
Chapter 156


With a slight sense of trepidation, I move to Princess Chera's quarters.
She sent a messenger only a short time after I settled down from the experience at the border of her hive.

I leave my beetles at the entrance, as I can't really force my way here, and they wouldn't be able to do all that much.
Also, I'm rather sure Chera means me no harm.
Otherwise, she wouldn't let me get so close to her.

I enter and see that she prepared another dinner.
It seems she prefers to talk over a meal.
Yet the fact that it mostly consists of the meat of those weird creatures might be intentional.


<Ah, Erys. I'm pleased that you came.> (C)


She is trying to appear amicable, but it seems slightly forced, in a way that she's clearly uncomfortable.
For now, it might be smart to appease her.


<I'm very sorry that I apparently intruded where I shouldn't. However, I hope you understand that I would very much like to talk about what I saw back then.> (E)

<Certainly. This only makes sense. And I am willing to share my knowledge with you.> (C)


Her whole demeanor is still kinda weird.
As I said, it seems forced.
As if she's acting.
Or rather, as if she meticulously laid out what to say here.


<You know, from what I saw, I assume that this kind of attack happens regularly. You laid out traps and are guarding the respective passages very well. But how bad is the situation? Are these, whatever these things are, a threat to you? Are they pressuring you?> (E)


I can basically perceive by the pheromones how much she wraps her head around formulating her response.


<Yes, you are right in so far that there's a minor conflict going on with the dominant species in this realm. I settled to calling them Crusteans. However, it's by no means as dire as you fear. I can hold the passages to the hive very well. We are only talking about local, isolated skirmishes with individual specimens. It's nothing I would go as far as to call 'a conflict'> (C)


She clearly makes a point of emphasizing how much she is in control.
To her disadvantage, I'm done with taking such words for granted.
The king made a big show of trying to reassure me how much he was in control and how secure his rule over his subjects was and look where it got me.
No, I certainly won't listen to any more speeches about me not having to mind the obvious issues.


<I apologize in advance for what I'm about to say, but I have trouble believing you. I'm sorry, but to me, it seems like your whole hive is in a terrible state and only narrowly getting by. There are so many issues that I would barely know where to start if I had to list them all.> (E)

<Issues!? What kind of issues could there possibly be with my splendid hive?!> (C)


Is she delusional?!


<Okay, what about the location of your hive? I'm hardly competent as a princess yet, but even I am aware that it's too close to the surface. This might be the only place with acceptable temperature. Everything higher than your quarters is, at best, uncomfortable. At worst, it can lead to sickness for your subjects.> (E)


She must be aware of this.
I can't believe that she would be so detached from the situation she's in.


<That might be the case, but I'm currently working on expanding my hive to a deeper layer.> (C)


She is?
As far as I know, she went here decades ago.
Did she in all this time simply forego this project?
She doesn't give this impression.


<And why do you have so many guardians? I noticed that their numbers are overproportionate. You don't have as many workers or other units for non-combat-oriented tasks. Can you really say you're producing them to this degree even though there's no need to?> (E)

<Well, I won't deny that there is a need for them. The Crustean's shell is quite impervious to the claws and bites of anything that's smaller than a guardian. As such, I had to adjust production. That is all there is to it.> (C)


I feel her facade slowly cracking.
The things she's saying don't add up, and she knows it.
I might just have the argument to get her over the edge.


<Okay, but what about your mycelium?> (E)

<Wh-what about it?> (C)


With a deadpan face, I say:


<You don't have one.> (E)

<Ridiculous! Naturally, I have a mycelium! This is a basic necessity for a hive.> (C)

<So why do you process all the meat of these monsters instead? You barely eat anything else.> (E)

<I, I simply prefer it.  It would be a waste not to process what is already there!> (C)


I don't believe a word she says.
She probably doesn't believe them herself.
Fine, then let's go for the final blow.


<Then where is it? Where do you have your fields? Where is all the food your starving drones should consume?> (E)

<I-it's complicated.> (C)

<What is complicated? It's a simple question. Where are your fields?> (E)

<I have one!> (C)


I kinda feel like a bully right now.
Princess Chera tries to lie.
Something that goes against the very nature of a Formicea.
Her misfortune is just that I'm a former human.
And if humans are proficient in something then it's figuring each other out.


<Then where is it? Why can't you even afford to draw enough nectar for yourself if that's covered?> (E)

<It's complicated.> (C)

<Stop saying 'it's complicated'. You either have or you don't have mycelium fields. Which of those two is it?> (E)

<I have!> (C)

<Then why can't you tell me where it is?> (E)

<Because it's...> (C)

<...Complicated, I know! What is making it so complicated to just answer honestly?> (E)

<Because they exist!!! They're there! Just outside the hive, nearly in my reach!> (C)


Okay, that was some emotional eruption.
I think now I'm going to get my answers.


