Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 89

Since it’s just goblins and the early floors of the dungeon, we have the statue and effigy kill everything for us. Citrine tells me “I’m hoping the classes give me some decent summoning skills, and maybe sneaking ones. I’m afraid they’ll just end up like the start of your Breeder class though.” I nod, since my Breeder class was pretty useless at the first tier. It got more useful later, but I still feel like it takes too much away from my fighting. I’d rather punch things than make stuff that punches things for me. Starting with the tendrils and charm, the class has been really important to protecting my babies though. So I’m not sure I’d reset it now, even if I had the chance. I say “You’ll probably not like them at first since they aren’t what you chose, but my Breeder class is what let me deal with the zombie hordes last night. So you could end up growing attached to what they can do for you, like I did, since my babies are safe.”

She hugs me as the statues kill the last goblin in the room saying “I sure hope so mom, but it’s good to hear even Breeder became useful after some tiers up.” I reach up and hug her back with my small body, her bent over form towering over me still. I hear a chime and see




I do a little wiggle and let Citrine go saying “I finally got those levels, hold on a bit while I do my tier ups.” She kisses my forehead and tells me “Don’t forget, since you’re going to be getting all 5th tier classes it will automatically pick your Special class for you. If you don’t like it just use the free recalculate it offers. Oh and you can change it again later, but it will cost you free points. Am I forgetting anything?” She taps her cheek for a few seconds and then says “Nope, good luck mom.” I wiggle again and focus on my Deviant Matriarch class to tier it up.




It looks a bit different since it doesn’t have the explanation for rare options anymore, and I only have two options. Is that a 5th tier thing? “Hey sweetie, I only have 2 options for the next tier, is that normal for 5th tier?” I ask Citrine and she says “The 5th tier is kind of a turning point and sometimes you only get one choice. It all depends on what you did in you last couple tiers of the class.” Oh so it’s not weird, that’s good to know. I do wish I had more options, but out of these two it seems pretty obvious which one I should take. I care for my children more than I want to do sexual stuff with them, and the stats that get bonuses are better. I focus on Nurturer and select it.




I feel the normal slight weakness from losing all those stats per level, but with all the free points I have in my stats now, it shouldn’t be an issue tiering up two classes now. It might be limited, but 1500 stats at the 5th tier seems like a pretty high limit. It’s just unfortunate I used so many in strength killing Arhu. Well if I hadn’t I might still be there now, so it’s fine I guess. I should see what that new skill is before doing my other tier up.

(New)Milky: (Passive)

You always produce milk and your children are immune to any adverse affects from drinking it.

I think about it… does that mean it won’t put my daughters with Bountiful to sleep anymore? That would be extremely useful, and I wouldn’t have to wait till I had just given birth and could feed them anytime we want. I’ll try it out once my daughters get to Dragon Roost, they’ll be there for the whole day, so if it does still make them fall asleep, it will be okay. I thought about having Citrine try it right now, but we’re in a dungeon, and if she falls asleep she’ll be missing out on the leveling she wanted to do. I understand how she’d want to get out of the first tier quickly. So I focus on Pack Bitch and finally tier up the mistake I made while addicted to hounds.




I just look at the screen for a minute… I guess that was pretty much all I was doing in the past couple tiers of my Tank class, but that’s really rude. I should have a little time before it selects my Special class from what Citrine and Jessica told me, so I quickly check the level one skill for the class, hoping for the best.

(New)Greater Heat: (Passive)

Large boost to all regeneration on days where you receive Hound semen. Large increase to pleasure from Hounds.

Of course it’s useless, what else could I have expected. I’m tempted to reset the class, but I’ll talk to my daughters about it after I get my Special class. I sigh and hear a chime.




I was really hoping for something more combat oriented, and I’m already extremely fertile, so I think I’ll take the free one like Citrine suggested. I select yes and another screen pops up in front of me.




That was not what I was expecting and I panicked when I saw what it was saying about Bound. If I hadn’t had my Mother class, what would have happened to me? It said it had synergy with something that sounded bad, is that what the mark on my belly is called, or the one on my neck? I’m happy enough with the new Special class, so I don’t think I’ll risk retrying that using free points any time soon, or ever. Having different mana for each of my bodies should be pretty useful, since it doesn’t get added to with my other bodies like stamina. I was running out of mana a lot last night because I had three bodies using it. Now I shouldn’t have that problem, and it says it will help me multiply in self, does that mean more bodies? I sure hope so. I focus on the new menu I have available for my special class and see

Special Class



So that’s how I advance the class, since it doesn’t have levels or a tier. The next bonus like Myriad Mana is only 1,000 points, but that’s more than 10 5th tier class levels normally. Lucky for me I have a ton saved up and can even afford the best option, Birth Additional Body. Do I do that now, or will it make me pregnant with this body for a day, and I won’t be able to advance with my daughter? Can I even get pregnant with this body since it’s still so small? I wonder why it doesn’t seem to have grown lately. I’ll wait for my other bodies to use it after they give birth just in case.

