Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 88

I wake up in two different beds because I get poked in the butt again. For some reason Lyle’s penis is big and hard again. I feel my two bellies and sure enough they are already starting to grow. I feel like my pregnancies are getting faster and faster. Maybe it’s a fertility thing, since I get so many boosts to it that I’ve stopped paying attention to them. I should go through my skills and titles to check, but I don’t think it’s that important. I’d wiggle my butt against his penis again, but I don’t want to end up teasing myself like last night. It’s probably a good thing I don’t breathe since my little body’s head is squished between Amber and Citrine’s breasts. Well I guess I can wait till everyone else wakes up.

The first person to wake up is Snow who stretches and then notices I’m already awake. She puts her finger over her mouth, gets off the bed and then motions for me to follow her. I carefully get off the bed and head downstairs with my white haired daughter. “I’m gonna teach you how to make some bacon mom, so pay attention.” I kiss her on the forehead and say “Okay sweetie, I’ll try to learn it well.” She then pulls some pig meat out of a box with ice in it and explains to me where to get it from on the pig. Somewhere on the pigs belly, but I’m not sure I understand how she’s explaining it. I ask her about it more and she says she’ll show me from a full pig later.

She puts the meat she got from the ice box into a box that’s used for making stuff hot and lights a fire in it using a little stick. She says they have a lot of them, but most people just have a friend with fire magic use that. I don’t have fire magic, but Sapphire does, so I just use her. For some reason she says she likes it when I say I use her for stuff. I think it’s sexual like how she likes being spanked, but I’m not certain. I still do it as much as I can because it makes her happy and it’s an easy thing for me. Once she gets married I’m sure she’ll have her husband use her all the time.

Snow continues to explain how long it should be cooked, but we don’t have one of these oven things, so she tells me what it should look and feel like when it’s cooked. Maybe I’ll be able to make it for everyone at dinner tonight, since she’s going to show me where to get it from a pig later. “We don’t have any eggs today because I wasn’t here to get them for us, but you can probably get some from Sue later. She can probably show you how to cook them too, but if it’s alright with you mom, I’d like you to let me teach you.” I nod and say “That’s fine sweetie, I should be visiting you more often anyways, it’s much easier for me to travel than you. I do have more bodies.”

I hear Pops coming down the stairs and when he comes into the kitchen, he stops and says “How are you two already showing? Wait, I forgot that elves can be like that so I shouldn’t be surprised. Good morning Snow and step-mom.” He then laughs to himself for some reason and continues “Ah, I feel so young again. Sorry I only had bacon ready for breakfast today, with the zombies last night I didn’t get to Jen’s place to pick anything else up.” Snow kisses her husband and then says “Don’t worry about it honey, and Jen is a neighbor who goes to Sue’s for us sometimes. She has ice magic so it’s easier for her to keep stuff fresh.” She directs the last part towards me. So that explains the ice in the box, they have a friend do it like I use Sapphire for fire.

Pops asks “Isn’t my wife the best, she makes me breakfast every morning?” I nod and say “Yup, my wives are the best too.” He shakes his head and says “Wives? How many do you have?” I count in my head, but it’s not a lot so I quickly answer “I have 5 wives right now, but I’m only in a relationship with two of them.” Pops coughs but Snow laughs and says “They can find each other with a skill if they’re married, they explained it to me yesterday. She’s only really in a relationship with Ruby and Amber, but they aren’t exclusive either.” I nod and add “Each of my bodies can have 2 marriages because I got a potion from a dungeon.”

He sighs and says “I’m assuming you mean system marriage then, being able to have more than one might be useful for Land management. So if you ever have extra’s let me know. Snow told me you have more than one body, it seems strange but what isn’t these days. I’m moving around like a 25 year old.” He then laughs again and adds “When I start moving like a 20 year old again you should bring those other bodies of yours by and we can all have a good time.” Snow nods and says “That sounds pretty fun, we can even invite Jen and her husbands over and make it a party.”

A sex party does sound like it might be fun, I should ask if any of my daughters would be interested, but I’m pretty sure at least Ruby would say yes. I hear a chime and see a screen, I notice my other daughters and Lyle waking up and Pops and Snow both have that screen reading face, so I check what it says.




Oh, I’m really good at some of those things. I’ll have to ask someone how much longer it is till New Years, but I can probably have a lot of babies before then. It also gives me an excuse to do more quests with my babies, since it can get boring just doing the dungeon all the time. This quest would be a lot easier if I had more bodies. I wonder what kind of things the shop will have, maybe something to fix Citrine’s corruption or nice cloths. I can’t really think of anything else I need right now. Probably.

“All the more reason to have that party.” Snow says while giggling. “Why worshiping the moon?” Pops asks with a confused look on his face. I shake my head since I don’t know and say “Should we check out that voting thing it mentioned? You are the Landowner here right?” He nods and then his eyes do that screen thing so I check mine too.




