
Chapter 166


You may say that I went through quite a lot of scary experiences.
Repeated abductions, including those by the claws of giant insects.
I had my own body transformed against my will, was forced to lay eggs and live with this new body function, and saw many living beings get ripped apart in front of my eyes.
Knowing all this, it means quite a lot when I say that I was never as freaked out as I currently am.
I'm going to die in the stomach of a titanic worm!

The size of this thing is ridiculous.
It fills the cave from floor to ceiling.
Heck, according to Chera, it was the one that created this cavity in the first place!
And now it's moving in our direction.




With one dive it rushes straight through our great army.
The terrorworm isn't incredibly fast, relatively speaking, but its massive size together with the fact that the ground units are tightly bundled together causes gigantic losses amongst our forces.
It's almost a miracle that it didn't get us, but I remember that Chera said it would seek out the greatest concentration of life, which is probably the center of the battle site.

Naturally, the drones don't stand idle, but attack it with all they have.
Messengers land on it, slashing with all they got, while workers and hunters give their all to climb up its sides, each and every one slashing as much as they can with the sole purpose of causing the slightest bit of damage.
This proves fatal for most of them, as they start to sizzle when they break the surface, as the viscera dissolves their bodies in an acidic reaction.
Even more of them, who still cling to it, find their demise when it dives into the surrounding walls.
It didn't even scare it off, as it returns a moment later.
But Liseti didn't lie when she said that she brought an army, as more and more drones emerge from the holes, directly throwing themselves at the worm.


<Loose formation! Attack if possible! No clusters! Don't protect the princesses in greater numbers!> (L)


It's ironic that more protection would mean a death sentence against this thing.
At the same time, I'm impressed by how well the drones are still listening.

The humans, on the other side, seem to have all had enough.
Most are breaking down, holding their heads, while others just scream frantically.
I don't hold it against them.
They fought formidably up to this point.
Though, that at least means we don't need to worry about them attacking our position anymore.
Chera meanwhile is frantically working on the escape route.


<Erys! Stationary defense is useless! Prepare to fly to the side if it's coming at us! It's unlikely to adjust its trajectory! Then maybe we can make it out of here!> (C)


Okay, don't get eaten by the terrorworm.
That's some advice I'd like to follow.


<There you are!> (L)


It seems like she decided to join us in our position.
She flies straight to us, while the battle is still raging on.
Chera instantly catches up.


<Liseti/sister.> (C)

<Chera/sister.> (L)


Okay, is it just me or are they somewhat cold towards each other?


<Shouldn't you prioritize your own safety and escape through the tunnels?> (C)

<The majority of my troops lies still within these passages. If the creature decides to follow along those ways it would be my end.> (L)


Weird that Chera suddenly isn't upholding the advantages of free movement anymore.
On the other side, while I get Liseti's reasoning, I'm not sure what exactly the plan is here.


<Then what? Are we just supposed to wait here until the worm has killed us all?> (E)

<Greetings, Erys. The situation is dire, but not hopeless. In my estimation, our losses and the durability of the terrorworm should even out. It should receive fatal wounds before the last of our troops have fallen. At that time, it should be too sluggish to follow us. We only need to make sure to avert its attention from our presence, which can be done by adjusting the positioning of our drones. While unparalleled deadly, the terrorworm isn't known for advanced thinking above the instinctual level.> (L)


So she's already planning for a battle of attrition.
One that will cost many Formicean lives.
If there'd just be a way to turn the scale a bit more in our favor.
What could help us against this monstrosity...
I have an idea!


<The humans are into this as well. At this point, there's no reason for them to fight anymore, as they can't reach any of their goals. Not with that thing around here!> (E)

<So you want them to fight for us? How do you intend to make this happen, in this situation?> (C)


She's right.
The battle might be concluded, but there's still some fighting going on.
They just can't win anymore.


<I can make this happen. Erys, I will require your royal guard. Will you lend me them?> (L)


What does she need my royal guard for?
I just met them again.
But well, Liseti isn't stupid.
I'm sure she thought this through.


<Okay. I trust them to you. Do what you have to.> (E)

<Very well. Follow!> (L)


While the pheromone command spreads, Liseti lifts up.
Messengers, as well as a good partition of my royal guard, move to join her flight, as she heads directly to the former center of the battle.
This impromptu escort is ready to block any shots that may be released in her direction.
There she shouts as loud as she can.


