Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 47: Aftermath of the Ball

The ball ended soon after I revealed that I inherited the coldfire. The Coldsteel Knights seized Lord Klemens once more. This time, he didn’t resist. Seeing me wield the coldfire must have drained the fight out of him. The Coldsteel Knights then dragged House Steuben and their supporters out of the ballroom.

Dad then declared an end to the ball and told everyone to head back to their rooms. A few looked like they wanted to protest, glancing at me as they did so, but refrained. Soon, they all exited the ballroom in a steady tide.

Dad invited Leopold and High Priest Nicholas to stay the night at Kaltbrand Castle, but Leopold demurred. Perhaps he feared that Dad might try something. I mean, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Dad had something planned. Instead, Leopold left the ballroom as well, though not before giving me an inscrutable look.

On the other hand, High Priest Nicholas accepted Dad’s offer and left with a servant.

After that, my loved ones and I left the ballroom as well, leaving the cleanup to the servants. We retired to one of the many sitting rooms located within Kaltbrand Castle. As soon as we were in private, I sat down on a couch and sagged with relief. Lina joined me, while Mom and Dad sat on a couch that stood opposite ours.

“That was exhausting.” I said, covering my eyes with my hand.

Lina, who held my other hand, patted me on the arm.

“You did a good job,” she said. “Father and Mother would have been proud, had they been here to witness you.”

I lifted my hand from my eyes and gave her a smile.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Wulfe.” Mom said in an acerbic tone. “Your father and I are proud of you.”

Lina narrowed her eyes at Mom. The two of them stared at each other, neither one willing to back down. I resisted the urge to sigh.

“Your mom is right, Wulfe.” Dad said, flashing me a smile. “After tonight’s events, no one would dare contest your position as the heir to House Kaltbrand.” His smile faded away. “However, this is just the beginning. It’s clear that we can’t avoid the fight for the imperial throne. I tried to stay out of it, since it didn’t matter to me who became the next ruler of the Reichwald Empire, but that is no longer an option. Now that Prince Dirk and Prince Leopold have revealed their hand, the other scions of House Reichwald will turn their attention to us. They’ll try to gain our support, or at least work to ensure that we don’t support their rivals.”

“Remaining neutral won’t work either.” I said. “Whoever becomes the next ruler of the empire will remember those who supported them, and those who didn’t.”

Dad nodded, a grim expression on his face.

“I can aid you in that.” Lina said, breaking off from her staring contest with Mom. “Father assigned me to keep an eye on Haven, so I have a decent grasp of the situation.”

I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

“Thank you,” I said, “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Mom rolled her eyes.

“We should still head south ourselves.” She said. “We can’t rely on House Guld for everything. Besides, if we’re going to involve ourselves in the fight for the throne, we’ll need to establish a presence in Haven.”

I nodded at that.

“Yes,” I said, “However, I also have a more personal reason for heading south. I need to resolve things with House Guld.”

Mom looked unhappy about this.

“Yes.” She said with a sigh. “As much as I like to quibble with your fiancée…” She gestured to Lina. “… I am grateful to House Guld. They raised you and took care of you. They were there for you when Anselm and I weren’t.”

When I saw the pain in Mom’s eyes, I wanted to reach over and comfort her. However, as soon as I had that thought, Dad wrapped an arm around Mom’s shoulders and pulled her into an embrace. She gave him a grateful smile. This gave me mixed feelings. On the one hand, it felt like Dad was taking Mom away from me. This must have been what Mom felt when she saw me with Lina. On the other hand, it warmed my heart to see my parents supporting each other like this.

“I also need to sort some things out with House Guld.” Dad said. “In the past, we were never on the best terms with them. However, that might change because of you, Wulfe.”

I nodded. Back when the Reichwald Empire was still the Reichwald Kingdom, it consisted of just the Barrens and the region now known as the Crownlands. In the centuries since then, the Reichwald Kingdom expanded its borders by conquering its neighbors and became an empire.

One of those neighbors had been the Riverlands Kingdom, ruled over by House Guld, the royal family. House Kaltbrand had been instrumental in their defeat. The eponymous rivers that gave the Riverlands its name acted as natural barriers, giving it a significant defensive advantage. However, House Kaltbrand’s coldfire froze those rivers and negated that advantage. In the end, House Guld was forced to surrender.

