Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 72

Opal’s body at Opal’s Home

Onyx kills the last goblin on this floor with a fireball. It turns out this Dungeon has goblins in it, without any traps or other monsters so far. So she has a pretty easy time dealing with them. We haven’t seen a single chest though and this was the 9th floor. It’s a pretty boring dungeon, but it should be the easiest for low level players that I’ve seen so far. I wonder what the other dungeon has so I tell Onyx “Lets finish off the boss so we can go see what the others found in their dungeon.”

“Yeah this dungeon is pretty boring, I hope theirs is more interesting.” She responds, and we go to the 10th floor. As she opens the doors I hear a chime and see a goblin in fancy cloths next to a bed. Above his head it says -Snag, the Gentleman Goblin King- Lvl 56.


(Rare) Boss room instance found!

Congratulations Player!

(Rare) Boss rooms have better rewards if you can survive their challenge, Good luck

I grab Onyx and quickly shut the door, running back to the entrance of the level and accepting when it asks if we want to leave. There is no way we are fighting that boss with just the two of us. We show up outside the dungeon and I put Onyx down. She says “Thanks Grandma, better safe than sorry. Lets see if the other two are done yet.” I agree and we go up the stairs, there are a few naked elves standing around so I ask them if Amber and Citrine have come out yet and they tell me they haven’t seen them. I’m not really worried since it hasn’t been long, goblins are really easy to kill after all.

I think of something and tell the elves “See if you can get everyone together outside this building. I’ll make you all guards so you can use the Armory and get a uniform and weapon when you get enough Credits from the dungeon.” I might as well do something useful while we wait after all. Amber and Citrine come out of the building when people are still gathering and Amber says “Our dungeon had Giant Bats, but because the ceilings weren’t any higher it was still pretty easy. The only problem I see for low level people is the Boss, since the cave it was in was pretty high. Citrine just flew up and killed it when it tried to heal though.” That doesn’t sound too bad, I wouldn’t be able to kill the boss bat unless I could grab it before it flew up. So I’ll probably avoid that dungeon for now. I ask her “Did you find any good items?”

Citrine shows me an orb, but it doesn’t look like a monster orb so I check it’s description.

(Fortifying Orb)Use on a gate to make it and the surrounding walls harder to breach.

That sounds pretty useful so I tell her “If it’s alright with you, we could give that to Jessica, since her camps get most of the attacks, she could use it more than Opal’s Home.” Citrine nods and says “That’s what we were thinking too, we’re hoping this boss chest drops more upgrade orbs like this. They can be extremely useful.” I tell her and Amber “Our Dungeon only had goblins with no traps, but also no other chests. It was really boring, but should be easy for lower level Players to get experience. We did run into the Rare boss room, but he looked strong like Arhu, so we ran away instead of fighting with just us two.” They both wince at the orc’s mention and agree that I made the right call. “We can try to fight him with 4 of us later, but I think it’s a good idea to get more levels first.” Amber says. I give them both hugs and Onyx joins me. I tell them “I’m glad you two had an easy time too, I’m just about to make all the new kids guards so they can get uniforms and weapons from the Armory once they have the credits.”

“That’s a good idea mom, make two groups and Amber can do one of them since she’s your wife. I’m not sure you could get everyone at once since there are so many.” Oh yeah, I forgot Amber and Ruby could do stuff too, does that mean I can help Ruby upgrade her fort now? Probably. I’ll see what she would want me to do when I head that way later. We manage to get them into two groups and Citrine ends up being right, we can’t really hear the people in the back even with them split up like this. So they don’t get the Guard title and we have to do another batch. It’s a good thing Citrine is so smart, getting Amber to do half made it go by much quicker.

After they are all Guards we tell them about what’s in the two dungeons, and to make sure not to fight any Rare bosses if they see them. They all seem to agree, but there are so many of them I really can’t tell for sure. The area quickly clears up as they get into parties of 4 and head into the dungeons. The four of us decide to do the goblin dungeon first so we can see what the regular boss chest has. If it’s not as good as the possible upgrade orbs we’ll switch over to the bats. No one really wants to go back to the trap dungeon yet since it’s pretty annoying, and we have new ones to try out more. We do plan on going back to see what floors 11-20 look like, but for now we’ll take it easy.

Opal’s body with Sapphire

We get back to Opal’s Home pretty quickly since we are both 5th tier and Sapphire says “How about you take me through that dungeon with the fluffy hopper now if you aren’t busy.” I think about it, and the only thing I need to do that I’m not doing yet is go to Jessica’s and Ruby’s. I might as well do my dungeon running with Sapphire first, since both my bodies are here right now. “Okay, that sounds like a plan, I really think you’ll like the battle hopper. Amber has one already, but she’s keeping it by the pigs since she says it’s not house trained yet.”

We enter the dungeon after a few minutes of walking and end up in the same first hall. I make sure to tell Sapphire about all the traps, the holes and the gas. She’s a Healer and has Firm so neither should be a problem for her, just annoying. Lucky for her I can point out where all of them are when we get there.