"To everyeeone who can stiell fieght! HElp us kill that thieng and Ie promise you mieght make it out of heere alive! I neever wEnt bAck on my word, so you can belieeve me on thieez!" (L)


I'm not sure how many of them are still able to do anything at all.
Most of them were only driven by desperation to fight their way so far, clutched between two forces of insects.
Then a command I didn't really expect resounds.


"You heard them! If you don't want to become worm fodder, I'd suggest you all fight for your lives!" (G)


Seems like he's at least pragmatic in his course of action.
Those who received these orders are apparently as well if it means having at least the insect portion of their imminent deaths off their backs.

Aside from shooting, the humans aren’t able to attack the worm effectively anywhere besides its lowest portion.
Naturally, this also only includes those who haven’t lost their will to fight yet.
Liseti quickly adapts to the added forces and sends our flying and claw-equipped units to focus on damaging the worm higher up than the humans can reach.
In this manner, a somewhat forced alliance against an enemy both sides can agree on is forged for the time being.
However, this still doesn't seem to be enough to stop this oversized earth digger in its tracks.

Oh no!
Here it comes!

Just in time, I manage to dodge along with Chera to the side with a clumsy aerial maneuver.
Miru would've dragged me if I didn't do so.
However, those who don't have wings have no means to evade the onslaught.
So it rips through the slope that leads up to our second tunnel, effectively cutting the remaining partition of humans, as well as our forces, off from the rest, ready for the picking.
Chera was right, this thing doesn't care in the slightest if it gets me.
It only wants to devour as much in its way as possible.
The embodiment of gluttony.
A few more rounds like this and not much of our army will remain.
I fly to assemble with Liseti's group again.


<What now?!> (E)

<While everyone fights, we may leave this place and head up the tunnel we dug to the surface. It's unlikely that the terrorworm will target us with other prey in abundance as presented here.> (C)


I don't like the thought of abandoning everyone, but fleeing might be for the best.
After all, everyone fights only because of us princesses.
It wouldn't do now to get eaten.


<I have another suggestion. We're going to kill that worm now!> (L)


Excuse me!?


<So madness has claimed your mind?> (C)

<No, I have a plan!> (L)


Without even waiting to tell us what she thought of, Liseti flies back towards the center of the remaining human army.
Since the order wasn't revoked, she's still with a considerably large escort.


"Humaen! Theese detonators, are thEy functional?" (L)

"Ah, I see! Yes, they are. However, they work with a timer. You usually set them up and run. I don't see that happening with that worm!" (G)

"Show mee! SEt thEm up, wee tranzport thEm!" (L)

"My pleasure, princess!" (G)


So this is it.
Liseti wants to blow up the worm!
That might even work.


<Erys, the next part might be difficult, but I need your permission.> (L)

<For what?> (E)

<Messengers aren't strong enough to lift these objects and fly with them. Only your specially adjusted royal guard can perform this.> (L)

<Then what is the issue?> (E)

<That they won't return.> (L)


Why wouldn't they...


<You want them to blow themselves up!?!> (E)


She can't be serious!


<Erys! Just one single time, please consider the greater good! Your brood won't act against your will, but this is the only option! Allow it or let all the other drones end themselves against this enemy! Your decision.> (L)


Just why do I have to decide this?

My royal guard affirms that they'd be fine with it.
At the same time, the terrorworm once more reaps through our ranks.
Can I really do this?
But if not, the causalities will be so much worse.
And more die by the second.


<Okay! Okay, you win! But at least try to get out again!> (E)


I don't think they will make it, but they aren't supposed to not even try.

The battle against the terrorworm rages on.
The creature draws deadly streaks right through the army, while humans frantically fiddle with the iron caskets of the bombs.
Liseti even commanded her forces in a way to avoid that this position would be targeted.
By now, some hunters even managed to bite deep gouges into the flesh of the worm, but can't survive the deadly conditions inside to enter further.

Eventually, the bombs are ready.
After some final instructions, Liseti gives a final command.
I don't like what happens next.
My very own guards take the caskets and carry them upward.
They wait for the worm... and fly straight into its path to get swallowed.

Once more the creature turns, this time heading straight at us.
I see its giant maw approaching.
But then there's an orange flare from inside that gradually expands.
The worm does the same.
It bloats and...




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