<And?> (E)

<I had everything! A functional hive, a great number of subjects, enough food, and a permanent water supply! It was all there! It worked!> (C)


Until it didn't anymore, huh?


<So what happened?> (E)

<These wretched creatures happened!! When my brood found this place I was so content. I was already preparing for a while to found my own hive, and this place seemed ideal. Not only are there water channels, providing enough water for a mycelium of a size that may even surpass the main hive's, no, such a place was also located at the border of the territory of our swarm, but without any contenders of the other swarms to stunt my growth. Endless expansion! It was absolutely perfect.> (C)


Even if I repeat myself here: Until it wasn't anymore.


<Okay, but there obviously were contenders.> (E)

<Contenders?! No, these things are a pest and nothing else! Once I established my hive and started to grow my mycelium along the river, they started showing up. At first, there were only a few assaults on the workers tending the fields, but they became more and more frequent. At some point, I lost more drones by this than I could maintain with their harvest. It was vexing. They somehow are able to move along the water line and could show up anywhere along the fields surrounding it. Attacking me at ever-changing spots. It was impossible to raise a functional defense against such a thing.> (C)

<They must come from somewhere. Couldn't you find their nest?> (E)

<You think I didn't try to? I sent a great expedition to discover their origins. It was clear that they were coming from where the water was flowing, yet in the end, they only found a great water. A never-ending water! Worse, a never-ending water that is not consumable, filled with a nasty taste! These things are somehow able to live in it like it wouldn't be deadly! They kept on coming from there, over and over! There was nothing I could do to make it stop.> (C)

<What about collapsing the passages?> (E)

<Didn't work. The water was always flowing further in this direction, either making the way free or flooding the whole cave system. It was terrible.> (C)


Seems like she had at least one big drowning.


<So basically these things made the fields unharvestable. Couldn't you create another mycelium, somewhere else?> (E)

<Oh, I tried. But at some point, the fields weren't enough anymore. More and more showed up at my hive. I couldn't drive them away.> (C)

<But at some point you could?> (E)


I mean, she's already at it for so long.
The tunnel I went to looked pretty much fortified.


<No, I couldn't.> (C)


This she says with the most grim pheromones I've received from her until now.


<I don't understand.> (E)

<This isn't my hive.> (C)

<Excuse me?> (E)

<My hive was still young at that time, and I built it with expansion in mind, not limiting its growth with a few narrow defensive tunnels. While they never attacked in a coordinated way, it was still enough to invade the heart of my territory. When one came close to reaching me, I knew I couldn't hold myself here anymore and hastily evacuated.> (C)


This story gets more and more problematic.
It starts to sound like she's barely managing to survive here.


<And after all this, you didn't return to Uma?> (E)

<Naturally not!!!> (C)

<Okay...> (E)


I'm starting to suspect that she has issues with dealing with her feelings.


<As great as I am, I created this place with limited resources from scratch! It was difficult, you can believe me, but this time I made it impervious to any attacks of these crude abominations.> (C)


Said the human-sized insect.
Though, I'm one to talk.


<But I just told you there are issues with it. What about food, for example?> (E)

<I can manage. The meat of those things is edible. This is quite fitting in my opinion. They took my mycelium, and in return, I and my brood now eat them.> (C)

<And what about the mycelium?> (E)


We already clarified that a mycelium is probably the most important facility in a hive.
A princess can barely manage to consume as much as a single unit of nectar contains.
Hers is apparently... lacking.


<It's sufficing. I even was able to create smaller mycelium areas, but it's barely enough for me to subsist with a single remaining nectar unit. Yet as someone consumed more than this, I was forced to send my troops to claim any wild-growing mycelium harvest.> (C)


Is she now seriously blaming me for having to stir up the monsters because I have to eat?


<What about the temperature? Are you really trying to tell me that everything's fine?> (E)


If I'm already sensitive to it, her brood can't be faring much better.


<Naturally, there are downsides. I had to build it away from the water. Further up was the only solution.> (C)

<But why didn't you just expand deeper? You should have a bit of leeway to do so, right?> (E)

<It's not possible.> (C)

<Why?> (E)

<I just can't! The ground is too hard!> (C)


This progressively seems like the worst place one could ever have established a hive in.
Why is she insisting so much on staying?


