Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 48: Prince Leopold

After leaving Viktor and Ellen to discuss their potential future together, I exited the dungeons in a good mood. While I was sad to lose two of my bodyguards in a short amount of time, it cheered me up to know that they at least had each other, and Thomas. However, I received a message from Viscount Holtz that dampened my spirits. He delivered it to me while I was on my way back to my rooms.

“Excuse me,” I said, shaking my head in disbelief, “Did you just say that Prince Leopold Reichwald is here to see me?”

Viscount Holtz nodded.

“Yes, Lord Wulfe,” he said, giving me an apologetic look, “I was reluctant to let him in the castle. However, given his status as a member of the imperial family, I couldn’t turn him away. He is currently waiting in your sitting room.”

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. After what happened last night, I expected Leopold to leave the Barrens and head back down to Haven. The Barrens was enemy territory for him and his family. While we couldn’t attack him outright, not without angering the rest of House Reichwald, there were ways we could make his life unpleasant. Why had he stayed?

“Very well,” I said, opening my eyes again, “I shall go see him. If I don’t, Leopold will refuse to leave. He was always stubborn about the strangest things. The sooner I get this over with, the better.”

Viscount Holtz nodded.

“Shall I inform His Grace?” He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You haven’t already?” I asked.

Viscount hesitated, before responding.

“Last night’s events shocked me,” he said, “So I am still coming to terms with the news that you are in fact His Grace’s son.” He gave me a small smile as he said this. “However, you are the heir to House Kaltbrand, which affords you a certain degree of privacy. It would be… inappropriate to report your every move to His Grace, which includes which guests come to see you.”

Hmm, that made sense. Now that the senior servants knew the truth about my heritage, they were affording me more respect than before. It wasn’t as if they treated me with disrespect before this. However, there was a significant difference between a mercenary hired to pretend to be the heir of House Kaltbrand and the actual heir.

“Go ahead and tell Dad.” I said. “Considering the situation, it’s best to keep him informed. In fact, keep him informed on anything related to the imperial family.”

Viscount Holtz nodded.

“Very well, Lord Wulfe. Is there anything else you need?”

I shook my head and dismissed him, before making my way to my rooms. When I arrived, I found Leopold waiting for me in my sitting room, along with a few others. He brought a pair of Imperial Guards with him as his bodyguards, as well as a man with tanned skin, short black hair, and dark brown eyes. This man had a lean and toned body, which contrasted with his soft features. Those soft features had led many people to underestimate this man, believing him to be harmless. I knew better.

Walter, Prince Dirk’s right hand man, though he went by Volkhard these days.

Leopold sat on a couch, with Volkhard standing right behind him. The Imperial Guards stood a little further back, looking displeased about something. They weren’t the only ones in the room. Sir Kane stood opposite the Imperial Guards, staring at them with an impassive expression on his face. Maria stood beside him, wearing a polite but distant expression on her face.

As the two sides faced each other, the tension in the room was taut, like a string ready to snap. The only one who seemed at ease was Leopold. He sat on the couch and sipped a cup of tea, which I assumed Maria fetched for him. When I arrived, everyone turned to look at me. I narrowed my eyes at Leopold.

“What do you want?” I demanded.

One of the Imperial Guard scowled at me and grabbed the hilt of his sword.

“How dare you–” He started to say but Leopold raised his hand and silenced him.

“Stand down.” Leopold commanded in a soft, but firm, voice.

The Imperial Guard obeyed, with great reluctance.

“Is this how you treat your guests, Wulfram?” Leopold asked, turning his attention back to me.

I snorted.

“You’re not a guest, Leopold,” I said, “You’re an intruder. State your business and get out.”

Leopold studied me, his gaze steady.

“Would you believe me if I said I came here as your friend, not as Prince Leopold Reichwald?” He asked.

“If that were true, you wouldn’t have brought him with you.” I said, gesturing to Volkhard.

During this entire exchange, Volkhard eyed me with wariness in his eyes. As a fellow Aura Master, I was one of the few people in the entire Reichwald Empire capable of defeating him on my own. It came as no surprise that he considered me the biggest threat in the room. The reverse was true as well. While I now wielded the coldfire, only a fool would underestimate an Aura Master. Volkhard’s presence here was like a dagger pointed in my direction.

“It couldn’t be helped.” Leopold said. “Considering the circumstances, I need to take certain precautions to ensure my safety.”

I bared my teeth at him in a smile.

“In that case, I can’t trust a word you say.” I said.

Leopold studied me for a few seconds, before he let out a sigh.

“How about this, Wulfram?” He said.“I will send Volkhard and my bodyguards away, if you agree to do the same with your people. Does that satisfy you?”

Volkhard and the two Imperial Guards voiced their protests.

“This is unwise, Your Highness.” Volkhard said, keeping his eyes on me.

Leopold shook his head.

“Wulfram isn’t stupid enough to attack me.” He said. “I’ll be fine.”

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. If I attacked Leopold here and now, it would lead to war with House Reichwald. Besides, as furious as I was with him, I wouldn’t hurt him unless I needed to.

The Imperial Guards continued to protest, until Leopold silenced them with a sharp gesture.

