
Chapter 167


It's over.
Goddamnit, I'm so relieved.
Getting digested by a titanic worm wasn't high on my list regarding ways to go.
Yet it seemed terrifying likely for a while.

Now worm debris lies scattered everywhere.
The explosion ripped straight through its body and scattered massive amounts of flesh, viscera, and body fluids of this gigantic thing across the cave.
The rest forms a corpse so big that I don't even want to imagine the stench when it eventually starts to rot.

Yet, a more immediate issue arises.
An extraordinarily loud sizzling sound echoes through the cavern, followed by cries of pain, human and Formicea alike.
Gratefully, most of the worm’s fragments scattered into the depths of this cave, causing the ground there to appear to be boiling, but even a small portion of that monstrosity’s blood seems to be dangerous.
And while, in the affected places, the armored guardians attempted to protect the other drones, and any human with a shield put it to use, many still appear to be affected by the spray.

While I hover safely near the cave ceiling, at a loss as to how I could possibly help, Liseti issues new orders.


<Nurses! Come forward!> (L)


The drones that still block the tunnel’s passageway move aside, and the army’s supporting nurses stream through the gap.
All the ones that survived, at least.
Swiftly, they rush to the injured drones and proceed to douse the acid with their produced liquid.
So that stuff even neutralizes acid?
That's quite handy.

Nonetheless, a large number of drones still succumbs, a majority of which were the protective guardians, but the lightly coated ones are no longer in danger.
As for the remaining humans, it would seem they were only lightly affected by the acid.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they had taken cover behind the drones where they were able.

A short time later, the acid quiets, and we glide down to rejoin the army.

Once we landed on the ground of the cave again, it doesn't take long till an impromptu conclave of the present princesses begins, with me, Liseti, and Chera.


<Sister.> (L)


Wow, did it just get cold in here or is that just Liseti's icy pheromones?


<Would you relinquish to me some of your messengers to send them to my hive? My brood will take care of these carcasses. The worm itself is unfortunately not edible but might serve various purposes, such as fertilizer.> (C)


This princess doesn't waste any time taking advantage of the situation.
I don't really know about the properties of the worm flesh.
It is most definitely acidic, the way I saw some hunters melt who dug inside, but maybe it could be harvested in some way.
As for the rest of the… urgh, corpses, I would rather not know what she is going to do with them.
Yet I suspect that she has, at least temporarily, found a solution to the food situation of her hive.
Nobody can hold it against us if we simply clear the battlefield of the dead, right?
After all, they were the ones who attacked us.


<As you wish. Fortunately, enough of them remain.> (L)


I should say something as well.


<Liseti! You have no idea how glad I am to see you!> (E)

<This is wrong. I can perceive your pheromones very well.> (L)


Yeah, that's Liseti.


<Anyway, thank you for your rescue. It was very much appreciated.> (E)

<It should have never come so far. While this was a decently large enemy troop this much shouldn't have sufficed to overwhelm your forces. Sister, how could you allow for two princesses to be protected by such an insufficient escort?> (L)


Uh, this should've hit hard.
As far as I know, Chera simply didn't have more.
Also, she was a bit picky about choosing presentable drones.


<An oversight on my part. I was certain they wouldn't attack our territory. The passage was supposed to be safe, and I didn't plan on taking the necessary workforce from my hive.> (C)


Technically true, but she's very intent on omitting how little choice she had in that matter.


<This oversight might have cost the swarm two princesses.> (L)

<I'll remember this. It won't happen again if I can help it.> (C)


Meaning: Only if she is in a better position to actually be able to decide differently.
She's quite good at this.
Those two quarrel on for a while, but nothing concrete comes from this.
Suddenly, someone else chimes in.


"I'm sorry to interrupt this meeting, ladies, but I fear I need to ask you to surrender!" (G)


Gioras approaches with a small unit of crossbowmen.
He can't be for real!
He has already lost and is still going to pull such a thing in the middle of our army!


"Don't, think so!" (M)


In a blink, Miru lands between me and the humans, and the other members of my royal guard storm from above into the crossbowmen, while some more form a line in front of us.
They have shields!


"Never, again!" (M)


Miru is pissed.
However, before the living wall is fully closed, Gioras runs through and draws his sword while advancing further in my direction.




Miru swings one of her own blades at Gioras', but I can feel that she’s still injured and exhausted and can't directly push him back.
The two engage in a struggle.

Now that is enough!
I’m through with this man!


"Fuck you!!!" (E)


 In a single motion, I extend my sword and sear off his weapon.





Maybe I also got part of his finger, but that doesn't interest me anymore.
Holding his bleeding hand, he looks me straight in the eyes before Miru smashes him into the ground.


<Hold him there! Alive for now!> (E) 

"Ughff. Well, you'll excuse me for trying, right?" (G)




<Miru, stuff his mouth and use him to keep the remaining humans in check.> (E)


So I at least don't have to hear anything else from him.
Also, he can't give any further orders to go against us or such.

