Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 71

I return to the dungeon with Citrine and we run through it till morning. We have enough monster orbs to upgrade it, but I decide to wait till the other can join in. So when the sun starts coming up, Citrine suggests we make some food for the others. That way they can wake up to the smell of bacon. I remember someone mentioning bacon when talking about pigs, but I can’t remember who it was. Sapphire tells my other body that she’s pretty sure she’ll be fine helping us, since the gloves are still working after so long. So I let her out of her pillory and we go to join Citrine and myself getting the pit ready in the back yard.

We have a problem though… none of us have any fire skills. Well I thought so anyways, but Sapphire tells us she took mage for her 3rd class just so she could cook meat by herself. I guess that makes sense since she was in Opal’s Home alone for so long, I just didn’t think about it before. So she gets the pit lit on fire and we put some butchered pig from the pig pen over it. It does smell pretty good, but I remember and ask her “What about all the new kids? Do they have anything to eat this morning?” Sapphire looks concerned but Citrine speaks up and says “I made sure some of them got enough levels in the dungeon for the mage class to give it’s first fire skill. They have the communal pits to cook in and know where the pig pen is. They’ll be fine mom, but we can go check on them after breakfast, just to make sure.” I nod and hug Citrine for being such a good girl.

Once the pig is almost ready, they send one of my bodies to go wake up Amber and Onyx for breakfast. I open the door and walk into my room and see them snuggled together. Amber is drooling, which is cute and Onyx’s tail has somehow ended up in her own mouth, which is also surprisingly cute. I walk up to Amber’s side first and give her a kiss on the cheek. She stirs a little so I say softly “It’s time to wake up wife, we made some food.” It’s Onyx who sits up though, and spits out her tail saying “Food?” I giggle and tell her “Yeah it’s out back at the pit, Citrine and Sapphire are there with me cooking.” She stands up off the bed, hugs me and then runs off. Amber yawns and says “Gimme kiss.” I do as she says and kiss her on the lips, pulling back when I hear the bed groan from my weight. “Mmm thanks wife, help me up, I could use some food.” she asks.

Once everyone is in the back yard they all start eating, having waited for the last sleepy person. I don’t have to eat, but Amber tells me “I want to feed you anyways mom, so open wide.” I do as she says, since it’s fun and she likes feeding me a lot. It doesn’t taste bad either, which is a plus. Once Sapphire has finished eating she says “Since everyone is here except Ruby, I should tell you all what’s been going on, so we can make a plan.” Citrine speaks up and says “You mentioned last night that the Zombies only attack during the day. How often are they attacking right now, and in what kind of numbers?” my blue haired daughter answers “There aren’t a lot that end up attacking Opal’s Home, since it and Ruby’s Rest are near the center of all the camps we took. Jessica’s camps are taking the brunt of the attacks, and she doesn’t have enough people to do the quests for taking out the zombie’s source. If we can get the new kids some levels we should be able to assault some of them.”

I ask her “If there aren’t enough without them, then how much harder to take are the zombie sources than the orc camps and forts?” she sighs and says “I think each source has a few 5th tiers leading the zombies there, and even with my help, Jessica wasn’t able to make a dent in their numbers without risking losing one of the camps.” It’s light out already, so should I send one of my bodies to go help Jessica? I ask Sapphire and she assures me “It’s better for you to do some leveling. Jessica is doing a good job leading her sisters and daughters in defending the camps, so they can wait a few more weeks till the new kids are ready to help out. A few of the nearby human camps that have popped up around Maternus are having issues, but we’ve been letting them use the dungeon and pig pens in Liberation for free. That way they can hold on long enough to get their own dungeons.” Onyx speaks up saying “Didn’t the dungeon get taken away?” Oh yeah… I say “I should go put another one down in Liberation right?”

Citrine says “That’s probably a good idea mom, go with Sapphire since the humans there now know her and probably won’t cause you problems.” Sapphire sighs and says “Okay, lets head out now then so we can get back quick, mom promised to run me through the new dungeon today.” I did, so I say “Are you full then sweetie?” She nods and washes her face at the Well before we leave. The others decide to rinse off too after we leave, and then we head back to the dungeon.

“I need to get stronger quick, hearing that there are multiple 5th tiers with the monsters nearby. I don’t want to hold you back wife.” Amber says when we get to the building with the dungeon. The other two agree and Onyx even says “I barely got to second tier last night in my first class, so I feel really useless right now.” We all give her a hug and I say “Well let me go ahead and upgrade the Dungeon, we should be able to level everyone faster on higher floors.” I move over to the stairs and Citrine stops me saying “Hey mom, how many credits do you have?” I look and see

Credits: 463,092

So I tell her that and she says “Why don’t you open up a second dungeon closer to the housing, we’ll hopefully get a dungeon with less traps for the kids without Firm and a Healer. Having two will also cut down on traffic build-up outside the dungeon for people coming and going. There are a lot of new kids, and there will only be more once they start having their own babies.” She has a good point so I ask “Do I still upgrade this one?” She answers “Yeah go ahead mom, we should tell the kids that if they want the other dungeon upgraded soon they’ll have to collect the orbs for it. Don’t upgrade it right away though, I don’t want them getting overeager and getting themselves killed on the higher floors before they have levels.” I nod and touch the dungeon stairs, focusing on upgrading it.


(Dungeon) Lvl 1: Costs 100 Monster Orb (Tiny), 10 Monster Orb (Small) to Upgrade.

I upgrade it and hear some sounds from the box full of orbs next to the dungeon as the orbs inside shift as most of them disappear. Probably. The Dungeon looks the same still, but I go up to it, touching the door and see that it now has 20 floors instead of 10. I say “Okay, that’s done, come with me and we’ll go set up the other dungeons, I think I’ll do two more for them since these traps are really annoying and I have the Credits.” We get to the buildings the kids are using for lodging and some are already out at the pits cooking some pigs for everyone. Citrine tells them what we’re doing, but to wait to go in until we check them out first.