I don’t have enough points to unlock the next bonus and get the new body, so I won’t use them yet. With another body I’ll be able to get free points faster after all, so it would be a waste to not get it as soon as it’s safe. I should quickly check my new Status and go over my skills before we start moving into the dungeon again.







Okay, well maybe I won’t look over all my skills, since it only shows the (New) thing on ones I haven’t looked at before. The list is getting way too big, so I have a hard time remembering everything. My stats look fine for doing the 10th floor goblins with Citrine, so that should be good enough. I’ll get more levels soon anyways, although the 5th tier seems especially hard to level compared to previous ones. Probably.

I tell Citrine about my new classes and what happened with the special class, and she just shakes her head saying “It’s up to you if you want to reset your Tank class and start it over, but I’d suggest seeing if the class has any good skills you can make permanent first. It is a 5th tier, even if it is kind of insulting.” I hear similar things from my other daughters and Snow says she doesn’t see anything wrong with the class, wouldn’t I get more pleasure from her if we ever did sex stuff? I nod since I guess that’s true, I didn’t know she was interested so I ask and she says “Well I’m not super interested, but if we end up having that sex party it will probably come in handy right?” The party does sound fun, and I might even have an extra body for it soon.

As Citrine and I continue our run through the dungeon, my other daughters finally get to Dragon Roost, and Pops is there to pick us up and lead them to his place. He says “This way you don’t have to worry about people being suspicious of the new folks in town.” We see a lot of people waving to Pops with smiles and he waves back with a serious face. He looks kind of grumpy when he’s not in private, I wonder why he does that. We get to his place and all sit down in the living room. He has a lot of seating since he’s in charge of the camp and has meetings here sometimes.

“So what’s this I hear about a sex party? Can we join it, and if so can we invite other people to join to?” Ruby says when Pops finishes explaining why a good chair is important. Pops gets a surprised expression but Snow answers first “Oh that would be great, the more the merrier, but don’t invite too many people, we only have so much room here.” Pops finally coughs and says “I thought you were joking about the orgy earlier, although I suppose Jen and her husbands have been trying to swing with us for a couple weeks now. We’ll have to plan it all out once we know who all is interested, I only went to one in my youth but it seemed poorly planned out and ended up being a mess.”

Sapphire says “It sounds like a lot of fun, so I’m in. I can also provide contraception for those who aren’t trying to get more points for the Quest.” He scratches his beard and says “I guess this kind of thing would be helpful for people trying to get points that way. I’d make it a town event if most of the people here weren’t prudes, but I could probably see who’s interested and get a few parties going for the cool people. We have a few people with similar anti-pregnancy spells, but your help would be very appreciated for some people.” I don’t think many humans will want to get pregnant with other humans, since the babies grow so slowly.

I get an idea and say “Anytime an elf has a kid with a human it comes out an elf right?” I see a few nods and continue “Well a lot of my babies and grandbabies might be interested in getting points, so couldn’t we see if any of them want to have sex with any of your humans? That way everybody gets fast birthing and growing babies, and more points.” Ruby gets excited eyes and says “Ruby’s Rest even has a lot of male elves now, so the human women wouldn’t be left out either.” I see Pops shaking his head before sighing and saying “Your family… I do know quite a few of the lads and lasses are interested in some elf action. Maybe I could market it as a cultural exchange so the other old bastards will stay off my back. That would be separate from our sex party though right? I don’t want the whole camp in my house dirtying up the place.”

Amber speaks up saying “Of course, I don’t want the party to be too large either, otherwise I feel like I won’t see Opal at all during it.” Ruby and Sapphire laugh and we all agree to keep the invitees to a minimum. Ruby and Pops are going to talk to each other later about the ‘Cultural Exchange’ their calling it. I feel like I did a good job contributing, so I wiggle with both of my bodies and kiss Amber on her lips. “Love you wife.” I tell her and she kisses me back saying “Love you too wife.” Ruby kisses both of us and says “You two are so cute sometimes, maybe I should rethink being in a relationship with Amber.” Amber scoffs and answers “In your dreams sis, get better at using your dick first.”

My daughters are so cute when they tease each other. From the size of our bellies, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have my babies before Snow by maybe even a couple hours, so something is making my grow babies faster. Probably.

Here's a list I made of the new skills in the list that weren't mentioned before and where they came from. It's not required to know of course, I just figured some people would be curious.



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