Speaking of his troops, they don't look great.
With all the losses they incurred, it's truly nothing short of impressive that they maintained any semblance of order.
With the fights in the tunnels, I never saw how many there were in total.
But it's still safe to assume that the few hundred I'm seeing there are, at most, a fraction of the forces Gioras led here.  
The fighting has ceased, and what troops remain seem to be rallied around a single commander.
Whose face I recognize as the leader of the troop that nearly recaptured me.
Probably all of them believed that they had to do this in order to save their country.
Which might not even be wrong if what he said about the current state of the war with Koreso is true.
Hell, it can't be good for the Formicea either if the war is lost and Koreso claims control over the territory above our heads.
It's not like we're on good terms with them.


<Do you really think it's a good idea to let him live?> (L)


Does she intend to execute him right on the spot?
Well, I don't like him.
Personally, I wouldn’t care if he died already.  
He’s responsible for far too many deaths.
Yet, I’m not going to let his actions or my personal feelings make everything that I’ve tried to do be for naught.
I refuse to let the lives sacrificed be in vain, at least not if there is still a chance for peace.
He should be made to stand trial.


<I think for now it would be better to keep him alive. He's still influential and we can use him to keep his entire faction in check.> (E)

<So you intend to use him the same way that he intended to use you?> (L)


Well, if she says it like this, my plan sounds even better.


<Indeed. For now, this should also keep the remaining human soldiers in check.> (E)

<If it's about the humans, I would suggest processing them. My hive will gladly take this influx of food.> (C)


She wants to eat the living people!?!
After they surrendered!?
I can't let that happen!


<Absolutely not! We don't want this kind of reputation. Not to mention that we can't do this to people!> (E)

<So what would be the alternative? These are the remains of a force that proved hostile and, as you just mentioned, they only wait for a word from their superiors before they will turn against us. Letting them go would be a mistake. However, they cooperated when I demanded it, which is why I'm willing to show leniency if you show me options.> (L)

<As I said, my hive could profit from this.> (C)


I, I think I can suggest something else.


<If we can't just let them go, why not make use of them?> (E)

<That's what I planned.> (C)

<No, not like this. I mean, put them to work. You saw that they were capable of quite some feats against us. I'm sure they could 'help you with a certain problem'.> (E)


I try not to be too obvious about what I mean, so Liseti won't catch wind of Chera's predicament.
But we are talking here about soldiers.
Which is exactly what Chera lacks.
If they could take down some of those crabs for her, this might gain Chera much more in comparison to her alternative, and prove to her the usefulness of humans.
Beyond provisions that is.


<You mean they could...> (C)

<I think it would at least be a start. Humans can be surprisingly versatile if given the chance.> (E)

<I have no idea what you are talking about, but we can't afford to waste too much time. So please settle this matter.> (L)

<As you wish. Erys, you made a point here. Your suggestion is of value. Now that you are here Liseti, you may take it upon yourself to escort her back. Meanwhile, I will return to my hive and take these creatures with me. However, as my escort was decimated, I require a portion of your forces to ensure there won't be incidents on this journey.> (C)


Wow, for someone who doesn't want to take any help, she's quite quick at requisitioning the assets of others.
This way she gets a full fresh lot of soldiers to press her agenda further.


<I understand. As the threat of the terrorworm should be vanquished, this area should be reasonably safe now to allow such a decrease in numbers. The rest of the passage should be free for us to return to the main system and travel to the human capital.> (L)

<We're traveling to Valera!? Not Uma's hive?> (E)


I was sure she would drag me straight back.


<No, mother was clear on this. There are unsettled matters to attend to in that place, so we're going there. I will send messengers to inform her that you were successfully reclaimed.> (L)

<By me, that is. I hope you won't forget to relay this. Or should I create the message?> (C)


If I didn't know better, I'd say Liseti "snarls" at this with her pheromones.


<That won't be necessary. I'm not so unreliable as to neglect such information.> (L)

<If you say so. But if you’re already traveling that way, you might just as well start establishing a corridor. I plan to join you in this 'capital' once the issues in my hive are settled. I deem the matters that will be discussed there as of immediate interest to me. So you might just as well use your resources to maintain my connection to the main system. We wouldn't want another terrorworm to cut me off again without anyone noticing, am I right?> (C)


I'll say it again, she really has a talent for shifting blame away from her person.


<Of course. As I was granted responsibility for the fighters in this area, I'll take care of this matter.> (L)

<Very well. I appreciate this. If you'd excuse me now. I have a hive to manage, as well as apparently a number of members of a foreign species.> (C)

<Uh, humans require a specific diet. Please mind this.> (E)

<I'm no imbecile. Naturally, I was aware that other creatures feed differently. Now, it would seem that it is time to say farewell. Erys. Sister.> (C)


And so she goes.
I'm kinda concerned about how she's going to treat these prisoners of war.
Yet for now, I'm left here with Liseti and have my own problems to attend to.


<Finally, she's gone. If you'd come now, I don't wish to stay in this cave for another threat to arrive.> (L)


I, I kinda feel like she is upset.
Hopefully just at Chera.


<C-coming!> (E)


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