I’ll ask my wives what they think I should vote for, I have plenty of time before next year. Probably. I ask my wives who are already awake because of the screen “What do you all think I should vote for?” Some of them look confused but Jessica, who isn’t my wife answers “It’s just one vote mom, so pick whatever you think would be the most fun. Lyle and I picked Trade since it will probably have the least violence, but I doubt it will be the winner.”

I hear agreement from Ruby about trade and both Amber and Citrine say they want the tournament so I ask what that is and Citrine explains “A tournament is where people will fight to see who is the strongest, it was one of the options picked last time and the system keeps participants from dying in matches. Last time it did regional fights followed by larger and larger areas until a world champion was decided. I didn’t get to see it though since it wasn’t someone from my region.” Oh fighting to see who’s strong, that does sound like it would be fun to me. I ask what the Father one is about, but she says it wasn’t picked before so she doesn’t know.

I’ll go ahead and select the tournament then. Once I do that, I ask people what they voted for. Ruby, Lyle and Jessica voted for Trade. Amber, Citrine and I voted for Tournament, with Sapphire and Onyx voting for Exploration. So it’s actually pretty even between us, and Citrine says “It will probably end up being Tournament. Since it got picked most of the time last time. People really like the spectacle, and nobody dies.” I wiggle in excitement since I voted for it myself. I tell Pops what I voted for and he says “I voted for Trade myself, maybe it will help us get a better variety of things for Dragon Roost.” Snow chimes in saying “I voted for Conquest since it had the coolest sounding name.”

Pops chuckles and explains to us “Conquest will probably have Player camps fighting each other baby.” Oh that doesn’t sound good and Snow seems to agree by saying “Well, I hope I don’t win then, sorry honey.” Pops tells her “Don’t worry about it my fluff, I have a hard time believing many people will pick it from what I’ve seen around here. People can hardly care for their own inhabitants, why would they want more?” I guess that makes sense, since most Landowners will probably be humans. At least around here they aren’t doing very well.

With that all settled Ruby says “Well I’m going to head back to Ruby’s Rest now and continue making my army. Lucky for me it will also help me get points for that new quest.” I give her a kiss and say “Okay wife, stay safe and have fun getting points.” While she’s leaving Jessica says “We should start organizing people to start building the new camp too, so we’ll head out.” I interrupt her since I managed to remember and point to my bigger belly saying “Lyle got me pregnant last night, so I’ll be having some babies later today.” Lyle gets a shocked face and says “I did what? How, I was having sex with you wasn’t I Jessica?” She nods and gives him a glare but I say “I think it was an accident, he hugged me when he still had cum on his penis and I felt it touch my pussy.” I don’t want her to think something happened that didn’t. She sighs and says “You got my mom pregnant before me, it’s a bit unfortunate, but I’ll be getting some sisters out of it. I just expect you to try harder from now on to get me pregnant too, got it?” He nods and says “Yes ma’am. Sorry for getting you pregnant without asking Opal.”

“Oh I don’t mind, it’s just unfortunate I didn’t get to have sex like Jessica last night.” I see her blush and everyone except Lyle and Jessica laugh happily. I guess she thinks it’s embarrassing to have sex without getting pregnant, so I won’t tease her about it. I promise to show them his kids when they get back tonight and they leave for the day. Now it’s just Amber, Sapphire, Onyx, Citrine and me. Amber says “So one of your bodies is out of commission today, will the other one be back soon?”

I shake my head and say “Pops got that one pregnant by accident too, I was going to tell you and Ruby but I forgot. Remind me to tell her later.” Sapphire coughs and asks “Pops? The Landowner of Dragon Roost?” I nod and she sighs saying “Damn, I’m jealous, I’ve been scoping out the old man for a while but Snow married him so I thought they’d end up exclusive. How did you manage?” I tell them all how it happened and they seem surprised by how fertile I am so I puff out my chest with pride. I then let them know that there might be a sex party soon and I’ll see if they can come too. Only Citrine doesn’t seem interested in the party.

Amber, Sapphire and Onyx all say they want to go visit Dragon Roost today since I’m going to be staying there with one of my bodies anyways. It’s decided that my other pregnant body will go with them and we’ll use it as a break. Citrine will stay with my little body at Opal’s Home, so we can get levels in the dungeon and mess around with her spawn thing more. We all get dressed and ready, except my little body, which doesn’t seem to have grown at all since yesterday. Hopefully it doesn’t take too much longer, but I get it a uniform too as we walk them to the gate. Citrine gives them all hugs, but I’m going with them so I don’t have to.

After they leave Citrine gets the two statues to follow us to the dungeon. Soon I’ll get 2 more 5th tier classes and I’m looking forward to it. I can’t wait to get something for my tank class that isn’t Pack Bitch.

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