“Well?” He asked, turning towards me again. “Do we have an agreement?”

I held his eyes for several seconds, before I looked at Sir Kane and Maria.

“Leave us.” I commanded.

Maria bowed and left the room. Sir Kane gave me a questioning look, as if to ask if I was sure about this. I nodded. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds, before he returned my nod and left the sitting room as well. With great reluctance, Volkhard and the Imperial Guards followed them. Soon, Leopold and I were alone in the sitting room. I walked over to the couch standing opposite of his and sat down.

The two of us stared at one another for several long seconds, neither one saying a word. I noticed some subtle changes in Leopold since I last saw him. He seemed more melancholic, as if filled with a great sorrow. However, I noticed a sharpness in his eyes, one that hadn’t been there three years ago. I don't know what happened, but whatever it was, it had a profound impact on him. He wasn’t the same Leopold I once knew. Then again, I wasn’t the same Wulfram that I was three years ago. A lot had happened since then.

The biggest change I noticed in Leopold was his mana signature. Three years ago, he had been just an Aura Warrior. However, he was now an Aura Expert. If we had met under different circumstances, I would have celebrated his achievement.

“You look well, Wulfram,” Leopold said, breaking the silence, “It appears that becoming the heir to House Kaltbrand suits you.”

“No thanks to you.” I said.

Leopold sighed.

“How long will you hold that against me?” he said. “I did that partially for your sake, you know.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Excuse me?” I asked, an edge to my voice. “If I recall correctly, Volkhard informed Lina that you and your father intended to charge me with lying to a member of the imperial family. In what way was that for my sake?”

“I would have ensured that you received a light punishment,” Leopold answered, “One that would have taken you far from Haven, and out of the fight for the imperial throne. Otherwise, one of my cousins would have tried to use you against me.”

I paused at that. By cousins, he meant the other scions of House Reichwald, his rivals for the throne.

“Assuming I believe you,” I said, “That doesn’t change the fact that you plotted against me, Leopold. Not only that, but your family interfered with the succession of House Kaltbrand. It will be a long time before I forgive you for that, if ever.”

Leopold looked at the cup of tea in his hands.

“We only did what was necessary,” he said in a quiet voice.

I clenched my fists until my knuckles turned white.

“Necessary?” I said, nodding to the door of my sitting room. “Walter-Excuse me. Volkhard tried to kill a castle full of innocent people, all to silence a few. If I hadn’t arrived, he would have succeeded. If you considered that necessary, then you need to reconsider your priorities. And that isn’t taking into consideration the other people your family had murdered, all so you could make your puppet the heir to House Kaltbrand.”

Leopold slammed his tea cup down hard enough to make the remaining tea spill out.

“You can judge and condemn me all you want, Wulfram,” Leopold said in a hard voice, “But that’s only because you don’t know what it was like growing up in the imperial palace. As a potential heir to the throne, each day was a struggle to survive for me. Every morning, when I woke up, I wondered if that day would be my last. My parents did everything in their power to protect me, but even they have their limits. I’ve been betrayed by my servants, people I trusted with my life, more times than I care to remember. So, yes. It was necessary, because if I lose the fight for the throne, I will die.”

I stared at Leopold, stunned. This was the first time he mentioned what it was like growing up in the imperial palace. In the past, whenever I asked him about it, he avoided the question. I hadn’t realized how difficult it was for him.

“Why would you stay in a place like that?” I asked, unable to wrap my head around it. “Why not give up your right to the throne and leave?”

Leopold gave me a brittle smile.

“Do you think I have a choice?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “In the previous generations, not every contender for the throne died. They either married into another family, or left the Reichwald Empire.”

Leopold's smile grew more brittle.

“This generation is different from the previous ones.” He said. “I’m not one of the current emperor’s children, yet I am a potential heir. That makes me a threat, at least in the Empress’ eyes.”

I didn’t know much about the current Empress. We had never met. I knew that she was from House Ritter, the ducal family that ruled the Grass Sea region to the east, but that was it.

“She is determined to see one of her children take the throne.” Leopold said. “As long as I am alive, she will always consider me a threat. Leaving the empire or marrying into another family isn’t an option for me. Either I take the throne, or I die. There is no in-between for me.”

I stared at Leopold, conflicted. A part of me was still angry at him, and his father, for what they did. If it had been just limited to scheming and plotting to make their puppet the heir to House Kaltbrand, I would have forgiven them in time. However, I couldn’t forgive the murders. Not only did they attempt to kill everyone in Meyers Castle to silence Baron Meyers, but they also murdered potential heirs to House Kaltbrand in order to give their puppet a better chance.

Yet, my heart went out to Leopold. It couldn’t have been easy growing up in an environment like that. I grew up as an orphan, with all that entailed, so I understand what it was like to grow up in a dangerous and hostile environment. At least the people around me didn’t plot and scheme to murder me.

“I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.” Leopold said, covering his face with his hand. “I came here to make a deal with you, not lay all my troubles at your feet.”

