Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 85

We walk past the friendly zombies at the gate and Cindy meets us there, her blonde hair disheveled and a slight smile on her face.

“Thanks for the save Jess. Those 5th tier zombies you warned us about were no joke, and we couldn’t exactly get to them with our own limited supply of zombies.” Cindy says, sticking out her hand towards my brown haired daughter. Jessica grab her hand and shakes it once saying “We wouldn’t have known this was a large scale attack if mom hadn’t told me her places were under attack. Do you know if the other human camps were attacked? Also where’s Richard?” The guy who wanted to be called a penis? Cindy looks over at Sapphire and me and answers “They can signal us if they come under attack, but we haven’t seen anything yet. I didn’t realize this was the famous mama you always gush about when I visit.” Cindy offers me her hand and I shake it gently.

She sighs and continues “Richard is dead, he tried to poison me and earn himself sole ‘Rulership’ of ‘Human Lands’. So we were forced to kill him.” Cindy pulls her hand back from our shaking and looks back at Jessica who says “You told me how he was, but I didn’t expect him to try and murder you. What a delusional man.” So the penis guy was bad, I guess I only met him once, but I remember Jeff didn’t like him. I should leave telling Jeff’s parents about his death to Citrine like she told me to. I ask Cindy “Are Jeff’s parents still living here?” She shakes her head and answers “No, Miss Taylor disappeared a couple months back, and Mr. Taylor joined a different settlement… How is Jeff doing by the way?”

Well I guess I have to tell Citrine her grandma is missing. “Jeff was bitten by a zombie and died.” Cindy gasps but I continue “Could you tell me which camp Mr. Taylor went to, Jeff’s daughter wants to be the one to tell him about Jeff.” I see her shake her head and sigh before answering “That’s sad, I was hoping to apologize to him, but now it’s too late.” Her voice cracks a bit at the end and she clears her throat continuing “I don’t know for certain, he just told me he couldn’t stand the zombies and was moving. I could ask around, but that would have to wait till tomorrow at least.” I’ll tell Citrine to come here and ask later then, since she can fly.

“If the other human settlements are okay, then we’ll be heading to Opal’s Home to finish off the last attack we know about.” Jessica says and pulls Cindy into a hug. My brown haired daughter then says “Take care of yourself Cindy, give someone else the Land if you have to. We’re going to be consolidating our populations more around our two forts, and I suggest the human settlements do the same. I’ll be back to check in on you and let you know the details as soon as I can.” So I guess they are friends. It makes me happy to see my daughter has a friend so I wiggle a little.

“Okay Jess, and thank you all again for taking out the 5th tiers for us. Now don’t let me keep you from defending yourselves, I’ll be fine.” Cindy says and gives Jessica one last hug before we start running back to Opal’s Home.

-POV Citrine-

*Lewd Scene*




A mass of flesh sits 5 feet in front of me, and a gross looking tube extends from it to my insides. I scream and yank it out of me, looking at the mound of flesh that makes gargling sounds.

-Illusionist Corrupter- Lvl 42

“FUCK!” I yell. It’s an Illusionist, it was never my papa’s zombie. I hear branches breaking and mom is there, smashing her body into the gross zombie. I quickly find my sword laid on the ground nearby and pick it up but it feels really heavy. I shake all over in disgust, what was I thinking, even if it was my dad. I fucking hate Illusion classes, there’s a reason the elves in my last life didn’t allow Illusionist Players in. I yell and stab past mom, my sword sliding off its slimy skin. It lets out a disgusting wail and mom’s fist smashes what looks like a head on it’s back. It’s suddenly silent… A corrupter doesn’t sound good, so I go to check the screens I’d been ignoring because I’m stupid. Mom hugs me and asks “Sweetie, are you okay? Why are your wings black now?”