As we enter the first room with the lops she stops me and says “I think we should test to see if they’re addictive like the hounds. Do you mind keeping an eye on me while I try to have sex with them?” Ah, that’s pretty smart. Probably. I tell her to be careful and she starts handing me her cloths, including the gloves. She then says “We won’t be able to tell if we should refund the dungeon if I have the gloves on. You’re immune to addictive stuff now so it’s not like you could test it instead.” I nod and say again “Okay, but be careful and tell me if you need me to squish them for you.” The lops look excited as she gets naked. Probably. It’s hard to tell with their rabbit faces.

*Lewd Scene*




She seems to return to normal and says “Thanks mom, I almost forgot. You can go ahead and kill this one now.” I step forward and pull him out of her and then squish him against the nearby wall. The other one got killed a few minutes ago because it kept trying to get me to have sex with it, and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

It was tempting, seeing how much fun Sapphire was having, but it’s better to be safe and make sure she has someone watching over her till we’re sure they aren’t going to be a problem. It seems like they’re safe for now, but I tell her “Now we’ll wait for a day and see if you have any cravings, if you don’t then I think it will be safe to use this first room for your sex hobby.” That’s what she told me to call it. It makes sense, and if they are fine I might join her sometimes, I do wonder what kind of babies I can make with them. It’s always fun having babies.

We finally get to the room with the battle hopper, and once we have killed off the lops it seems nice again. Too bad we can’t keep it without the class, but we do spend some time hugging its fluffy body. We don’t kill it and just leave it alone before heading to the next floor, it’s not like a tier 1 level 1 would give us much experience anyways.

It doesn’t take the two of us very long to get to the tenth floor, even with me pointing out all the traps so she can avoid them later with other parties. We get the normal boss, and she’s sad we have to kill the violent hopper even after the lop rider is killed. I let her open the chest of course and she gets a pair of lacy stockings that decrease the wearers stamina used for running. It sounds really nice, and they look really sexy when she puts them on. I’m a little jealous, but I congratulate her on the find. They look better on her anyways since they are blue like her hair. “Thanks mom, you can get the next chest, I think we can cut down the time it takes for this dungeon by a lot just skipping past everything.” She’s right, if we ignore the admittedly low level monsters and traps, we could probably be checking a chest every 20 minutes or so.

I tell her that we aren’t going to the higher floors without a full party and she agrees that it’s a good idea to be safe. So we walk back to the entrance of the floor since the door forward won’t take us outside anymore, but to the 11th floor.

Opal’s body with Amber, Citrine and Onyx

We must have horrible luck today, since in front of us is a room with a fancy looking goblin next to a bed.

-Snag, the Gentleman Goblin King- Lvl 56

We are talking at the door about whether or not we should fight him, we didn’t even get a chance to see the normal boss yet. He speaks up and I think it’s weird I can understand him “If just one of you beautiful women will lay with and embrace me I will let you have the reward chest without a fight. If you aren’t interested you can just leave again. I promise to be gentle. I do require that anyone who chooses to take me up on my offer wear this lingerie.” He then pulls out some very sexy underwear, with matching black stockings and a garter belt. “I’ll try it out, help me out if he doesn’t fulfill his side of the deal.” I tell my daughters. I can tell they were tempted by the lingerie too, but it’s safer if I’m the one to try first, since I’m 5th tier. Also, if it’s me then I can claim the lingerie for myself.

My daughters seem on guard, but it should be fine. Probably. I step forward and tell him “I’m interested in your deal, can my daughters watch?” He bows and says “Whatever makes the beautiful lady most comfortable.” He seems pretty nice, so this could be fun. I start stripping off my clothing and grab the lingerie from him. As I put it on I notice that it feels really good on my skin, it even has a description.

(Black Lingerie of the Gentleman)Prevent pregnancy when worn.

Well that’s a bit unfortunate, but it can be useful sometimes I guess. Oh I can use this to have sex with Jeff without worrying about human babies! The panties seem to be missing cloth where my slit is, but if they have to be worn for the effect to work it makes sense. I spin around showing them off to my daughters and ask “How do I look?” Amber says “Way too sexy Opal, make sure not to wear those if you don’t plan on getting fucked.” All three of them laugh and I see Onyx nodding. I decide to ask “Would the others be able to get some of this lingerie too?” He shakes his head and says “Sadly, even if they agreed to lay with me as well, they’d have to hope to run into this room again. I am very limited, so I apologize to the other beautiful women.” I go and carefully lay down on the bed. When it creaks he says “So it seems that I will be the one on top today.” and climbs up on the bed after me. It’s almost as tall as him so it’s kind of cute watching him pull himself up.

*Lewd Scene*




I was hoping for more but he says “Thank you Opal, no one has ever been able to take all of me, and for that I am grateful. Sadly, the dungeon will take you all away from me soon, so you should take your reward from the chest. If you ever manage to find me again and still want me, I should be able to last longer next time.” He then disappears while bowing to me.

Well that was unfortunate. I look over at the girls and they all have shocked expressions, Amber says “How did you take something so big wife?” I shake my head and laugh saying “I have the Breeder class I can’t get rid of remember?” I walk up to the chest and open it, inside is

(Coupon of the Gentleman)Use to summon Snag for 30 minutes. He will do household chores during this time.

What a strange Dungeon boss. Probably.

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