I resisted the urge to snort. I didn’t believe that for a second. I was well aware that Leopold was playing to my sympathies. He knew that I was a sentimental fool, and was using that to his advantage. However, I didn’t think he was lying. Sometimes, the best way to finesse someone was to tell them the truth.

“What sort of deal?” I asked in a cold voice.

As much as I sympathized with Leopold, and didn’t want him to die, I couldn’t forget my priorities. I was Wulfe Kaltbrand, heir to House Kaltbrand. My primary concern was protecting my loved ones and defending the north from the demonic beast threat. Everything else came secondary to that.

Leopold stiffened when he heard my tone, before he removed his hand from his face. I saw the disappointment in his eyes. It stung, but I remained unmoved.

“Well, it’s less of a deal,” Leopold said, “Rather, I wish to give you a gift and ask you for a favor.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. Considering the circumstances, he was the last person who had the right to ask me for a favor.

“Go on.” I said.

“The woman who pretended to be Elise Meyers,” Leopold said, “She was one of our people before she betrayed us. For most, that would have been a death sentence. However, as a show of good faith, I’m here to tell you that we won’t target her or her younger brother.”

I clenched my jaw. That was one of the things I had been worried about, which was why I was happy that Viktor would accompany Ellen and Thomas. Two Aura Experts were better than one. Well, I assumed Viktor would accompany Ellen and Thomas. There was the possibility that he wouldn’t, or that Ellen would reject him. However, I thought that the chances of that were low.

“And how is this a gift?” I said, feigning indifference. “That woman provided us with information in exchange for her brother’s life. That’s it. What happens to her now is none of my concern.”

Leopold smirked at me.

“You can’t fool me, Wulfram.” He said. “I looked into her background and realized that she was one of the orphans you grew up with. You care about her more than you pretend.”

I clicked my tongue in displeasure.

“Fine.” I said, annoyed. “I accept your gift. Now then, what’s this favor you want?”

Leopold’s expression turned serious.

“I assume that you and your family are going to head south to participate in the social season?” He asked. “After last night’s events, House Kaltbrand can no longer remain neutral in the fight for the throne. Given what I know about you and His Grace, House Kaltbrand intends to seize the initiative instead of waiting for one of my cousins to try something.”

I gave him a flat look and remained silent.

“Whatever you do, don’t support Cornelius.” Leopold said, a pleading expression on his face. “I beg of you.”

Prince Cornelius Reichwald was the eldest of the Emperor’s children and the strongest contender for the throne. While the scions of House Reichwald competed with each other to become the next ruler of the empire, the eldest child tended to have an advantage compared to their siblings. They were older, more experienced, and their parents often favored them. While the eldest child didn’t always become the next ruler, they won more often than not.

“Why not?” I asked.

“While my other two cousins want me dead, I can at least reason with them.” Leopold said. “Cornelius, on the other hand, loathes my very existence. In his eyes, I should have never been born. Or at least, I shouldn’t have been a rival for the throne. He considers me the greatest shame of the imperial family, and will stop at nothing to see me dead. If one of my other cousins takes the throne, I have a chance at surviving. A small chance, but a chance nonetheless. If Cornelius takes the throne, I will die.”

After Leopold finished speaking, I took a moment to think before responding.

“I can’t promise you anything, Leopold,” I said. “I am not my own person anymore. As the heir to House Kaltbrand, I must do what benefits my family and my people the most.” I paused. “However, in light of our friendship, I will take your request into consideration.”

Leopold held my gaze for several seconds, before letting out a sigh.

“I suppose I must settle for that,” he said, “At least you didn’t reject me outright. If I had gone to His Grace, he would have kicked me out before I had a chance to say a word.”

I snorted.

“If you had gone to Dad, he would have invited you to stay as a long-term guest of House Kaltbrand.” I said.

Leopold let out a bitter chuckle.

“If I lose, I might take him up on that,” he said, “It’s better than the alternative.”

A few moments of silence passed after that. Leopold stared at me with a strange gleam in his eyes.

“So,” he said, “Is Knight Commander Bardin really your mother?”

I grinned at him and nodded. Leopold’s expression turned wistful.

“To be the son of the Iron Countess herself.” He said. “I’m a little envious, to tell you the truth. No wonder I could never beat you when it came to the sword. You must have inherited your talent from her.”

One of the reasons Leopold and I became friends and rivals was because of our mutual admiration of Mom, as well as our desire to emulate her. However, I was always more talented with the sword, which Leopold considered an affront to his honor. He worked hard to surpass me, but never succeeded.

“In your defense, you had less time to train and practice.” I said. “As an imperial prince, you were always busy with your duties.”

Leopold nodded, before sighing. The wistful expression on his face disappeared.

“As much as I wish to stay here and reminisce about the past with you, it’s time I left. Otherwise, I fear that His Grace will storm in here and make me a permanent guest of Kaltbrand Castle. While I may be at a disadvantage, I haven’t lost the fight. I can’t give up now.”

With that, Leopold stood up.

“Despite everything, it was good to see you again, Wulfram.” He said.

“It was good to see you again too, Leopold.” I said, in a soft voice. “I just wish it had been under better circumstances.”

He nodded to me, before leaving the sitting room. I remained on the couch, lost in my thoughts.

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