<If everything is so terrible here, then why are you putting up with it? Why not just leave and establish your hive in a better location?> (E)

<Did you not listen?! There are no other places. The territory of the swarm is cramped. The other two are constantly putting pressure on us. The neutral zone in between is taboo, as it would spark a conflict. This is the only direction to completely avoid them. If I could just make it work, then I could expand our whole territory to the benefit of us all! I'm so close! I know I can do it. I only need to prevail.> (C)


Does she truly believe what she's saying?


<Then... If it's so important to you, why aren't you calling for help?> (E)


I'm sure Uma would send her own daughter the troops she needs.
Certainly enough to reclaim her fields.
Formicea regain their numbers quickly, so it should totally be an option to consider.


<I won't!> (C)

<But why?> (E)

<Because I don't need to! I won't beg Mother for help!> (C)


She doesn't make any sense.
Formicea princesses love their brood.
I can't believe she would just sacrifice hers.


<Please, be rational. You can't do this alone!> (E)



What was that!?


<Chera, please.> (E)



She's not just furious, but completely freaking out.
It's as if she is having a breakdown right now.


<You'll see! Everyone will see how I will overcome this! I will rise, and my hive will be the most prosperous of them all! Expanding unimpeded on and on and on! And one day, I will be queen!> (C)


Did she lose it?


<There's no need to worry. I'm perfectly capable. I am capable! Adversary is only a challenge to overcome! I'll prove myself!> (C)


I, I think I get it now.
She's a perfectionist child!
Chera is so obsessed with being perfect that it renders her unable to give up and cut her losses.
Even worse, her own image as being impeccable makes her refuse to call for help.
Or to summarize, after all this time in this shitty situation she is a mental wreck.

Now she's just quietly mumbling to herself.


<I only need a little more resources. Just a tiny bit more. Enough to overcome this little setback.> (C)


It's kinda worrisome to look at.
Especially, the very human way she's mawing her claw between her mandibles.
Fortunately, the carapace holds for now.


<If only I had a few more troops. Enough to outweigh the losses. Then I could act more aggressively. Reclaim what was lost. Use it to consolidate and raise even more troops. I could win this!> (C)


Is this a game for her?
Oh damn, would it be good or bad if she'd learn about table games?
It worries me deeply.


<With better production I could fill my ranks and drive them back. But I can't. I'm at my limit. I can't produce more by myself. By myself... THIS IS IT!!!> (C)

<Ehk, scruuuh!/Ehm, sorry?> (E)

<Yes. I'll simply make you my co-princess! Together we will bring everything back to order and recover what was lost.> (C)


From one moment to the other this talk took a turn I'm not the slightest bit comfortable with.


<E-excuse me? I don't really understand.> (E)

<Oh, it's so simple. Yes, with your help we will have enough brood to fortify our position and establish this hive for good. I was so blind. A joint hive! You know, it's not unusual for princesses to support each other! This is perfect! What an opportunity!> (C)


Sorry, but what about my consent?!


<I apologize, but I'm not sure if this is for me.> (E)

<What!?! Why not?! Didn't you say yourself that you plan on establishing a hive of your own?> (C)


That may be, but certainly not with you.
Though, I probably should word this more politely to the one with the psychotic fit.


<Yes, kinda. But I want it to be my own. You know, completely founded by myself.> (E)

<Nonsense! Together this will work out perfectly. You don't have to concern yourself the slightest bit. Just let me handle everything.> (C)


Sure, after what happened before, I'm certainly going to trust your keen judgment.


<Chera, I don't want to settle down here with you.> (E)

<Who said anything about settling down? No, we will expand! Getting bigger and bigger until our existence will be undeniable! This is magnificent! Only a genius such as myself could come up with such a solution.> (C)


Did I already mention that I doubt her ability for rational thinking?
By now it's clear that she is not listening to my words, and I worry what might happen if I agitate her further.


<Chera, you can't just claim me for your hive. What will Uma say?> (E)

<Naturally, she will agree! It's such a great idea, and let us not forget, I'm the one who reclaimed you for the swarm. Such a feat won't be forgotten. A single request will certainly be granted. It's just perfect how everything aligns.> (C)


Oh damn.
Thinking about it, she might have a point.
I'm not even sure how Uma currently thinks about me after what totally could be considered a massive blunder of mine that almost dealt a heavy blow to the swarm as a whole.

She might not even want to see me.
It could totally be that Chera manages to monopolize me and my brood.
Which basically means I'm back where I started.
In captivity with the prospects of having my brood forced to fight in someone else's conflict.


<Oh, yes. You can go now. I'm sure you must be exhausted after such a wild day. I'll send you some more meat so you can strengthen yourself. And as soon as we manage to force our position back to the mycelium, we can have nectar again. You have no idea how happy I am that we found a solution together!> (C)


And with this, I basically get thrown out.
Me and my nosiness.




Oh damn.


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