Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 86

-POV Citrine-

That’s not ideal to have in my list of titles, but my other sisters already got it from Ruby in the dungeon. I thought I’d be able to dodge it altogether, but I guess mom using the spawn thing set it off. I sigh and keep an eye on my still growing stomach. “It seems you got me pregnant mom.” I tell her, and she gives me a confused look before saying “You can name the baby sweetie, and does that make this a sexual thing?” Oh right, well I can explain it to Ruby and Amber later. “It’s not sexual this time mom, but usually getting someone pregnant would be, so go ahead and tell your wives.” She nods and says “I’ve never been the one not giving birth, is there anything I should be doing?”

“Not really mom, just come hold my hand, I think it will be soon. Damn this spawn thing is fast.” I sit down and little mom holds my hand and helps me spread my legs. I guess this is my first time doing this where the babies didn’t just poof out of me. I hope it’s not too painful. I feel an urge to push and suddenly I’m lighter again. Nothing came out though… Mom says “Oh that looks cool, is it like my winged sentries?” I turn to where mom is looking, and behind me stands a white stone statue. It depicts a female knight in armor and holds a sword and shield.

-Knight Statue- Lvl 1

I’m so glad that thing didn’t have to push its way out of me. I let out a sigh of relief and say “I don’t think it’s going to need a name mom, I’m pretty sure it’s a monster.” Mom then stands next to it and asks “Are you a monster?” It nods to her but doesn’t speak. She then says “Oh so it’s like the battle boars, a nice monster. This one isn’t big and stinky though, and its face looks kind of like mine, or maybe yours. Do we get to keep it?” I shake my head while standing back up and say “I don’t know mom, that’s why I needed to test it out.” I then tell the statue “Go cut that tree.” and point at a nearby tree.

It does nothing. Great, so it’s useless, but mom says “Listen to Citrine, she’s in charge of you now.” It nods at her and then looks at me. “Okay statue, go cut that tree.” I order it again and it dashes forward, slicing at the tree’s trunk. It’s definitely leaving marks, but I know trees are tougher than you think. “So it is like the battle boars, I had to tell them to listen to other people if I made them so they’d stop following me around.” Mom says. Great, so now I’m a fancy pig pen. I sigh and tell the statue to stop attacking the tree. I know what a stone golem is, but not the other option she mentioned, so I say “Okay mom let’s try out Unholy Effigy.”

-POV End-

I nod, since the statue is pretty cool. Wait does this mean the battle boars are my children too? Probably not. I place my hand on her belly and tell my wives we’re doing non-sexual baby making again. They all have excitedly gathered around my other bodies waiting for an explanation, but I’ll let Citrine explain later. I honestly don’t understand how I can make nice monsters using her body now. This one seems pretty expensive, but I barely have enough mana to do one so I do. “Okay sweetie I’m almost out of mana now though, so you’ll have to wait if you want more.”

The last one didn’t take that long for Citrine to make. I wonder why her belly gets bigger if the monster just pops up next to her like the battle boars. “Thanks for doing this with me mom, and I’m sorry you got stuck as the controller. It’s probably because we’re married.” She says, so I tell her “It’s kind of interesting, and it’s not your fault so there’s no reason to apologize. Just let me know if you want me to get you pregnant in the future.” She laughs and then shakes her head saying “Mom, that’s so odd coming from your small naked body.” I forgot I was naked, do I get cloths before I finish growing in a few days? Won’t they just break? I’ll ask everyone later, since Citrine is already looking pretty fat. Being fat is the only bad thing about having babies, except for when you have evil babies of course. I don’t like thinking about those though, so I won’t.

“Okay wish me luck mom.” Citrine says, deciding to not lay down this time I guess. I hold her hand anyways and she smiles at me while we wait. After a few minutes her stomach gets smaller and she lets out a relieved sigh. I help her turn around, since behind her is the new monster. It’s basically a white statue of her, some kind of black stone wings on its back. She says “Why does it have to be naked?” It is naked, and it looks like her. I remember that she’s not okay with being naked in front of humans and say “Well we don’t have to take it to any human camps sweetie, it looks beautiful though.” The wings remind me of my hair for some reason, so I reach out and touch them.

It’s hard to say, since they are so much thicker than my hair. I remember and tell the Effigy “Okay Effigy, Citrine is in charge of you now, so follow her orders.” It nods, its black stone eyes turning to my daughter who I see shiver a bit. “Thank you mom, now both of you, follow us back and help protect me if needed.” She tells the two statues, who nod. I ask her “Do you think the Effigy can fly?” she stops and turns to it saying “Effigy, fly up about 10 feet.” I see the statue’s wings flap and it jumps up, falling back down like a rock. So I guess it can’t fly.

“Oh well, I guess I’ll figure out what it can do in the dungeon later.” My now black haired daughter says. I don’t think I’ll get her and Onyx confused though since she has wings. When we get back to the fort my daughters are there waiting for us, so I wave to them, even though I’m already standing next to them. I hear Jessica say “You were right, she’s adorable. Does Citrine have black hair now?” As we walk up Onyx runs up to Citrine and gives her a big hug, but I have to give her a bonk on the head saying “Be careful, your sister lost her levels and tiers.” Onyx lets go and says “Sorry Citrine-sis, are you okay? We were worried when you weren’t here after the fighting.”

