
Chapter 170


Yeah, some things should be expected.
Like, for example, your mum totally freaking out over the fact that you got abducted in some kind of nationwide conspiracy.


"Do you have anye ideea what I went through? No, screew that, what you wEnt through! Oh my god, my poor gierl!" (F)


Well, seems like she switched from the scolding to genuine care.
Though, the downside is that I now feel guilty for putting her in that state.


"I, I'm fine, mum. They made a point not to hurt me in order to use me as their hostage. Though, they did hurt Kyska." (E)


I look back at my personal nurse and feel a pang of guilt at her missing wings.
For a moment, Mum's gaze switches several times between me and her and then she nods, gives me another squeeze, and walks to her.


<Skrika, scruuh!/I'm so sorry for your loss. But also grateful for all the things you did for my daughter.> (F)

<Scrikas!/Nothing that couldn't be expected as a service to my princess.> (K)

<Awh, just let me thank you and cry my eyes out, you incredible bug lady!> (F)


At this, Mum squeezes her tightly to her chest.
An act that makes even Kyska, who's always so aloof, appear startled for a moment.


<While I appreciate your safe arrival no less than anyone else involved, I called you here for a reason, Erys.> (H)


I suppose she didn’t ruin the moment on purpose.
Still, it throws us a bit out of the mood.

At least, I can take in the room now.
What surprises me is that, next to the obligatory abundance of loyal drones in the form of messengers, guardians, nurses, and to a smaller degree workers, there's also a rather large partition of humans in her entourage, who look like palace officials.
Probably those she needs to deliver messages to people who aren't supposed to freak out at the messengers.
Not to forget, not all of them speak human.



<I'm sorry. I know you went through quite some trouble because of this whole incident. I appreciate that you abstained from slaughtering humans, though.> (E)

<This was merely the best way to proceed. I was in need of counter potential to meet any demands the responsible humans might send. Also, I'm not so foolish as to punish the non-existent involvement of not responsible parties. Cooperation can at times lead to better results. In this case, that human over there was vital in pinpointing your assumed location. If only by delivering a first, most basic sense of direction.> (H)


She points at the far end of her hall where there's the throne and right next to it... the king.
Oh my god, what did she do?
He certainly doesn't look as regal anymore.
Probably had to experience a lot of degrading moments if he spent all the time with Honiu.


<You're not keeping the ruler of this country as your pet, are you?> (E)


Honiu stares quizzically at me for a moment, before coming to terms with her answer.


<I use this human to my advantage. His insight helped in avoiding greater backlash during the occupation.> (H)

<Stuff like building this stupidly big hall right below the palace? Is it even safe for the integrity of the building above?> (E)

<It certainly is. Just as much as it is necessary. I was told that it would make a poor impression had I too strongly displayed my dominance by claiming their ruling hall for myself. They may obey now, but could still turn hostile if pushed too much. Therefore, I decided to go for the next best option and create a hall nearby to attend the daily business that requires engagement with the human key figures of this settlement.> (H)


I'm pretty sure that building a mirror courtyard where she keeps the ruler as her attendant didn't make for a much better impression.


<Still, you can't treat him like this. He looks awful.> (E)

<He chose this for himself. One may see it as atonement for failing to prevent this incident. Only because he showed better judgment by avoiding an unnecessary battle he couldn't win, am I still allowing his presence to influence the fate of his subjects. Isn't this so?> (H)

"Ie, I am wiel-, willing to cooperate." (King)


He can hear me!?
God, just what did Honiu subject him to?


"Oh, I, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to appear rude. I hope despite everything that happened, this won't mean the unfortunate end of our negotiations. I still intend to do my utmost so things stay peaceful." (E)

"Ee-Even ief, if the ree-recent days can be overcome. Ie, I think thee, the blow to our mie-, milie-, military may prove devaz-, devastating." (Ki)


I didn't realize it at first, but now it's becoming obvious.
He's struggling really hard with his speech, trying desperately to force himself to get it right.