After they surrendered, House Reichwald kept House Guld in place as the rulers of the Riverlands and appointed them as a ducal family. While centuries have passed since then, the people of the Riverlands still remember when their homeland had been an independent kingdom. Some still harbored ill feelings towards House Kaltbrand because of this.

That was part of the reason why I chose to hide in the Barrens. At the time, I figured that no one in House Guld would think to look for me in the north. A foolish idea, now that I thought back on it.

“That could become a problem.” Lina said, frowning. “If House Guld and House Kaltbrand grow too close to one another, many would see that as a threat, including the imperial family. House Kaltbrand is already the second most powerful family in the Reichwald Empire and House Guld isn’t that far behind. Together, they eclipse House Reichwald.”

I… hadn’t thought about it from that angle. I considered both House Kaltbrand and House Guld as family. Of course I wanted them to get along with one another. However, after giving it some thought, I realized that others wouldn’t see it that way. I sighed. That was the problem with being a part of a ducal family, or two in this case. Everyone scrutinized one’s actions in order to determine how it would affect their interests.

“That can’t be helped.” Dad said, shrugging. “Unless you two plan on not getting married.”

“No.” Lina and I said in unison.

Dad smirked.

“Exactly.” He said. “Since you two are set on marrying one another, we might as well make a formal alliance with House Guld.” He gestured to me. “Besides, Wulfe is both a Guld and a Kaltbrand. Our two families are already tied to one another through him.”

Lina sighed.

“Father won’t like this.” she said, glancing at me. “He wanted to wait some more before deciding who to support in the fight for the throne. However, allying with House Kaltbrand may force him to make a decision sooner than expected. Together, House Guld and House Kaltbrand form a powerful faction. Whoever they support will gain a significant advantage.”

I sighed.

“Which means they will target both House Kaltbrand and House Guld.” I said. “Either to gain that advantage for themselves, or to ensure that their rivals don’t.”

I wanted to bury my face in my hands and scream in frustration. When I ran away from House Guld, I never expected that I would end up facing schemes and plots that would affect the rest of the Reichwald Empire. I had just wanted to find my own place in the world. Well, I succeeded, just not in the way I envisioned back then.

Lina noticed my distress and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, before pulling me into an embrace. Her warmth seeped into my soul and soothed me. I looked over at my parents, and realized that my position mirrored Mom’s. The two of us shared a wry smile.

“Let us save the rest of this discussion for tomorrow.” Dad said. “It has been a long day, and we’re all tired.”

Everyone voiced their assent to that. We all left the sitting room and went our separate ways. I escorted Lina back to her rooms. On the way there, neither one of us said a word, as we were both lost in our own thoughts. When we arrived at our destination, Lina turned and faced me. She wore a serious expression on her face.

“Wulfe,” she said, “I think it would be best if Mika and I left ahead of everyone else and returned to House Guld.”

Every fiber of my being rejected her words. So much so, that I grabbed Lina and pulled her into an embrace. The two of us had just reunited, and yet she wanted to leave so soon?

“Why?” I asked.

I assumed that Lina had a good reason for making such a suggestion. She loved me as much as I loved her. However, that didn’t mean I had to like or accept her reason.

“To inform Father and Mother about what happened.” Lina said, returning my embrace. “It won’t take long for rumors of what happened here to spread to the rest of the Reichwald Empire. It’s best if I tell Father and Mother the truth, to avoid any potential misunderstandings.” She pulled back to look me in the eyes and smiled. “Besides, Father and Mother will be overjoyed to learn that you’ll visit soon.”

Despite my assertion earlier, I found my resolve crumbling. She made a good point. Rumors spread like wildfire among nobles, becoming twisted along the way. If we left things up to chance and didn’t tell Father and Mother the truth ourselves, they would hear a distorted version of tonight’s events. Even so, I remained reluctant to part with Lina.

“Do you have to?” I asked. “Can’t you just send a messenger?”

Lina gave me a sad smile.

“It’s better if I tell them in person.” She said. “Besides, leaving early will give me a chance to lay down the groundwork for House Kaltbrand’s arrival. This is the first time in decades that Grand Duke Kaltbrand will participate in the social season. It’s sure to cause an upheaval once the news arrives in Haven.”

I clenched.

“These are all very good reasons.” I said. “However, I still don’t want to let you go.”