Citrine gives Onyx a hug back and says “I’m fine, but I’d like hugs from the rest of you too.” So we all surround her with gentle hugs for a few minutes. Citrine then smiles and says “Okay, I’m charged now, so lets get some new cloths and head home. It’s nice to see you after so long Jessica.” We all head through the gate and I leave sentries to guard it after closing. Citrine orders the statues to stay as well. Jessica says “I noticed you have some changes, but we can talk about that at your home, since it’s probably private.” My black winged daughter nods to her and most of us buy a new uniform at the Armory, since fighting zombies does horrible things to cloths.

Once we get home Jessica asks “Do you mind if Lyle and I use one of the rooms here for a while? We’re going to be building a new camp nearby and won’t have a place to stay.” I ask “Who’s Lyle?” and she stops before laughing, and says “Lyle is my husband mom, I guess Sapphire didn’t tell you I got married.” My other daughters and I all give her our congratulations and then I say “Sure sweetie, we still have a couple rooms, and if we didn’t you could just stay with one of us for a while. Are you two going to join us for snuggle piles at night?” I see her nod and say “Of course, he’s an elf, so he shouldn’t have any issues with it. He’ll be here later tonight with the rest of the camp.”

Snow speaks up and says “Can I get someone to take me home tomorrow, I’m worried about Derrik and Dragon Roost.” I see her worried face and say “I can take you back now if you want, it’s not like all of my bodies are needed for snuggles tonight.” She gives me a big hug and says “Thank you mom.” She then runs out the door and I have one of my normal sized bodies follow her out of the fort. Onyx is the next to speak saying “The elves from Liberation have all come to Opal’s Home as well, but we already have them set up. Well, except for Sara and Daria, who wanted to talk to you and Citrine.” I hear Citrine sigh and respond “Okay, we should talk to them tonight, it’s too bad Snow left already since she was the only one there when it happened. She told me a little about what happened though, so it should be fine.” It’s probably about Jeff. Definitely.

I send a body to go get a pig for all of us to eat together, and we sit in the back yard around the fire pit. Citrine starts telling us that the zombie used an Illusion and corrupted her. That’s why her hair and wing color changed, and why she lost her classes and levels. She doesn’t go into detail about the illusion or corruption, so it was probably unpleasant. She’ll need extra cuddles tonight, since she can always go to the dungeon later when she’s feeling better. Jessica speaks up saying “We’ve seen some of those before, but always killed them fast since we had vague genetic memories that we should. So no one else has gotten corrupted from my camps, as far as I know.” That’s good, losing your choice for classes is rude. My own Breeder class is a good example. I can only imagine how horrible having 3 classes like that would be.

After I get back with the pig and we eat a bit, Citrine and one of my bodies excuse ourselves to go see Sara and Daria. We follow the directions that Onyx gave us and find them waiting outside the bat dungeon. I give them both a hug and Daria asks “So Jeff is dead then?” Citrine steps forward and answers “Snow says Papa got turned into a zombie and bit her on the tongue. He was a human, didn’t have Firm and was acting like a zombie. So it’s not likely he only got partially turned like some of our family.” Sara and Daria both give Citrine a hug, and they all start crying. I join their group hug and end up crying a little too. Jeff was my friend.

He was also pretty good at sex, but that doesn’t seem as important to me now.

As we stop crying and separate from the hug I offer them “You two can come stay at our place tonight, we have extra rooms, or you can join the snuggle pile.” Sara smiles, but shakes her head and says “We have a place to stay tonight, and Daria and I need some private time to ourselves for a bit.” I nod and Daria speaks up “My brother wanted to talk to you tomorrow if you have the time. His name is Darius and he has orange hair like mine and moms.” I tell her to let him know he can find me at my place during breakfast tomorrow, and we all head our separate ways.

When Citrine and I get back, dinner is pretty much over, and everyone is getting ready for bed. Jessica introduces us to her husband who is an elf with black hair and turquoise eyes like mine. “It’s nice to finally meet Jessica’s mother and my great grandmother. Sara is my mother, which makes Ruby my grandmother, but I already talked to her earlier.” I am pretty great, so I do a little wiggle. I say “Well it’s nice to meet you, and I hope you’re nice to Jessica.” Jessica and her husband laugh and Jessica responds “He’s a good man, but we both know he’d have a hard time treating me poorly.”

They then explain their relationship. “We can both have sex with other people, but neither of us is a very sexual person. So don’t expect either of us to have sex with any of you.” Jessica finishes and I hear Ruby sigh. Lyle speaks up saying “If I have nothing better to do I wouldn’t mind entertaining family, but we will both be pretty busy while the new camp is being built, so please be understanding.” I nod, since building the new camp will be more important than sex. We all get naked and into the snuggle pile.

I’m about to fall asleep when I feel something poking one of my butts. I turn to see that Lyle is behind me and his penis is rubbing up against my butt. I guess sleeping naked with men can be a little different.

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