I laugh since what else can I do. Looking on the bright side, at least my papa didn’t rape me. Mom strokes my hair and cheek saying “You look even more beautiful now sweetie. Look, we match.” She swishes her hair around, and sure enough my hair and wings are now pitch black. I’ll take it as a plus as well, since the of leader of a secret organization shouldn’t have bright golden hair. Yeah I can definitely turn this around, 124 is going to be so jealous. I have to admit, the black wings do look a lot cooler. I just have to level my new classes and reset them, but the hair and wings should be from the race alteration.

Race: Fallen Angel

Damn that sounds cool to the part of my brain that still wishes I could watch anime in the apocalypse. I squeeze mom and tell her “Thanks mom, do you think I look cool?” I pull back from the hug and do a little spin. She does a little wiggle, which is super cute in her small body and says “They’re so cool, I want some too.” Somehow mom just always finds a way to say things that calm me down. It’s probably a skill or title or something. I hope those titles at least give me some good bonuses, since I’m basically starting all over again with leveling.



Well fuck me I guess. Might as well check what those 3 new skills are since I’ll be stuck with them.



Oh wow, all of that could actually be useful. I had assumed I’d be stuck with useless starting classes and hope for better options on tier up. Will I end up some sort of sneaky necromancer type now? I guess it would fit my secret organization plan, so another silver lining. I better tell mom so she doesn’t accidentally trip and break one of my tier one bones.

“Mom, that thing just reset me back to tier one and gave me some new classes. I can explain it more when my sisters get back, but I’m going to need you to take me back to the fort. I’m very squishy right now.” Mom kisses my belly since she’s too short to do my cheek without jumping I guess, and says “Don’t worry sweetie, we finished taking care of all the attacks and your sisters are already back there waiting for us. I wish this marriage thing would tell me when you’re in trouble, not just where you are. I could have come sooner, but I didn’t realize you weren’t just in the fort regenerating until the fighting was over. I’m sorry Citrine.” I bend over and give her a kiss on her cute little forehead.

“It will all turn out okay mom, the classes probably won’t be useless and it could have been much worse.” I start telling her, and then I feel my conviction growing as I say “Come to the dungeon with me and I’ll be stronger than before in no time.” I flap my wings and mom giggles grabbing my hand and leading me towards the fort. I hope I’m right, I wouldn’t want to be reincarnated just to be useless. As we walk quickly mom seems to say out of nowhere. “It says I’m your controller, I don’t know what that means.” I look over my new titles and skills and see where it’s mentioned.

Does that mean mom will be able to make me spawn zombies? That doesn’t exactly sound fun, but maybe it doesn’t have to be zombies. I really don’t want my sisters to see that, but we need to know, so I stop and say “Mom, it’s kind of embarrassing, but can you tell sisters that we need to test something out before returning.” She pauses and then smiles at me saying “Okay sweetie, I told them, now what are we testing, don’t worry I won’t tell them unless you want me to or it’s sexual.” I shake my head and say “No no, nothing sexual, probably. If it ends up being sexual you can tell them, but if it’s not then don’t.” I breathe in deeply and say “Try interacting with me like you would a structure.” Her head tilts but she walks up to me and touches my butt. We’ll it’s just below head height for her and I she isn’t groping me, just a finger poke.

“It’s giving me options for spawning things. It says they will cost me health, mana, and stamina based on what I want to spawn. The options are Stone Golem, Knight Statue, and Unholy Effigy. There are a bunch of crossed out options like Zombie, Magic Skeleton, and Shambling Spitter. I don’t think it will let me pick those.” Mom tells me, so I cross my fingers and say “Go ahead and pick Knight Statue.” It seems like the safest bet. I see her get that cute concentrating face and suddenly I feel heavy. I hear a chime and see

Title earned

I look down and see my stomach start to get larger. Well damn, I was hoping it would just pop up next to me. I might as well check the title to get my mind off of it. It’s going to happen now and I hope it doesn’t have sharp bits on the way out.



Of course...

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