I am pointed to a nearby building by Amber that’s empty and we head inside. I try to get the two dungeon stairs right next to each other, and I manage it pretty easily, since all the dungeon stairs show up in front of me and are always the same size. “Okay I think we should go in two for each one, Amber will go with Citrine and I’ll go with Onyx since she’s the lowest level right now.” I tell them and Onyx hugs me saying “Thanks mom, be careful Citrine-sis and Amber-sis.” I give both of them hugs too and with that we head into our dungeons.

Opal’s body in Liberation

The first dungeon Sapphire and I set up here actually has hounds, so I don’t feel like it’s a waste when I refund it and put down another. When we step into the first room of this dungeon we see little fat purple babies with -Slob- Lvl 3 above their heads. They are shorter than goblins, but also a lot uglier. They end up being pretty easy for me to kill if I just stomp on them, and Sapphire just shoots them in the head with arrows so that they don’t get close to her. Probably. I do hear her telling them to stay away, and I can’t blame her, they are pretty gross looking.

We end up finding a mimic on the first floor like the last dungeon in Liberation had. It reminds me that Citrine said their tongues are valuable, but neither of us want to carry it through the rest of the dungeon. So we leave it and take the orb, making our way to the deeper floors. Strangely the mimics are all on the same floors in the same numbers as the orc dungeon we had here. Sapphire suggests “Maybe it’s just something dungeons do with mimics.” I shrug since I can’t make potions from the tongues, it’s not very important for me.

We open the door to the boss room and don’t get the message about it being a (Rare) boss room. In the center of the same arena as the orc dungeon had is a larger, fatter version of the slobs we ran into with the name and level -High Slob- Lvl 30. Since it’s a normal boss on the 10th floor it’s probably second tier like the last orc boss. I see an arrow from Sapphire hit it in the face and run towards it. Three more arrows hit it in the head before I get to it and it’s body bloats to twice it’s normal size before exploding and showering me in disgusting purple meat and blood. “So I guess it explodes when it dies, here mom, let me clean you up.” Sapphire says from near the doors and I feel and see the gross stuff covering me disappear. I say “Thanks sweetie, this boss didn’t seem that hard at all, just gross.” she walks up next to me once the monster parts have disappeared and the orb and chest have showed up saying “You have to remember mom, we’re both 5th tier, so it’s probably just as strong as the orc was. We’re just stronger now so it seemed easy for us.” That makes sense, I tell Sapphire she can open the chest since she killed it, but she says “You got me these gloves mom, you go ahead and open it.” I wiggle and give her a hug, then go to the chest and open it.


Magic item found

(Shield of Health)Increases wielders Health regeneration.

It’s a silver colored shield with a red pattern that wraps around its edges. I don’t use a shield or need one, but I remember Jeff used a shield, so I could use this as an excuse to visit him, Sara and Daria. I show it to Sapphire and she says “Oh, I bet Jeff would like this, he’s been complaining about the Armory not having shields for a long time.” I nod and say “Since we already checked out the dungeon for them, we should go give this to him now. We can head back to the fort after that.”

As we get out of the dungeon we notice the human residents have already started going in and out of the dungeon. That seems dangerous, but I’m not in charge of them, so I wish them the best. We find Daria nearby watching the people go into the dungeon and she spots us, giving me a big hug. “Grandma I’m so glad you’re okay, we heard from Onyx and Citrine that you were, but you need to come hug Sara and Jeff too since they missed you.” She says while squeezing me.

“Okay sweetie, take me to them, we got this for Jeff too.” I tell her, showing off the shield. “Oh he’s going to love that. Come on then.” She tells me and grabs my hand, leading me and Sapphire towards their place. When we get there Sara and Jeff both hug me at the same time, even though it’s a side hug from Sara, since she’s carrying a human baby. I had heard she was in charge of the human babies who needed watching since she liked it so much. She looks happy, so I think it’s true. I pull back from their hugs and present the shield to Jeff saying “Here, we found this in the new dungeon and we don’t need it.” He grabs it from me carefully with bright eyes and then hugs the shield saying “Thank you Opal, this should be much better than the crap shields I’ve been putting up with. Did you know that the Armory doesn’t have shields to buy? How messed up is that?” I giggle at his enthusiasm for shields, it’s pretty cute, too bad I’d have human babies if I had sex with him. Probably.

We all start talking about how Liberation is doing and they say it’s doing better than the newer human camps nearby. They even get vegetables and other meat from Sue’s farm camp, so the food is decent with some preparation. “It is kind of annoying that people don’t listen to us enough since we don’t have any Landowner authority, but that’s the only real issue we have.” Why don’t I give it to them then if Sue already has another camp with her family? I say “Do you want the Land rights? I was going to give them to Sue, since I won’t be able to be here much. She already has a camp though and it should help you with your problem.” Daria says “Give it to Jeff, it will be easier to deal with the human camps that way, the only other camp that treats us elves equally is Dragon Roost, Pops is a pretty cool guy.” I forgot about Pops, he did seem pretty nice. I have a lot of people I need to visit and keep forgetting, so I’ll just add him and Tasha to the list.

I transfer the Land rights for Liberation to Jeff who seems a bit worried, he should be fine with Daria and Sara’s help though. He’s so cute sometimes so I tell him “We should have sex, but I’m pretty busy right now, so we’ll have to wait. Remind me next time I see you so I don’t forget.” He coughs and almost falls over and his girlfriends just laugh. Weird.

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