
Chapter 155




Oh my god!

Something is squeezing through the hole where the workers just came through! 
It's covered in... in Formicea gore!
So much I can barely see its features.

A true giant, covered in a blue-whitish shell, that is a great deal discolored by green Formicea gunk.
The creature is so massive that it's struggling to get through the hole which is barely big enough to allow a guardian to pass.
Still, eventually, the monster reaches the cave and I can have a closer look.
Instead of a torso there just seems to be a big, bulky gathering of mass, settled on six pointy legs.
Four tiny black eyes dot its face, located in the center, while its mouth consists of a flat beak.
Instead of claws, it has two giant pincers that protrude out of the sides of this walking bulwark.
Whatever this monster is, there's no doubt in my mind that it has no connection to the swarm.
This is because I can't perceive the slightest hint of pheromones coming from this thing.





It screams the moment it enters, but before it can do anything, the waiting guardians start rushing in on it.
They slash with their blade claws at it and all their spear tails propel out and pierce into the creature.
Now I realize that this narrow passage must be designed like this.
Only one of these creatures can, with visible difficulties, enter at once, and the waiting guardians, while slightly smaller, have still enough strength to take care of it.
While probably superior in a one-on-one battle, it doesn't have much of a chance in this situation.
Though, it manages to slightly scrape a guardian before it becomes limp.
Ultimately, it seems like I'm still safe.
Not long after this, the creature lies dead and workers advance, while the guardians apparently slash some more for good measure.


<Kyska, what was this?!> (E)

<I don't have the slightest idea, my princess, but I recommend not remaining in the vicinity of such a thing. It's dangerous.> (K)


Well, I didn't have any intention of coming closer to that hole.
However, I think I'm at the right place and would like to learn more.


<Not yet, Kyska. But I promise that I will flee the moment the guardians look even the slightest bit like they can't contain whatever waits on the other side.> (E)


Kyska scowls, but as usual, she eventually gives in.

The workers participate in a joint effort to pull the carcass deeper into the cave and rip it apart, butchering the remains on the spot.
The flesh is brought to a tunnel on the left, the hard shell to the right.
At this point, it's clear that this is what I ate.
I grow a bit sick to the stomach at this sight but am not sure if this should disgust me.
Ultimately, this seemed to be a savage beast that foolishly followed into an established trap.
Thinking back to the group of workers that entered before, it must be that this thing was the reason for their poor state.




And there another one enters.
I send out a sign to my beetles to stay by my side.
This creature is too massive for them, and they might hinder the guardians if they join in.
This time, the creature manages to throw a massive blow to a guardian.
That one seems to endure the attack, and the spear tails do their work.
Though, now a pincer catches a limb and unceremoniously clamps it off.


"Scruuuuhhhhhhh!" (guardian)


This... this doesn't seem like a wound that will ever fully heal.
Ultimately, it ends the same as before.
The injured guardians at the hole get replaced, and workers come to take care of the body.
I've seen enough of this, but am not done yet.
I know what will happen to the meat, but am curious what they're going to do with the ruined shell.
So I follow behind the respective workers.
They enter another side passage in the tunnel.
I cross the corner and look in there.


<Screeeeaaaak!/WHAT AM I LOOKING AT HERE!?!> (E)


The cave is vast.
Excavated till so far to the back that I can't see the end of it.
Yet this isn't the point.
Every single spot on the ground is covered with the carapaces of these monsters, at some places forming whole hills with them.
Here lie thousands upon thousands of shells.
I can't even fathom the implications.

Is this even the only cave of this kind?!
Just how long has this already gone on?
This isn't just a stray monster that Chera occasionally turns into food.
This is a large-scale conflict!
How does the swarm not know about this?
And why would she keep it a secret that she's under attack?!
It just doesn't make any sense!

I'm confused.
Unsure what to do now, I exit the cave.
From the sound in the distance, there might be another attack.
And yes, once I get back to the slaughter cave they're at it to take care of another body.
Just how could this kind of situation come to be?

Suddenly, I feel a wave of pheromones coming my way.
Nothing in particular, but just a strong sense of presence that demands attention.
It doesn't require much guesswork who emits something like this.


<Erys! What are you doing here?! You weren't supposed to run off on your own!> (C)


Okay, I had this often enough with my mother to perfectly know what to say in this kind of situation.


<I was just trying to enjoy my newfound freedom and walk around for a bit. I was confined for so long that I really had to move my legs.> (E)

<You had to...> (C)


Just good that Formicea have little to no experience with disobedient children.
Now I just need to draw this talk to the issue of what I encountered here.


<Yes, I had to. And then I suddenly got into this here! Whatever it is.> (E)


For a long while Chera stays still, till she can finally bring herself to answer.


<...I see.> (C)

<Chera, I can see that something is wrong here. Please, tell me what it is.> (E)


I know the way I act here might be presumptuous of me, but she obviously needs help, and there's nothing I can do about this if I don't even know what is going on.


<...As you wish. But not now. I need time to prepare. I'll call you once I'm ready.> (C)


This is something, right?
I don't know, she just felt like a bundle of conflicting emotions.
None of them positive.
Maybe I went too far, but I simply couldn't stand not knowing, and what I discovered here is certainly a reason for concern.
To avoid aggravating the situation, I return to my quarters, Kyska and my beetles still being with me.
Once I arrive, I turn to Kyska.


<What do you think about all this?> (E)

<It's a difficult situation. This hive is like an open wound to the swarm where its valuable drones get lost like lifeblood. This kind of conflict should certainly not continue. It either has to be avoided as a whole or brought to a decisive end. Both of these apparently are beyond Princess Chera's current capabilities.> (K)


I thought so as well.
Good to know that the second opinion agrees.


<Then what do you suggest?> (E)

<Naturally, the main hive should be contacted. Princess Chera needs fresh forces and apparently abundant deliveries of food as soon as possible!> (K)


Sounds logical, but I see issues with her solution.


<But Princess Chera isn't doing so. There might be a reason for this.> (E)

<Nonetheless, this cannot continue!> (K)

<I don't know. Going against her sounds a bit ungrateful. And not very smart, considering that she's the boss here.> (E)

<But all her brood is perishing! There's nothing that could justify not taking the necessary actions. Also, she already relayed your whereabouts. You are safe, my princess. Princess Chera has to guarantee your well-being at this point.> (K)


That might be true.
But I learned my lesson of being too trusting in things that should be a given.
Like not getting abducted on a peace celebration party.
Thinking about it, I could probably send as well a beetle with my findings.
Yet I should give it a written message, as their communication ability isn't too developed.


<I see. But nonetheless, I think we should wait for what Chera has to say about all this before making our final decision.> (E)

<As you decide, my princess.> (K)


Now I have to wait for Chera's explanation.
I hope it's a good one.


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