility and need to be aware of this. If we don't improve, we won't keep up with the challenges ahead of us in the future.> (U)


While speaking, she slowly lowers me down to the courtyard.


<Yet with responsibility come the hard decisions. Like this one...> (U)


Suddenly, a number of winged insects emerge out of the hole Uma came from, somewhat bundled together.
At second glance, I recall those are her abductor drones.
Between all the flapping, I need some time to realize they are carrying something.
Only when they drop it I can get a clear look at it.

It's Gioras!


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