Lina looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Why don’t you join us then?” She asked.

I sucked in a breath at that.

“To Guld Manor?” I asked.

A bittersweet longing filled me. Sweet, because I would be able to see home after such a long time. For a moment, I smelled the flowers of the gardens and felt the warmth of the sun on my skin. Bitter, because Guld Manor wasn’t my home. Not anymore. When I inherited the coldfire, I chose to dedicate myself to the Barrens. I could never return to the Riverlands, not for long. Kaltbrand Castle would be my home until the day I died.

“No.” Lina said, shaking her head. “Father and Mother should be in Haven by now. When I left, the plan was for me to find you and bring you back there.”

I nodded. That made sense. Father and Mother were active members of high society. They always headed to Haven during the social season, bringing their children along with them. While we couldn’t participate in high society, there were some events and activities reserved for the children of nobles. Besides, it would be less painful for me to see House Guld’s townhouse in Haven. I enjoyed my time there, but it didn’t hold the same significance to me as Guld Manor.

“That is tempting,” I said, before frowning, “Though I’ll have to discuss the matter with Mom and Dad. Now that I’m the heir to House Kaltbrand, I am not my own person anymore. Not entirely.”

There was a lot we needed to do in order to prepare for the journey to Haven. As much as I wanted to follow Lina’s suggestion, I felt bad about dumping all that work on Mom and Dad. Besides, there were a few lingering loose threads that I needed to tie up, such as dealing with Ellen and Thomas. I also wanted to be there when my parents got married. Mom told me that it would happen soon, before we left for Haven.

“Take the time you need to talk the matter over with them.” Lina said, giving me a smile. “It isn’t as if Mika and I need to leave right away. We can wait for a bit, though please give me your answer within the week.”

I mulled it over before nodding.

“That should be enough time.” I said. “Though I would appreciate it if you and Mika stayed long enough for my parents’ wedding. They’re getting married before leaving for Haven.”

Lina’s eyes widened for a second, before a thoughtful expression replaced her surprise.

“That does make sense.” She muttered. “It would be better for House Kaltbrand if she was Grand Duchess Kaltbrand instead of just being the Grand Duke’s lover.” She nodded. “Very well. We’ll stay long enough for the wedding. However, we’ll have to leave right after.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I grinned, before leaning over to give Lina a brief kiss on the lips. “I shall take my leave now, my lady. You have a wonderful night.”

I started to pull away from Lina, but then she grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me in for another kiss. This one was longer and more passionate than the previous one. When we finished, it left me in a daze.

“Goodnight, my lord.” Lina said, smirking at me. “Sweet dreams.”

Before I could respond, she pulled out of our embrace and entered her rooms. Still in a daze, I somehow made my way back to my rooms. I dreamed of Lina that night.

The next morning, my parents and I ate breakfast together. It was just the three of us. With everything going on, we hadn’t spent much time alone as a family. It felt nice to just relax and enjoy each other’s company, even if it was just for a meal. We still had a lot to do, but we could still enjoy quiet moments together like this.

Near the end of breakfast, I brought up the matter of me leaving for Haven with Lina and Mika. I expected them to object. However, to my surprise, they glanced at each other before nodding in unison.

“Your mother and I discussed the matter already.” Dad said. “If you hadn’t brought it up, we would have.”

“While I dislike the idea of parting with you,” Mom said, a reluctant expression on her face, “Anselm convinced me that it would be a good idea to have you lay the groundwork for our arrival in Haven.”

I smiled and almost mentioned that Lina said something similar, but refrained. There was no need to poke that particular hornet’s nest.

“It is also an opportunity to gauge the southern nobles’ attitude towards House Kaltbrand and see how they treat you without me around.” Dad said.

I nodded. That made sense. The southern nobles may slip up with me in ways they wouldn’t around Dad. However, I felt bad about just leaving.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “There is still a lot of work to do before leaving for Haven. We still have to deal with House Steuben and their supporters. Also, what about House Meyers? As far as I know, Baron Meyers died without any heir. What will happen to their territory?”

I doubted that Dad would let Ellen continue her charade as Elise Meyers and inherit House Meyers. However, we couldn’t leave House Meyers’ territory without an overlord for long. Someone needed to protect the people there from demonic beasts.