<You just had to sting him?!> (E)

<He's making remarkable progress at retaining his original voice. Even though I didn't hold back when I adjusted his speech.> (H)

<You couldn't even hold back a little?> (E)

<It was beneficial to receive his true thoughts. But I'll admit it might've been the spur of the moment that affected me as well. Unpleasant memories.> (H)


So she wrecked his voice because of a resurfacing kidnapping trauma.
Not like I couldn't get this sentiment, but it's a bit much.


<If the pointless initiating ramblings are now concluded, I'd like to proceed with the reason why I had you come. Which is to bring this place into a presentable state. As of now, the widespread animosity, a concept I only very recently had to grasp yet, is posing a dangerous risk. While contained, for now, the human anger is barely under control. Despite the great risks linked with it, incidents still happen. Humans, if not as a whole, show a concerning aptitude for most foolish actions. Isolating the affected members doesn't seem to work, as there are always others appearing out of the masses. Quite a vexing situation, I surmise.> (H)


Does Honiu seriously complain here that she fails to weed out the concept of stupidity?
I mean, I don't know who's more wrong here.
The humans for being as they are or Honiu for even bothering to try?
Yet other concerns are just as present.


<How exactly did you take care of this?> (E)

<As suggested by my attendees, I left most of it to the still-existing human control instances. There was simply no reason to risk our perfectly good drones. Those were anyways busy creating enough food for our continued subsistence.> (H)

"Ie, ahem, I made it a poie-, point to avoid any further incie-, incidents. Aaron works tie-, tirelessly to quell conflict. It's maybe not perfE-, perfect, but ie-, it works out." (Ki)


I seriously have no right to complain.
From what I was told here it seems like they did the best they could.
Surely the results are better than what I would've been able to accomplish.


<You seem to have created quite the operation here.> (E)

<I did what I had to. But you're right, I met the requirements the situation called for. No reason for regret on my part.> (H)

<I see. Is there anything I could do to help?> (E)

<You may head out and talk to the upper administrative units. You might refer to them as 'nobles', but this determination is of a vague concept to me at best. Come as it may, I couldn't figure out how they were in any way differently suited to perform in their role than any other human. Something they apparently found offense in when I pointed it out.> (H)


At this, I'm sure I just heard the king chuckling.
Though, I need to admit, the idea that an insect questions the core of our society of inheriting status upon birth might be somewhat amusing in a way.


<If you’re now quite finished with your chattering, what I was trying to convey was that I'm growing increasingly irritated dealing with these supposed human key figures. Also, they don't seem to trust my words, as ridiculous as this notion appears to be. Since, as Farrah extensively relayed to me, adjusting their receiving organs isn't a feasible way to make them change their minds, I presume it's for the better if you would take care of this task, as you, in my view, made a far better impression on them. Also, by doing so, I planned to employ a concept your mother referred to as 'guilt tripping'. It should aid us in our purpose to convince the key figures to control the human masses that cooperating is in their best interest. Yet this time, without letting go of the required minimal protection, please. A mistake I hopefully won't have to ever witness again.> (H)


I feel like, for the near future, everyone is going to be rubbing salt in that wound.


<Scruh, skriak!/Sigh. Sure. If it helps.> (E)

<It does. Especially, as there's not much time left. We need to quell any hint of aggression against our kind. As quickly as possible, we need to be able to prove that we can exert control over this human realm. It has to be presentable!> (H)


Okay, something isn't right here.
She seems far more desperate about this than I'd assume her to be, given her level of interest before I was abducted.


<Honiu, you're using this strange expression. Why do you want us to hurry so much? What do you mean by 'presentable'?> (E)


At this, I receive a response with an expression of surprised pheromones.


<You don't know?> (H)

<So soon? Is it truly already, the time?> (L)

<Indeed, it is. One which is going to cause effects of unforeseeable magnitude.> (H)


Is she secretive on purpose?




A quake?
Wait, Erys!
You already learned that in most, if not all, cases the Formicean actions below the surface were what is causing shifts of the ground on the surface.
Is this some kind of grand project they're working on that I wasn't aware of?

Yet before I can further contemplate the nature of this quake, a messenger rushes into the room, straight to Honiu.


<Unfortunate. It's too late to prepare anymore.> (H)


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