“You don’t have to worry about all that.” Dad said, giving me a smile. “We can handle it ourselves.”

Mom reached over and gave my hand a brief squeeze.

“Go.” She said. “Reunite with your adopted family. We’ll join you soon enough.”

Mixed feelings filled me. On the one hand, I appreciated my parents’ acceptance and support. They could have demanded that I forget my time with House Guld and cut ties with them. Instead, they did the exact opposite. On the other hand, I felt guilty because of my selfishness.

“Thank you.” I said.

After breakfast, I headed down to the dungeons. While my parents said that they would handle the aftermath of the banquet and prepare for the journey south, there were some things that I needed to deal with on my own.

The dungeons were more lively than usual. House Steuben and their followers filled all of the cells. Some pleaded for forgiveness, some protested their innocence, and others made threats. They grew louder when they saw me and tried to get my attention, but I ignored them. When I reached the door to Ellen’s cell, I opened it and found her performing a series of exercises. She stopped and grinned when she saw me.

“Oh, hey Wolfie.” she said, wiping sweat from her forehead.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“You’re in high spirits for someone imprisoned for treason.” I said.

Ellen shrugged, before grinning at me.

“Until you came along and told me otherwise, I spent my days in here thinking that I was going to die.” She said. “Wouldn’t you be in high spirits if you were in my shoes, Wolfie?”

I thought about it for a moment, before nodding.

“Fair enough.” I said. “And, as promised, I’m here to tell you about your punishment. While you are a traitor and a spy, your actions also led us to uncover the identity of the enemy interfering with House Kaltbrand’s succession.” I paused. “Granted, you did so to save your brother’s life, but still. That is enough reason for me to grant you clemency.”

“Plus, you’re sentimental.” Ellen pointed out.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“While I may not want to execute you,” I said, a warning in my tone. “I have no such compunction about imprisoning you for life.”

Ellen closed her mouth and wore a contrite expression, but her eyes danced with laughter. I sighed.

“However, you are right,” I continued, “I am sentimental, and I don’t want to see a childhood friend of mine suffer. So, from this day forth, you and your brother are hereby forever banished from the Barrens. You may pack some basic necessities to bring with you, but you must leave everything else behind.”

Ellen’s expression turned sour at this.

“So, you’re kicking us out with nothing but the clothes on our backs?” she asked.

I nodded.

“In essence, yes.”

Ellen held my gaze for several moments, before nodding.

“Well, it could be worse.” She said with a sigh. “At least Thomas and I have each other. Besides, I’m an Aura Expert. I’m sure I can find someone willing to hire me.” She snorted. “I may even become a knight again, a real one this time.”

True. Aura Experts were far less common outside of the Barrens. Despite her past, plenty of noble families would love to have someone with Ellen’s skills and experience serve as one of their knights. Failing that, she could always find work as a mercenary. It wouldn’t be easy, but it was a living.

I opened my mouth to say as such, but stopped when I heard the sound of someone running in our direction. Moments later, Viktor appeared in the doorway to Ellen’s cell. He looked out of breath.

“Oh, good,” he said, “I’m not too late.”

“Viktor?” Ellen asked, her eyes wide. “What are you doing here?”

Viktor gestured to me.

“I needed to ask Lord Wulfe a question.” He turned to me. “What is Ellen’s punishment?”

I raised an eyebrow at him, though I had a faint idea of why he asked that question.

“Banishment from the Barrens.” I answered.

Viktor looked relieved at that.

“Oh good,” he said, “I guessed right.”

“What are you talking about?” Ellen asked.

Viktor straightened up and looked her in the eyes.

“I resigned from the Order of the Coldsteel Blade.”

A beat passed by in silence.

“What?” Ellen yelled. “Why would you do something like that? You haven’t even served for five years! Why would you forfeit the chance to become a noble?”

Viktor gave her an intense stare.

“You know why.” He said.

Ellen’s jaw dropped. I smirked.

“Well, this sounds like a private matter between you two.” I said. “I shall take my leave.” I looked at Viktor. “If I leave her in your care, I trust that you’ll ensure Ellen makes it out of the Barrens?”

Viktor nodded at me as I left Ellen’s cell, or former cell I should say.

“Wolfie, wait! Where are you going?” Ellen asked. “Don’t leave me alone with this lunatic!”

I ignored her pleas and left the dungeons.

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